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Chimp-Pig Hybrid=Humans

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posted on Jul, 4 2013 @ 12:57 PM
I came across this interesting article that states the origins of humans could be a chimp-pig hybrid.

Crazy ,huh?

Take a look......

BY EUGENE M. MCCARTHY, PHD GENETICS — This article is a bit different from others that have appeared on this site, in that it's about some of the findings of my own research. I'm a geneticist whose work focuses on hybrids and, particularly, the role of hybridization in the evolutionary process. Here, I report certain facts, which seem to me to indicate that human origins can be traced to hybridization, specifically to hybridization involving the chimpanzee (but not the kind of hybridization you might suppose!). You can access detailed and documented discussions supporting this claim from links on this page. But the basic reasoning is summarized here, without a lot of citations and footnotes.

If we supposed standard theory to be correct, it would seem most peculiar that pigs and humans share features that distinguish human beings from chimpanzees, but that pigs and chimpanzees should not. Conventional theory (which assumes that pigs are equally as far removed from humans as from chimpanzees) says that pigs and chimpanzees would share about as many such traits as would pigs and humans. And yet, I have never been able to identify any such trait—despite assiduous investigation. The actual finding is that traits distinguishing chimpanzees from humans consistently link pigs with humans alone. It will be difficult to account in terms of natural selection for this fact. For each such feature, we will have to come up with a separate ad hoc argument, explaining how the feature has helped both pigs and humans to survive and reproduce. On the other hand, a single, simple assumption (that modern humans, or earlier hominids that gave rise to modern humans, arose from a cross between pig and chimpanzee) will account for all of these features at a single stroke.

In these two articles,he goes in the difficulty of proving this through genetics,but instead through traits we share with both pigs and chimps. Xenotransplantation,or organ transplants from something other than human,can be done using pigs.

Pigs are currently thought to be the best candidates for organ donation. The risk of cross-species disease transmission is decreased because of their increased phylogenetic distance from humans .[9] They are readily available, their organs are anatomically comparable in size, and new infectious agents are less likely since they have been in close contact with humans through domestication for many generations .[10] Current experiments in xenotransplantation most often use pigs as the donor, and baboons as human models.

There is also the differences between or closes relative,the chimp.

Many characteristics that clearly distinguish humans from chimps have been noted by various authorities over the years. The task of preliminarily identifying a likely pair of parents, then, is straightforward: Make a list of all such characteristics and then see if it describes a particular animal. One fact, however, suggests the need for an open mind: as it turns out, many features that distinguish humans from chimpanzees also distinguish them from all other primates. Features found in human beings, but not in other primates, cannot be accounted for by hybridization of a primate with some other primate. If hybridization is to explain such features, the cross will have to be between a chimpanzee and a nonprimate — an unusual, distant cross to create an unusual creature.

Interesting theory,to say the least,but it almost makes sense.

What are your thoughts on this?


posted on Jul, 4 2013 @ 01:09 PM
reply to post by kdog1982

I had thought pigs were a hybridization of humans and wild boars. But I guess this makes sense too. Interesting.

posted on Jul, 4 2013 @ 01:18 PM
It's true that pigs' organs are more anatomically similar to humans, than humans' organs are similar to chimps.

The thing is, cross species fertilization rarely happens, and when it does, the offspring in all known cases is infertile.
To produce a highly superior genetic makeup is statistically impossible.

This really just goes to show that not everyone with a PhD is intelligent. Her findings are easily explained by the fact that evolution is actually a very random process. There are many many species of animals so it is likely there will be some weird occurrences.
Is the platypus the hybrid of ducks, beavers, and birds who had a three-way, or some freak evolutionary occurrence?
edit on 4-7-2013 by Ghost375 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 4 2013 @ 01:24 PM
reply to post by kdog1982

Is this the real reason we as humans are not supposed to eat pork?
Hidden canibalism?

posted on Jul, 4 2013 @ 01:25 PM
The whispers in my mind say

Project Chimara

Ancient records in egypt

Humans successfully combined with primate for a more docile human

= Negative rhesus factor, more human than human, 92% dna match to primate, less than rh+, cannot be cloned, cannot receive certain genetic engineering trials.

Positive rhesus factor = more experimented, manipulated, manhandled, easier to modify, adapts well towards genetic engineering.

When you dig this deep the truth gets ugly, then you can spin monsanto and genetic engineering as possible saviors of humanity or at least the ones that prolong the existence of humans or what we perceive to be human.

Dig deeper and you won't believe in aliens in outer space, you probably won't even believe in alien life at all.
Dig deeper and you'll realize the truth has been thoroughly mocked and buried.
Dig deeper and then you'll realize time isn't what time appears to be.

posted on Jul, 4 2013 @ 01:40 PM
reply to post by kdog1982

If you believe in the illogical fallacy that from no intelligent design came something, and from that something the universe evolved, then sure you could say a pig and an ape formed humans why not?

posted on Jul, 4 2013 @ 01:40 PM
so when they say pig, do they mean hog? i look at myself and if i try to think pig, i think domesticated pig.

do they think aliens came to earth and domesticated pigs before they mixed them with chimp?

posted on Jul, 4 2013 @ 01:53 PM
reply to post by christoph

When they said pig they meant multiple animals

Have you ever seen a person who you could say resembled a dog...or fish...or bird?

They've mastered genetic recombination in the future, used that technology to prevent a massive event but have realized no matter what you cannot alter preordained conclusions.

But just like a video game....some people are compelled to do something repetitious for a small amount of satisfaction.

The chimara project has been going on for multiple iterations, I think we're at 11th or 12th cycle now because every "human ancestor" or "caveman" we find has been another failed creation that was scrapped and does not resemble evolution of the human species.

posted on Jul, 4 2013 @ 01:58 PM

Originally posted by Knives4eyes

Dig deeper and you won't believe in aliens in outer space, you probably won't even believe in alien life at all.
Dig deeper and you'll realize the truth has been thoroughly mocked and buried.
Dig deeper and then you'll realize time isn't what time appears to be.

Care to elaborate on that so that i dont have to dig? If I do it myself I'm likely to come to a different conclusion than the ambiguous one you stated here.
Especially the last one....

posted on Jul, 4 2013 @ 02:13 PM
reply to post by snowen20

Knowledge without understanding is almost worthless.

Time travel or rather temporal manipulation exists, there are no paranormal events or specters, these are occurances of temporal overlapping or displacement.

Manipulation of time mainly on outer craft shells is used to generate large amounts of energy, the approximation of left over energy in my opinion would equal 1 exajoule. It would appear to be a comet that materialized out of nowhere, basically an untraceable object, one that could never be tracked because it didn't exist prior to that time that it was created.

In current examples of the model of time dilation there is 1 key component which leads to stray thinking, distance has nothing to do with temporal dilation. Yes you can say distance is what determines speed over a measured space but the examples use extreme distances and extremely weak examples of atomic clocks.

posted on Jul, 4 2013 @ 02:13 PM
reply to post by Knives4eyes

when i googled project chimara... i got a bunch of stuff like "transformers wiki" and "fallout wiki" talking about creating super soldiers. but.... they are cartoons.

posted on Jul, 4 2013 @ 02:19 PM
reply to post by Ghost375

The thing is, cross species fertilization rarely happens, and when it does, the offspring in all known cases is infertile. To produce a highly superior genetic makeup is statistically impossible.

He goes on to explain,in his observations that sterilization of hybrids is false.

For example, one widespread, but erroneous belief that keeps a lot of people from even considering the possibility that humans might be of hybrid origin is the notion that all hybrids are sterile. This assertion, though I've heard lots of people say it, is absolutely false. For instance, in reviewing the reports I collected for my book on hybridization in birds (Handbook of Avian Hybrids of the World, Oxford University Press, 2006), which documents some 5,000 different kinds of hybrid crosses among birds, I found that those producing partially fertile hybrids are about eight times as common as crosses known to produce sterile ones. So the usual result is a reduction in fertility, not absolute sterility. My current work documenting hybridization among mammals shows that partially fertile natural hybrids are common, too, in Class Mammalia. And yet, it seems most people base their ideas of hybrids on the common mule (horse x ass), which is an exceptionally sterile hybrid, and not at all representative of hybrids as a whole.

posted on Jul, 4 2013 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by kdog1982

I see where you're going with this, and it does kinda make sense. My understanding is that a pig is a genetic combination of a Rat, a Cat, and a Dog or a Hippo. Look at a Pig: cat ears/ nose, a rat's tail only curly, split foot like a rat, and a body of a large type of dog or a Hippo. Your insight is a possibility same as mine, but one never knows with 100% accuracy concerning anything in this crazy world. I do believe that there are creatures which roam the earth now, and plants which are genetic experiments from days passed. Ancient man had a lot more technological ability than we give them credit for.

posted on Jul, 4 2013 @ 02:21 PM
reply to post by tinyDAWK

Why would you be able to find any information regarding the human project....

The same reason why you won't find any conclusive proof of time manipulating craft...

Besides it was just a whisper in my mind that I typed out for you on ats, for the ones that might have noticed the subtle hints that have leaked through, this will make perfect sense.

2 of the most highly guarded "secrets" on this planet are the 2 current iterations of humans that exist right now on earth and time manipulating technologies.

Search for research on rhesus negative blood, you'll always come up empty handed no matter which countries educational portals you use. You'll notice multiple countries have deleted submitted information regarding rh negative blood origins and conclusive information regarding differences in both humans.

Search for genetic manipulation and you will always only come up with a few blades of grass in your clenched fist.

If and when I ever find footage of what I've witnessed, I will post it immediately but it has been almost a decade and I've only found a dozen or so witnesses who have seen exactly what I have.

posted on Jul, 4 2013 @ 02:26 PM
I originally found about this

Generally speaking, interspecies hybrids—like mules, ligers (lion-tiger hybrids), or zedonks (zebra-donkey hybrids)—are less fertile than the parents that produced them. However, as McCarthy has documented in his years of research into hybrids, many crosses produce hybrids that can produce offspring themselves. The mule, he notes, is an exceptionally sterile hybrid and not representative of hybrids as a whole. When it comes time to play the old nuclear musical chairs and produce gametes, some types of hybrids do a much better job. Liger females, for example, can produce offspring in backcrosses with both lions and tigers. McCarthy also points out that fertility can be increased through successive backcrossing with one of the parents, a common technique used by breeders. In the case of chimp - pig hybridization, the "direction of the cross" would likely have been a male boar or pig (Sus scrofa) with a female chimp (Pan troglodytes), and the offspring would have been nurtured by a chimp mother among chimpanzees (shades of Tarzan!). The physical evidence for this is convincing, as you can discover for yourself with a trip over to Read more at:

posted on Jul, 4 2013 @ 02:29 PM

Originally posted by christoph
so when they say pig, do they mean hog? i look at myself and if i try to think pig, i think domesticated pig.

do they think aliens came to earth and domesticated pigs before they mixed them with chimp?

No,he thinks it happened naturally,although I don't know how a wild boar could hold down a chimp long enough to do something like that,but his research in compelling.

posted on Jul, 4 2013 @ 02:55 PM

edit on 4-7-2013 by SLAYER69 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 4 2013 @ 03:08 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

LOL Slayer!

posted on Jul, 4 2013 @ 04:36 PM

Originally posted by kdog1982
I originally found about this

Generally speaking, interspecies hybrids—like mules, ligers (lion-tiger hybrids), or zedonks (zebra-donkey hybrids)—are less fertile than the parents that produced them. However, as McCarthy has documented in his years of research into hybrids, many crosses produce hybrids that can produce offspring themselves. The mule, he notes, is an exceptionally sterile hybrid and not representative of hybrids as a whole. When it comes time to play the old nuclear musical chairs and produce gametes, some types of hybrids do a much better job. Liger females, for example, can produce offspring in backcrosses with both lions and tigers. McCarthy also points out that fertility can be increased through successive backcrossing with one of the parents, a common technique used by breeders. In the case of chimp - pig hybridization, the "direction of the cross" would likely have been a male boar or pig (Sus scrofa) with a female chimp (Pan troglodytes), and the offspring would have been nurtured by a chimp mother among chimpanzees (shades of Tarzan!). The physical evidence for this is convincing, as you can discover for yourself with a trip over to Read more at:
so that's why tarzan had a monkey called cheeta

posted on Jul, 4 2013 @ 06:17 PM
Here is the moment the human hybrid experiment was deemed perfected in sumerian history.

This tiny man was created by splicing the genes of a rhesus monkey with the dna of the genetic researchers in order to make a more docile "tool" or "slave", typically referred to as "helper" because slavery is condemned in the future.

Project chimara has been going on for a very, very long time. The ancients were not superior or advanced, they were merely time travelers whose goal was to prevent or create an extinction level event which I believe will target Rhesus Positive Humans.

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