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The Alex Jones Conspiracy

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posted on Jun, 3 2013 @ 06:29 PM
Compared to the MSM he has a much better track record...

But, the best publicity according to AJ, is the publicity created by negative attacks

compared to the track records of some of his detractors

( you know who you are )
no comparison

edit on 3-6-2013 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2013 @ 06:31 PM

Originally posted by Danbones
Compared to the MSM he has a much better track record...

You have got to be joking. Just look at the posts in the first page of this thread: endless lists of Jones' lies, mistakes and false predictions.

But, the best publicity according to AJ, is the publicity created by negative attacks

Oh really? Then he won't mind a few more.

compared to the track records of some of his detractors

no comparison

Examples please. I'd like to see the track records of six different Jones detractors.

posted on Jun, 3 2013 @ 06:34 PM
reply to post by Sankari

then don't be lazy
go look

I have some cheap silver I bought to go count
edit on 3-6-2013 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

Bill O'really is that you?
edit on 3-6-2013 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2013 @ 06:37 PM
reply to post by Skjord

Perhaps he does not mention Zionists or the criminal state of Israel much because his wife is Jewish, he has Jewish children and all his sponsors are Jewish?

I should however add that is no reason not to listen to him, but may answer you query.
edit on 3-6-2013 by Tuttle because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2013 @ 06:39 PM
reply to post by Tuttle

which sponsors exactly are Jewish?

posted on Jun, 3 2013 @ 07:06 PM
reply to post by Danbones

His station is owned by Emmis Communications owned by Jeffrey Smulyan and is Broadcast on Siruis XM Radio an entertainment channel owned by Eddy W. Hartenstein, Scott Greenstein and Mel Karmazin, all Jewish I believe.

However this may interest the poster who first mentioned it.

Alex Jones Acting Like a Moron Interviewing David Mayer de Rothschild

Pretty funny, much like his interview with Noam Chomsky the second he interviews anyone with any sort of intellect he is exposed as being a moron and clown of the highest order. He really is that dumb.

posted on Jun, 3 2013 @ 07:31 PM

Originally posted by Danbones
Compared to the MSM he has a much better track record...

But, the best publicity according to AJ, is the publicity created by negative attacks

compared to the track records of some of his detractors

( you know who you are )
no comparison

edit on 3-6-2013 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

As inept as the MSM is, I'm afraid they publish daily reports and news items that are perfectly fine when compared with the facts. AJ shows an agenda, and is the epitome of yellow journalism.

After all the years, and all the absurd lies that have come from him, the absurd behaviour, I think it's evident what he is.

Either intentionally or unintentionally, he makes anyone who challenges popular thought look like a complete moron. Type in any story that is gaining ground in "alternative" thinking, and you come up with a story by him or a video of him ranting and raving like a lunatic.

In action, a son says to his dad, "Hey dad, I don't believe ________ because of _________."

Dad then googles it, shows the son a video of AJ ranting like a lunatic.

"Son, you really want to come off like this fool? Aren't you smarter than this guy?"

And it plays on people's insecurities and they drop whatever inkling they had trying to distance themselves from crazy.

It would not surprise me to find out in 30 years that AJ was a paid operative to make people who challenge popular wisdom look like complete morons.

posted on Jun, 3 2013 @ 07:49 PM

Originally posted by Skjord
You ever notice how he keeps people chasing ghosts like the Bilderberg group, CFR and trilateral? But there's one group he fails to mention ever. The Zionists. He barely talks about them for some reason.

I think Alex Jones has some good information, but this is how these guys operate, mixing half truths with truths. Then when you see him flip out on CNN people will put him as the poster child of Conspiracy theories and pro 2nd amendment. So he makes his own movement look ridiculous.

Here's a video of him disrupting a rally.

Starts at :54

This is spot on. I have noticed recently the trend among debunkers and skeptics to use Jones sensationalism to lump everyone who mentions a conspiracy related topic together as tinfoil types. There are many clips of his rants on YT now and the guy makes it hard for people to take him seriously. I mean years ago I kind of bought into the whole "He is cracking from the stress of knowing this" idea but honestly the guy is in no danger from the Govt in 15+ years and has done zilch aside from get tons of publicity, that is his own work. His formula is taking others info and spinning it to appear as if this is some new revelation of his and presenting the worst case scenario as happening right now. The crying and stuff is just phony as hell after 15 years.

If 'I were to take a guess about Jones he either is a hack who saw easy marks in the CT movement after a semi accurate (copied ) prediction about 9/11 or he is a Mockingbird type asset that was designed to take away from the old truth movement types militias etc like Bill Cooper but this is just speculation.

I want to add something else that bothered me about Jones is how he claimed for a long time not to like people like Icke or Tsarion or Maxwell and even called them shills and occultist , disinfo agents and other things and then out of nowhere he started having these guys on the show. Something right there really didnt add up to me and clued me to it either being about the money and either selling out or being fake or its that he was told to have these people on whether he agrees with them or not. Either way it did not go over well with me.
edit on 3-6-2013 by NihilistSanta because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2013 @ 08:14 PM
reply to post by XxNightAngelusxX

Alex Jones crashed a peaceful rally and acted as a disruptive agent provocateur inciting division, anger, and trying to incite violence. He then lied about the event on his show:


"I am Bill Hicks," says Alex Jones in one of his ravings:

Alex Jones admits he is Bill Hicks

Alex Jones Is Bill Hicks

"Alex Jones might be a persona created by Bill Hicks’ producer Kevin Boothe with “Alex Jones” being Bill Hicks who supposedly died around the same time that the allegedly 19 year old Alex Jones first came onto the scene."

"Kevin Boothe refers to Alex Jones as “The new Bill Hicks” and also admits that Alex Jones is a persona.
Alex Jones talks about issues from the 60′s and 70′s in first person context. He is lying about his age. The vocal change is consistent of a male voice change that occurs in the early to mid 40′s (especially X-smokers). Earlier recordings, such as the Texas DPS, they sound the same (listen to the narration portion, it sounds identical to Hicks).
Words like turd maggot scum stab rape kill flush, and many more are key words both use to incite rage."


January 4, 5, and 6 of 2000, William Cooper exposes Alex Jones for his Y2K lies, fear-mongering, and hysteria in which Alex Jones caused national hysteria proclaiming that the Russians had launched nuclear ICBs (intercontinental ballistic missiles) on New Year's Eve.





In the 9/26/01 broadcast of "The Hour of the Time", Cooper calls Alex Jones a "liar, coward, and sensationalist bull-**** artist," and goes on to expose Alex Jones as a liar and fear-mongerer.

"Hour of the Time"
September 26, 2001 Broadcast
"Alex Jones - Liar"


A caller to the "Alex Jones Show" points out that Bill Cooper predicted 9/11 first, instead of how Alex Jones proclaims that he himself predicted the event. Alex Jones immediately resorts to the tactics of ridicule, deflection, and then changing the point of debate. What does "Five thousand watt station" and "patriot methodology in-fighting stuff" have to do with the points the caller brought up? Pure deflection.


A caller to the "Alex Jones Show" said that a Freemason told him to read William Cooper's "Behold A Pale Horse". The caller then warned Alex Jones to be careful, in regards to propagating truth. Alex Jones then goes on a rant about William Cooper and ridiculed him to no end. All the caller did was mention William Cooper, and Alex Jones started freaking out saying "William Cooper attacks me from the grave." THERE WAS NO ATTACK AGAINST ALEX JONES MENTIONED BY THE CALLER!


And just to be unbiased, here is William Cooper as a guest on the "Alex Jones Show", in which Alex Jones lied and claimed that he kicked Cooper off the show for inappropriate speech.

"Alex Jones Show"
1998 Broadcast
Guest: William Cooper


Many do not realize that Alex Jones relied upon much of William Cooper's work as the foundation for his own exposés. Alex Jones utilized Cooper's work while vehemently denying it. There's no problem building upon the work of others, but to deny it is a whole different ball game.


posted on Jun, 3 2013 @ 08:20 PM

Originally posted by Sankari
The Alex Jones Affair: A Christian Patriot Family Betrayed.

Chuck Norris: more questions than answers.

The Great Swine Flu Plot of '09 & The Great Tea Partier Frameup of 2010.

Jones spews more disinfo than the Kremlin. That might explain why he appears on RT, the Russian government-owned propaganda channel...

If you actually knew anything about the swine flu plot of 09 ,you would know it was quite legit .
I am NOT an Alex Jones follower at all ,but I heard all the facts from other sources .
All the deaths maimings and miscarriages,from the vaccine were covered up .
Japan stopped giving it altogether,after numerous deaths .

The vaccine itself was what would have caused the outbreak . Since so many people wised up in time ,and millions of dollars worth of swine flu vaccine ent unused,we didn't have a pandemic.
Go figure .
EVERY,alleged pandemic ,is a mass marketing of fear mongering ,to make big pharm millions in vaccines .
Obama called it a pandemic after less than 1000 alleged deaths ,which put him into position to declare martial law.
More people die yearly ,from run of the mill flu,then have died from H1N1 ,to date.
At the time ,doing dna testing was a 24 hour proceedure,but somehow,you could walk into an MD office,and be told your flu had H1N1 markers ,within ten minutes.
Neat trick .

Wether Jone does it for money or not ,ANYONE putting off big pharm sales,is an enemy of the state .
They put out misinformation about them,plant shills to debunk their supporters,or worse.
Google Jane Burgermeister.
She had nothing to gain by exposing the truth,so her government committed her,stripped her of her life and belongings.
Same with the European doctor that made the autism vaccine connection .
Don't mess with the money making vaccines,is the bottom line. Big pharm and Monsanto run the US government .
The sooner people learn that ,the sooner they understand it all .

If WHO and Margaret Chan are saying its gospel ,and to go get vaccinated ,do the OPPOSITE .
Margaret Chan is big pharms poster girl . I believe nothing Chan says. Nothing
edit on 05/28/2013 by PtolemyII because: (no reason given)

edit on 05/28/2013 by PtolemyII because: (no reason given)

edit on 05/28/2013 by PtolemyII because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2013 @ 08:29 PM
reply to post by Kgnow

Hey Kgnow, I've seen the idea before that Alex Jones may be indeed Bill Hicks.

It's pretty far out but a few things are strange.

First, his mannerisms are strangely the same. Second, people have been digging on other sites and they can't come up with any high school photos of Jones, or any record of drivers licenses and etc.. And third, like you mentioned, Kevin Booth, is his friend and helped him produce his cd's, and may be indeed strangely connected to mind control.

Do you think Kevin Booth could be the handler? Was Bill Hicks MK'd (Mind controlled?) through severe trauma, and now his new persona is Alex Jones? Is Kevin Booth his handler? I saw your thread earlier about music artists that have handlers, specifically Jim Morrison and Jimi Hendrix.

If Bill Hicks was really mind controlled, then reborn as Alex Jones via his handler Kevin Booth, this is some crazy stuff to be honest.

I know it's pretty far out but it's really intriguing to think about.

posted on Jun, 3 2013 @ 08:43 PM

Originally posted by Skjord
reply to post by Kgnow

Hey Kgnow, I've seen the idea before that Alex Jones may be indeed Bill Hicks.

It's pretty far out but a few things are strange.

First, his mannerisms are strangely the same. Second, people have been digging on other sites and they can't come up with any high school photos of Jones, or any record of drivers licenses and etc.. And third, like you mentioned, Kevin Booth, is his friend and helped him produce his cd's, and may be indeed strangely connected to mind control.

Do you think Kevin Booth could be the handler? Was Bill Hicks MK'd (Mind controlled?) through severe trauma, and now his new persona is Alex Jones? Is Kevin Booth his handler? I saw your thread earlier about music artists that have handlers, specifically Jim Morrison and Jimi Hendrix.

If Bill Hicks was really mind controlled, then reborn as Alex Jones via his handler Kevin Booth, this is some crazy stuff to be honest.

I know it's pretty far out but it's really intriguing to think about.

Actually, on my previous Alex Jones thread, Seabag provided some yearbook pictures of Alex. Seabag went to school with Alex Jones for a little while.

If you'll refer to my other thread, mentioned in the OP, you'll see on one of the pages all the pictures Seabag posted, and the name in the yearbook is Alex Jones, not Bill Hicks.


posted on Jun, 3 2013 @ 08:47 PM
I'm seeing lots of things I've seen before popping up.


Does anyone have any names of people who died after being involved with Infowars?

I have already formulated an opinion regarding most of the things posted.

But I'm tired of hearing about "Omg, bad stuff happens to guys who leave Infowars!" without seeing any evidence... or even so much as names.

posted on Jun, 3 2013 @ 08:52 PM
reply to post by XxNightAngelusxX

Thank you for that picture. That indeed clears some things up.

But it's just still mind boggling how Bill Hicks friend and co partner Kevin Booth, now works for Alex Jones. Could just be all coincidence, and probably is, it's still just doesn't feel right to me.

Heh, honestly, I think a part of me is just happy if Bill Hicks is still alive, even if he might be a completely different person.

Well anyway I'll keep digging I guess.

posted on Jun, 3 2013 @ 09:07 PM
reply to post by Skjord

Hello Skjord.

The U.S. government has admitted and acknowledged MKUltra, and as you may know, Bill Clinton even made a formal apology to the victims of MKUltra. We now know MKUltra is conspiracy fact, no longer a theory.

I don't know if Bill Hicks, Kevin Booth, or Alex Jones are directly involved with mind control.

Did you know that William Cooper said on his show that the U.S. Government produced a phony arrest warrant for his wife, and threatened to arrest her if he did not become an informant and puppet? Cooper then sent his wife and children out of the country for their protection.

Because of how Alex Jones operates and because of the type of emotions that he intentionally tries to incite within other people,.... with all my intuition I feel that Alex Jones is an agent of some sort. He was propped up to lead the truth and conspiracy movement, to be the biggest face and most popular in order to accomplish a two-fold agenda. #1, Discredit truth seekers and conspiracy theorists by making a mockery of the movement by looking like a crazy nut-job in public. #2, inciting only negative emotions into truth seekers and conspiracy theorists, thus hindering their ability to work out peaceful solutions.

I am thankful to Alex Jones for breaking the story of Fukushima radiation found in U.S. dairy cows and milk,... but the majority of his information is based upon the earlier work of men such as William Cooper, William Guy Carr, and Gary Allen. Alex Jones always has a way of inciting anger, hater, worry, fear, and violent thinking into the hearts of others. A real champion of truth will help you become informed, free from fear and worry, and will help develop peaceful and realistic solutions. Where are Jone's peaceful solutions or attempts to get people thinking level-headed? I'm telling you, we can't think rationally when our heart rates are up and we're pissed off, but that's all Alex Jones makes his listeners feel.


posted on Jun, 3 2013 @ 09:24 PM
reply to post by XxNightAngelusxX

Do you think the original poster of those 2 pics would take 1 picture that shows the entire page/pages of the picture and name together, instead of a composite of 2 separate pics? Also, a picture of the front cover of the yearbook?

It is clear and obvious that Alex Jones crashed the PEACEFUL rally in Auston, TX trying to incite division, anger, hate, and violence. He threatened a guy chanting "PEACE", he cussed out a woman, and he totally drowned out the speech and speakers with his bullhorn. Is this not enough proof for you that his intentions hold an alter agenda? Those are not the actions of a man seeking to untie people under truth.

If Jones has no affiliation with Bill Hicks, why did he have a slip of tongue and proclaim himself as Bill Hicks during one of his rants?


edit on 3-6-2013 by Kgnow because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2013 @ 09:33 PM
reply to post by xavi1000

What is funny about the first 2:30 seconds of this video is there are roughly at least 5 truths now admitted by the establishment. Yes he can exaggerate many things, but it can take a few years before it becomes public knowledge and at no shock to those who are unaware.
edit on 3-6-2013 by Unmask The Deception because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2013 @ 09:48 PM
The video from "The Alex Jones" show where Jones went off on a rant and ended with "I am Bill Hicks" is now deleted from YouTube and I can not find it anywhere on the internet!!!

Well, here is a screenshot of the video and title, but when you click it is says no longer available.

This was the most vital piece of evidence that I had, but now it is gone. Fishy.....

posted on Jun, 3 2013 @ 10:03 PM
reply to post by Kgnow

Couldn't have said it better myself.

I'm guessing you saw the CNN interview with Piers Morgan. The funny thing is though, right after they had him on air after he flipped out, they started talking about him like some crazy nut, like it's right out of a script.

All part of an agenda, I don't see how it couldn't. Now he's the poster child for conspiracies, and whenever now you mention the word "conspiracy" people are going to call you nuts because they saw Alex Jones loosing it on CNN.

Sad state of affairs but that's what it looks like.

Another thing before I get off, about mind control. It's weird, people on this forum look the other way or they completely think it's BS.

Mind control has existed since Ancient Egypt, you don't need "drugs" like they used in MK-ULTRA, all you really need is trauma based methods.

If anybody is interested in mind control, it's not BS, it's real and very much alive today. I encourage anyone to check out "Vigilant Citizen". He's got a great article on mind control here:

I actually might just do a copy and paste thread of this article, all credit going to VC of course.

The site is amazing.

edit on 3-6-2013 by Skjord because: censored '___'? lol

posted on Jun, 3 2013 @ 11:28 PM

Originally posted by XxNightAngelusxX

To everyone else, thanks for the replies, sorry I can't reply to everyone. I'm busy.
See, now this is just fishy to me. You ask for evidence as to why he is not trustworthy. You are given example upon example. And with this one little comment, you brush off the legitimate ones, only to reply to the more outlandish reasons posted.

Very fishy.

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