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Question For Liberals

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posted on Nov, 6 2004 @ 08:24 PM

Originally posted by brimstone735
I often ask myself why we couldn't be so lucky as to have your name etched on a black marble wall somewhere in Washington?

How ironic that you should put it that way. I have often looked at that long list of names and thought to myself, "And those are just the lucky ones."

posted on Nov, 6 2004 @ 08:42 PM
First I would like to say I think Brimstone was out of line, personal attacks are not allowed.

Secondly I would like to ask Grady what he meant by this.......

Originally posted by GradyPhilpott
I think those of you who are loyal Americans had better get a grip on reality or you're going to start sounding and looking like the enemy and that will not be an enviable position to be in.

posted on Nov, 6 2004 @ 08:46 PM
I'm not sure Amuk, but I wish Grady would have elaborated, because the phrase "lookang and sounding like the enemy" slightly sounds like a racial attack ot me, but hell who knows.

At atime where the phrase, "The War on Terror" is a synonym for " The War in Iraq," it seems as if political incorrectness is still correct, if you hate the same people America does.

posted on Nov, 6 2004 @ 08:58 PM
I didn't see it as racial, but I did see it as ominous. I sure hope it doesn't mean that whoever criticizes the government is akin to America's enemies.

posted on Nov, 6 2004 @ 09:02 PM
What scares me most?'s true that George won't have to worry about another re-election....but the RNC will. Maybe they will keep him in check, since the spectre of Hillary will be hanging over their heads....I pray that scares them enough.

This, this is what scares me most.....

I think those of you who are loyal Americans had better get a grip on reality or you're going to start sounding and looking like the enemy and that will not be an enviable position to be in.

Welcome to the "Patriot Act" in action, my fellow Americans...remember those empty 'concentration' camps that were shown on ATS a few months back??........

What happened to "I may not agree with what you say, but I will fight to defend your right to say it"??

My Dad was the original conspriacy theorist, he predicted this kind of stuff 20 years ago....He voted Republican all his life, but always said they as well as the Democrats were just puppets for the trilateralist, Bilderbegers and what have you.

posted on Nov, 6 2004 @ 09:02 PM

Originally posted by Amuk
...I would like to ask Grady what he meant by this....

Originally posted by GradyPhilpott
I think those of you who are loyal Americans had better get a grip on reality or you're going to start sounding and looking like the enemy and that will not be an enviable position to be in.

I mean that partisan politics is one thing, but hating the President to the point of attributing all things evil to him, calling for, praying for, suggesting his death, and all the things that we read so often here, cross the line so far that those who would advocate such and who are so concerned about their own agendas that the well-being of the nation is secondary, is bordering on sedition.

This is the oath I have taken and it has never been rescinded:

I, ___________________________________, do solemly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed overme, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God. [emphasis mine]

Dissent is one's right, but when the line is crossed into kind of contempt I read here regarding the office of the Presidency is going too far. I would only remind people that one's loyalty to the nation has to supercede that of one's party.

Moreover, most of the criticisms of Bush are without merit and are not worthy of intelligent discourse. The election is over. Now, it is the time for all loyal citizens to put aside the conflicts that divide us and pull for our survival or leave.

I hope this clarifies the issue.

posted on Nov, 6 2004 @ 09:08 PM
I remember the oath I took the same one.

I think calling for the head of the president is crossing the line too.

But I do not think anyone that doesnt believe the same as me needs to leave the country.

If they decide to stay and protest the president AS IS THEIR RIGHT just exactly do you plan to do about it?

My loyality is to MY COUNTRY not any man Bush or Kerry or Badnarik

[edit on 6-11-2004 by Amuk]

posted on Nov, 6 2004 @ 09:12 PM

Originally posted by Amuk
If they decide to stay and protest the president AS IS THEIR RIGHT just exactly do you plan to do about it?

Those who exercise their rights have my full support. Those who cross that line will have the law to answer to.

[edit on 04/11/6 by GradyPhilpott]

posted on Nov, 6 2004 @ 09:17 PM

Originally posted by GradyPhilpott

Originally posted by Amuk
If they decide to stay and protest the president AS IS THEIR RIGHT just exactly do you plan to do about it?

Those who exercise their rights have my full support. Those who cross that line will have the law to answer to.
[edit on 04/11/6 by GradyPhilpott]

OK just wanted to make sure we were on the same page.

I get tired of hearing all this America bashing from those who have enjoyed the fruits of its labor, too but I think God that I live in a country where they CAN bash it.

posted on Nov, 6 2004 @ 09:22 PM
frayed: that quote used to be in my signature...go voltaire!

but back on topic....

Grady- I think you have a flair for the dramatic. Loyal Americans must pull for our survival? I don't think anyone in this country is pulling for our survival, I think we're pulling for our TV's, waterbeds, and starbucks.

Land of the free, home of the latte.

Protect America's right to pay $5 for coffee- go bomb Iraq.

OK, my Starbucks schpeal is over. But really, when you say "pull for our survival," what survival are you talking about? I don't know a soul that is afraid to o to work in the morning because they might be bombed. If we let the threat or terror rule our lives, what makes us any different than the oppressed nations we're supposed to be attemting to free?

but I do agree entirely- blaming the President for every problem in our lives is absurd. I love the principle of this nation, I just don't agree with how it is being run. However, I cannot blame my personal struggles on the back of a single man from Texas. I can't blame them on anyone. But I can attempt to change the cause, and that I will do. Give me liberty, or give me death isn't up to date. I'm not going to sit around and wait for liberty to be given. I will however, sacrific my life and die to attain it.

[edit on 11-6-04 by Scat]

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