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At least 138,500 Whales and Dolphins at Risk

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posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 01:16 AM

Originally posted by Meaningless
Are we going to do something about this or are we just gonna discuss how bad and sad it all is?

Well Meaningless, to answer your question, a suggestion that something we posters on this thread could do already is send a U2U to all out ATS friends to let them know this thread exists and then ask them to do the same thing etc etc...

Its only a start here on ATS but if people want a thread like this to have a positive impact on this Forum then word will spread even easier...

It's just an idea?

Kindest respects


posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 01:32 AM
So, exactly how did they come up with the number 138,500? Is this every whale and dolphin they think exists, or what? Seems like bull cookies to me. It's a pressure wave. It doesn't reach everywhere, any more than the bang made by a lightning strike on the ocean.

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 01:43 AM
Good thread - Here's your flag - also watch the Documentary 'The Cove' it's a real OMG one!

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 10:11 AM
I don't have enough posts to flag, but shared to facebook.

And I'm posting this here so I can get enough posts to flag this...

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 12:12 PM

Originally posted by RainDownOnMe23
I don't have enough posts to flag, but shared to facebook.

And I'm posting this here so I can get enough posts to flag this...

reply to this then flag

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 12:14 PM

Originally posted by MariaLida
This info is very alarming ..

Please read all ..

Marine Life and Coastal Economies Threatened by Seismic Airgun Use in Atlantic Ocean
All Press Releases…
At least 138,500 Whales and Dolphins at Risk

April 16, 2013
Washington, D.C.
Contact: Dustin Cranor
Amelia Vorpahl

Oceana released a new report today showing that marine life and coastal economies along the Atlantic Ocean are threatened by seismic airguns used in testing for offshore oil and gas. The United States government itself estimates that the use of seismic airguns along the East Coast – an area twice the size of California, stretching from Delaware to Florida – will injure and possibly kill 138,500 whales and dolphins, and disturb necessary activities for millions more.

“Instead of learning from the Deepwater Horizon oil disaster three years ago, President Obama is now considering taking the first steps to expand our dangerous dependence on fossil fuels to the Atlantic Ocean, an area that has been protected from drilling for more than 30 years,” said Jacqueline Savitz, deputy vice president for U.S. campaigns at Oceana. “With minimal oil reserves there, and drilling at least five years off, seismic testing is an unnecessary insult to whales, dolphins and other marine animals. Drilling in the Atlantic won’t lower gas prices; it will instead lead to more oil disasters and more dependence on fossil fuels. Focusing on developing cleaner energy sources would be more strategic for our country and more sustainable for our oceans.”

During this testing process, a vessel tows one or more seismic airguns, which shoot extremely loud blasts of compressed air through the ocean and miles under the seafloor every ten seconds, 24 hours a day, for days to weeks on end. The airguns are 100,000 times more intense than a jet engine and can disturb the vital behaviors of fish, dolphins, whales and sea turtles, causing temporary and permanent hearing loss, driving animals from their homes, disrupting mating and causing animals to become stranded on beaches. Some of these disruptions can lead to death, and for populations that are already struggling, this could have devastating consequences. Airguns and offshore drilling also threaten commercial and recreational fisheries, as well as tourism and coastal recreation, putting more than 730,000 jobs at risk in the blast zone alone.

edit on 16-4-2013 by MariaLida because: (no reason given)


THANKS for the heads up

very SAD

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 12:27 PM
reply to post by MariaLida

Killing marine life AND triggering quakes. Threatening our planet in so many ways. Cool.


posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 01:07 PM
reply to post by tluna1

I was thinking the same thing luna.... SnF let's give this the attention it deserves on ATS~ Thank you OP for finding and taking the time to post this.

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 01:19 PM

Originally posted by luciddream
I wish this thread would get some attention but.. with the whole bombing discussion....

@ least the vibrations are felt from these Creatures even if not accepted THEY ARE... And so those who feel them? Thank GOD for telepathic and advanced observation abilities as it would seem many are not concerned even if subconsciously they are.


posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 01:55 PM
[color=cyan] It's too bad that some people aren't better stewards of the environment and the creatures that are in it. These seismic guns can do irrepairable damage. I really hope the activists out there get a petition or some other kind of attention drawn to this. Thank you for posting, MariaLida. S&F.
edit on 17-4-2013 by r4winds because: code keeps showing, darn it

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 02:08 PM
reply to post by MariaLida

this sort of situation upsets me so deeply, it makes me so angry that this can even be a legal thing to do,

the torture those animals must be going through is unbearable to even think about,

What scares me the most is that if i go to work tomorrow and tell people about this they won't even bat an eyelid, they'll most likely say, ''as long as we get something out of it i'm not really bothered'', just like they did when fracking was re-allowed again not so long back, even though only a couple of years earlier it had been banned here in the uk as it caused several earthquakes, people have such short memories it scares me,

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 03:32 PM

Like another poster said, it's times like these i'm ashamed to call myself human.
I could only sign one petition as i'm not in Amerika, and even then i had to give a
false post code (zip code.. :lol

Cheers for the heads up OP.

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 03:37 PM

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 04:01 PM

Originally posted by Malynn
Ugh. If we can't get our heads out of our collective rear-ends soon I really hope something wipes our entire species off this planet. We are too dangerous to live.

Why do you wish everyone to die?

We aren't all like those greedy Corps you know??

Its only those who continue to destroy the planet in more ways than one who deserve to die!!

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 04:44 PM
I don't want to see the sea life die either, but your not going to like the solution. Drill on land! Otherwise, stop complaining about killing the sea life. It will be one or the other, so pick one and leave the other one be.

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 04:55 PM
I believe its time to stop the gas and oil industry or otherwise we will lose our Whales and Dolphins.

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 05:10 PM

Originally posted by Agent_USA_Supporter
I believe its time to stop the gas and oil industry or otherwise we will lose our Whales and Dolphins.

So you are saying you want to not have a car, electricity, plastic, fiber optic communication, and countless other things that are made from oil or it's derivatives? I think not. The bottom line is that it is much safer and has far less impact on the environment to extract oil from land than the sea. You can't have a modern standard of living like we do without oil/gas, and the alternative "green" solution is actually far more polluting. Just in batteries alone, the pollution is far beyond the gas alternative. First you need oil to make the plastic parts, then all the plastic parts to store the acid. The acid for a hybrid car is much worse to the environment to make than any gas car will ever be in it's entire lifetime. I like the idea of being green, but lets not kill the world trying to save it.
edit on 17-4-2013 by bill3969 because: Horrible speller

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 05:16 PM
reply to post by Rodinus
You can't really be serious? Nothing actually comes out of ATS. Yeah we can talk about doing something about it but in the end it never happens, NEVER. We are very few on this site, what we discuss here isn't going to leave the board. There's pretty much nothing we can do because no one wants to challenge the system. Even protesting doesn't work and if we try to stop them through violence it only gets us jailed up or worse, killed.

I wanna believe we have power to change what we see, but the truth is we are only creatures that are taught to follow and not lead.

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 05:23 PM
reply to post by bill3969
Lol there are plenty of ways to powering or producing products without the use of dangerous methods but to talk about them would most likely go against the rules of the site

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 05:39 PM
reply to post by MariaLida

Thanks for this thread and bringing this to everyone's attention

I signed the petition in hopes that it will help, however I'm skeptical. I was one of the 250.000 people who signed the petition asking the president NOT to sign The Monsanto Protection Act and we all know how well he listened to us on that one.

Cooperate greed and profits supersede EVERY living thing on this planet


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