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Roseanne Barr: “MK ULTRA Mind Control Rules in Hollywood”

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posted on Apr, 15 2013 @ 10:57 PM
reply to post by WhiteAlice

That is crazy... sometimes I wonder if everything we think we understand (every conspiracy) is all just one big orchestrated mind game... now that would really suck... haha

edit on 15-4-2013 by TheKeyMaster because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 15 2013 @ 11:51 PM
"people who say they want less government are liars becuase they want more government on the backs of gays" - Rosanne Barr.

Oh, Rosanne.

Oh, you.

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 12:10 AM
i loved the thread

iv never actually got round to seeing roseannes comments


edit on 16-4-2013 by thePharaoh because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 12:17 AM

Originally posted by Hopechest

Originally posted by olaru12
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

I would suspect that Mind Control in Hollywood is just the tip of the iceberg; Think gaming, TV, Recording industry, and everything else where people are exposed to images and sound.

Subliminal suggestion is a fact. It works!!!

It would be extremely naive to think that governments wouldn't use this technology.

For what purpose would they be using this technology exactly?

Can't wait to hear this one.

For the prpose of schieving their agendas.....To rule the Masses......
What agenda?
ALL of them.....
Whatever the government policy may be, they use the principals of MKUltra, Monarch,and other equably egregious techniques to move the supposedly free society in the direction they desire....(to say nothing of outright murder as in 9/11 or presidential decree by drone or bullet)
Say if you wanted guns start with trauma bonding, then go with problem reaction solution.....
Other scientific control techniques such as pschological management via hegelian principals also work
Plain old naked propaganda is damned effective, and legalised to the governments use now.....
You have to be living in a cracker box not to realise the nature of the false reality construct which you are being spoon fed.....

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 12:17 AM

Originally posted by TheKeyMaster
reply to post by WhiteAlice

That is crazy... sometimes I wonder if everything we think we understand (every conspiracy) is all just one big orchestrated mind game... now that would really suck... haha

edit on 15-4-2013 by TheKeyMaster because: (no reason given)

In terms of conspiracies, I think it's very interesting that some of the best sources for conspiracy information is coming from perceived whistleblowers, themselves. Just about every CT has a general or colonel (or like the UFO thing--a lot of both) that will step up to the plate and say "yep, you got it right!". One of the most interesting would be General Stubblebine, who has been rather outspoken (yet cryptic) in regards to various curious projects from Stargate to chemtrails. General Stubblebine also used to be the head of military intelligence, but that just makes him a great source, right? My grandfather was also of a high ranking position in the military and in military intelligence and he took a whole lot to the grave with him despite his harboring anger at servicemen being treated like guinea pigs at a-bomb tests and having a pretty nasty attitude towards Congress and think tanks. The military is rather set up where those who keep the silence are rewarded so it really makes me wonder why so many do start chiming in on conspiracy theories and especially those in high ranks. Then again, once you start thinking in those terms, then you really start wondering just what the heck is actually going on. I try to avoid that bottomless pit though and hope that the ones who do talk are doing it out of the goodness of their hearts and aren't yanking chains.

Pretty depressing overall though.

P.S. For the record, my nickname was one of the classified projects that we know my grandfather knew about. At the time period, the USAF was using a Lewis Carroll theme--go figure. Figured it suited me though and yes, I've been in the rabbit hole long enough that I've started to get cozy.

edit on 16/4/13 by WhiteAlice because: added the ps.

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 12:29 AM
reply to post by WhiteAlice

I heard a good way of describing it... "the lie is different at every level". I think some of the people who are highest up get the craziest disinfo.. especially the alien stuff.

But i do know there is a certain element of truth to the whole thing.. the key though is that we just need to convince everyone there IS something going on... and if we all are part of an effort digging into the truth eventually we have to find it.

Here's an interesting question though... how do you prove trauma based mind control is real if you can't reproduce it? The only way to really reproduce it is to ruin someones life from birth by continually abusing them horrifically.

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 01:36 AM
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

What about the Bohemian grove stories and Larry King?

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 02:27 AM

Originally posted by stirling
Whatever the government policy may be, they use the principals of MKUltra, Monarch,and other equably egregious techniques to move the supposedly free society in the direction they desire....

Well, if they have you thinking that the society that you experienced in your childhood, or the one that existed 20 or 30 years ago was free, then they have you where they want you, longing for a kinder, gentler slavery.

edit on 16-4-2013 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 04:13 AM
Governmental use of mind control has a lot more to do with psychology than technology, but at the same time one could consider their techniques a technology because of the scientific nature of their development.

Psychological operations or Psy Ops are basically the scientific evolution of control techniques that most of us use on an everyday basis to get others to do what we want, though most of us don't realize what we're doing when we do it. A person with low self esteem is easier to control, a person with low self esteem does not believe in their own ability to govern their life and is thus more likely to seek the guidance of others which is exactly what the government wants. The government doesn't want you to govern your own life, they want to govern it for you. First and foremost a persons spirit must be broken, this is accomplished with general belittling and emotional attacks from all angles. These attacks must be sustained until the subjects will is broken.

Essentially they're going to continue calling the subject stupid and worthless in a variety of ways. Sometimes this will be a direct assault, for instance when the subject posts anything at all on a forum his ideas will be attacked by several other profiles and labeled as wrong, stupid, idiotic, pathetic, etcetera. However; these forms of attacks are not always direct, you'll also find indirect attacks that take the form of tidbits left for the subject to find, but are not specifically addressed to the subject. These are still generally designed to make the subject feel stupid in an effort to make him reject his own ideals. Again this will continue to happen over a period of time until the subject is broken. The techniques play on the subjects weakness, most people desire acceptance from their peers and are willing to 'change' in order to gain this acceptance.

The goal here is not only to destroy the subjects confidence in themselves, but also lead them to believe they'll need to change their views and/or attitude in order to gain acceptance from their peers. For this purpose you'll also find that there are those, a very few, who will attempt to identify with the subject for the purpose of befriending them. This is so that when the subject is broken he has someone he trusts and can run to for direction. Once the subject is broken and decides he's ready to change in order to gain acceptance he has someone he trusts to tell him where he needs to change and how.

You'll find that many of these techniques are used in boot camp in order to break the young soldiers individuality. These techniques have been used long before Nazi Germany ever became an issue. You'll also find these being used in the general schooling system where a student is not only belittled by his peers, but also by his teachers. A student is given an F when he doesn't do as he's told and a gold star when he does, sometimes the punishment/reward system takes different forms such as a pizza party if the whole class meets a certain goal. That is a great example of peer pressure, the whole class is given a task and if a single individual or small group of individuals keep the class from reaching that goal the whole class turns against them further punishing them for not obeying authority and conforming themselves to their prescribed mold.

I don't buy into the whole chip in the brain idea presented by Rosanne, but if she is targeted then I wouldn't be surprised if they want her to believe she has a chip in her head. Like I said, peer pressure is a very powerful tool because people generally desire to be accepted by their peers so they'll conform to what their peers want them to be. If a person believes they are being 'watched' 24/7 then they'll conform 24/7, if a person believes they have a chip in their head monitoring their thoughts then they won't even dare think something that they've been programmed to believe is undesirable.

Fear is also a useful tool when it comes to controlling someone. As I mentioned before on ATS John McCaffee is a good example of where scare tactics have been employed. Through a series of elaborate hoaxes he was lead to believe that the government was trying to kill him. The government was essentially trying to scare him out of the country and it worked. Not only did he leave the country, but he discredited himself by going public with his experiences and then being labeled crazy by the media.

You'll also find in the conspiracy world a certain 'doom' tactic. A lot of conspiracy related sites have a constant barrage leading the conspiracy theorist to believe that doom is always imminent, but it never seems to pan out. One reason for this is because many of the conspiracy theorists will believe that doom is imminent and tell their peers about it. After a significant number of failed predictions the peers no longer trust the opinion of the theorist and thus his political views fail to spread.

Again most of this is stuff that we all use on a daily basis, but the government has taken what most of us do and weaponized it. I have a posting on my website about this sort of thing here:

Edit: One effective method to subvert these techniques is to do as you will. Forget what they want you to do or what you think they want you to do and do whatever you want to do.

Also, when dealing with this type of foe it helps to understand them. You might think that the person desiring to control is pure evil, and technically that's true, but it's not quite as clear cut. Adolf Hitler for instance truly believed that he was the good guy, he wasn't evil because he wanted to be evil, he was evil because he was mistaken about what good was. People generally desire to do the right thing and those who conduct psychological operations want to do the right thing to, they simply don't know what the right thing to do is. They actually believe they are helping, but in truth they are deeply in need of help themselves.

Also interesting is that the US government was essentially psy oped itself. WWII scared them into becoming that which they desired to destroy.

"As soon as men decide that all means are permitted to fight an evil, then their good becomes indistinguishable from the evil that they set out to destroy." -Christopher Dawson

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 06:35 AM
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

Has anyone listened to the Roseanne interview with Larry King, to tell if she is perhaps pulling his leg some? I've seen her give an interview where she lures the interviewer into asking what kind of plastic surgery she had, just so she could claim to have had vaginal rejuvenation surgery.

In this interview posted here she claims to have thousands of notebooks of journaling. Thousands?

As for MK Ultra, it ended in 1970 or there abouts, and I believe the Church Committee investigated it. MAYBE the CIA is continuing similar such projects and MAYBE it involves psychiatrists in Los Angeles, but to claim that Hollywood is controlled by MK Ultra seems quite ludicrous.

Mind you, MK Ultra existed from the 50's through the early 70's and involved mind control experiments with drugs and brainwashing, and the CIA did some nasty things in this program. There's speculation that Sirhan Sirhan, RFK's purported assassin, was a subject. Part of MK Ultra's goal was to make Manchurian Candidate type assassins who would not know/remember who manipulated them. Over 80 psychiatric insitutions (Universities, hospitals, clinics and individual practices) were involved, and many millions spent on it.

There have been a couple other shootings by persons "with mental problems" who have been documented as having been in the care of psychiatrists consulting to the CIA and the MK Ultra program. One victim of such a shooting was some banker or financier who used to launder money for CIA operations. Speculation is that this was a "clean-up job" on him, in order that he wouldn't spill and Agency beans.

There is also a very good National Geographic documentary on the subject on YouTube. I'll leave it as an exercise to find it for yourselves.

But Roseanne appears just to be uttering crazy talk. Let's say she is correct, then what on earth does it mean that MK Ultra is ruling Hollywood??? Are celebrities assassinating political targets? No. Is the CIA manipulating movie producers to make movies with certain political agendas and POV's? Possibly, but they are doing that in cahoots with the Pentagon by giving movie companies access to government equipment special access to government officials for interviews and other info, to wit: The Zero Dark Thirty propaganda movie. They don't need to brainwash anyone or ply them with hallucinogens to achieve their ends.

And as far as the chip in the brain goes, that just sounds like she is pulling Larry's leg. She usually comes off sounding fairly sharp when I have heard her interviewed, rather than bat-crap crazy, so either she was pulling King's leg or was off her meds.

But I do encourage interested parties to do some research on MK Ultra. It was the real deal and it was creepy and nefarious.
edit on 16-4-2013 by MrInquisitive because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 06:46 AM
Well, I'm just gonna go ahead and say the CIA Monarch / MK ULTRA conspiracy to control the public via hollywood has failed, miserably.

Sure, maybe they are influencing a few weak minded people's opinions, but as a whole, anything they seem to try to ram through as law or government policy, gets met with public backlash.

Then again... The public is too apathetic and lazy to actually DO anything other than complain, so maybe that's the entire game right there? Who needs to control their opinion if they are too lazy and inept to even fight back when we force feed them opinion?

And, since this involves the entertainment industry, what about the failing industries? Movie studios losing money, the music industry is suffering loses each year.. They can barely keep people paying attention to their mind control, so to me there's another sign that if it's taking place it's failing. Plenty of people have tuned out. I did about 12, geez almost 13 years ago now. No tv. If there's a show I'm interested I download it, no commercials. Some shows you can spot the government talking points, like CSI and a few others, hell, there was even a list going around of the shows onboard for government propaganda. And here is the where sites like ATS and people like Rosanne, crazy or not, become useful. If you are even remotely aware of the fact that your entertainment might be propaganda, it's not going to be as effective. If you are earnestly looking for it, it will have an opposite effect, and in people like me, make it hard to even watch or listen to whatever it was.

I don't listen to the radio, so the only time I'm subjected to the crap they call music today, is when I'm roaming around the city, or in a friends car, without my headphones.

Here's where I do something that's probably against the rules...

I suggest those of you who believe it's happening google and find some articles by "Vigilant Citizen" they might give you lots of information to talk about.

I suggest those of you who don't believe it's happening google and find some articles by "Vigilant Citizen" they might give you insight into how some of the strong proponents of this idea think.

Be warned, once you learn it, you can't unlearn it.
edit on 16-4-2013 by phishyblankwaters because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 07:03 AM
Everything you said in your post about people influencing others in a negative way, by negative tactics, was spot on. People are waking up to it though and are looking for the positives. Not everyone in charge wants to subjugate people to their way of doing things. Most do, but not all. There are positive influences in the world but, like you yourself said, people have to go with their gut and do what they feel is right. That would undermine all the other negative influences and put you back firmly in control of yourself.

I'm not sold on all this MK Ultra talk and Roseanne Barr isn't doing much to help sway people. If for any other reason, I don't even know what the letters MK stand for. I see this MK Ultra stuff as a side distraction from what I really see, and what I really see is a lot of negativity and unneeded complications in the world. I could care less who's behind it all or whether it's a coordinated "attack" against the common man. The bottom line is that if all this BS doesn't stop things are just going to continue to get worse. Our ways of life, our state of can't realistically expect to have a happy and productive life when all you see and hear on the news are indicators pointing in the direction that we DON'T have a happy and productive life. You can call it brainwashing all you want. I don't think it's that sinister. "If it bleeds it leads" has been a motto in the media for years now, and the unintended consequence of that sales tactic is that it has put a lot of fear and worry into people. The weak among us let it influence us The strong one's don't.

Go ahead, flame away and say I'm not paying close enough attention to the "culprits" who are doing this. I'll choose to look at the end result of what happening. It's called seeing the forest through the trees.

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 07:26 AM

Originally posted by cfnyaami
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

What about the Bohemian grove stories and Larry King?

I know about the Bohemian Grove, but was unaware of a link between it and Larry King. Was he ever an atendee that you know of?

If not, I am curious to what you speak of.

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 07:52 AM
Time to dump Roseanne into the bin along with Randy Quaid...

Mind Control of celebrities by the CIA? Why? They are controlled more by their PR agents, label executives, media whores etc etc etc... our 24/7 need to know culture is what is degrading these people, they are hunted like feral hogs by the TMZ press 24 hours a day... no privacy.... That's enough to drive anyone batty... Look at how Justin Bieber is literally falling apart before the eyes of the world. He is a victim of his own circumstance. He rose to stardom too fast and too young and literally grew up in the constant stare of the public and the media and his parents allowed it. Just like all of the other youngsters in La La Land who were sold out by the people who were supposed to look out for their best interests (including their parents).

Compare the lives of those who have collapsed to the lives of some childhood stars who rose to stardom and then withdrew to lead and live a normal life.... go to school... raise a family... etc etc Some have returned to the industry as adults by their own will. Its quite interesting... But MK Ultra in Hollywood.... That is quite the stretch..

Now, could their be subliminal programming in movies, shows, and games that targets vulnerable minds... possible?? But, it is not my realm of expertise nor is the realm of Roseanne Barr who is just trying to keep herself relevant in one way or another after a long line of failed efforts...

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 11:18 AM
Of course mind control is entirely possible. There is a plant in South America that contains a chemical that can be used to "zombify" someone. VICE did a special on it -- because of the T&C I won't mention it or link to it. You can find the video fairly easily with a Google search.

After the string of mass shootings, some of us on ATS began to probe around into mind control techiques. I can't recall the name of the discussion, but someone linked to a page containing several pages of material about how "they" actually accomplish it. Apparenty, there are multiple levels of hypnosis involved and several new "personalities" can be inserted into the subconcious.

The information I read discussed how many politicians have had this done to them, and certain "cues" can activate pre-programmed behavior. Field agents can be programmed to actually believe they are who their under cover persona is. If someone 100% believes they are someone else, they will even be able to pass a lie detector test and physical torture. It's a very clever way for deep, long term inserted assets.

The rabbit hole so to speak is very, very deep. The more I probed into the matter, the more odd things began to happen to me. I began to recieve very strange private messages asking what else I know from very new members. I also recieved a few odd calls from strange out of state numbers that are unlisted.

I tend not to be very paranoid, as the saying goes, "Paranoia will destroy ya" -- but this is one rabbit hole that I think I know enough about.
edit on 16-4-2013 by MystikMushroom because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 11:28 AM

Originally posted by TheKeyMaster
reply to post by WhiteAlice
I heard a good way of describing it... "the lie is different at every level". I think some of the people who are highest up get the craziest disinfo.. especially the alien stuff.

I do agree that every level has its own lie and even when something has been artificially created, it can still fall under the age old rule of "the more you lie about something, the more you're likely to start believing the lie". There was an actual instance of it but it escapes me this morning. Pretty sure it had something to do with the Cold War. I used to hassle my grandpa with questions about Roswell because, as a former member of the 509th and in military intel according to his af-11 in the time period so he should've known Marcel, to boot, he would've been stationed there. Sometimes he was at Roswell at the time, sometimes he said he wasn't (grandmother called him out on that one so he was there, lol--go grandma). He'd say it wasn't a weather balloon but that it wasn't aliens. Then he'd talk about staying in a bar all evening with a peer who was "extremely upset" and that there were some "really weird things going on and people were really upset". Then he'd contradict himself and say nothing happened. It was ridiculous and this coming from the man who told me as a kid about a bomber carrying an atomic bomb crashed into the mountains outside of Albuquerque and for three days, they were terrified that it was going to detonate and wipe out Albuquerque. That was classified information at the time and he reasoned that it should've been declassified by the time he told me but was aware that it wasn't. They didn't declassify and report that story til the late 80's.. So, he told me about that but when it came to the Roswell conspiracy, he told me jack and was highly contradictory and very cautious. Very weird. He made it very clear, after years of nagging, that he was not going to talk on the subject. Was the peer that he consoled Marcel? I'll never know because my grandpa took the story to the grave with him. Overall though, what his behavior really indicates how very muddled they make things--even to family members with whom they may willingly share other classified information. All those unanswered questions that we have in regards to his life in the military, we're never going to get answered--not even through FOIA requests. Trust me, we've tried FOIA because what he actually was doing has left a permanent question mark on our lives. It's the curse of being a family whose patriarch had TS/SCI clearance for the bulk of his military career.

Originally posted by TheKeyMaster
But i do know there is a certain element of truth to the whole thing.. the key though is that we just need to convince everyone there IS something going on... and if we all are part of an effort digging into the truth eventually we have to find it.

That's where I find the private end patents as being a good indicator as to what tech may be present. Whereas the DoD is unlikely to put a patent for their stuff out there, there are some pretty curious patents from some equally curious sources like this one:

The field of the present invention relates to behavioral conditioning. In particular, methods for subliminal and near-subliminal conditioning, and for eliciting responses so conditioned, are disclosed herein.
This particular inventor also works for and wrote this (btw, I avoid saying names because I've actually had links disappear in the past lol):

Patents are so interesting, aren't they?

Out of room for the next portion and that's a biggy so part 2 is coming.

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 12:16 PM

Originally posted by TheKeyMaster
Here's an interesting question though... how do you prove trauma based mind control is real if you can't reproduce it? The only way to really reproduce it is to ruin someones life from birth by continually abusing them horrifically.

Good question. I don't think that any attempt to reproduce it should be taken because as you imply, to do so would be horrific. It's not to say that there isn't any information out there that points towards its existence outside of the remnants of the MK project. The problem is that information is sparse, hard to get, and not direct enough to prove anything. I've found literature written by some, again, very curious individuals that should raise some seriously significant questions and shared links to it only to have those links disappear. For instance, for a long while, they were using what was being referred to as "positive disintegration" on a specific group children in the US. Trying to find information about that subject and how they were doing this is really, really hard to get and not very enlightening when found outside of one source who attributes the use of hypnosis, drugs ('___', psilocybin), meditation, biofeedback and trance states to induce the effect. However, this one source whose credentials were impeccable, btw, that I found that discussed "positive disintegration". He also clearly stated that PI was better described as "developmental forcing" in an effort to induce creativity. Basically, the premise was that the right side of the brain was the creative center and splitting the brain so that both sides were used would allow both logic and creative centers to function at the same time.

This was what he wrote that made my eyebrows rise:

Elsewhere (Gowan 1974:134) we have seen the traumatizing effect of the "not-me" on the young child at stage three, and we have detailed the dissociation occasioned by the premature rupture of the conscious overlay, exposing the collective preconscious in our discussion of developmental forcing (Gowan 1974:187). John Gowan, Trance, Art and Creativity

Scholarly articles for this same group of children can be found suggesting the use of '___', hypnosis, and post-hypnotic suggestion. Is this traumatic abuse? Is it the grade school version of MK fabricated again under the banner of inspiring creativity? Kind of has the hallmarks of it, doesn't it?

Unfortunately, there is no direct link to these documents anymore. They were taken down a week after I found and posted them and the others are under academic lock and key. It's not that there isn't very curious information out there that should stimulate fundamental questions about what we've been doing that even implicates that, albeit not physical abuse, significant mental abuse may have occurred on children. It does exist. The problem is that it's not publicly accessible and links disappear. It requires a lot of reading and even then, the authors of this stuff seemed to be very cautious and framed it as a benefit for creativity, memory, and speed of mental thought. It's not "we're going to warp your kid's mind so we can see what happens". It's more of a "we're pushing the envelope for the benefit to the child and us all" (schizophrenia and dissociative disorder are real beneficial to the child
). Trying to package it in such a way for the public to access and be able to process it? Honestly, it'd probably be dismissed as more garbage or written off as "That was back then and we don't do that kind of stuff anymore" if compiled. And in the end, there is always plausible deniability.

I went through hell as a kid and because I went through hell, it made me a pretty fierce defender of children. To me this is insanely frustrating. I can honestly say that, from what I've seen and found, some significantly questionable activity occurred with many children here in the US, particularly in the 60's and perhaps up into the 80's. Sad thing is, I think I only scratched the surface. Going back to Roseanne--was she one of these kids? I don't know. Earliest things I found were 1965 so she's a little too old for what I came across. However, I'm not so quick to dismiss her because I know they were, in fact, inducing dissociative states into children in 1974 (see the quote above). Somewhere out there, the kid that Gowan was talking about, may still be alive if their "premature rupture" didn't eventually destroy them.
edit on 16/4/13 by WhiteAlice because: added attribution

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 12:49 PM
reply to post by Symbiot

Have you noticed that all over the internet people attack anyone who is different or has unorthodox views in any way (not even relating to conspiracy theories)? Is this just a product of our school system or what?

edit on 16-4-2013 by TheKeyMaster because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 01:04 PM
Anyone looking for more evidence of mind control should check this out...

Madness in the Fast Lane...

I heard a lot of Nazis hid out in Sweden after WWII... seems kind of weird to me these girls are Swedish.. I have also heard twins are a big deal in the occult and mind control too. I heard that before this event.

edit on 16-4-2013 by TheKeyMaster because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 01:10 PM
reply to post by phishyblankwaters

To me the purpose is preventing them from revealing the true state of our country and the world. I think this is the big misconception... the brainwashing they are using is more about distracting us and making us mindless idiots who can't even think or work together in any way.

For example look at the 60s when people were fighting the system and we had all theassassinations. Now look at the present where NO one publicly says anything or if they do it is the most PC causes imaginable. That was the purpose of the control.

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