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I claim complete enlightenment

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posted on May, 25 2013 @ 05:29 AM
reply to post by Itisnowagain

yes, but I do not like the term 'cosmic joke' either

although, it can be quite a laugh once it is 'gotten' the idea of it being a joke to me takes away from its reverence

I like to think of it as abounding happiness within the realization of what is, because truly we shed all that has burdened us in the light of the present

perhaps it is the cosmic dance, why dance? because the endless dancing is just the expression of the endless formlessness which precedes all that is becoming

posted on May, 25 2013 @ 05:31 AM

Originally posted by Hombre
ok here is my question, its only words but they will probably know what i mean.

1. White light.
2. Cosmic Forces.
3. Angels
4. magic
5. dreams

edit on 25/5/2013 by Hombre because: (no reason given)


I see a puzzle, from a mind that seeks the answer to a question held deep within it.

posted on May, 25 2013 @ 05:32 AM
reply to post by preludefanguy

There was laughter when it was realized as well as awe and wonder.
It is delightfully amusing.
edit on 25-5-2013 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 25 2013 @ 05:36 AM
reply to post by Itisnowagain

it is

posted on May, 25 2013 @ 05:38 AM
reply to post by preludefanguy

It is a play of light - light entertainment.

posted on May, 25 2013 @ 05:43 AM
reply to post by Itisnowagain

ah yes, light entertainment when the veil is lifted

but the world now is filled with much suffering, because it has been filled with ignorance, and the ignorance driven by illusion

where there is a bright lantern that brings light to the darkness, its place is for it to be hung up to drive the darkness back so that others may see the light

it is not the way of attachment, it is the way of realization

posted on May, 25 2013 @ 05:48 AM
as i just have discovered this post im reading it now.

Originally posted by sulaw
This is my opinion and every post, you spatter some primordial soup rhetoric. Your chances of someone who would actually believe you is fading away fast.

Well, what i remember is: Dreamlike memory of me bathing (beeing covered with/standing in) in a kind of soup. Its very early memory, and still its very vivid one.
edit on 25/5/2013 by Hombre because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 25 2013 @ 06:08 AM
reply to post by Hombre

sounds like you speak from ideas of a 'matrix' ?

good vs evil ?

God and the devil ?

Your last list of words included: white light, angels, magic

which must also include: darkness, demons, occult

thinking of a dual nature, within a duality structure one sees fighting/war

when there is fighting, there must be division, and if division exists within you, you will never be free

Even though there is a spiritual war happening now, one must step back and look at it in terms of the endless eons and cycles that happen and we go through

there are parts to be played, in this cosmic song and dance, but both sides are moving the whole to an inevitable point, when one views it like this, one can see the whole of it, then the good vs the bad turns into more of a machine, turning its wheels of fate to play out a certain conclusion

it is a great cycle, and it too will find its end

what we can do is try to lessen the suffering we experience ourselves and with others

posted on May, 25 2013 @ 08:48 AM
reply to post by preludefanguy

i have watched the matrix movie, but it was in the German language. The words come from other sources.
i would like to hear the answer from the Dragonfly before i go further on this.

if there is a fight im not sure what caused playing a role in it, just dont know which. im not really sure if the fight is real or its just the part of this realm, which seems to be chaotic.
if that war (the one your talking about) is real or not, its biting me hard, but im protected.
thanks to my angels.
edit on 25/5/2013 by Hombre because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 25 2013 @ 12:18 PM

Originally posted by preludefanguy
reply to post by Dragonfly79

Funny, how truth is weaved into the tapestry of reality in and out, throughout its whole. Like mirrors, reflecting upon each other, always reflecting, pieces within pieces.

I like that, it reminds me of a phase of enlightenment where the observer is looking in the mirror the first time recognizing himself. Not the physical mirror ofcourse but referring to the immaterial mirror in one's own psyche. From there many things are possible, you could even see another by using these mirrors in a certain mystical way.

Originally posted by Itisnowagain
When existence is seen as art and one no longer sees life as a competition or a puzzle - meaning goes out the window and is replaced by wonder.

Competitions or puzzles are not bad in itself. It's about how to deal with those at the last place, how to keep the competition going instead of an everlasting winner, how to share pieces of puzzles with eachother in a fair exchange. It's the meaning you as an individual give something, not what everybody agrees on which should be thrown out the window. Intended to learn that better myself but also want to share my puzzle of which I claim it can be used by anyone (at least males) to understand all the other puzzles. Learning how to share isn't included, I haven't finished that puzzle at least until I learn how to share with several beings not from this world. Which I chose myself and nobody needs to do that to learn this puzzle which is solely from this planet.

posted on May, 25 2013 @ 12:24 PM

Originally posted by Itisnowagain
reply to post by preludefanguy

Originally posted by preludefanguy
In this way, one can concentrate on the love one has for the other, because the other is nothing more than the self being perceived by the self

When presence is found to be all there is - presence takes care of itself.
There is no 'other' - the belief in 'other' makes one deny this gift (present).

edit on 25-5-2013 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

No, when one's own presence is known one can also look at one's entire reality generator and use it to believe in others. Or to make up a system entirely around all others which is my personal choice but not a requirement. I found inspiration for this mostly in the bodhisattva ideal which I studied more than a decade ago now, the vow for all living beings which also include those not of this world.

One can choose to believe in individuals and disbelieve as well to tell them what you like about them and what not but there are other disadvantages with that choice and often leads to sects, cults even if in a 'mundane' setting of a dominant figure in society and I wouldn't count that as enlightened. Still it is useful to know in order to deal better with those groups who have found something but not necessarily complete enlightenment.

posted on May, 25 2013 @ 12:54 PM

Originally posted by Hombre
ok here is my question, its only single words without actuall question, but they will probably know what i mean.

1. White light.

Light is colorless, it is not white or black but it can be, it's about what it shines on and if that object is considered good or bad to the observer. Without it there is just nothing to do together.

No they will not know what you mean but they like to communicate using free association. They can't know what you mean unless you write a thesis about it and then you might be able to convince them the content of whatever object you are referring to is more than 50% the same content of how they see it. It's not like they can read your thoughts, it's also an ethical thing. Not only the privacy kind but also because your own mental temple where your thoughts come from is sacred and the idea someone else but you can be there should be inconceivable.

2. Cosmic Forces.

The only force you should exert is that over yourself and not use anything else.

3. Angels

That's a Christian subject so you shouldn't ask me and I'm not going to ask them.

4. magic

Just phenomenon of which the observer is convinced it's impossible due to his or her understanding of everything. A medieval person would believe mobile phones were magic. Magic can be seen everywhere and isn't regarded as such. Everything can be explained even though the outcome might appear unbelievable.

5. dreams

They are the same as the astral, like the beyond, to grow and learn in preparation for the big transition, by which I refer to the end of the physical body in an individual sense. In an ideal world we shouldn't need to sleep to catch up to reality, so our bodies wouldn't need sleep for the brain to sort it all out. Because in society today many get too much information they have to process it in a too small amount of time making them forget about it in the morning. Which leads to all kinds of other problems and deactivating in a way certain parts of the brain making it difficult to use certain parts of the psyche. In this ideal world a person naturally grows up in the immaterial and does not mistake the physical for it's only reality.

Many have made methods on how to deal with dreams despite the many wrong views by our ancestors but I'm not one of them. While I am striving to being awake 24/7 I doubt it will work out unless I am able to move out of society so I would not have to interpret/translate other peoples' influences which can only be done by making them real which then conflicts with my own sense of what is real and I have to make them unreal again. If I wouldn't do that then I might as well become a hermit, sleep is a faster way to speak against all those with different truths, on the inside ofcourse.
edit on 25/5/2013 by Dragonfly79 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 25 2013 @ 01:33 PM

Originally posted by Hombre
reply to post by preludefanguy

i have watched the matrix movie, but it was in the German language. The words come from other sources.
i would like to hear the answer from the Dragonfly before i go further on this.

The Matrix is a great movie but I've discussed it too much. Is your way of thought dependent on the passing through of contents of words? Because I know of a similar system and I can't think of many other reasons why anyone shouldn't listen to it in it's original source.

Heaven is without battles, I wouldn't consider places where people fight heaven. Surely misunderstandings can be explained or those in heaven know of ways to stay out of harms way.

posted on May, 25 2013 @ 02:08 PM

Originally posted by preludefanguy
reply to post by Itisnowagain

ah yes, light entertainment when the veil is lifted

but the world now is filled with much suffering, because it has been filled with ignorance, and the ignorance driven by illusion

where there is a bright lantern that brings light to the darkness, its place is for it to be hung up to drive the darkness back so that others may see the light

it is not the way of attachment, it is the way of realization

I see light happening as something without any bringer. But something might be said for creating the lantern and senses to see it with and discuss that. Bringing light to others can't be without dangers; the bringer might not see the light that is already there from a different source than a lantern. Either the dweller that lived there would remain silent forever, show understanding and learn the senses anew by a new way of thinking or dowses the lantern sooner or later, probably to complete surprise of the bringer who would not realize it was because of the original dweller.

posted on May, 25 2013 @ 02:36 PM
oh here is a bit of misunderstanding.

the source of the words, where i have got them, where they come from is not the matrix movie.

well basicaly there is an esp book where the cosmic forces are described. that book tells you that they are, and that the subconscious is.
Well basicaly one is asking the Cosmic Forces for the protection of the White Light. The Protection is against all negativity.

Angels, well im not religious. Ok to define Angels, he is there to protect you, a beeing who is loving you and cares for you and helps you to go through this life. maybe your spiritual self.

Im having dreams and Special Dreams. so far iv had 3 special dreams.
There is a difference. The special dreams were vivid.
One of it came into reality. i mean i dreamt of it arround 1 month before it came into this reality.

It's not like they can read your thoughts, it's also an ethical thing. Not only the privacy kind but also because your own mental temple where your thoughts come from is sacred and the idea someone else but you can be there should be inconceivable.

Well im not sure about this. Where i am atm, from my observations, it looks like they can read my mind/thoughts.
Its really strange, and i dont understand how its done. like im thinking now about something, or maybe in the morning and its happening the next day or even the same day.

For example i was thinking about an melody from the circus theme .
that melody was played then next day on the CD. well not the melody from this url but the similar one. sure i have heard it earlier too.
Next day i was working with another one, and he was also singing this melody that day. (yes he did it in the past too)


One day i was waiting for the bus in the building. but it was late and one sent me out of it, reasoning as if i may steal something.
my thoughts were: "if i would think to steal, i could even do it in the daytime" or something similar.

(have to add here that i dont need or want to steal anything, the accusation made me a bit sad.)

Well the wording then came few days/weeks later from another man, in a different context.
(this and similar experiences happens often)

so i would like to know how this is possibile or what i need to do,to prevent the intruders from reading my mind.

Once i was talking to that man, and while i was talking, words im my mind were forming, a very personal ones, like he was sucking them out.

any clues about it ?

edit on 25/5/2013 by Hombre because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 25 2013 @ 08:27 PM
reply to post by Hombre

one pointedness focus meditation, one can only read when there are words on the page, if the page is blank, there is nothing to read

this type of meditation will also help you to become sensitive to energies, yours, and others', and the transference between

posted on May, 25 2013 @ 08:39 PM
reply to post by Dragonfly79

Im talking very specifically in accordance to light, and bringing it to where, and to whom.

You speak of the bodhisattva, and this is mainly how I meant what I said about a lantern.

A light for all sentient beings, and more specifically, here on earth as man while we are men.

posted on May, 26 2013 @ 05:27 AM

Originally posted by Hombre
Well im not sure about this. Where i am atm, from my observations, it looks like they can read my mind/thoughts.
Its really strange, and i dont understand how its done.
any clues about it ?

edit on 25/5/2013 by Hombre because: (no reason given)

It's all your own interpretation, if you could read their thoughts only then could you be sure they are able to read yours. I don't think in terms of reading thoughts or something as direct transmission although I can understand why anyone would think of something like that to be real. In the immaterial, a complete message is sent and the reader decides which part to look at, some questions can be very quick or faint. I wouldn't look for any clues between immaterial events and the material ones.

They are not really intruders but unwanted contacts more like a phone or skype. There is some reason only you can know and solve for yourself, could be either curiousity, fear, pride among other reasons or a combination which make it possible for you to have such thoughts and interpretations. Without that they have nothing to manifest to you and would simply go elsewhere, just not anywhere in your reality.

posted on May, 26 2013 @ 05:47 AM
reply to post by Dragonfly79

in my encounters it feels like they can still 'ping' you, but you decide what to do with that energy, just let it pass through with no fear, because you understand they're just part of the game too, and you have to allow them, subconsciously give them permission to affect you, if you are in control of your own energies, you come to develop equanimity in the light of any situation, even when it has to do with spiritual contact.

also, I have experienced telepathic communication

I believe it can be explained through quantum physics, they have done studies where they can entangle two peoples minds, but basically its happening in the same field, there is no time or space, all that is lining up is vector points and quantum numbers, and the wave is collapsing into the range, as this is a forever repeating pattern, thus entanglement.]
edit on 26-5-2013 by preludefanguy because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2013 @ 05:58 AM

Originally posted by preludefanguy
reply to post by Dragonfly79

Im talking very specifically in accordance to light, and bringing it to where, and to whom.

You speak of the bodhisattva, and this is mainly how I meant what I said about a lantern.

A light for all sentient beings, and more specifically, here on earth as man while we are men.

There are many different lights. Who knows maybe even without lanterns or something else entirely which does the same but doesn't always appear that way or at all. Bodhisattva's postpone their own complete enlightenment, I do not and believe a theoretical solution to the worlds' problems is sufficient for me to progress. Which could also work out for many other sentient beings not of this world.

My own solution to world enlightenment would be to convince everyone intelligence is not what we think it is. Changing it would bring about world peace.

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