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I Quit! The Forced Slavery of America

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posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 06:32 PM

Originally posted by AkumaStreak
We're piddling too much of our lives away in dead end jobs we weren't meant to advance above, spinning our wheels in this largely silly and manmade economy.

Yes, we need an economy and many kinds of jobs. Do we need to work 5/7 days of the week? that's nuts. As human beings we need food, sex, education, and medical care, if you don't have a job in one of those sectors u are prob being overworked in part of the balagna slave economy.

There is enough wealth and abundance in the world for everyone to be fed, if only we can get the food to them without the fat-cats hoarding it. I am speaking figuratively about our other kinds of wealth as well, if only we may be allowed to enjoy it. However, we are more productive when we have to eke out our living, struggle a bit to get by, or else with satiety we become lazy and the work stops for us to enjoy the moment. God forbid.

I believe you are correct, we needn't work 5-7 day weeks, In many places the jobs do not exist for the multitudes needing them. The wealth and abundance does though. Perhaps it is time the world economy adjust to a 20-hour week, a 2 or 3-day work week. That should leave us productive enough, struggling just enough, and with enough time to smell the roses.

edit on 17-2-2013 by Erongaricuaro because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 06:36 PM
reply to post by spqrenki

OP, I get what you're saying and I feel where you're coming from. I don't exactly feel like a wage-slave though. Heck, I can't even find any work right now. I was told I was under-qualified (with 5 years retail experience, retail management experience, and a college degree emphasizing chemistry and microbiology) to work weekends selling vitamins for a company that claims that only sales experience is necessary. I guess a full-fledged chemist or microbiologist got that weekend position because I sure didn't!

I think I know what you're saying here--we are slaves because our self-determination is being stifled.

What is self-determination?

Conditions supporting the individual’s experience of autonomy, competence, and foster the most volitional and high quality forms of motivation and engagement for activities, including enhanced performance, persistence, and creativity. In addition SDT proposes that the degree to which any of these three psychological needs is unsupported or thwarted within a social context will have a robust detrimental impact on wellness in that setting.

Yeah, being successful is challenging. And challenge is part of the fun..part of the drive. But should it be so challenging that we must stand on the throats of others to move up? Should it be so challenging that only a select few can benefit from this system, while every one else lives/dies in destitution?

If that's what it takes--I'm with you, OP...I quit too. I want to succeed by my own principles, my own rules, my own code of honor, and not by compromising what I stand for and believe in. That's self-determination!

I worked hard. I got the sack. Now, there's no work for me. Is this a society or an elimination game show?

edit on 17-2-2013 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 06:41 PM

Originally posted by itsthetooth
reply to post by spqrenki

I agree with you totally.

Employers have been driving a slavery motivated economy since it started. And if you don't like it, you can be broke and end up in jail, or on the street. The sad part is that our system, the very system thats suppose to be protecting us, has in fact been helping this slavery.

Employers are way to greedy.

They don't want to pay us good wages, so they don't, and we have a system that allows them to do so.

Sorry you are in that situation ..
I dont agree with it being an accurate assessment of all industries or all experiences.
The employer I works for pays fairly well as did the last 3 I worked for.
I think it as much comes down to the industry and skill sets you bring as anything.

posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 07:01 PM

Originally posted by spqrenki

Originally posted by beezzer
reply to post by spqrenki

Um. . . . what would you consider a viable alternative?

I don't really know other than people simply refusing to partake in the system. As it is, we're already seeing tent cities popping up all over the country. There needs to be a different way of thinking by the public. This idea that "I can't survive without a job" needs to stop. People need to learn to be independent and come up with new ideas. As I said, the problem is the Government actively tries to stop you at every corner. Requiring million dollar insurance to drive your own cab is insane though. And good luck trying to get a commercial fishing license.

The system as it is needs to break fully before we really start to see change again, and trust me, we're already down that road. It's just how people will deal with the inevitable when it happens. Can they go without the luxuries of modern society in an attempt to become more self independent or will we continue to be the debt slave welfare queens we are today?

What ever happened to going out, cutting down trees, building your own house, growing your own food and not having to worry about a mortgage, cell phone bill, cable and internet, heat, etc.? Nobody wants to live like a caveman but there can and should be an option for something in between.

i think you hit the nail on the head there, the system will never change completely untill it fails and connaot be repaired, when it takes less energy and effort to create a new systme than it does to maintain the old, we might finally see some change, but just remember, the reason the system will be overthrown is because those on the bottom (us) will no longer be able to survive in the current system. The people who benefit most from our system (the elite) will hold on for dear life to our current system, because its what gave them their power and in that system they maintain and control power, they will be reduced to the same level as the rest of us if we overthrow the current system, they will resist this at all costs.

and im not going to stick my neck out to have my head cut off and destroy my livelihood and my family the way things are now, ive worked hard for what i have (not very much) but im finally starting to get to a point where i can live comfortably (to some extent). The way i got to this point now where im semi comfortable, is by playing the game by their rules to an extent, and by being resourcefull in my early 20's and venturing into a little black market trading which allowed me to make enough money to put myself through university, get a science degree and start working a very comfortable job as a consulting scientist (that i wish payed me a lot more, but it will in a few years, still only just a junior position really, but i take home about $800AU a week after tax)

Id love to just go and live on an island somewhere, and ive actually got an area picked out that i plan on buying an island in and eventually setting myself up to run on self sufficient in the future (if the world doesnt come crashing down first), there are plenty of uninhabited islands you can pick up at a reasonable price cause they are logistically hard to set up on, no infrastrucure whatsoever. Then when the world crashed down i wont even know cause ill be on my little island with green power and clean water, fishing and cropping and just chilling out

posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 07:02 PM

Originally posted by spqrenki
reply to post by opethPA

I didn't respond to you because I think you answered your own question. "The best slave is one that thinks he is free"... being able to choose where you work is equivalent of choosing between drinking bleach or cyanide. The result is still the same. If you enjoy your job, congratulations, but for every one person that actually enjoys their job, there are 10 others that dread waking up in the morning and going back to that same garbage, day after day, year after year. You got lucky, you got to actually enjoy what you do. Most of us are on the grind.

The point of thread was not about how working is slavery. I'll be the first to admit that not everyone is cut out to run their own business. There are leaders and there are followers and a large majority of the population are followers. Simply put, Government puts restriction on those of us whom are leaders. Those who are followers will never see an issue with my original post.

I agree with spqrenki on this point. The way modern society is set-up there will always inevitably be a majority of persons (and animals) who absolutely despise their work options and find no real fulfillment in their "part" within society. Our society requires so many unpleasant, unfulfilling, and indirectly satisfying tasks be completed routinely and repetitively for longer hours than would be necessary in a non-domesticated society that an overwhelming majority will be miserable and dissatisfied unless heavily drugged and propagandized.

Let me give you an example of what I mean... Suppose a man could find fulfillment in making pencils every day, eight hours a day (or longer) for the rest of his life. What are the odds of 10, 100, 1000, or even the 10s of thousands of people necessary to make enough pencils for our society will feel the same way? Someone HAS to do it or we will not have enough pencils, or worse yet, no pencils at all. Now look even deeper.

It may be that one man in 10s of thousands or millions could be perfectly content manufacturing pencils everyday for his entire life, but this is only likely if he gets DIRECT fulfillment in doing so - seeing the pencil through its production from beginning to end. In being involved in the entire operation he can have a direct experience concerning his work and his interaction with society, but this is not how it really works.

That one man will likely have a job bending little metal pieces that somebody else sticks an eraser in and then mounts to a pencil. Consequently, someone else made the eraser, another made the metal piece, and still others helped to make the various other parts of the pencil. In this situation NO ONE got to see any direct fulfillment in their work, unlike say a hunter or fisher or farmer.

Unfortunately, it is more than pencils - our society is full of jobs like this that MUST be done or the system fails, so we (as a society) must either FORCE or COERCE individuals to do the work. Some of that work is much much less pleasant than making pencils.

Now, I know that some will say, "if you don't like that fact, improve your condition and go to school and be one of the lucky few." What a cold and inhuman remark that is! Not everyone can do that - the system would fail. If everyone did this (and believe me most try) there would be no one to do the jobs that NEED done so the rest of us can live off their backs. My point is that the aforementioned argument is either made in ignorance or coming from an individual very lacking in compassion for their fellow man.

And I think this is the main point and displeasure many have with society. To say that society is imperfect is a gross understatement - it requires, supports, and promotes many forms of slavery and it MUST for its own survival.

posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 07:04 PM
Great topic this!

Only recently I have come to my senses and concluded that I am a 'modern slave'.
However, I used to believe that I was in control of my own life by making the right choices.
So I escaped the grind by working my way up the ladder through volonteer work, studying and eventually getting a degree and a reasonable job.
I concluded that working hard made me 'free-er' because I could buy decent clothes, a haircut and a mobile phone.
Still I'm not satisfied, and maybe I'm just spoiled.

This isn't about money though, it's time. Time is way more valuable than money.
All the time I spend at work making money for the big shots, I can't spend with my family.
It's the bosses that decide how much money I make and how many days I can go on leave.
I could open a business for myself to solve that problem but then I venture in a world full of new problems.

I am not a lawyer so I'm afraid I can't make 'a case' nor have I learned to debate.
Besides that, english is not my native language so forgive me for putting it bluntly.

We are not free because we have to be able to identify ourselves.
We can't live anywhere we want.
We are not allowed to build self sustaining homes (as in water electricity and such).
I am desperately looking for an escape but haven't found one as of yet.

That said, I just saw a documentary that actually gave some ALTERnatives.
I had watched a few minutes before but dismissed it because I thought it was too 'new agee'.
But I decided to give it another chance today and was pleasently surprised.

A lot of you probably saw the documentary 'thrive'.
For those who have not, I highly recommend it.
It talks about the 'elite' being in control in a way that mostly benefits them.
We are naive to think they have our best interrest in running this world.

Follow the money.
Or rather, don't!
There are alternatives you know. (Like time for time.)

Just take a look at Thrive, there is a plan for peacefull revolution.


posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 07:14 PM
reply to post by spqrenki

and nobody's gonna do a damn thing about it.

posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 07:18 PM
Younger generations just show, live of the parents and have no clue how hard they actualy work in the slave force in America.

So lets show the new generation calling us cogs in a wheel.

I made just over $50,000 dollars in 2012, between the Fed tax of $2231.06,State tax of $2348.81, Medicare tax $809.17, Gasoline tax (fed&State on 1000 gallons)$1335.39, TV Tax $41.40, Electric Tax 408.36, State and Local Sales Tax $2549, Property Tax$1500, Phone Surcharges $172.44, Car Insurance $502, Home Insurance $578, Family Medical Insurance $4091, Life Insurance $487, Shcool Lunches (make to much for the discount)$900, Home Payment $6600, Food $3800 (family of 4), Car Payment $5400.

So you are telling me with the above listed that its fair that 70% of my money is going towards taxes, insurance a roof over my head and transportation, lets not forget I did not show what my bills really are, by the end of the month I am lucky to have $30 left in my pocket, I have not taken a real vaction in over 20 years, i don't call going to the inlaws a vacation, I don't have a cell phone, raley do I go out to eat maybe twice a year. Its hard to raise a family of 4 and to provide them with the basics, you learn to do with out and I believe so should the goverment, Yes we are a slave to them, Between the taxes alone they get 25% of my income one way or another. The insurance companys get the majority of the rest,

So really what can we do but be slaves to the american goverment, what other choices do we have? we need to support our familys and hope they will do better than us.

posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 07:22 PM
I totally agree with the OP on this. I started thinking about this back in 05 while working my ass of at a sawmill for 8.50 an hour. That is after being there for four years. That place died in 06. I work my butt off at any job i'm at. I don't bitch about things, I'm on time, I do what i'm supposed to do. But it doesn't matter. I'm still chasing green paper like every one else. And after doing it for 11 years, It's gotten me nothing except an empty soul. Iv'e had crappy jobs and really good ones, but nothing changes. YOU NEED MONEY to buy food, to have a place to live, to buy your stupid iPhones, and flat screen TV's. Its all a trap. Think about it. This is our planet. I don't care if you believe in God or evolution, this is OUR PLANET! We are meant to survive and thrive on this planet. We don't need cars, or houses, or TV dinners, or any of that crap. But you can't just go pick a piece of land and live on it. If you do, your breaking some stupid law. If you kill a rabbit to eat it and you don't have a small game licence, your breaking the law. You can only camp some places for 14 days then you have to move. That's National Forest land, you have to pay to camp anyway. Most free land is BLM and you have to move every so often also. If you don't, some armed retard comes to talk to you and or fine you. We are all Forced into this system. If you try to escape it you have some armed guy chasing you. Really? What do you? I am sick and tired of this place and I don't know what to do. I don't really like Alex Jones but this is a PRISON PLANET! It's either conform or be marked as bad guy, or terrorist. We could unite and stop this but most people are to busy supporting their families, or chasing that big screen TV, or that new car. What do we do?

posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by Jeremiah65

Fantastic video.
Star for you.

posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 07:38 PM
reply to post by spqrenki

What if I'm happy, what if I'm comfortable, does that make me a slave too? I love my life right now and to call it slavery would be a slap in the face to everyone who ACTUALLY suffered slavery...

I get what you're trying to do here, but I also don't get it...

edit on 17-2-2013 by jhn7537 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 07:44 PM
reply to post by timewraith117

Don't participate anymore

Boycot the elite.
edit on 17-2-2013 by z00mster because: Meh, image link didn't work

posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 07:45 PM

Originally posted by intrptr
Yah, it is impossible today to start a business from the ground up. If you have money its easy. You can afford to wait and get a permit or license, lease a storefront, purchase all the equipment and raw material and then advertise and have a grand opening...

All the corporate giants Colonel Sanders, Wendy's, McDonalds and a plethora of others got their start small and built slow from back yard BBQ and kitchen ovens. Now they are mega giants and have replaced the very system they used with one that makes it impossible for others to do the same thing. Thats called a Monopoly and it is what rules today.

The terms "Squatters rights", "staking a claim" and "garbage is public property once it hits the curb" are being systematically changed by the attorneys for the very same large corporations that want it all. They call it "maximizing profits" but that really means you are their competition and must be eliminated.

Or work for them.

Or go into debt with them.

Everything you're describing is retail based business, which can be tough, but I know numerous people (personally) who started their own consulting companies over the last 3-4 years and have thriving businesses, I actually work for one that started 4 years ago this month. Our business has grown by 837% (over the last 3 years)and we were ranked in the top 20 for the VAR 500 fastest growing IT companies.... Its not impossible, it just takes a savvy businessman today. Many people believe they can run a business, but in all fairness, they have no idea what it takes and that's why so many fail...
edit on 17-2-2013 by jhn7537 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 07:50 PM

Originally posted by jhn7537
reply to post by spqrenki

What if I'm happy, what if I'm comfortable, does that make me a slave too? I love my life right now and to call it slavery would be a slap in the face to everyone who ACTUALLY suffered slavery...

I get what you're trying to do here, but I also don't get it...

edit on 17-2-2013 by jhn7537 because: (no reason given)

Exactly the point I have been saying all day...
Im sorry other people have not been skilled enough, lucky enough, determined enough, whatever enough to be in a different or better position than they are.
I really hope those scenarios improve in some way for them so that they can live the life they want.

That's not my life though and I don't feel guilty or bad about where I am.

posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 07:55 PM

Originally posted by opethPA

Originally posted by jhn7537
reply to post by spqrenki

What if I'm happy, what if I'm comfortable, does that make me a slave too? I love my life right now and to call it slavery would be a slap in the face to everyone who ACTUALLY suffered slavery...

I get what you're trying to do here, but I also don't get it...

edit on 17-2-2013 by jhn7537 because: (no reason given)

Exactly the point I have been saying all day...
Im sorry other people have not been skilled enough, lucky enough, determined enough, whatever enough to be in a different or better position than they are.
I really hope those scenarios improve in some way for them so that they can live the life they want.

That's not my life though and I don't feel guilty or bad about where I am.

Same... I'm 27 (soon to be 28) and within 4 years I've gone from an account manager to a Director of Sales... I've worked my tale off being the first guy in the office and last one out to prove myself and slowly but surely I made a great name for myself.... I'm in IT consulting/sales, where you can make significant money +6 figures pretty easy if you're any good and the skies literally the limit.... I came from zero money, put myself through college with loans and scholarships i paid for/earned and things are finally paying off...

I honestly feel that people refuse to "work" for it anymore... Obviously you will get those few exceptions to the rule, but I feel like most americans are lazy today... And with so many lazy people out there today its easy to blow everyone away if you have a crazy good work ethic and have zero problem working 60+ hours per week...
edit on 17-2-2013 by jhn7537 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 07:59 PM
I'm just going to suggest that people try to live within their means, rather than rack up the debt, screw up their credit, then bitch because they become slaves to their own poor judgements.

The system games us all, but you can game the system for all it's worth as well.

You don't need a new phone every year, or a new car ever 3-5. You don't need to eat fast food, or eat out, you can cook your own.

I can live off next to nothing, because I save 20% of whatever I get, and purchase 90% with cash, only leaving 10% for the credit cards to help maintain excellent credit.

You know why people are complaining? Because they didn't live within their means throughout the insanity that was the early 2000's. I called it out early, and stayed clear of the bastards trying to give me loans for things I didn't need, and couldn't afford.

You got conned. Now you must pay. Part of that seems to be continuing with your poor judgements, and considering yourself a slave. You are but a slave to your weak judgements and perceptions.

Consolidate your debt, sell off non-essential possessions, downgrade your standards of living, and crawl out of the hole you dug yourself into. The wise have been doing this for several years already. Adapt or die out early and miserable. You find out what people are made of when the going gets rough.

posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 08:34 PM
How can you quit? I only know one way out and it ain't pretty. Most people don't have the luxury of quiting but they don't have the luxury of having a job either. Either way you are dammed, well unless you are one of those with entrenched wealth and sucking the system dry. I am not talking about welfare obviously. Welfare, social security, unemployment, disability, medicare, medicaid all going to dry up since people put less and less money into the kitty and the evil government diverts for the military industrial complex to bomb non christian and non capitalist countries.

You have ussa in your avatar but isn't full blown communism better? Think of having a car, a house, a STEADY JOB(that is the biggest luxury of all, right?), maybe even a vacation(WOW).

Its like choosing between beezlebug and satan. I think beezlebug is less evil. Blue pill or red pill. You lose either way, but stupid people choose to lose because they are afraid to take chances. I plan on voting constitution party from now on with no regrets. Maybe they will eventually win when we get NEW MEDIA OUTLETS with more common sense and less bribes in their pockets.

Its going to get dire before we get that digital currency and rfid chip. The ptb are patient sobs and great at torture it seems. At that time maybe we should flip them the bird and create our own system with public central banking.

posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 08:38 PM
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

Those diverted funds going into the MIC helps to ensure the dollars we get are still worth more than a peso.

The new media outlets are online. Don't expect the truth to come through MSM any time soon.

posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 08:41 PM
reply to post by spqrenki
I keep looking for something new in these "are we slaves or free people threads" and its always the same thing, no real solution's.

Whats mine you say? it is the same thing I have always preached, unity, demonstration and boycott. The only problem is the "agenda has divided the American people so well that people will never come together hence what else I say a lot to people like you and others here, there is no one left to fix the problems that have been created (and I do mean created), so like you said, we will most likely have to wait and let it all come down and see if people are ready to walk the walk or keep whinning while they are being rounded up like cattle.

I wonder, how well do you think people will get along when they are all in the same know, foraging for food, water and some resonable place for safety for there loved one's. It took 5 days to get drinking water to the people that were hit by Katrina...........just imagine when the whole country ...............well, you know what I'm getting at.

edit on 17-2-2013 by Battleline because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 08:41 PM

Originally posted by jhn7537
reply to post by spqrenki

What if I'm happy, what if I'm comfortable, does that make me a slave too? I love my life right now and to call it slavery would be a slap in the face to everyone who ACTUALLY suffered slavery...

I get what you're trying to do here, but I also don't get it...

edit on 17-2-2013 by jhn7537 because: (no reason given)

Can i ask what job are you in?

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