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See the others here, when others cannot?

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posted on Jan, 9 2013 @ 11:36 AM
reply to post by jhill76

I don't mind sharing someof what i've experienced or what my loved one's have experienced. I've known many people throughout my life who are very close to the Father.

Usually, what I see are only glimpses because I let the Holy Spirit redirect my thoughts. But, i've seen dark "beings" in many places. The father has given me discernment when needed. So, I usually know what I am seeing, because He tells me if it is from Him or not. My best friend, the one who was in the car with me in my previous post...I've seen the dark "beings" on their front porch as i'm driving by their house. Which prompted me to pray over their property and home.

I also had 2 experiences in the same friend's house when we were younger. A light that I kept turning back on, was being turned off. It was very annoying, and I didn't like the way it felt, so I decided that we should leave that room.

Same friend, same house....a pencil kept getting lost. It was just us two in the house, and we had a very un-cluttered desk where we were, just some paper and we had 1 pencil. It kept getting lost, and we finally decided to quit looking for it. That's when it showed up. I guess that's nothing, but it felt like something to me.

I know some people who based on the story they told me, I think they had some "hell hounds" chasing them. I could be wrong, but I guess it's possible.

I know a woman, named Angel, who went to be with Jesus. She had many experiences. Like raising the dead. She has an amazing story that glorified the Father. That story contains so many experiences that she had directly with the Father. May His name be praised.

posted on Jan, 9 2013 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by jhill76

I cannot see them but sometimes I feel another presence as if someone/something is there. For instance I walked down to my basement (my man cave) last night and it was unusually cold. I had a passing thought that there was a sprirt present but the though quickly faded as I half-acknowledged it might be there. As I turned on my computer and got into my normal routine I noticed the temperature was what I would expect it to be.

Another strange thing happened many ago when I was a new dog owner. I had her out one night across the street from my house where there is a wooded area. I was trying to hurry her along to do her business and a voice said to me "patence". Did I hear it or was it in my head? It certainly wasn't my voice and no one else was outside.

I've often wondered what it would be like to see...but then again I'm afraid what I would see. I did so many bad things as a kid that I fear something from my past is waiting to catch up to me! I've been told that I have a strong spriritual connection but I haven't really explored using my gift (if you want to call it that).

posted on Jan, 9 2013 @ 10:52 PM
reply to post by frostbitemartini

Thank you for sharing your story.

Usually when I see dark around a person, said person is influenced heavily by said entitirs.

posted on Jan, 9 2013 @ 11:28 PM
I don't usually see too many things or beings. It made me wonder what someone else saw when something opened up a door for me one night. I initially thought I got real lucky that the wind just happened to blow or gust hard enough at just the right time to blow the lobby door open for me. It closed after I walked in. A guy in the lobby stared for a couple of seconds as if amazed and terrified at the same time. I was wondering if he saw something I did not. He took off and ran for it as if he saw something that scared the living daylights out of him.

I didn't find it spooky until the door opened by itself when I left. I never saw anything. I suspected there was some unknown entity doing it especially when the lobby door in the next building opened up for me as if I had an invisible servant. Either that or some invisible entity was getting a kick out of making me wonder what was going on. I don't remember ever having any more invisible doormen.

I have a relative who claims to have seen Satan and possibly dead people and who knows what else. I might have suspected she was crazy if I had not experienced very strange things from time to time. If I wasn't familiar with my own situation with getting static electricity pokes when touching standing water in a particular church building, I might think she was crazy saying she got a big poke last weekend but I knew the charge on me probably transferred to her when she was holding on to me.
I thought it was funny watching her jump.

One strange thing I see are very fast flickers as if I saw someone for a very tiny fraction of a second from time to time. I used to notice computer screens blinking before they got faster when I chewed on anything. Apparently faster refresh rates got rid of the constant flicker I noticed. I often see ripples in the air around vehicles and other moving objects outside. I thought at one time everyone could see that. A few times after drinking a few beers, I see everything moving in slow motion but I can still move fast. I've easily got the top scores on arcade machines when that happens. Of course I believe many police and others doubt me when I say everything sometimes moves in slow motion but I can still think and move fast with a few beers. Most think alcohol dulls the senses. If it is dulling my senses, a few beers makes me realize I'm super fast and impairs whatever mechanism slows things down to a normal human pace. Anything much past a few beers and it does start to impair my speed and coordination. I'm just mentioning weird things I've observed.
edit on 9/1/13 by orionthehunter because: (no reason given)

edit on 9/1/13 by orionthehunter because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 12:26 AM

Originally posted by jhill76

Originally posted by Izak4K
reply to post by jhill76

Interesting, can you tell me more about their purpose why they are here? I felt like I knew them but not from this life.

I will private message you on the second part.

But, their purpose here is to keep man on their path and keep things running according to what is written or to plan. Here, there are a few different types. There are guides or what man calls them guardian angels, if they are from above, they will always be on your right. They are there to protect, and keep you on your path. Some also, will have another that will record.

There are also soldiers whom protect certain ones here, that need additional protection, that a guide cannot provide. The soldiers are only their to watch and protect, not interact with man. They move faster and can speak faster than all of the other "angels".

Some others that are here are floaters (who will intercede and be utilized if they are needed, otherwise they standby so to speak.) Also, there are some that control the elements (rain, wind, etc.). There are more that do different things above, but these are the main ones that are here.

Since man cannot see some of them, there are some here who will inhabit a vessel (body), to do various tasks that require a physical touch.
edit on 7-1-2013 by jhill76 because: (no reason given)

Hello thank you for your OP, I am really interested in this thread. Can you talk more about the soldiers. You see I was doing energy work a few years ago and I had a sleep paralysis incident and what was possibly a hypnogogic hallucination. It happened twice.

There was a tall man at the end of my bed by tall I mean about 6ft 5, in uniform but more like a darthvader sort of uniform, I could not see his face, it was covered with somesort of helmet, he was watching me, observing me, somewhat dispassionately, I did not feel fear or danger - it was like he was checking up on me. Very weird,

I have tried my hardest to block any further visions with limited success. It frightened me.

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 01:44 AM
reply to post by HelenConway

addit: I saw him in my mediatations too - he kept appearing with Knights Templars or christian warrier types with white tabbards / leather belts/ boots and red crosses .. it was weird. He gave me a name too.
As I said it freaked me and i stopped raising my energy.

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 04:49 AM
reply to post by jhill76

I never said the dark was around the person. I saw what I assume are "negative spirits."

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 08:57 AM

Originally posted by frostbitemartini
reply to post by jhill76

I never said the dark was around the person. I saw what I assume are "negative spirits."

I use that term to describe negative spirits.

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 03:01 PM
reply to post by HelenConway

Hi Helen,

Just wanted to jump in here; I think you saw someone from a group of beings I've come to call the "sith lords" because they have a really awful energy, very Darth Vader-like, in fact! To me they always present as having a knights templar type of tunic with chain mail underneath usually, but they ALWAYS have hidden heads/or black voids where a head should be. I've never seen one helmeted, but your description sounded just like one of these bastards. I finally figured out after multiple encounters with them a few things.....(in one encounter they tried to implant something in my heart and I woke up lucidly and proclaimed my spiritual sovereignty, which made them back off, and then they wanted to "examine" me to understand why I had the ability to resist, and I in turn interviewed THEM.) The reason why there is no face/head is because they have entirely given their essence over in service to the dark and operate as drones or robots or dark warriors for that antimatter energy that is trying to overwrite the wonderful, loving expansive energy of our universe; the antimatter universe doesn't belong here and there was an incursion from their universe into ours a long time ago, many of the angels at that point became demonic and turned against their own loving nature; and this same antimatter essence has invaded and overcome many other species on different worlds (including many of the gray, reptilian, and Nordic humanoid species.)

This antimatter presence needs individual beings to do its dirty business and allow it to have entrance/access here. There was a group of knights templar in the Middle Age period who signed on with this essence or its representatives thinking it was the key to knowing God, of experiencing immortality, and so on -- and now they sometimes patrol psychically gifted healers and spiritual warrior types living on Earth, mostly abducting or trying to influence them from the lower astral where they hang out. The one I interviewed spoke with an accent I can only describe as "Old German," like someone speaking with an accent people would have had in the Middle Age period, only he was speaking very formalized English with this odd, old-sounding, early Germanic accent. He was entirely arrogant, soulless, and void in "his" energy -- although he didn't actually have his OWN energy anymore as he had completely given over his own sovereign essence in service to the dark.

In short -- these beings are not good news. Cast them out by stating "I am a spiritually sovereign being. You have no power over me." Or cast them out with creation energy (the opposite of that antimatter stuff) and/or with love energy.

Just wanted to chime in about that!
Hope it's helpful.

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 03:38 PM

Originally posted by LipstickMystic
reply to post by HelenConway

Hi Helen,

Just wanted to jump in here; I think you saw someone from a group of beings I've come to call the "sith lords" because they have a really awful energy, very Darth Vader-like, in fact! To me they always present as having a knights templar type of tunic with chain mail underneath usually, but they ALWAYS have hidden heads/or black voids where a head should be. I've never seen one helmeted, but your description sounded just like one of these bastards. I finally figured out after multiple encounters with them a few things.....(in one encounter they tried to implant something in my heart and I woke up lucidly and proclaimed my spiritual sovereignty, which made them back off, and then they wanted to "examine" me to understand why I had the ability to resist, and I in turn interviewed THEM.) The reason why there is no face/head is because they have entirely given their essence over in service to the dark and operate as drones or robots or dark warriors for that antimatter energy that is trying to overwrite the wonderful, loving expansive energy of our universe; the antimatter universe doesn't belong here and there was an incursion from their universe into ours a long time ago, many of the angels at that point became demonic and turned against their own loving nature; and this same antimatter essence has invaded and overcome many other species on different worlds (including many of the gray, reptilian, and Nordic humanoid species.)

This antimatter presence needs individual beings to do its dirty business and allow it to have entrance/access here. There was a group of knights templar in the Middle Age period who signed on with this essence or its representatives thinking it was the key to knowing God, of experiencing immortality, and so on -- and now they sometimes patrol psychically gifted healers and spiritual warrior types living on Earth, mostly abducting or trying to influence them from the lower astral where they hang out. The one I interviewed spoke with an accent I can only describe as "Old German," like someone speaking with an accent people would have had in the Middle Age period, only he was speaking very formalized English with this odd, old-sounding, early Germanic accent. He was entirely arrogant, soulless, and void in "his" energy -- although he didn't actually have his OWN energy anymore as he had completely given over his own sovereign essence in service to the dark.

In short -- these beings are not good news. Cast them out by stating "I am a spiritually sovereign being. You have no power over me." Or cast them out with creation energy (the opposite of that antimatter stuff) and/or with love energy.

Just wanted to chime in about that!
Hope it's helpful.

LipstickMystic - thank you, your reply was very helpful but terrifying. Thank fully they have not visited me again, this was three years ago. It is odd he was at the end of my bed but I dont think he expected me to see him. I was asleep [ I always sleep with a side light on in the hall] and in my sleep I was suddenly aware and awake to some danger some presence, I felt like a pressure and a whoosh of sucking energy, like a vortex, gripping my inards, so I forced my eyes open even though I was suffering some sort of sleep paralysis.

It was so weird he seemed very indifferent as if i was part of some sort of audit and he was evaluating me, it did not feel evil just as I said profpundly indifferent. He was very solid like a real person, nothing etheric about him.

It was like I had a glimpse for a second or two and then I was put to sleep again - and did not wake again for several hours.

Funnily enough I had been doing alot of healing work at the time and was having many very real dreams where I was in dark places and I would pray in my dream to Jesus or St Michael because I was so scared, and this amazing blue white light would sear through my body and hands and the creatures would run.

The energy is nothing I have experienced in my waking life - it was pure love, but with a strength and fierce quality, so powerful and pure and as I said they would run and cower from me. I felt such compassion for these creatures in my dream, it was like they were so hurt and damaged... then this dark policeman arrived and I shut down because I do not want to get an etheric ASBO or be on their watch list.

However - the Knights Templar , I am not so sure about, they seemed to be beings of light, they were in a church, a stone building, they seemed very light and they had the chalice with them...

If you can share anything else I would be fascinated.

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 04:16 PM
reply to post by HelenConway

Can you talk more about the soldiers.

Background: I see in your post you mentioned clothing. Two possible scenarios here: Above will show themselves in a way that is most comfortable to you, or the mind will add scenery, where scenery is missing, if that makes sense.

But, the soldiers are there to protect under the direction of Michael. They carry a weapon, and monitor below, and that of man to protect the ones deemed necessary to protect via Father.

Out of all of the angels, they move and speak the fastest, and their sight is that of physical and not of spiritual, so they can properly see danger pending.

There was a tall man at the end of my bed by tall I mean about 6ft 5, in uniform but more like a darthvader sort of uniform, I could not see his face, it was covered with somesort of helmet, he was watching me, observing me, somewhat dispassionately, I did not feel fear or danger - it was like he was checking up on me. Very weird

What name did he give?
edit on 10-1-2013 by jhill76 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 04:24 PM
reply to post by jhill76


posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 04:55 PM

Originally posted by HelenConway
reply to post by jhill76


That is one whom is neutral, not from above, he is seated at common ground, but he is learning.

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 05:18 PM

Originally posted by jhill76

Originally posted by HelenConway
reply to post by jhill76


That is one whom is neutral, not from above, he is seated at common ground, but he is learning.

ok thank you for that information - but why was he watching me ?
It was 5 years ago - but still it unsettled me for ages, I did not appreciate it.
I try to be good and I only want to be involved with the light.
edit on 10-1-2013 by HelenConway because: (no reason given)

BUT as I said he did feel neutral not evil or good just neutral - good word I suppose or dispassionate,
edit on 10-1-2013 by HelenConway because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 05:21 PM

Originally posted by HelenConway

Originally posted by jhill76

Originally posted by HelenConway
reply to post by jhill76


That is one whom is neutral, not from above, he is seated at common ground, but he is learning.

ok thank you for that information - but why was he watching me ?
It was 5 years ago - but still it unsettled me for ages, I did not appreciate it.
I try to be good and I only want to be involved with the light.
edit on 10-1-2013 by HelenConway because: (no reason given)

He poses no threat, he is learning to be of good. When there is a transition period (when the soldiers are rotated or they have to go for update), then the neutral soldiers will stand guard until they return.

It is to be noted that not all of humans here have soldiers assigned.

I try to be good and I only want to be involved with the light.

This is known, thus the protection.
edit on 10-1-2013 by jhill76 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 05:25 PM
reply to post by jhill76

thank you this is really interesting. I would love it if you shared more about the soldiers. I have never heard of them before. Funnily enough - I do align with Michael, I always ask for his protection for years and years I have.

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 05:30 PM

Originally posted by HelenConway
reply to post by jhill76

thank you this is really interesting. I would love it if you shared more about the soldiers. I have never heard of them before. Funnily enough - I do align with Michael, I always ask for his protection for years and years I have.

They are very absolute, and do not usually engage in conversation with man. They are the only ones besides the arcs whom can communication rapidly without using the screens.

They cannot give word either, just quick information when needed. For example, you can't ask them, what the meaning of said dream was, etc. They will inform you, that you need to speak to above about that.

When I am driving, and I see an accident about to take place, I will redirect the soldiers to prevent said accident so said people will be safe. They perform these tasks as well.

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 05:55 PM
reply to post by jhill76

thank you .
second line

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 11:49 PM

Originally posted by HelenConway
reply to post by jhill76

thank you .
second line

This may be of help to describe the others:

Differenct classfications and roles of angels

posted on Jan, 11 2013 @ 07:58 AM
Have you heard of any beings called the 'Arkons' or 'Arcons' (not sure of spelling)? I know someone who often talks about people having 'their arcons to deal with'. Speaks of them like some sort of negative entities.


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