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Guns used in 67% of murders in US

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posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 07:57 PM

Originally posted by CB328
With all the arguments lately about gun control, it seems that people are purposely overlooking the fact that guns create a huge amount of suffering and death. 67% of murders in the US are caused by guns.

That is a staggering figure, over 2/3rds. Then you have to add in the thousands of accidental gun deaths that happen each year, many of which include children. You would think that people concerned about protecting peoples' lives would come to the obvious conclusion that getting rid of guns (or at least cheap and easy access to guns) would do a lot of good and save tons of lives.
edit on 31-12-2012 by CB328 because: typo

Oooh ahhhh sounds so scary doesn't it... but gee how may deaths are there from guns as opposed to other causes of death lets take a look

he preliminary number of deaths in the United States for 2011 was 2,513,171 (Tables A and 1).

Injury by firearms 32,163 (table 2)

So if we calculate the percentage firearms account for 1.2 percent of all deaths almost insignificant in comparison to oh say cars or doctors and 100s of other causes of death before firearms. Your chances are nearly a 100 time greater of dying from a car accident or a doctor then by a gun.

Sort of puts things in perspective don't it? Id say it exposes the irrational and hysterical focus and agenda on something that poses a very tiny risk compared to 100s of other things you can die from! /thread

edit on 1-1-2013 by hawkiye because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-1-2013 by hawkiye because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 08:06 PM

Originally posted by cornucopia

the odds of ever having to defend yourself are higher than being struck by lightning.

not a one liner

I beg to differ.

It is a sobering statistic, but 3 out of 4 women in America will fall victim to violent crime somewhere in their lifetime. This is not a slim chance or a far-fetched possibility, but sadly a real likelihood. How you survive such an event depends almost entirely on how well you prepare. If you need information on Victim resources, click here.

I'm not sure where your stats came from to suggest that, but mine are from the Law Enforcement Alliance of America's website and information outreach. I tend to believe they are in a good position to know. Seems a lot more likely than lightning to me.

posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 09:01 PM

Originally posted by Wrabbit2000

Originally posted by cornucopia

the odds of ever having to defend yourself are higher than being struck by lightning.

not a one liner

I beg to differ.

It is a sobering statistic, but 3 out of 4 women in America will fall victim to violent crime somewhere in their lifetime. This is not a slim chance or a far-fetched possibility, but sadly a real likelihood. How you survive such an event depends almost entirely on how well you prepare. If you need information on Victim resources, click here.

I'm not sure where your stats came from to suggest that, but mine are from the Law Enforcement Alliance of America's website and information outreach. I tend to believe they are in a good position to know. Seems a lot more likely than lightning to me.

i call bs on that one...

that is fear propaganda, imo

posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 09:03 PM
looks like evolution will be challenging for some

Humanity will become Galactic on this world....

low consciousness will not hold us back any longer

posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 09:07 PM
Wakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee UPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So who will still have guns if we dont........ THE GOVERNMENT....... Sounds like a bad idea to me....... Wait but lets stop and think for a minute.... Why did those children get killed was it because of the gunman ..... or was it because it was not in anyones power to stop this man on going on a killing spree.... I would like to think that any normal man in thier right mind who was holding the same power would have stopped this man..... So if you want these type of things to happen more offten............ Yes lets bann guns...... Because as it is with these gun laws , fines, and other time consuming back breaking ways to deter americans from buying a gun to defend themselves already make it hard to stoppp these idiots... especially the government......

posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 09:26 PM
reply to post by TheWise92991

government does not scare me, in fact nothing does...

honestly if think the government is the boogey man then you are on the wrong track, it is the international banking cartel that you should be looking at...

the government even though some of it is dumb it is still american, lol


posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 09:27 PM

Originally posted by cornucopia
i'm a bleeding heart liberal?

yes i do have a heart, i am peace and love...

No offense, but you're incredibly naive.

can you imagine a utopia?

Yes, and I do not delude myself into thinking it can, or will ever be achieved.

i know how to end 90% of crime, end poverty.

lets cut the pentagon and/or re-tool the military industrial complex for peace and end poverty and starvation in America...

isn't that a novel idea?


anything is possible, all a choice...

i choose peace and abundance for all...

i choose justice, fairness, loving rehabilitation instead of for-profit prisons, i can go on and on...

you are an aspect of God...


That sounds great and all, but you seem to be completely sheltered and devoid from reality. The world doesn't work the way you "wish" it did. Your heart might very well be in the right place, but your head most certainly isn't.

If we are to achieve a galactic civilization status, it won't necessarily be through your scenario. Humanity will get there someday, but we will experience a fair share of our own growing pains. Unilaterally disarming law abiding people, and dictating what they can choose to protect themselves with; will not set us on this path. Self accountability and responsibility however will give us a good start. But so long as there is egotism, hate and animosity, envy, and jealousy, you will never rid our society from crime. We will have to experience those growth pains and deal with them in time.
edit on 1-1-2013 by rock427 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 09:32 PM

Originally posted by macman
reply to post by CJCrawley

The homicidal maniac with explosives.

Guns are not the problem.

Let's remind ourselves of my post to which you are replying:

"Homicidal maniac with a knife: 3 people die.

Homicidal maniac with a gun: 20 people die.

Which is worse?

(answers on a postcard)"

Thank you.

I'm pleased that you agree with me that any weapon of mass destruction (one that enables the individual to kill multiple people at once from a distance) is worse than any other variety.

Any sane, western government ought, therefore, to make it as difficult as possible for their citizens to access such weapons.

posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 09:32 PM
I'm sorry, your argument is ignorant at best.
100% of the "gun" murders are committed by criminals.
The same criminals who would rob, rape, and/or kill any person that can not defend themselves.

Ban guns and the criminals will still have them, and crime would increase.
Like in Australia when they ban guns, not only did all crime increase, but they had a new crime called home invasions that they never had before.

And remember the worst school massacre of in the US?

Bath Township, Michigan, on May 18, 1927, Andrew Kehoe killed 38 elementary school children, two teachers, and four other adults and injured at least 58 people. Kehoe first killed his wife, set off a major explosion in a school building, and committed suicide with a third explosion. Most of the victims were children in the second to sixth grades (7–14 years of age) attending the Bath Consolidated School. Their deaths constitute the deadliest mass murder in a school in United States history.
38 elementary school children, yet not one shot was fired. And this was in a time when you could walk into almost any store and buy a gun, not to mention there was not one "gun free zone".

Stop trying to push that "socialist America" agenda like Sarah Brady, while using the death of other people as your base because it's just sick.

“Our main agenda is to have ALL guns banned. We must use whatever means possible. It doesn't matter if you have to distort facts or even lie. Our task of creating a socialist America can only succeed when those who would resist us have been totally disarmed.” -Sarah Brady

posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 09:40 PM

Originally posted by CB328

It is silly to think that removing guns altogether would stop criminals from finding was to kill or terrorize others.

There would be a hell of a lot less deaths, so it would be a huge improvement. Without guns most of the people killing other people wouldn't have the guts to do it. That's the whole purpose of guns today, to make losers feel like they're powerful.

Really now? So you're telling me a gun ban will make everybody safer. How will you enforce criminals from getting their hands on guns from the black market? Because we all know criminals have no respect for the law or rule of law.

Tell me this, how was nuclear disaster avoided during the cold war between America and Russia? How many public shootings would take place if trained civilians carried concealed weapons?

Lastly, how do you morally justify stripping a human being's ability to defend themselves?

posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 09:49 PM
reply to post by cornucopia

It must be nice to toss a source like that with nothing to support your own side ...and just figure that works. Okay.. Sorry I bothered ya and I'll avoid doing so again. This isn't productive at all to debate about, given that response.

posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 10:26 PM

Fingers involved in 100% of American murders.

Get real no one buys the gun argument anymore,its old news.We all realise people kill people not guns.These people who support the discussion need to find a new way to make money and catalyse political agendas.

Install bulletproof doors in all classrooms,its not even expensive and this will give our excellent first responders time to bring their GUNS and shoot the bad guys dead.All of these mass murders would have been prevented had these doors been installed as responders are ALWAYS there fast.

We need to review the unwilingness of law enforcement to immediatly bust in and fight back to prevent more killings,the first units on scene need to be trained to immediatly intervene and aggressively engage any shooters,NO WAITING FOR BACK-UP---------these responders ARE the back-up,for christsakes.

Install bulletproof doors and train law enforcement to earn their paycheques and proactively and immediatly engage anyone in a school with NO DELAY.

Problem solved,the first one or two murderers who are shot dead this way by first responders and the cachet will quickly be removed from this domestic terrorist action.Anything less than this double pronged solution supported by teachers carrying or having acess to weapons is irresponsible and shortsighted.

There are more good people than bad people so that by proxy is the only support we need for the right to have and bear arms freely and openly.To remove this right or to even go so far as to support a movement that endorses this action is tantamount to treason.So technically anyone lobbying to remove this basic right is committing treason.Trying to rewrite the Constutution is ok,but in a treasonous manner trying to subvert domestic and national security through firearms control is a crime.

There are defined channels available if anyone wishes to readdress the Constitution,and this is the ONLY acceptable way to confront gun ownership or controlls,on a constitutional level,and on no other level.An attempt to do so in any other manner can fairly be considered to be a treasonous act.

Remember the only 100% statistic we have available is that FINGERS are involved in 100% of American gun fatalitys.

Get busy working on the JFK murders if you are American,the crime has been solved online already in hundreds of videos,you dont even have a real legitimate government right now,so what are you guys doing worrying about gun laws??How stubborn are you guys??Will you let the ship sink to protect a very few very guilty people??If you are willing to do that then the World doesnt need America anymore,not until she is through re-hab.

Make the truth about the coup de tat public and NO AMERICAN will ever give up their guns,it seems that there is a sudden push for gun controls directly related to the solving of the JFK murder that has happened since the internet was created and new technology has been developed to asses old evidence with thereby exposing of the government involvement on EVERY level.

This truth WILL NOT go away,America must hang her head in shame over this until the wrong has been righted,and i am not sure there is an American man or woman with the guts and vision to bring this country up off of its knees.Some powermonger with industrial and economic power will continue to control a once great nation,or rather the tattered remains of a once great nation.

You want your country back ,properly and righfully find and prosecute every remaining alive person connected to that coup de tat,and purge your government of any remnants,be they cia,nsa,ss,who cares,wipe the slate clean of the influences that the coup de tat put in place---erase the legacys from HISTORY of those responsible that are dead today cross those names out with the black mark America needs to see--,this means many people who must be removed from power will be young and not alive when the murder happened,but remember its the SPHERE OF INFLUENCE we are hunting today.THAT IS HOW YOUR REGAIN AMERICA.Nothing less will do,the single biggest terminal influence in America today was the murder of her president by her own government as many youtube and data sources have succinctly show happened ,this MUST be the catalyst for Americas bold new future.For without this fair right and legal disclosure,there will be no brave bold new future.Just a continued de-volution,a continued decay of the fabric of Americana.The peoples spirits will eventually break and then so will what purports to be the government.

posted on Jan, 2 2013 @ 07:04 AM

Originally posted by CB328

All stats record that gun crime goes through the roof in areas that persue a gun free policy

That's only for states that have big cities or large minority populations. Areas with gun control that don't have those do not have high crime.

Please cite these Utopian cities, please.

posted on Jan, 2 2013 @ 07:55 AM

Originally posted by murch
Guess what statistics prove nothing. 100% of murders are caused by other humans. 100% of people that drink water die.

90% of murders in non-gun based culture are caused by knifes. Lets ban knifes. Hey, guess what happened, blunt objects now are at the source of most murders.

Christ I'm so sick of this pathetic argument. The point is that guns are more dangerous than knives. They kill more easily than knives. Otherwise the army would be sent into battle with only knives. Why waste money on expensive guns when a cheap blade will do the job? Oh, hold on, because it won't. Get it?

GUNS ARE MORE DANGEROUS THAN KNIVES. Why can't people get this fact through their thick skulls? 20 years ago a mentally ill man broke into my old school with a knife. He began randomly hacking at the kids, fatally-injuring one and wounding several others. He was disarmed by my old maths teacher. If the maniac had a gun, he'd have surely killed a lot more people before he was stopped. People are a lot less likely to tackle a maniac with a gun than if he just had a knife. Also, a person holding a gun has the luxury of keeping a healthy distance between himself and potential enemies. Point and click, and the threat is gone.

So please, can we have less of this ridiculous argument that knives are on the same par as guns?

posted on Jan, 2 2013 @ 08:10 AM

90% of murders in non-gun based culture are caused by knifes. Lets ban knifes. Hey, guess what happened, blunt objects now are at the source of most murders.
reply to post by murch

The problem with people making this type of argument is that knives have a purpose other than to kill, same goes for blunt objects, cars and so on. The only purpose of a gun is to kill, animals or people.

Also, we're all still waiting for the main reason d'etre of american gun ownership to come to fruition; armed resistance against the corrupt, tyrannical US Government.

posted on Jan, 2 2013 @ 08:31 AM
reply to post by CJCrawley

Oh good hell.
Your Alinsky attempt to redefine words and terms is very very cute, but a massive failure.

A firearm is not a "weapon of mass destruction".

A firearm is an inanimate object that you seem to fear like the child fears their closet at night.
You are afraid of the boogeyman and being a grown adult, is very sad to see.

posted on Jan, 2 2013 @ 08:34 AM
reply to post by Morg234

My personal firearms have yet to kill anyone.
Your argument is invalid.

Also, that pesky 2nd Amendment thing kind if guarantees me that right.

posted on Jan, 2 2013 @ 08:48 AM

Originally posted by macman
reply to post by Morg234

Also, that pesky 2nd Amendment thing kind if guarantees me that right.
Not for much longer.

posted on Jan, 2 2013 @ 08:52 AM
reply to post by CB328

I think history speaks for itself.if we give up are guns where doomed.don't be stupid.heed the construction and history or perish.wake up I can't say it enough.

posted on Jan, 2 2013 @ 08:55 AM
reply to post by IBelieveInAliens

And I am sure that you applaud that march.

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