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The Smoking Gun That THEY WANT YOU TO KEEP! The REAL Story.

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posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 01:58 PM
reply to post by torqpoc

Interesting topic, S&F for bringing it up. However you kind of miss the basics here, statistics. How many people are taking SSRIs in the USA versus how many go on a gun rampage. The numbers are going to be so insignificant that they were considered during clinical trails to be acceptable.

I don't think the numbers are going to insignificant at all, especially if you consider the number of murder/suicides that occur within families when the responsible party is on these drugs. There are far more murders and violent incidents occurring that fall into this category than you may think.

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 02:02 PM
I've noticed that some of the anti-depressant commercials now state something along the lines of "if you experience suicidal thoughts or aggression, please talk to your doctor". I wonder how many people pick up on the list of side effects given in these commercials. The commercial itself is about 15 seconds long and the other 30-45 seconds is nothing but possible side effects.

My roommate and best friend had the extremely unfortunate instance of finding her Aunt after she hung herself from a ceiling fan. This would obviously cause much emotional distress and trauma. Instead of suggesting she find ways to come to terms with it and find some help, her physician, not a psychiatrist and without any testing, gave her anti-depressants. When they caused her sleeplessness, he gave her a drug for that too. Fortunately, she only stayed on them for a short period, but I think this was mainly to due with me (very constructively, of course) explaining that she should do her best to get off of them as soon as possible because the feelings she was experiencing were perfectly NORMAL given what she went through.

I think that is something that many people forget. The feelings they want to "forget" are usually perfectly normal reactions to abnormal or extraordinary events. Obviously, none of us LIKE to feel that way, but I think that, too often, many think that feeling that way is somehow wrong and that they need the help of drugs to make them "normal" again.

Given this, I won't hold my breath that the true affects of anti-depressants will ever enter the mainstream discussion because of the sheer number of people who rely on these drugs and don't want to be confronted with the inevitable question of whether or not they should even be taken them let alone the fact that their doctor, whom they trusted, should have ever prescribed them.
edit on 26-12-2012 by nunya13 because: clarify point and delete redundant thought

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 02:25 PM
Right on , you nailed it Heff.
I keep saying it, about every crime like this, that I bet we find out the guy was on meds.

For the people that will say, the person was that way to begin with. Ok maybe they are but they would never follow through with it. Never. Once on them, they just might. I do not own guns. On these meds though, when i tried Paxil, if I had a gun, it would have been used, on me or somebody who hurt me emotionally.

There is a book I read once that details the story of a young man who spent his whole life on meds untill he killed himself, His Bright Light , written by auther Danille. Steel. It's about her son. She is brainwashed into treating her son with the meds.

She thinks it a book about mental illness , but its a book about an uninformed mother who thinks SSRI s were good for him. All through the book, I couldn't stand reading how she did this to him. Pumping him with one drug after another.

I recommend reading the book, not to take her side, but to see how he starts off, how he goes into a downward spiral, brought on by these meds, with a fool for a mother. For parents who are being told by the school your kid has ADHD and Ritalin is recommended , don't give it to your child! School can be where it starts. They say your kid isn't normal. What's normal? Children are unique. The kid can't pay attention? Get a new teacher who can engage children, not put them to sleep. Can't sit still, talks too. much ? He's just inquisitive and more animated. Why say they have a mental disorder?

When they can't find one that applies to a situation , they make up a name. Bi polar was not heard of until the talk shows came on TV. New label, new name for a mental illness, means a new drug to pump into our youth.

Her book should be banned, not applauded. Just like that stupid I am Adam Lanza's mother. Another stupid woman , brainwashed by the system. Here's a tip, if you keep telling someone they are a mental case, need locking up, that is exactly what they will become. Not one of these dimwits ever figures out it was the meds they put their kids on.

disorder. While his mother wrote that she tried everything at her disposal to get him the proper medical help, Traina at 19 died of a self-administered morphine overdose at the home of Julie Campbell; a family friend.[2]

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 02:35 PM

Originally posted by LarryLove
reply to post by Hefficide

The awful truth is that the Newtown massacre has become the ultimate marketing boom to Big Pharma and the arms industry. Look at the record-breaking sales of guns — empty sales racks everywhere and now parents who will be more heightened to their child's oddities will be frog marching them down to the local quack who in turn will reach for the chemistry set for a prescription. Your assertions should be the national — and international — focus, but I fear you are right and the lobby is just too strong.

I think the Adam Lanza's mother letter was put out there to sell mental illness, more drugs.

I see there's some people they work on, while with others they don't.
Even if you get off them, the side effects can be permanent.

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 02:37 PM
link me get this straight. Let's say...i have a headache, and the medicine i need to make this headache go away will, in return, give me a stomach ache, diarhea, nausea; and, make my muscles and bones ache?

You know what else trips me out....why do they "assume" i have a "doctor"? Ask my "doctor" if...??? Last time i checked...doctors graduated for top notch Universities, and those same universities are the homes of "scientists", "politicians", and all these other "professionals". We're just commoners. Pee ons...if you will. We wouldn't and couldn't understand their minds, unless we went to Princeton, Harvard, Yale; you get the picture.

They're ALL in on it!!!

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 02:42 PM
reply to post by chasingbrahman

The design of the mechanism is what's brilliant. Perhaps this is where you became confused, thinking that by stating the design was "brilliant" that I simulaneously infer intent.

I´m not confused at all. If it was not intentional, then how can you call it brilliant? What mechanism, this one?

It's brilliant, actually. The more people who snap and commit these atrocities, the more customers are created. Sure, it costs Big Pharma one customer, but they can get hundreds in return when people complain of depression after being adversely affected by someone's rampage.

This is what I responded to. The OP is blaming Big Pharma for the shooting and you respond with that. You are clearly implying intent there.

Often, designs offer benefits that hadn't been foreseen. It's obvious you've made your entrance into this thread to assert your opinion that SSRI's cannot contribute to the psychological deterioration of a person.

Obvious to a person arguing from his own anti Pharma standpoint maybe. I never said nor implied such a thing and I'm no fan of Pharma either.

The reason I entered this thread was because I feel that the OP is diverting attention from the conspiracy theories about the whole event, and blaming this on "Big Pharma", and we don't even know if the alleged killer was on meds.

So given your opinion, what is your experience with SSRI's? Did you find them to be helpful in treating your disorder or condition?

Not everyone is on psychiatric drugs you know. I think you should up your dose though. You are projecting stuff onto me. I never said a thing that warrants the direction you are going.

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 02:43 PM
reply to post by Hefficide

First off let me say that this is a very well put together thread. Of course certain legal drug have effects on people especially when they are abused. However there are people out here with hidden agendas that are responsible for these mass shootings and they use fear as a weapon. Its the same order out of chaos if you ask me. They create a problem then they present a solution while taking away the little freedom we have.

We will continue to make them live in fear and anger through images and sounds...we will use all the tools we have to accomplish this.

We will use our media to control the flow of information and their sentiment in our favor. We will deceive them into accepting laws that will steal the little freedom they will have.

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 02:44 PM
reply to post by Hefficide

People had to fight them to put suicide as a potential side effect, people are still fighting to have aggression and homicidal thoughts on the labels as well. I have personal experiences of both from different SSRI and SSNRI.

Doctors like to claim chemical imbalances being causes for depression, and that SSRI and SSNRI correct them. If that was really the case, why don't they ever test for these imbalances before pushing the drugs on people?

Some people the drugs do seem to help, but in the long run I doubt it's healthy for the mind. Instead of developing healthy coping mechanisms, people just end up on multiple drugs.... Drugs to help them wake up, drugs to help them get through the day, drugs to help them go to sleep. It's like chemical warfare on the brain and body.

I am convinced most problems out there we are faced with today, are a result of crap sold as food, chemicals in the water, toxic air, and lack of exercise. And all the drugs out there just compound these problems.

edit on Wed, 26 Dec 2012 14:49:41 -0600 by TKDRL because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 02:44 PM
And then there are the women diagnosed with "baby blues" and put on anti-depressants. And then we hear in the
news that they have killed their children. And how many men were on anti-depressants when they killed their wife,
children, and themselves? In a survey from the AMA the #2 cause of death in children is cancer, the #1 cause of
death is suicide. You wont hear about this in newspapers because parents feel guilty , blame themselves , and don t
want it known.I have a friend who is a teacher and told me of 3 of his sons friends who committed suicide in one year.
None of this was reported by the media. It is a sensitive subject, but more parents need to know of these consequences. I see clients medical records on a daily basis. The number of people on SSRI s is phenominal!
The first medication they are ever put on is heartburn medication. There is a lot of evidence out now on the connection
between the gut and psychological problems such as autistic spectrum disorder, adhd, dyslexia, epilepsy, depression,
ocd, anorexia, and schizophrenia.

Gut and Psychology Syndrome
by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride

running with the wolves

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 02:46 PM
reply to post by Hefficide

S&F for an excellent OP. The use of prescribed psychotropic medications is one of the reasons I listed for our country's deteriorating mental health (especially among the young).

From the “Dunblane School Massacre....ended handgun rights in UK” thread:

"...As for why there is so much mental illness, that is such a complicated issue I'm not prepared to go into it at this moment. Consider some contributing factors:

The shattered family.
Poor parenting.
Poor diet & poisoned water.

Powerful psychotropic medication routinely prescribed to children & adolescents.

No ethical or moral training in the home or school.
*Violence on TV, in movies, in computer games.*
Growing overcrowding, growing poverty, and increasingly deteriorating environments to grow up in.

I think much has been intentionally orchestrated over the decades to destroy the common man and to create the NWO slave without moral boundaries.

And of course, the NWO shills will use this latest "outburst" to push for more gun control...."

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 02:46 PM
I wasnt even going to mention this, but I think there is another side to this beyond big pharma and the second ammendment that deserves to be thought of. There is a 300 pound gorilla in the room everyone is neglecting to mention....the fourth ammendement.

I have followed this event very carefully and along with my knowledge on other matters, I feel this will be an assault on illegal search and seizure laws. As of late, there has been a subtle change in the talking points of the msm. Mainly, that "there must have been symtoms, SOMEONE somewhere KNEW this person was mentally ill and capable of murder."
Then there is my personal fave,"Please, if anyone notices strange behavior in your community by residents, you should report it to someone so another potential shooting can possibly be averted!"

At first, that sounds pretty non-threatening....until you think of how a situation like that would unfold.

Right now, I believe it would work similar to this:

John Doe notices Tim Jones, his neighbor, praying to a statue of Satan in his backyard. John Doe decides this behavior is strange and alerts LEO's. LEO's show up to Tim Jones' home and inquire as to the activity in his backyard.
Tim Jones tells the LEO's to leave his property immediately, which they are required to do if theres no warrant. There cannot BE a warrant either as the opinions of what is normal do not pass muster and would violate all kinds of civil liberties.

So the only way to make this snitch program actually work, in my opinion, would be to create a way to circumvent the need for a warrant in cases where mental health is in question. They will probably say something like,"When someone suffers from mental illness, they do not have the cognitive ability to deny a search in which a witness has noticed odd behavior....its for the safety of the kids. You dont hate kids, do you?"

They may start slow by making it seem like a good thing. Perhaps they will claim that anyone caught up in this snitch program will be evaluated by a mental health professional for a day or two and THEN a decision will be made as to what steps are necessary to make this person...."normal". Maybe a stay at your local FEMA camp for a week of "re-integration training".

Big pharma also makes out on this proposition as does the NWO because I'd bet the farm that everyone caught up in this will be found to have some sort of mental illness and put on medications.

Most conspiracies go through this same process of elimination. TPTB always deflect from what reality is. They are subtley coercing you to this end. First...they push gun regulation...something they KNOW will never pass in my opinion. Then, they change the topic to mental health issues. An issue which more people will support as a lesser of two evils when compared to the second ammendment. Now, tptb want people to snitch on eachother if they notice strange behavior. Soon, this whole argument will become about giving LEO's a path to do warrantless searches at their discretion on the word of protect children.
See how that works? Push something huge...then promote lesser evils and dupe the sheep into accepting them. Most peeps think they are "normal", unfortunately...when it comes to mental health professionals, ALL people suffer from something.

This is how I see this playing out, and it honestly seems more probable than a second ammendment battle that cannit ever be won without serious consequences.

This is only my opinion on the puzzle. I have no proof or links so I cannot debate it, only time will tell.

Nice thread OP...S+F

edit on 26-12-2012 by MisterMaster because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by Hefficide
You nailed it!I have had regular docs try to push these meds at me.I read up on the SSRIs and determined that if one were considered bipolar-these meds would be THE worst course of treatment.Now I have hypothyroidism,the symptoms match up to bipolar disorder.I was mislead by docs years ago when I was more impressionable.Thank you for posting this.

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 03:19 PM
reply to post by Newagekid2012
I'm not sure so someone with more knowledge on the subject can enlighten me
once your on these medications or if your diagnosed with a mental disorder are you
no longer qualified to purchase and own a gun...legally?

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 03:30 PM
There's a little problem with your thread:

Lanza WAS NOT on medication before the murders.

So I'm as offended by this easily-debunked witch hunt for people on medication, or the people who make them, as other people are offended by the *other* threads.

It's pretty sick to blame the medications that millions of people around the world depend on to NOT to go on murdering rampages. Especially when you have ZERO evidence that at least one of these murders was actually on medication.


posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 03:48 PM

Originally posted by TWILITE22
reply to post by Newagekid2012
I'm not sure so someone with more knowledge on the subject can enlighten me
once your on these medications or if your diagnosed with a mental disorder are you
no longer qualified to purchase and own a gun...legally?

People on medication can own guns. People with psychiatric diagnoses can still own guns. People in therapy can as well. I don't personally know where the exact line of gun ownership gets crossed here. I've never had that issue, nor dealt with anyone who was dealing with it. I do interact with a few people have spent time in inpatient facilities ( people I knew from the group therapy sessions I used to help with ) and none of them have ever discussed wanting a gun but not being able to own one.

I honestly don't know where that line is. I imagine it probably is the point where one is declared incompetent by a court. This happens during involuntary commitment proceedings.

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 03:53 PM
reply to post by 00nunya00

Fox news is jumping the shark here, IMO. From the article you sourced.

While Newtown buried two more young victims Tuesday in the shooting massacre, authorities said they found no evidence the gunman who killed 27 people was being medicated for mental illness.

Investigators searching the Connecticut home gunman Adam Lanza shared with his mother, Nancy Lanza, seized cellphones, computers and computer games, but found nothing at the residence to indicate he was taking medication, Hearst Connecticut Newspapers reported.

Authorities armed with search warrants are still working to obtain the 20-year-old man's medical records, according to the report. Lanza's parents told friends and divorce mediators that their son had Asperger's syndrome, a form of high-functioning autism, but it was unclear if he had ever been formally diagnosed.

This only means that they found no prescription bottles in the home. But without toxicology and medical records, making a flat statement that he was not on medication is simply assumption and, IMO, proof that Fox is also getting a bit of kickback from pharma.

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 03:55 PM

Originally posted by 00nunya00
There's a little problem with your thread:

Lanza WAS NOT on medication before the murders.

So I'm as offended by this easily-debunked witch hunt for people on medication, or the people who make them, as other people are offended by the *other* threads.

It's pretty sick to blame the medications that millions of people around the world depend on to NOT to go on murdering rampages. Especially when you have ZERO evidence that at least one of these murders was actually on medication.


You can't assert he wasn't on any medication in such a sweeping way. Fox took that snippet from another article which says, 'NEWTOWN -- Investigators seized cellphones, computers and computer games during a search of mass murderer Adam Lanza's home -- but found no evidence that he was being treated with any drugs prescribed for mental illness, a source told Hearst Connecticut Newspapers.' Unfortunately, the over-use of the word 'source' allows pretty much any journalist to write and claim anything nowadays.

To reiterate, neither you nor Fox or the original article has put forward any evidence to say Lanza wasn't being medicated.

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 03:55 PM
reply to post by Hefficide

Perhaps the seeming relationship between these drugs and aggressive behavior stems from the fact the drugs are the main tool we have against mental illness. Spree killers are very likely to have a history with the mental health field and thus more likely to be prescribed them than the average person.

Logic, or something close.

Though when playing with intricate brain chemistry using partial knowledge and guesswork, something is bound to screw up once in a while, especially when profit motive is involved.

But SSRIs have helped friends and myself immensely, definitely making life seem to be more worth living at the least, improving cognition and stopping repetitive, non-productive thoughts at best.

Being a non-violent person, I was surprised to once find myself confronting a belligerent stranger while on them, but I thought it came about from better self-esteem and a "spark" that helped me stand up for myself... but in the realm of delicate brain chemistry, who knows exactly.

BTW, if you are an NRA supporter, you sure as heck better be for decriminalization of recreational drug use. Drugs are a tool that can be harmful if in the wrong hands. Just because some people misuse them, why should all people be restricted from their use? Familiar argument?

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 03:56 PM
reply to post by Hefficide

This only means that they found no prescription bottles in the home. But without toxicology and medical records, making a flat statement that he was not on medication is simply assumption and, IMO, proof that Fox is also getting a bit of kickback from pharma.

What are you serious? Then what is claiming that he WAS on medication?

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 03:57 PM
reply to post by LarryLove

To reiterate, neither you nor Fox or the original article has put forward any evidence to say Lanza wasn't being medicated.

This is crazy! You have to prove that he was under medication.

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