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What's the point of trying anymore ?

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posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 07:11 AM
Looking after your family and bringing up your kids properly
are the two most important jobs you have ever had.
What better source of pride is there than that?
I came back to the UK after 18 years in Germany, welding in the aerospace Industry.
I tried in vain to get a job here for 6 months before my wife had a nervous breakdown.
A welder here earns the same wage as a hairdresser or a cleaner.
I couldn't even get a job as a Garage-door-fitter,
in spite of being a fully qualified sheetmetal worker,
because I had never fitted a Garage door before.
at 7 pounds an hour, the Government has to pay 600 a month extra in working tax credits and your rent!
The Government don't care if you work or not.
The City of london makes the money.
We get the Bread and Circus.

Good on you, Stinka.
Cherish the time you have to be together with your kids,
That is woth more than gold.
And it's the best job in the world.


edit on 26/11/2012 by Theflyingweldsman because: ?

posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 07:12 AM
reply to post by TFCJay

i'm afraid you got the wrong idea about what i said!
pride,and dignity is good for the soul,but if its spent trying to survive in a system that makes you compelled to keep up with the 'jonses' (who the hell are they anyway? :puz
throw your pride away! your a corporaye slave!
i do not recieve 'handouts' from any one.
i'm a self employed tattoo artist,and have had my artwork published in many magazines. i'm proud of that.
i too have a rather large garden,and at harvest time i am proud of all the work it took to get my 'bounty'.
i am proud of my parents,and how they raised ne,and i'm proud of my children,and how they are growing up.
when i did work in a factory,it was the most dismal point of my life ever! i felt like a cog in a machine,and thats it.
and watching everyone else in that factory,they felt the same as me. but they felt like they had to be there to make payments on things they couldn't afford,neverming need! those people are slaves!
pride is not bad,it is needed to make you feel worth while.
false pride over a big screen t.v. is not good,and rather unhealthy!

posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 07:13 AM

Originally posted by stinka
reply to post by Truth_Hz

U mad ?

Blame the government not me.

The government put us in this situation, they outsourced 90% of our industry, they allowed Eastern Europeans in to do l the labouring, they allowed the construction industry to die a death and have I vested nothing to get it going again, meanwhile big companies pay no tax and bankers line their pockets and the pockets of their Masonic friends

Get your head out of your arse

U Lazy?

How is it the governments fault you can't be bothered to re-train or put any kind of effort in because you are quite happily sat on your rear end freeloading? Did they give you lazy pills?

The welfare system is there as a helping hand for those who need it most and because of people like yourself who are playing the system because they can't be bothered to work or are too busy blaming other people for their own failings, people who actually are in need of welfare are having amounts reduced and people who aren't so ridiculously short sighted and selfish are having to pay more taxes.

Get off your backside, move to where the work is.. I have worked all over this country to provide for my family, I assure you my head is no way near my arse and I actually know how to use mine to make money, you are just a parasite..

posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 07:24 AM

Originally posted by Theflyingweldsman
Looking after your family and bringing up your kids properly
are the two most important jobs you have ever had.
What better source of pride is there than that?
I came back to the UK after 18 years in Germany, welding in the aerospace Industry.
I tried in vain to get a job here for 6 months before my wife had a nervous breakdown.
A welder here earns the same wage as a hairdresser or a cleaner.
I couldn't even get a job as a Garage-door-fitter,
in spite of being a fully qualified sheetmetal worker,
because I had never fitted a Garage door before.
at 7 pounds an hour, the Government has to pay 600 a month extra in working tax credits and your rent!
The Government don't care if you work or not.
The City of london makes the money.
We get the Bread and Circus.

Good on you, Stinka.
Cherish the time you have to be together with your kids,
That is woth more than gold.
And it's the best job in the world.


edit on 26/11/2012 by Theflyingweldsman because: ?

Same here mate. I'm a btec onc qualified vehicle technician and after a job change 10 years a go im now a time served joiner now with vast experiance of all aspects from roofs to kitchens and everything in between, sent my cv to all sorts, phoned companies, dead ends everywhere, half the jobs on the job sites don't even exist they are just trying to get ur details on there system, I've never known it this bad

posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 07:30 AM
Isn't it interesting that if we don't work HARD, some of us lose our pride and dignity?

As an older American, I don't have the money to go back to school to learn a new trade, and the education I received before is worthless because of outsourcing and my age. But I guess that's just excuses, huh? We are like ants... expected to contribute to the rest of the ant hive, or there is something 'wrong' with us. We are programmed into thinking this is how we 'get a life'. It's no wonder older people have historically been sent off somewhere, out-of-sight, when they can't do much anymore. At one time, if you weren't married and didn't have children, you didn't 'have a life' then either, and noone would take you seriously or give you a decent job. Now, if you don't have a job, you are a 'loser' at life. If you don't have money, you are a 'failure'. Sad world we live in.

posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 07:38 AM
reply to post by Truth_Hz

Hey, hey, read the whole post.
He has a job. 3 days a week, so he can look after the kids while his partner works.
Children need their dad more than they need his money.
Again. He does work.

Calm down.
Spend some time with your kids.

posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 07:42 AM

Originally posted by Theflyingweldsman
reply to post by Truth_Hz

Hey, hey, read the whole post.
He has a job. 3 days a week, so he can look after the kids while his partner works.
Children need their dad more than they need his money.
Again. He does work.

Calm down.
Spend some time with your kids.

Indeed, I'm self employed, averages 3 days most of this year, but this time of year people don't want new doors or kitchens etc so I end up with not a lot to do

posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 07:46 AM
reply to post by Theflyingweldsman

I do spend time with my kids, as much as I possibly can, and I have a very happy family and home life.

My issue is not with the OP working or not working, my issue is with him claiming benefits whilst being perfectly able to go out there and support his family and the apathetic lazy attitude towards it. Welfare leeches are ruining the system for the people that really need it. Disability benefits are being cut because people like the OP are playing the system because they are either a. Lazy or b. Think that they are owed something.

I am quite happy for the OP to not work as long as he is happy not to claim benefits..

posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 07:55 AM

Originally posted by TFCJay
reply to post by reficul

You sure you are not from Australia?

Say what you will about pride being slavery.

I get allot of satisfaction from a hard days work. Whether it is accomplishing a difficult task at work or spending a day working in my garage, or working in the yard and garden after a long winter.

Could you imagine your respective country if everyone decided that they would rather get handouts instead of earning a living?

Earning a living....pfffttttt that is a GREAT BIG JOKE....and you're the punchline, a living. nobody has made a livin wage since Clinton was even college student can be made to slave for minimum wage cause the tyrants want to keep more and more of the money, the dirty hoarders, who really is the problem? Not these average Joes, no the real problem is the grimey a&& hoarders, I bet half their homes look like that show hoarders, with all their junk too.

Or maybe that's why they need mansions, to hide away their junk they hoarded.

edit on 26-11-2012 by ldyserenity because: spelling

edit on 26-11-2012 by ldyserenity because: spelling & add

posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 08:15 AM
If your going to work hard, try and work for yourself.Companies only keep you because you earn them more than they pay you, And they always want more. Once the only body you have is worn out making them rich they'll get rid of you.

posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 08:19 AM

Originally posted by Truth_Hz
My issue is not with the OP working or not working, my issue is with him claiming benefits whilst being perfectly able to go out there and support his family and the apathetic lazy attitude towards it.

I guess you missed the part where he says that he's been trying, and that the work just isn't there?!

There are jobs, a few of them, but you have to agree that the welfare of the child is the most important thing, so it doesn't always work out that slaving away for 8 hours a day on minimum wage is any better.

People here are never going to agree on this, because there are different priorities. But, I can look at my nephew who sits on his butt all day playing computer games when he could be out working in a warehouse and say that he is indeed a lazy scrounger. But if a parent is going to LOSE money, and lose time with family, through working some low-pay job, that makes no sense to me and I wouldn't do it either!

The kids come first, and if it means he gets £10 a week more through being unemployed then so be it. The state has created this farce, they have manufactured a system where people are often no better off slaving for the bare minimum.

As I said in the last post, I would be doing something from home, building something up rather than just sitting there watching TV. But if you could lose money by working, where is the incentive? Yeah, we can all talk about "pride" and "morals" but not everyone agrees, and if I were in his position I would be using this time to claim those benefits and build something with my time.

If you want to blame someone, blame successive governments who have completely failed to build a stable and balanced economy. Blame the bankers and corporations paying little or no tax (which means YOU have to pay more), blame the wealthy who also leech off of society in a different way while they keep everything in tax havens...

This is one guy, who is trying, and who is working, but has met obstacles that are no fault of his own. And you're attacking him because you have a crusade against anyone who claims anything unless they fit your absolutely perfect formula for those "deserving enough".

posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 08:26 AM
I can see your point.

I have been self employed for the last 4 years and I am happier than I have ever been. It has been rough at times and there has been a few financial calamities. I chose to be steadfast and not "whooped" back into my stall. More than money, I value my freedom. I can choose the hours I work and as long as I make my deadlines t my clients, they do not care at what time of the day I do things. I might get up at 5:00 am and get started...I might not start till 5:00 pm...totally my choice.

The corporate slave masters, in my opinion, have gone too far.

They invade your privacy. I recall about 15 years ago when random drug testing became prevalent. That is such a "Big Brother" move and no one noticed it. The Gov cannot randomly test people so they bribed employers to do it for them...bribery in the form of Workmen's Compensation deductions. The employer requires the test for employment and then report the results to the Dept. of Labor. And if this wasn't enough, now many employers are snooping your online social life...wanting to know your Facebook infor and such...heaven forbid you choose not to participate in these spying will not be hired.

Not only do they invade your privacy...they expect you to do more work, work longer hours (on salary of course) for less money and fewer benefits. I don't think I could ever go back to an inside position. Once you get out of it and your head clears, you can see the beast for what it actually is...a meat grinder and slave farm....
edit on 11/26/2012 by Jeremiah65 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 08:31 AM
reply to post by detachedindividual

First a quote from the OP

Meanwhile I just lie here and chill, the state keeps me, I got Internet, food, beer and heating, why go to work for little gain

Doesn't strike me as a man who tries..

Secondly what's to stop him getting a second job, a third job if needs be? Get your head down get on with it and provide for your family without taking away from those who are in real need of the benefits. I have been clear about this being my issue throughout my posts.

I am not here to play a blame game about why I have to pay more taxes, what I am here for is to voice my opinion on people who are playing a system when there are people who are suffering because of it.

I know the OP is not the only person who is doing this but he is the person who brought this topic up. Maybe I am just of a different mindset, I would rather work in McDonalds or Tesco or both than be taking food out of the mouths of people that are actually unable to work...

What kind of life lessons is it teaching his children.. it only goes to compound the issue...

posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 08:48 AM
reply to post by detachedindividual

Excellent post.
Nail on the head has been hit.

posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 09:00 AM
You don't have to work for someone else. If you're a talented tradesman, you have the skills to open your own small business. People always have things around the house that need fixing. Fences, roofs, gutters, a new door, painting, if you've owned a house you know the list can be endless. Instead of being dependent on the state, be dependent on yourself.

posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 09:08 AM

Originally posted by DAVID64
You don't have to work for someone else. If you're a talented tradesman, you have the skills to open your own small business. People always have things around the house that need fixing. Fences, roofs, gutters, a new door, painting, if you've owned a house you know the list can be endless. Instead of being dependent on the state, be dependent on yourself.

I've been doing this for about 5 years full time, I'm well established, but no one wants to spend the money. I've tried advertising its just there is so many builders/ carpenters and handymen trying to do the same thing. Like I say I average 3 days a week, but this time of year is dead.
It's tough in the north of the uk, there's little work I'm afraid this is reality

posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 09:09 AM

Originally posted by Theflyingweldsman
reply to post by detachedindividual

Excellent post.
Nail on the head has been hit.


posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 12:49 PM

Originally posted by Truth_Hz
reply to post by Theflyingweldsman

I do spend time with my kids, as much as I possibly can, and I have a very happy family and home life.

My issue is not with the OP working or not working, my issue is with him claiming benefits whilst being perfectly able to go out there and support his family and the apathetic lazy attitude towards it. Welfare leeches are ruining the system for the people that really need it. Disability benefits are being cut because people like the OP are playing the system because they are either a. Lazy or b. Think that they are owed something.

I am quite happy for the OP to not work as long as he is happy not to claim benefits..

You right he should maybe be working a little more and you a little less. Why do you not fix the system instead of defending the worthless money system that feeds the rich and politicians. You dislike what is going on but defends the real problem (the system) like a good ant telling the ones at the bottom that they should help out to the max while people at the top do NOTHING but PARASITE on you. Go after someone that steals a chewing gum but not the ones who steal the whole bank.
edit on 26-11-2012 by LittleByLittle because: Spellchecking

posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 01:10 PM
This type of thinking is exactly the change that dec 21 2012, is all about.

Imagine if everyone thought this way...

By tomorrow, the world would have changed into a better place.

posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 01:41 PM
reply to post by stinka

You aren't supposed to get anywhere.

If you're poor, you'll keep being a good slave and going back for more wages

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