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" Climate Change Is Not A Hoax", says Obama!!??

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posted on Sep, 7 2012 @ 02:36 PM
human c02 emissions do not causing global warming, never did and never will!

George Carlin - Saving the Planet

Christopher Monckton and Tim Lambert about global warming

EPA Endangerment Finding is Hogwash! (CO2 ) Carbon Dioxide is a life-giving gas!

carbon tax, that is what is real danger to all of us!!!

end of story

edit on 7-9-2012 by ZakOlongapo because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 7 2012 @ 02:59 PM

Originally posted by ZakOlongapo
human c02 emissions do not causing global warming, never did and never will!

George Carlin - Saving the Planet

Christopher Monckton and Tim Lambert about global warming

EPA Endangerment Finding is Hogwash! (CO2 ) Carbon Dioxide is a life-giving gas!

carbon tax, that is what is real danger to all of us!!!

end of story

edit on 7-9-2012 by ZakOlongapo because: (no reason given)

George Carlin? Really? Love him but what does he know!? Lol

Again, the issue is not global warming. Op does not discuss global warming.....

Climate change is what this thread is about.

posted on Sep, 7 2012 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by MamaJ

Yes, the Earth has always had changing climate.... No doubt, but my fiends we are living in a world that is going against the good order of NATURE and if we want to live here for very much longer, kids grow up and have kids, and so on, then we need to take better care of our planet!!!! Nations should not be divided, people should not be divided, and our congress better wake up!

Ya know what - - I don't care why the climate is changing - - fact is - - it is.

I find "why" a stupid argument.

I find "we need to do something about it" - a smart position.

posted on Sep, 7 2012 @ 03:34 PM
reply to post by MamaJ

C'mon MamaJ...George was wise! He called so much of this crap years ago!...the Comedian prophet! I hate to insult him this way, but may whatever spaghetti monster there is out there bless that dude...he spoke in just about as "true" a position as you can get! George never said "climate change" or "global warming" wasn't real...what he said was...we ain't going to kill this planet...we will be long gone and this earth will still be will heal and it will recover...minus us...

But you are right, this isn't about man-made global's about climate made or not...I think I made my position pretty clear. My jury is out as to whether man is influencing..maybe..maybe not...but the signs are all around us...the climate IS shifting/changing...ignore it...or prepare for it...the choice is completely ours to make.

posted on Sep, 7 2012 @ 03:44 PM
How many times do we have to go over this? Literally.,
Yes, global warming is happening but we sure as heck aren't going to stop it. The monkeys are OUT OF THE BARREL.

Hello Jer, nice to see you again old friend..

edit on 7-9-2012 by HamrHeed because: (no reason given)

ps: we don't know eachother but I have read those words in full in the past
edit on 7-9-2012 by HamrHeed because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 7 2012 @ 03:46 PM

Originally posted by Jeremiah65
reply to post by MamaJ

C'mon MamaJ...George was wise! He called so much of this crap years ago!...the Comedian prophet! I hate to insult him this way, but may whatever spaghetti monster there is out there bless that dude...he spoke in just about as "true" a position as you can get! George never said "climate change" or "global warming" wasn't real...what he said was...we ain't going to kill this planet...we will be long gone and this earth will still be will heal and it will recover...minus us...

But you are right, this isn't about man-made global's about climate made or not...I think I made my position pretty clear. My jury is out as to whether man is influencing..maybe..maybe not...but the signs are all around us...the climate IS shifting/changing...ignore it...or prepare for it...the choice is completely ours to make.

Hahahaha.... Love that.... The comedian prophet!

He did speak truth and frankly I know which video it is now that you reminded me of what he said... earlier I couldn't watch it.

I loved him!!

As far as the word play..... I just want our discussion to not use global warming as its not an accurate term and was coined in the beginning with an agenda in my opinion that has nothing to do with the actual facts of climate change.

I'm glad I didn't offend you!! Sure didn't mean to....

You are so right though, whether or not who or what is causing it , we need a solution.

posted on Sep, 7 2012 @ 03:54 PM
reply to post by MamaJ

That is is the "agendas" that have confounded honest conversation. It is not a secret that their are those out there trying to sell something. Just like the dudes selling "alien" crap....they really want to take advantage of people's fears.

I am a simple minded person. I think...building reservoirs is a good idea. Even if the drought cycle is short lived...what harm is there in having more lakes around? No really. Yes it would maybe cost some dough to do the aqueducts for transmission...better to spend the money on that than more bombs that we will eventually find a reason to use. OMG...I said bad things! Build instead of bomb...I'm doomed now!

Seriously...There are things we could do to at least lighten the might not make them go away but it might make them more tolerable...but I am assuming there is no profit in that....I guess that's just very bad....

posted on Sep, 7 2012 @ 03:56 PM
reply to post by MamaJ

... You did say in Your OP: "someone somewhere in charge needs to step up and do it quick!"
question i have is, step up and do what? reverse climate change?

or set up more taxes? or do more (i)legal geoengineering, spraying our sky with poisons and play god? that's what U want those in charge to do? that is exactly why they did brain wash U with all green "killer" agendas last few decades...
i agree it is not about GW. after when IPCC proven to lie about all global data and no GW really proven the way they predicted, then they start call it CLIMATE CHANGE all over MSM.
guess why?
if U allow those in charge today do something, then we may end up like on Mars, they did...

posted on Sep, 7 2012 @ 04:07 PM

Originally posted by ZakOlongapo
reply to post by MamaJ

... You did say in Your OP: "someone somewhere in charge needs to step up and do it quick!"
question i have is, step up and do what? reverse climate change?

or set up more taxes? or do more (i)legal geoengineering, spraying our sky with poisons and play god? that's what U want those in charge to do? that is exactly why they did brain wash U with all green "killer" agendas last few decades...
i agree it is not about GW. after when IPCC proven to lie about all global data and no GW really proven the way they predicted, then they start call it CLIMATE CHANGE all over MSM.
guess why?
if U allow those in charge today do something, then we may end up like on Mars, they did...


We could do more that does NOT aid to climate change.

Global warming means the globe is warming.

Climate change means the climate is changing. Frankly it's changing rather QUICK!

There are many solutions being thrown out.... Who knows what the best solutions are? I just don't know as of yet to form an opinion or a strategy.

My mom works for a company who traps carbon in Chile. We were talking about it again this morning. It's rather baffling.

Here is what NASA has to say...

It is not NASA's role to develop solutions or public policies related to global climate change. Instead, the agency's mission is to provide the scientific data needed to understand climate change and to evaluate the impact of efforts to control it. (For more information, see NASA's role.) The following selected resources from governmental organizations provide information about options for climate change mitigation. Energy policy options U.S. Department of Energy: Climate Change Describes strategies currently being pursued or considered to reduce carbon emissions and address global climate change. Energy for America's Future Details current White House policy on energy security and confronting climate change. U.S. Climate Policy and Actions Describes current U.S. policy regarding climate change. The State of California's Climate Change Portal This site provides a large number of links to state reports on climate change mitigation and adaptation options. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Online newsletter concerning issues on and about the U.N.'s convention on long-term climate change. Individual action EPA: What You Can Do A detailed guide to reducing personal greenhouse gas emissions, from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Personal Emissions Calculator Use this tool from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to estimate you or your family's greenhouse gas emissions and explore ways to lower your impact.

posted on Sep, 7 2012 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by ZakOlongapo

For me personally, the things we could do are just "good" ideas. Lets make some spring rain retention reservoirs. Let's build some aqueducts for transmission. Let's use technology a little more efficiently.

I am not a planet doomsdayer...I think the planet will be just fine...we, on the other hand...might not be around to enjoy it.

If you consider the mass cataclysm's of the past. Asteroid strikes, super volcanoes, ice ages(as in snowball earth...not just an ice age)...super heated atmospheres...we as a species would not survive any of those things. If you consider that approx 74,000 years ago when Toba blew it's top...the human gene record shows a bottleneck that we just almost checked out...the homo sapien population was rendered down to approximately less than 20,000 people....20,000 people! We almost checked out once's not hard to imagine it will happen again. The real travesty here is...we have the capacity to make sure that we survive a little stronger...but there is no profit in it...other than securing and protecting the homo sapien species. Maybe someone somewhere thnks we need to go the path of the Dodo....hard to say...maybe they think they can survive....kinda funny.
edit on 7-9-2012 by Jeremiah65 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 7 2012 @ 04:26 PM
reply to post by MamaJ

all those links do lie about need for reduce carbon emissions, it is about good business not about helping environment or changing climate. it is all only about THE MONEY and POWER.
more CO2 in the air = all plants grow much faster
more plants around = more oxygen in the air

(dont tel this to Your mom)

and Your question if we can do something (natural) with climate change? yes we can, adapt to it. no other natural way exist.

there is only the unnatural one or two, maybe more... one is H.A.A.R.P. and other one is spraying the sky with chemicals...
now is totally up to You what You like to support!

posted on Sep, 7 2012 @ 04:42 PM
Big Tobacco doesnt believe smoking cigarettes causes lung cancer and Big Oil doesnt believe burning fossil fuels causes climate change.

Didnt we already figure out man-made chloroflourocarbons cause holes in the ozone which contributes to global warming? Now I'm supposed to believe a billion cars, smoke stacks in every major city, and all the other man-made polluting elements combined in the world have zero effect on climate? How much effect on climate is okay before we decide to change??

posted on Sep, 7 2012 @ 04:43 PM
reply to post by MamaJ

thank you Mama J for being so bold as to call out the primary issue facing us as a civilization!

all other debates are distractions... and when all is said & done and the petty illusions of the Human Drama have run their course, i think the true calamity that WE as humans have caused will become glaringly apparent.

it boggles my mind how there are so many of us who cannot simply admit that we as a species are "fracking" up this planet well and proper.

---strip mining. clear cutting. mountain top removal. dead zones in the seas. islands of trash in the ocean. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.

this willful ignorance reminds me of the smoker who has no idea why they are chronically ill, or the person who eats fast food every day and wonders why they are overweight, or the person who watches 40+ hours of TV a week and wonders why they are depressed. it is willful ignorance, plane and simple.

it is WE as a species who are causing of the Sixth Mass Extinction of this planet... and yet our national debate is commandeered by bickering over percentages, taxes, vouchers, evangelical fervor, and a host of other political pablum.

this issue transcends politics... it transcends Al Gore's rhetoric, it transcends carbon taxes, it transcends the milieu of bullsh!t we have distracted ourselves with. the bottom line is; we as a species simply cannot continue to pillage this planet without there being serious repercussions. it is the law of natural consequences.

one day, we must pay the piper.

forgive the cliche quote... but the sentiment is no less true:

"When the last tree has been cut down, the last fish caught, the last river poisoned, only then will we realize that one cannot eat money."

everything else is a sleight of hand. everything else in an illusion.

in Hindu, the word Maya means "Illusion". an interesting serendipity of words in light of a particular date that keeps getting mentioned, no?

posted on Sep, 7 2012 @ 04:52 PM

Originally posted by mwood

No, It's not a hoax.

It's happening and will get worse in the future. It has happened before on this planet and will happen again.

It's not human caused and is just a cycle the earth goes through.

The only human caused disaster is hat people want to take advantage of it and make money off the issue.

Another way for the richer to get richer

Yes, we need to just let Big Oil drill and keep cars at 24mpg, so that nobody makes money off climate change.

posted on Sep, 7 2012 @ 05:08 PM
... i see the future now 8O
next step will be taxing the breathing of every human kind, cos is just to much of them here polluting the planet those days, and cementing the volcanos, cos what is enough is enough!!! fight CO$, sorry i mean CO2!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ...

just a joke

cant help my self, this guy is just more right then majority can ever comprehend
edit on 7-9-2012 by ZakOlongapo because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 7 2012 @ 05:23 PM

Originally posted by inverslyproportional

If your burning up is it because your skin is trapping to much green house gasses? Or is it that your standing too close to the fire?

You do the math.

Maybe it's because you are adding blankets to the bed in the summertime?

Math had nothing to do with your statement...but oddly that made it the perfect example of denier propaganda.

Bottom line is that the Koch Brothers and other Billionaire oil interests have employed the same strategy and even the same PR wonks that were employed by big tobacco companies to convince folks that smoking was good for convince you Climate Change is not happening...and now that it seems irrefutable...they have morphed the spin to "it's all natural!".

They have spent billions to protect trillions in profits. Not hypothesis...the money has been easy to follow...they have created and funded entire foundations to propagate the BS.

I don't blame those that consume propaganda that appeals to thier skeptical nature....but reality is arriving regardless.

posted on Sep, 7 2012 @ 05:39 PM
yes, do not believe it... cos it is just not truth. U can live in dirty city or area, but never believe any politician or someone or something, what ever it is that the case of climate change is the way U live... it is not!
but it works those days like a trick on so many by MSM influenced people around the world... it is going on for decades , it starts in school systems long time a go... its like kind of religion today.... U have to know, that people do not live all around the world, but just some area... yes they are messy and disgusting, but planet is strong to deal with us... if there is no more events like BP in gulf of mexico, BP just dont want to stop the leek so soon, cos there are people to made money on this kind of disaster... there is some more i can talk about but not here and not now...

posted on Sep, 7 2012 @ 05:44 PM
he can walk on water, change water into wine. and now he's a scientist.
you guy's have a pretty impressive president.

posted on Sep, 7 2012 @ 07:36 PM
Why is it that Republicans celebrate wealth and all hail the mighty corporations, and yet they talk about greedy climate scientists? Republicans are fine with the oil industry polluting the planet and making billions, but if one guy like Al Gore makes money off clean energy, its bad? It's the "rich getting richer" only when its clean energy? Or only when it's a democrat?

posted on Sep, 7 2012 @ 10:42 PM
Obama ought to know, politicians are full of hot air. Hot air changes the climate.

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