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Triptych Doorway, Key to the Sacred Science Spirituality of the Mother Civilization

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posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 07:18 AM
reply to post by Oceanborn

I had to create an account just to point out how ridiculous you sound. Jesus on multiple occasions pointed to the Old Testament and referred to it as the law. In Matthew 22:31 he asks "Have you not read that which was spoken to you by God?". Not only does that provide proof that he found merit in the Old Testament, it also strongly implies that you better find merit and read it too! In Matthew 21:16 he literally quotes Psalm 8:2.

In Luke 10:25-28 Jesus points out that the law (10 commandments) are still valid and the key to life eternal.

"All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness" 2 Timothy 3:16. When that was written, the Old Testament was the only Judao-Christian scripture in existence.

"It is easier for Heaven and Earth to pass away than for the smallest part of the letter of the law to become invalid" Luke 16:17. The only law Jesus can be addressing here is the Old Testament law.

"Until Heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass away from the law, until all is accomplished" is from Matthew 5:18 and punctuates just how important that crappy Old Testament was to Jesus. Anyone who claims Christianity or purports to follow Him, would be a fool (a poorly read fool at that) to not put weight in the Old Testament. Knowledge of the Old Testament and even reverence for it is demanded by the Deity made flesh that you claim to worship. Ignorance of this is almost as inexcusable as tracking someone down to demean them and damage the religion you claim to represent in the process.

The OP point stands valid and if he chooses to use the Old Testament to debate you, it is because he has more clearly understood the words of Jesus than have you. As a non-believer, he can be rebuked just as voraciously as you deem necessary (remembering that love of your neighbor was the most important commandment to Jesus), but it is to be done with the full armor of God. If you do not possess the knowledge to don that armor, then you deserve a much harsher rebuke than could he ever. When you attack in such a vicious manner and bring next to zero knowledge with you, you do far more harm to your faith, than good.

In Mark 7:14 Jesus teaches that it is not what goes into a man that defiles him, but what comes from within "the heart". The greatest sin in this post, biblically speaking, is not what was offered for consideration, but the venom that has been spewed from hearts.

I would also caution against dismissing texts that you aren't familiar with. At the council of Nicea there were groups of newly converted pagans deciding what books to include and which to dismiss. Those that didn't fit with the views of these Romans were labeled heretical. Over the ensuing centuries there were countless episodes of mass murder (speaking of human sacrifice, what religion on earth could claim more blood than organized Christianity?) committed to prevent those texts deemed unworthy from seeing the light of day. By what seems almost miraculous fortune, those books traveled through time and space to make themselves available for you now. Ignoring them seems unwise. The Cathars of France possessed these books and revered them. When faced with willingly handing them over or death, they marched themselves down the hill and lay themselves into the Christian flame. Horrid, devil worshiping Gnostics? Maybe, but they held no fear of death and that is a faith to be admired.

I pray that religions find some way to tolerate each other before they love us all to death.

posted on Jan, 30 2013 @ 05:25 PM

Originally posted by 3n19m470
reply to post by Oceanborn

What if my pineal gland accidentally activates? Is that possible?

Would drinking flouridated water help? What is your opinion on this?

Would it help if I make sure I do not meditate at all ever? What is the opposite of meditating? Should I be doing more of whatever that is?

How will I know its happened?

What if I wake up one morning, and then all the sudden I'm Jack the Ripper?
edit on 12/26/2012 by 3n19m470 because: (no reason given)

very good questions

1. Your pineal is active and used to be very active when you were young. You are quite imaginative, so we know you're active at any rate.

2. Flouridated water is supposed to make you dull so it's like how smoking is for your lungs. You can still breathe.

3. The opposite of meditating is to put your concentration into your thoughts and give all of them life until you are insane. If you do that you will become a more rounded conspiracy theorist and perhaps even a propagandists, if that's what you fancy. Otherwise these are just contractions and you know better.

4. If you meditate your third eye will get itchy, but quite a lot more will happen. It's not actually a good goal, to open your third eye. It already is, so it's a matter of using it better. I mean to say, don't buy into hype about superpowers (as they say).

5. You can wake up in the morning and be whatever you want to be in any case. The more you can free your mind the more you can operate in the world in a natural way.

Go with Jesus, the bible, learned New Age idealism and enlightened intuition. It's all good but there is a way to get it all wrong and another way to get it all right; the same for any journey you undertake. I like Jesus because he always gives me hope in final outcomes. I'm into the esoteric side of things because that suits my personality and I don't meditate enough.

I was always open to strange phenomenon and while some go mad, I think it's all cool.

posted on Jan, 31 2013 @ 11:19 AM
reply to post by Curiositas

First of all,you could show some courtesy and let me know about this comment in case I wanted to reply. Next time,especially when you know that the person you respond to is not following a thread anymore,take the time and let that person know.
In case you wonder,I wanted to see in which page I wrote my first comment,that's why I came back.

Jesus on multiple occasions pointed to the Old Testament and referred to it as the law.

Don't forget that Christ came to fulfill the law and make clear how are we supposed to follow it if we choose to do so. You quoted Mathew 5:18. In that very chapter Christ mentions laws and clears them up from 5:21 to the end of the chapter (and after that proceeds to more teachings).
We see that His teachings are the law but better and more clear. Christ says to follow Him and with that christians also follow the law by default.
The only difference is that you can't make mistakes or be confused or do something wrong while following Christ while you can if you decide to follow the OT and Christ points that too in the NT. In Matthew,chapter 12 for example,Christ's disciples were called out by the Pharisees for breaking the law by plucking and eating heads of grain. Didn't Christ ignore the law,pointing out what was more important? He did but if we'll decide to take the stance of the Pharisees,go by the OT and uphold the law then we'll go against Christ's teachings.

Christ taught the law in it's true form and that's why it so important to follow the Word instead of OT.

When you attack in such a vicious manner and bring next to zero knowledge with you, you do far more harm to your faith, than good.

It's obvious you minded when I pointed out the OP's ways. Is that what truth is to you? A "vicious attack"? It was a rhetorical question btw.

At the council of Nicea there were groups of newly converted pagans deciding what books to include and which to dismiss.

That's your opinion. If anything,the true pagans tried and keep trying to add false "gospels" but are failing.

speaking of human sacrifice, what religion on earth could claim more blood than organized Christianity?


When faced with willingly handing them over or death, they marched themselves down the hill and lay themselves into the Christian flame.

The "christianity" you're talking about is not true christianity. You're picking false examples of people who claimed they were christians which was a lie and you're using them to show the whole religion in a negative way. Are you gonna parrot the usual poem "It's just the organized religion which is bad"? You're gonna assume that everyone's bad just because of the bad apples? That's simply insane,that's the same mindset rascists follow "A black person killed,all blacks are murderers.".
You're taking the bad apples as true representatives because you're obviously biased and it suits your agenda.

As for knowledge,on a personal level I'm not gonna take your word as I find you terribly biased. I don't mind being judged but I only listen when the person who does it is an honest one (or at least seems as one).
On a general level,knowing and following the Word is all it takes. I've already talked about it earlier in this post.

This will be my only reply to you since I want to save my energy for the next person that "happens" to read my posts and decides to let me know what a ruthless person I am.

posted on Jan, 31 2013 @ 11:41 AM
reply to post by Oceanborn

Jesus is a mythical figure whose story was told before he was ever born because his story is not original. And your god is a lying sadist. Every single sin throughout history came straight from his mighty pen, which wrote the entire story of the universe before the universe was ever born.

Are you familiar with the Epicurus quote? "If he is both able and willing, then whence cometh evil?" No one has ever been able to refute that for me. And to be perfectly honest, that quote is just the beginning of all of the dirt I have on the old man. Now if you don't mind, we're discussing a spiritual path centuries older than any Christian you've ever heard of.
edit on 31-1-2013 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 10:34 AM
reply to post by AfterInfinity

Jesus is a mythical figure whose story was told before he was ever born because his story is not original.

And yet you spend your time and energy quite often to speak about such "myths".
Yesterday I was actually going to post in another thread (and instead of that I ended up posting here). The title of that thread is "Is the Christian Trinity a Conspiracy ?" and,surprise surprise,you're there. Quite odd that you spend so much time on something you don't even consider real.

And your god is a lying sadist. Every single sin throughout history came straight from his mighty pen, which wrote the entire story of the universe before the universe was ever born.

Not really.

Are you familiar with the Epicurus quote? "If he is both able and willing, then whence cometh evil?" No one has ever been able to refute that for me.

I know you'll misinterpret this so let me make it clear that I'm not saying freewill itself is evil or anything else negative.

And to be perfectly honest, that quote is just the beginning of all of the dirt I have on the old man.

Yeah yeah yeah,I'm sure you do.

Now if you don't mind, we're discussing a spiritual path centuries older than any Christian you've ever heard of.

That's what you claim however christianity always gets brought up (which is a pure coincidence,I'm sure).

I don't mind you or anyone else who want to discuss anything/everything. What I do mind is being falsely accused by people who don't hesitate twisting a whole thread so they can make me appear as the boogeyman. That's what made me waste my time here.

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 08:20 PM

Originally posted by AfterInfinity
reply to post by Oceanborn

Jesus is a mythical figure whose story was told before he was ever born because his story is not original. And your god is a lying sadist. Every single sin throughout history came straight from his mighty pen, which wrote the entire story of the universe before the universe was ever born.

Are you familiar with the Epicurus quote? "If he is both able and willing, then whence cometh evil?" No one has ever been able to refute that for me. And to be perfectly honest, that quote is just the beginning of all of the dirt I have on the old man. Now if you don't mind, we're discussing a spiritual path centuries older than any Christian you've ever heard of.
edit on 31-1-2013 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

Okay . . . hostile and condescending much? It does not appear as if you are discussing anything more just verbally slapping each other like a pair of red bummed baboons.

FYI there has literally been volumes written on the subject of fatalism which seems to so irk you. I would suggest reading some of them.

Augustine's Way into the Will: The Theological and Philosophical Significance of De libero arbitrio (Oxford Early Christian Studies)

An original account of Augustine's theory of will, based on a close reading of his pivotal and fundamental text, the dialogue On Free Choice. Simon Harrison takes Augustine's philosophical arguments and literary form seriously and so reveals a way of thinking about the will that is grounded in the individual reader's response. He shows the centrality of Augustine's philosophical method, his 'way in to the will', as opposed to the construction of a monolithic 'theory of will'. Harrison relates the argument of On Free Choice to other key texts of Augustine's, in particular the City of God and the Confessions, and rehabilitates a widely read but often misinterpreted book to show the importance of Augustine as a major philosopher.

You should consider enrolling in a philosophy course sometime as I think it would greatly expand your horizons on the concepts of free-will vs. fatalism. Of course it all comes down to whether you believe free will exists or not. If you do then you must realize for God not to allow atrocities to be committed by individuals of free will it would be a violation of free will itself. It is not the will of God which leads man to create hell on Earth but rather the will of men.

It can be compared to a woman choosing to marry you because she loves you as opposed to an arranged marriage.


Unfortunately for you there is more evidence of Jesus having been a real person than there is for myths such as Thoth, Osiris, Merlin, or whatever have you.

As for Buddha you constantly thump on Christianity for having a Bible written three hundred years after the death of the man while I see no such hate on Buddhism even though 'his' teachings were not written down until over 400 years after his supposed life.

Just thought I should throw some reality on the matter in here for you.

Also I am so tired of you posting as if you are 'in' on some secret knowledge and yet you rarely provide any information aside from slinging insults about a certain faith which others profess to.

I greatly doubt your legitimate interest in a search for truth and am willing to bet you blame a certain religion for most all the world's ills without a single shred of historical evidence to back it up.

BTW I am still waiting for you to provide your definition of what Lucifer (or Luciferianism) is after having provided my own understanding of it to you in a previous thread from which you quickly disappeared. Also of import would be any sort of source material or an outline as to how you came upon such a theory.

edit on 1-2-2013 by FriedBabelBroccoli because: 101

posted on Jun, 16 2013 @ 11:12 AM
Just coming across this. Awesome stuff.

Great presentation.

S & F (& placeholder
edit on 6/16/2013 by SquirrelNutz because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 02:07 PM
reply to post by SquirrelNutz

Somehow I missed your post above. My apologies for taking such a long time to reply. Just recently today, I came across a thread that was nearly in line with the premise of this one, but was explained by reading the passage of the Bible where Jesus was crucified. For anybody who still actively follows this thread, it would be an excellent follow-up material, which could lend extra credence to this premise.

Golgotha - Place of The Skull

posted on Apr, 6 2014 @ 09:28 AM
where has this topic been hiding?
this is great stuff.. i've been posting about a lot of this too
this helps to assemble the big picture
thanks for adding the bible quotes too! jesus rules

i saved your topic to my hard drive
i'm so glad i found this, thanks again for your efforts.

some reference links (i'll be linking to your topic also)
a cryptic video i made on all this stuff
some movie analysis
male/female polarity material
this might be useful to some people too
God bless us all

i'm so stoked i found this.. this is like an early birthday present

edit on 6-4-2014 by UNIT76 because: yay!!!!!

posted on Apr, 6 2014 @ 09:37 AM
reply to post by UNIT76

Happy Birthday (early)!
edit on 6-4-2014 by Aleister because: (no reason given)

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