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Educated opinions not welcome

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posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 05:34 PM
reply to post by beezzer

True, trying to achieve such a balance is quite the test. When one is quite interested/involved in a topic, its quite hard not to commit a tonnage of word-salad onto the proverbial plates of the people you are chatting to. Being long winded is something I find easily achieved in my posts. Maybe I should write a book.

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 05:37 PM
reply to post by Grambler

Very good points. I saw your comments in my recent Islam thread, and I support your frustration with the nonsense you had to put up with in terms of fail/ non-responses.

There are many who are here for the truth - but there are too many who drink the Kool-Aid. They believe in Reptilian agendas, and time-traveling battleships, but they assume that anyone speaking against the doctrine of Islam is an evil shill.

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 05:42 PM
reply to post by Grambler

im here for that too.

and i also think alot of people who come here to seek knowledge dont really sign up for ATS. they just read through

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 05:43 PM
reply to post by Grambler

Aaaah, you must be the racist/shill/disinformation agent/troll/sheeple/propaganda ninja I've been hearing so much about!

Seriously though, I've come across alot of your comments today and I would have to say you're an exceptional member in my opinion. Keep up the good work and don't let the haters dicourage you.

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 05:43 PM
A lot of people on ATS are just as dumb as the people they call "Sheeple".

I don't get why these people have a superiority complex just because they believe in conspiracy theories. Most of ATS lacks the ablity of critical thinking.

edit on 28-7-2012 by RealSpoke because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 05:46 PM
reply to post by beezzer

Brevity often eludes me.

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 05:49 PM

Originally posted by Erongaricuaro
reply to post by beezzer

Brevity often eludes me.

brevity eludes me just half the time.

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 07:48 PM

Originally posted by beezzer

Originally posted by Erongaricuaro
reply to post by beezzer

Brevity often eludes me.

brevity eludes me just half the time.

What about the other half?

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 08:12 PM
reply to post by Grambler

I hope you find what you are looking for. At 60 yrs old, I too came here looking for truth. I have had a birthday since then and my time is getting short considering my genes. But I think I found what I was looking for just by reading the thoughts of other posters. The truth is you are born, then you spend the rest of your life til your death seeking your desires. No one knows you before you are born, no one remembers you after you are gone. No one knows what happens, if anything after death. And one more truth, people really do not like the truth if it does not square with their desires. So we spend our time between birth and death, fighting with each other, to get more and more and more, til the earth will one day spit us out.

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 11:01 PM
reply to post by Screwed

Very good point. There is no harm in having opinions, as long as we are flexible about it and open to new information that may come about. Some people are so blind to the outside world that they will violently oppose anything that contradicts the way they want to see things. This is what happens when personal opinion stands in the way of objective knowledge.

Views and opinions are harmless, so long as they are subject to change when necessary. I suppose what I'm trying to say can be summed up with the infamous quote by the notoriously humble Socrates...

"One thing only I know, and that is that I know nothing."

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 11:16 PM

Originally posted by Erongaricuaro
reply to post by beezzer

Brevity often eludes me.

ain't nothing wrong with a well thought out, well laid out, verbose post. sometimes i wanna get into a nice long In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida epic soliloquy rant~ especially if the writer has a bit of wit, wisdom & rhythm (as your prior post had, IMO)

ain't nothing wrong with the brevity thing either, of course.

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 11:34 PM
reply to post by Grambler

But is it not true or seemingly so that 99.99% of the general population is like that as well?

Doesn't it seem to be that the uneducated and self made ignorami have this grudge against educated people and education itself?

Do they not seem to cling to their little emotional opinions against all odds?

Is it not the case that every time they type or speak they make all who have talked about the "masses" or hoi polloi in a negative connotation absolutely right about them?

They always seem to prove the wise, yet sarcastic, right and never wrong. I wish it were not so.

The power of "discernment" is listed in places as a spiritual gift. I believe it can be taught, but not to those who obey the commands of ignorance.

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 11:37 PM

Originally posted by Grambler
Let me start by telling you why Im here. To Learn the truth of things, and to give my opinion on what the truth is so that I can get feedback, so I can adjust my beliefs to what is correct to the best of my ability.

In my pursuit of this I often find myself a moderate on this site. Im not repub or democrat, I dislike the government but question the logic that everyone involved is evil, etc.

Yet what Ive come to notice on this site is that the more well thought out and succinct point you make, the more likely it will be ignored. However, if you make a politically charged opinion with no facts behind it, you will get massive responses in favor of and against your comments.

I kmow it sounds paranoid, but I often feel as if people ignore my points on this site because they have no answer to them.

The point I have in this thread is this, Am I the only one who is here because I care about gettin to the truth? Im so frustrated that I would just like to here someone else say they are here because they seek knowledge and not just to push their agenda.

I'm with you brother...I really don't understand how or why so many people flock to blanket unsubstantiated generalizations whilst simultaneously refusing to accept properly footnoted and documented information as being more or less factual.

I DOES someone say with a straight face that Atheists have killed more people than Monotheists or that there is more scientific evidence in support of a literal interpretation of the Bible than there is the validity of Darwinian Evolution.

I'm the first guy to say that Darwinian Evolution still has a few holes and gaps that need to be filled...but how does one go from things like adaptation, the fossil record, and DNA evidence to talking snakes and a magical old man on a cloud somewhere?

How is it that a right-winger is just about ready to secede from the Union because of Obama's signing of the NDAA...yet refuses to acknowledge that being such vocal supporters of The Patriot Act was a really bad idea?

Why can't a Pro-Lifer understand that the danger in outlawing abortion is that you have set a legal precedent for the Federal Government being able to regulate your reproductive habits? Just because it might be outlawed today...doesn't mean we won't have MANDATORY abortions tomorrow...especially since we'll be hitting 10 Billion people on Earth before we even know what hit us?

The problem is that you and I are looking for "truth" with a lower-case "t" in "which facts are true and which facts are false". Far too many others are seeking "Truth" with a capital "T" and are really only looking to justify their completely unattainable utopian ideals and absolutely refuse to learn or admit they might have been incorrect about something.

...and that loss of critical thinking ability will be what ultimately does our species in someday.
edit on 28-7-2012 by milominderbinder because: formatting error

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 11:42 PM

Originally posted by Xaphan
reply to post by Screwed

Very good point. There is no harm in having opinions, as long as we are flexible about it and open to new information that may come about. Some people are so blind to the outside world that they will violently oppose anything that contradicts the way they want to see things. This is what happens when personal opinion stands in the way of objective knowledge.

Views and opinions are harmless, so long as they are subject to change when necessary. I suppose what I'm trying to say can be summed up with the infamous quote by the notoriously humble Socrates...

"One thing only I know, and that is that I know nothing."

On a completely unrelated note...HOLY SH^T!! If that is your real pic you are just about the largest hominid I have ever encountered. LOL.

Christ...I hope you'd be on my side in the barfight. LOL.

posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 01:23 AM
reply to post by Grambler

I feel your pain Grambler. But we will never get "the truth". We all have to accept that! But the journey to gain more knowledge is why we are all here. To Grow!!! But unfortunately it is a lonely road. And you wont be fulfilled on this site or any other. We come here to massage our egos, to bounce around our ideas & beliefs from a distance, looking for some sort of confirmation from others. Humans at our stage need some kind of acceptance in this world of chaos. But it is only when we look within, that we will find peace. And learn to accept that we will never get the real answers in this lifetime.The more we learn, the more we learn how little we know! But this is our journey, and we all go it alone. Keep your head high brothers. And Smile, we are Alive and Growing each day!

posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 01:36 AM

Originally posted by SeekerofTruth101

if your intention is only to share an insight, then have no fear of being 'ignored'. You never were. There are hundreds of thousands or even million of visitors all over the world daily on this site. As long as it is displayed here, you can be assured that it had been read.

And those visitors may not be members, with reasons of their own, and thus cannot respond. But your words will stick into their mind, to help them for a better opinion if it truly had been thought provoking, or ignored if it was some senseless diatribe.

Thus, do not be disheartened. Never be. The daily records of visitors are evidence. Just say, write and post it from your heart honestly and sincerly, what you wish to say, and let posterity do the rest.

Good luck.:-)

What he ^ said.

In other words, what I took out of that at least, is keep your perspective. Just because no one responds or stars you, doesn't mean they're not paying attention and it doesn't mean something doesn't stick. You have an effect here just like everyone else does.

This isn't real life where people respond to what you say in real time though. Sometimes they do sometimes they don't. But that's the nature of this beast; you're shooting arrows in the dark hoping some of them stick. You see some of these members here who have been here over 5 years with thousands of posts? They more than likely have some pretty thick skin to stay here and put up with that kind of uncertainty. Or maybe they realized at some point that they're being noticed whether it's recognized by them or not. It's something you have to take on faith, and keep the numbers in mind. Like he said, not everyone who comes here is a member. Not everyone who comes here wants to respond to things. They just read and learn. Or become amused. They're going to take out of it what they came in for, and sometimes that reason isn't going to sync with yours.

You say you live in a rural part of the country. So do I, but I lived in one of the largest metropolitan areas of the U.S. for quite a few years, and there similarities between the two that you may not see. ATS is like a big city. The more people you meet, the more people you meet who are going to either agree with you or disagree with you. You may have a positive effect on people, a negative effect, or no effect at all. It's not something you can REALLY take personally. You can't come here with the mindset that people are paying direct attention to you, or no attention at all. That's the wrong way to come at it IMO. I come here thinking that between the time I log on and log off, I WILL learn something and I MIGHT teach something. I might amuse someone, I might be amused. And that's really the reality of it all because YOU are the only one who has direct control over what your participation here accomplishes. Not other people here. Just like in the city; don't respond to other people right away, wait for them to respond to you. Stay in control of the situation. ( I know....practice what you preach T. D.......right? Well, I did 2 days ago at least)

And there might even come a time when your participation here is seen by people you know in real life. That's where it gets sticky, but that's a conversation for another topic because some of what I just said doesn't apply there.

Many people will tell you this site is for recreational purposes only. They're speaking for themselves. That's why THEY come here. See the topics page? There's something like 95 different topics you can participate in. That's a lot of choices man. That's a lot of variety to choose from. And that, really, is what you need to keep in mind. Not everyone here is here for the same reasons you are, but that doesn't mean that they're not going to stumble across one of your posts eventually. The law of averages say they will and the higher your post count gets, the better those averages become and the more likely it is that what you say is going to affect someone somewhere. Whether they tell you so or not.

posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 02:23 AM
I'm sure half the people on here are trolls, who really believes most of the crap posted on here anyway?
It's always good for a laugh though!
Nothing will happen at the Olympics except some athletics, there is no planned NWO, the illuminati don't exist, the pyramids were built by regular Egyptians, UFO's have not yet visited earth, 9/11 was not an inside job, the bible is full of crap not prophecy, man made climate change is real, vaccines save lives, there is no such thing as chi or chakras, tarot and astrology are bollocks, psychedelic drugs don't teleport you to another dimension they just screw with your brain, there is no zombie apocalypse...
I could go on, but I won't.
All the above is the result of many years of extensive research in the field.

posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 02:49 AM

Originally posted by Grambler
Let me start by telling you why Im here. To Learn the truth of things, and to give my opinion on what the truth is so that I can get feedback, so I can adjust my beliefs to what is correct to the best of my ability.

In my pursuit of this I often find myself a moderate on this site. Im not repub or democrat, I dislike the government but question the logic that everyone involved is evil, etc.

Yet what Ive come to notice on this site is that the more well thought out and succinct point you make, the more likely it will be ignored. However, if you make a politically charged opinion with no facts behind it, you will get massive responses in favor of and against your comments.

I kmow it sounds paranoid, but I often feel as if people ignore my points on this site because they have no answer to them.

The point I have in this thread is this, Am I the only one who is here because I care about gettin to the truth? Im so frustrated that I would just like to here someone else say they are here because they seek knowledge and not just to push their agenda.

I look at this site different. I take everything into consideration. With me this site has been if lets say a video of something looks true or the other wise fake I will defend it or negate it till the end. Example the case with the Colorado Movie shooter I wont even comment I am so twisted both ways if he is crazy or something else, but if it comes to say a UFO video I will look at the evidence. If it comes down to a painting or something that hits me even harder. I understand we can somewhat judge the age of things, but with science they may be off. So I can not so for sure "yep this is it". I probably haven't posted in a topic of yours, but this is how I analyze things when it comes to the internet. Its either prove it or it isn't fact. You know what I mean? I'm just giving examples how others may feel.

posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 02:50 AM
reply to post by Grambler

"I don't like anything in the mainstream and they don't like me."

-- Bill Hicks

posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 02:52 AM

Originally posted by ExCloud

Originally posted by Grambler
Let me start by telling you why Im here. To Learn the truth of things, and to give my opinion on what the truth is so that I can get feedback, so I can adjust my beliefs to what is correct to the best of my ability.

In my pursuit of this I often find myself a moderate on this site. Im not repub or democrat, I dislike the government but question the logic that everyone involved is evil, etc.

Yet what Ive come to notice on this site is that the more well thought out and succinct point you make, the more likely it will be ignored. However, if you make a politically charged opinion with no facts behind it, you will get massive responses in favor of and against your comments.

I kmow it sounds paranoid, but I often feel as if people ignore my points on this site because they have no answer to them.

The point I have in this thread is this, Am I the only one who is here because I care about gettin to the truth? Im so frustrated that I would just like to here someone else say they are here because they seek knowledge and not just to push their agenda.

I look at this site different. I take everything into consideration. With me this site has been if lets say a video of something looks true or the other wise fake I will defend it or negate it till the end. Example the case with the Colorado Movie shooter I wont even comment I am so twisted both ways if he is crazy or something else, but if it comes to say a UFO video I will look at the evidence. If it comes down to a painting or something that hits me even harder. I understand we can somewhat judge the age of things, but with science they may be off. So I can not so for sure "yep this is it". I probably haven't posted in a topic of yours, but this is how I analyze things when it comes to the internet. Its either prove it or it isn't fact. You know what I mean? I'm just giving examples how others may feel.

Im also slightly drunk so if you get what I am saying I am happy. I had the fair that comes once a year and the concert. Im trying to explain how I analyze things different then expected.

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