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A Challenge to Chemtrail Believers - Explain this 1969 Issue of Popular Science:

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posted on Jul, 20 2012 @ 09:03 PM
reply to post by SimonPeter

Side effects are just that...side effects...keeping closer to the topic of the OP, there is no question there are side effects to higher jet traffic and more efficient engines...MORE CONTRAILS/BIGGER CONTRAILS/WARMING OF ENVIRONMENT (More cloudy skies, more retained heat).

There are side effects to everything, but this does not necessarily mean big pharma has changed its purpose to help...

Sorry, but the whole idea there is more money and benefit to pharmaceutical companies in killing people through injecting poison into jet exhaust to let it slowly drift down on an unaware populace is LAUGHABLE! Two reasons why:

  1. Pharmaceuticals have an established track record of helping eliminate or control the spread of serious diseases and plagues throughout human history; and,
  2. A bullet is cheaper and more efficient.

This is not to say big pharma is not involved in protecting their interests...I believe they most certainly are (one need only look at the Opium War/The Vietnam War/The current War in Afghanistan). I believe the reasons these wars were fought (and currently waged) was/is to control the poppy. Big pharma cannot yet live without the poppy. How does spraying the general populace with chemicals help them gain access to their main ingredient? If you can firmly establish this link, then I concede the point.

Think. If I had the cure (as many claim there is a cure) for cancer, how could I possibly make more money withholding that cure from the general populace? I could charge whatever I wanted for the cure and would be the most sought after person in the history of the entire world.

Salk and Sabin were lauded as HEROES for their work in eliminating polio.I forget the formal name (but I believe it is commonly called river blindness) and Merck Pharma gave away the cure to that for FREE in Africa...

If they wanted us dead, they would have DONE IT ALREADY!!! Regrettably, it appears to be the MORE FRINGE THINKERS AND TINFOIL HATTERS that are the ones doing the spraying....and their choice of spray is the aforementioned cheap bullet variety...

edit on 20-7-2012 by totallackey because: clarity

posted on Jul, 20 2012 @ 09:14 PM
Sounds like chemicals to me.

" As noted above, the new, more stringent NAAQS for ozone and PM highlight the need for state
and local air quality officials to consider new ways to reduce regional emissions and achieve the
health-based national air quality standards. In particular, they have significant concerns
regarding the effect of NOx on local and regional environments. Tropospheric NOx has multiple
environmental quality impacts including not only contributing to ground-level O3 and PM, but
also air toxic concentrations, excess nitrogen loads to sensitive water bodies, and acidification of
sensitive ecosystems (EPA, 1997a). "

posted on Jul, 20 2012 @ 09:15 PM
reply to post by Aloysius the Gaul

Ethyl Mercury is not one of them and dental work with mercury in them produces a mercury gas vapor . Not Good. Text

posted on Jul, 20 2012 @ 09:16 PM
reply to post by Gibraltarego

Yeah, nitrous oxide is a chemical.

2nd. What is your analysis of this tidbit you posted. Where do you think the nitrous came from?

posted on Jul, 20 2012 @ 09:22 PM

Originally posted by SimonPeter
reply to post by Aloysius the Gaul

Ethyl Mercury is not one of them and dental work with mercury in them produces a mercury gas vapor . Not Good. Text

And is there some relevance to chemtrails you forgot to mention?

Are "they" spraying us with ethyl mercury or mercury amalgam perhaps??

posted on Jul, 20 2012 @ 09:22 PM
reply to post by totallackey

You may want to view the video where David Rockefeller spells out that a 80 % population reduction is needed as well as Bill Gates . These men are not alone . Much of the Bilderberg bunch are also Eugenicist . The Rockefeller foundations are associated with Eli Lily , Carnage and other big Pharma corporations . It is Davids goal to reduce population through vaccines as is Bill Gates . Why would we suspect them of any wrong doing or our military . Could it be words from their own mouths that concerns us ? Some decide not to know .

posted on Jul, 20 2012 @ 09:23 PM

Originally posted by SimonPeter
reply to post by totallackey

You may want to view the video where David Rockefeller spells out that a 80 % population reduction is needed as well as Bill Gates .

Which video is that, and how do vaccines relate to chemtrails?

edit on 20-7-2012 by Aloysius the Gaul because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 20 2012 @ 09:26 PM
reply to post by SimonPeter

How does any of what you post here relate to the OP of contrails? Please start a thread where this can be discussed and remain on topic.

posted on Jul, 20 2012 @ 09:31 PM
reply to post by SimonPeter

If population reduction is needed, then it will be accomplished. According to all the TFH crowd, the term is PTB. And if they are TPTB, and they are that powerful, then there is NOTHING we can do about it. Except post here at ATS...and warn each other...and then say, "I tried to tell you," when the particular SHTF scenario of choice comes around...

Sorry, but I cannot grasp this line of thinking...I do not think highly of the Rockefellers, but Bill Gates donates billions of dollars to colleges/universities a year in order to educate people. Why educate them only to kill them off?

posted on Jul, 20 2012 @ 09:48 PM
reply to post by Uncinus

Nah mate what i see here is no contrails.... water cant freeze at such low heights and these are planes that are making patterns to ensure they cover the whole sky, the govt acknowledge that weather modification does exist............ if chemtrails were real......then the people doing it would want to hide THEY make these articles you post to convince you it all good...wake up

posted on Jul, 20 2012 @ 09:51 PM
Chemtrail as been there before the 60's my father he remembers when he was about 5 or 6 in Hamilton, Indiana his mom would rush them inside the house because a plane would dump yellow stuff from them. He doesn't know what they were. After reading I figured that is what they can be associated with. Taking the fact my father is 66 now it has to be before the 60's unless I got my numbers wrong on his birth year. My father just remembers seeing the plan and watching yellow stuff come from them and his mom rushing them into the house, and keeping them away from the windows.

posted on Jul, 20 2012 @ 10:11 PM
reply to post by ghostingmiranda

Sounds like cop dusting or similar

posted on Jul, 20 2012 @ 10:14 PM
reply to post by ghostingmiranda

Chemtrail as been there before the 60's my father he remembers when he was about 5 or 6 in Hamilton, Indiana his mom would rush them inside the house because a plane would dump yellow stuff from them. He doesn't know what they were. After reading I figured that is what they can be associated with. Taking the fact my father is 66 now it has to be before the 60's unless I got my numbers wrong on his birth year. My father just remembers seeing the plan and watching yellow stuff come from them and his mom rushing them into the house, and keeping them away from the windows.

That was crop dusting during it's heyday. Just like cloud seeding is not "chemtrails", neither is crop dusting. I grew up in Indiana and aviation was the focus of my early background, btw. And I have yet to see any "chemtrail believer" demonstrate even the most basic understanding of any aviation related subject.

posted on Jul, 20 2012 @ 11:36 PM
One of the chemtrail myths is that the equipment to spray from commercial airliners could be easily hidden. This is an incorrect speculation from people who have no idea what happens behind the scenes in the aviation world.

Before each flight the pilot does a thorough pre-flight exterior walkaround.

But the aircraft inspections don't stop there. There's a primary, regular inspection and maintenance schedule, performed by licensed mechanics and technicians, such that any covert equipment would easily be spotted. Maintenance personnel inspect and perform maintenance on commercial airliners/freightliners on an ongoing basis. We're not talkin' just kickin' the tires and checkin' under the hood, we're talkin' visually inspecting every nook and cranny of the aircraft inside and out, down into the depths of the frame and every component, wire bundle, hydraulic line, etc. If

Here's an example of an Airbus A320 series maintenance schedule from an aircraft mechanics forum to show what's typical across the industry for any make/model aircraft:

We have the following for our V2500 A319,320,321's

Daily Check - 36HRS
Weekly Check - 120HRS or 8 DAYS
Monthly Check - 400 HRS
A Check - 600 HRS,750 CYC , 90 DAYS
2A Check - 1200 HRS, 1500 CYC, 180 DAYS
4A Check - 2400 HRS, 3000 CYC, 360 DAYS
C Check - 18 Months
2C Check - 36 Months
3C Check - 54 Months
4C Check - 72 Months
6C Check - 108 Months
8C Check - 144 Months

I believe this is in line with the manufacturers AMP. Managed to get 36 hours on a daily 'cause the flight crew do the CVR check which is mandated every 24 hours.

I'm sure that any of my fellow licensed mechanics there could confirm that it would be impossible to hide, maintain and operate equipment as extensive as would be required for any meaningful secret spraying operation.

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 12:05 AM

Originally posted by Thorazine

Originally posted by GhostLancer
according to the information that has been presented to me, it is indeed a fact that jet contrails disperse rather quickly as they are a thin streak of water vapor in a large, expansive sky.

Alas, said information is wrong...contrails are NOT water vapor...water VAPOR is invisible...a contrails gets its name from the aforementioned vapor condensing into droplets- which then freeze into ice crystals...because its well below zero at typical flight levels...

One thing you have to understand is that many of these planes are flying way too low for the freezing air to cause ice crystals to form. I've seen it with my own friggin' eyes. I'm just looking for an explanation - To why I see distinct lines in the sky with clear start and stop points which trashes your theory of high-altitude planes, unless you expect them to magically jump from high altitude to a lower one when the trail suddenly disappears. It can even be seen with high-altitude planes with two contrails. One quickly dissipating, and the other starting and stopping. I see them flying over Athens every once and a while. Especially evening time in downtown Athens while everyone's flocking to the bars. And they'll be everywhere by morning time, if not a hazy fog that envelops the area for a few days at a time. The weather is strange for summer time here in Georgia. Lite sprinkles over foggy skies or upper atmosphere thunder without any noise. Anyone will common sense and two eyes will realize there is at least something quirky going on. Who are you working for buddy? Because I'm working for truth - Seeking the truth and defending the curious.

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 12:11 AM
i posted this way back on page 7 and no one has answerd it yet

i have 1 question for believers

what the hell are the "chemtrails" doing to us?

shouldnt all the old people be dead by now ?

im 40 why am i still here ive been breathing there s--- my whole life

ok 3 questions
edit on 21-7-2012 by goou111 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 12:42 AM

Originally posted by Uncinus

Originally posted by GhostLancer
Okay, let me rephrase in simpler terms: The WHITE STUFF that comes out of jetliners that looks like thin, vaprous clouds NORMALLY disperses quickly unless there is more to it that water vapor --or ice crystals--- or whatever that "normal" stuff consists of. That's what I meant when I said water vapor. I mis-wrote.

Can you explain why you think that? It appears to contradict all known physics and history of water and contrails.

That's a nice, neat, compact statement that in and of itself has nothing factual in it but an unbacked assertion. You state that it "appears to contradict all known physics and history fo water and contrails" says that you are not aware of "all nown physics and history of water adn contrails."

At least in my assertions I stated that there are, of course, exceptions to the examples I provided. Yours is such a sweeping statement that it is almost certainly false.

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 12:44 AM

Originally posted by tsurfer2000h
reply to post by GhostLancer

Example: Governor Jesse Ventura speaks out about MANY stories not reported in mainstream media. His show is edited and put on hiatus. I liked his show, for it covered (uncovered) facts that the general public is not exposed to, such as the proliferation of biological warfare labs throughout our country and other facts (chemtrails included). Fox News attempted to railroad his interview and portray him as a loon, even having one of their "coolest" commentators harshly stomp off the stage.

This is an example of the classic "debunker" tactic of attacking the person, not the idea. When at a loss with facts and examples, go for the person, not the ideas/theories presented. Google MK ULTRA and you will see what the government has been up to, via FOIA **facts.** OR, just start making McCarthy (do you know who he is?) styled insinuations about the nature and character of people based on innuendo and baseless judgements. Good call.

That comment speaks volumes about you,and the way you think...

Jesse Ventura....seriously ???

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 12:48 AM

Originally posted by tsurfer2000h
reply to post by GhostLancer

Example: Important stories such as Morgellon's disease get very little media coverage. The doctor who spoke out against vaccinations was buried by the media, to the point where the man had to "cave in" and relent in order to continue to make a living even though he brought forth important facts about the issue and revealed that vaccine companies previously used mercury-based preservatives in childrens' vaccines --a fact not mentioned frequently if ever by the media.

Stories about something that isn't even a known to be a disease such as Morgellons usually don't make for good news.

The CDC had this to say about a study they did on Morgellons..

This comprehensive study of an unexplained apparent dermopathy demonstrated no infectious cause and no evidence of an environmental link. There was no indication that it would be helpful to perform additional testing for infectious diseases as a potential cause. Future efforts should focus on helping patients reduce their symptoms through careful attention to treatment of co-existing medical, including psychiatric conditions, that might be contributing to their symptoms.

Look at your source! LOL. The CDC, really? You base your information on the information from the website of a government agency, really? REALLY? Did you take time to even google MK ULTRA? The reason this is important is that that very same government revealed via FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) documents (history/fact) that it illegally drugged people with '___' to record their "trips" and that it sprayed toxins/chemicals/biological agents/etc. over US cities in order to test the effectiveness of the agents and the delivery methods. Really? And you take the government's information as gospel to disprove/debunk a theory that states SAID GOVERNMENT is spraying chemicals over our cities? So, you are willing to take their word for the latest on Morgellon's disease? Wow. I am awestruck.

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 12:57 AM

Originally posted by goou111
i posted this way back on page 7 and no one has answerd it yet

i have 1 question for believers

what the hell are the "chemtrails" doing to us?

shouldnt all the old people be dead by now ?

im 40 why am i still here ive been breathing there s--- my whole life

ok 3 questions
edit on 21-7-2012 by goou111 because: (no reason given)

You are asking questions that the general public doesn't have the answers to because OBVIOUSLY this is a secret program. Only the people in the know truly KNOW what the reasons are. There could be many reasons for this program. Use your imagination to try to estimate why this would be happening?

So far, theories about cloud-seeding exist, but that might just be cover story material. Einstein himself said that "Imagination is more important than knowledge." So, exercise that noodle of yours to come up with answers to your own questions. If we had the answers, then there may or may not be a controversy. The FACT is that planes are spraying/releasing UNKNOWN substances into the atmosphere for UNKNOWN reasons by UNKNOWN people. We're trying to figure this out, right? Or have you already made up your mind in the fashion of, "Don't bother me with the evidence, I've already made up my mind." ???

This is not a case-closed SOLVED mystery. This is a modern, open-ended concern. Shills and "debunkers" here try to avert efforts or create straw-man arguments in order to ridicule and obfuscate (confuse) the issue. This environment of confusion and misdirection allows TPTB (The Powers That Be) to operate more freely, furthering their hidden agendas while keeping the sleeping masses unaware, uncertain, unsure and living in fear.

Why attack the investigation of such a mystery? Why ridicule? Why dismiss and ignore evidence, going for tidbits to dispute as if that dismisses the entirety of the whole?

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