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Why are Americans prodominantly against Obamacare?

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posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 03:44 PM

Originally posted by michael1983l
Why would any civilized person complain about making primary healthcare available to all instead of just those that have the cash to pay for it?

How can a population of a developed nation like the USA complain about paying extra taxes for this when their current government invests more money in war than all other nations combines accross the globe?

Just saying.

If you break it down from polls it seems there is a majority that disproves of Obamacare but there are parts that are well liked. Insurance companies now can't turn you down for pre existing conditions seems to be liked by the public.

I think the public showed a dislike because of the GOP and Tea Parties propaganda campaign to demonize Obamacare, they pumped millions into this project, then failed with the supreme courts decision.

I would like the government now to go after the medical and pharmaceutical industry's as they are fleecing Americans, $400 for band aids and $12,000 for one month prescriptions for cancer drugs should be illegal.
edit on 29-6-2012 by LDragonFire because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 04:00 PM
This is the reason I am against it as well.
The rich have taken advantage of cheap labor overseas, have stifled wages for most American's and as a consequence, the majority no longer have the buying power they once had.

Which brings us to Healthcare.
Most can't afford it and rather than let the costs of healthcare drop as would be the case in capitalism, they want us to prop it up and pay for it, so the elite at the top in Big Pharma and Insurance keep the dole rolling in.

Originally posted by EvilSadamClone

And the real reason? When you trace the money, somebody will get rich off of it. Which is what this is really all about. It's not about helping people, it's all about the government increasing it's power and helping the rich people get even richer.

It's just another scam by the rich to get even richer.

So I will no longer call it the United States Of America, but the Looted States of America. It's supposed to be a government for the people and by the people, not just a select few elitist snobs who care nothing for anybody else but their own interests.

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 04:12 PM
reply to post by michael1983l

It boggles the mind doesn't it. There are a lot more things that people can be outraged about, but something that will actually help save lives they're willing to attack. Sometimes I wonder if any of these people have ever had a family member with a devastating disease. Or have a mother or father who needed assisted living for the rest of their lives. If there is anything our government should be responsible for, it's to make sure everyone has a right to get medical treatment. It's funny that every other industrial country get it except us.

Some of these same groups are not outraged about these wars that have killed thousands of our young men and women. Where's the outrage over the Patriot Act slowly chipping away at our constitutional rights? Nobody was outraged about the numerous illegal activities that occurred during the Bush administration. Where's the outrage over banks, corporations and insurance companies taking advantage of consumers who are constantly charged baseless fees? Where's the outrage of getting corporations and special interest groups out of our political system? I think these alone have more justification of outrage by the public, than something that will do some good for the common man. We need to stop attacking things that can benefit us, rather than allow and support things that do nothing but continue to drain our pockets and underscore the ability of our government to function honestly without outside influences.

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 04:25 PM
The odd thing, some opinions polls have revealed that most people don't know what Obamacare really involves.

When asked outright for their opinion "on Obamacare" about half the people are negative.

But then when the questions are about specific features of the Affordable Health Care program, such as no exclusions for pre-existing conditions, the inclusion of children on their parents' policies until age 25, no cancellations because of expensive illnesses, etc., everyone is very positive.

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 05:06 PM
reply to post by michael1983l

where do you get the impression Americans are 'predominately' against this? FOX?

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 05:08 PM

Originally posted by Shoonra
The odd thing, some opinions polls have revealed that most people don't know what Obamacare really involves.

When asked outright for their opinion "on Obamacare" about half the people are negative.

But then when the questions are about specific features of the Affordable Health Care program, such as no exclusions for pre-existing conditions, the inclusion of children on their parents' policies until age 25, no cancellations because of expensive illnesses, etc., everyone is very positive.

Not really that odd, when you think about it. Remember Pelosi's statement? We have to pass the bill to find out what's in it.

Yeah, there are some positive things in there, and one glaring negative, the mandate. So why not pass it without the mandate? Because the insurance companies would not accept it without the mandate. To hell with the people, Obamacare wasn't about what the people wanted, it's what the insurance companies wanted. Get the mandate in there, the rest is just sugar coating to sell it. Future Congresses can remove the provisions about children on their parents policies, cancellations due to illnesses, pre-existing conditions, etc. The mandate will stay in effect.

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 05:12 PM
I agree with things others have said about reforming what is already there such as all the lawsuits, charging 50.00 for an aspirin at the hospital and things like that. And I don't like the precedent it sets. I don't want people to be forced to buy this and I don't want people to be forced to buy Blue Widgets when the Blue Widget Company starts paying off politicians.

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 05:13 PM
reply to post by VictorVonDoom

I didn't realise that was the case, in which case maybe not such a good idea. It is still a good Idea to make it available to all though.

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 05:20 PM
reply to post by Shoonra

The problem that I have and most Americans is being forced to buy something.

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 05:46 PM

Originally posted by michael1983l
reply to post by VictorVonDoom

I didn't realise that was the case, in which case maybe not such a good idea. It is still a good Idea to make it available to all though.

Agreed. Please indulge me as I go into one of my "If I were President" rants.

I would call a meeting of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. I would inform them that we are going to change our strategy in the War on Terror. We're going to take a more defensive posture, focused on keeping the terrorists out of the country. So, bring the troops home, have them patrol the northern and southern borders to keep the terrorists out. The Navy and Coast Guard can patrol our coastlines, and the Air Force can guard the skies. Not only would that help prevent terrorism, but it would also put a huge dent in illegal immigration and drug trafficking.

But most important, that would save us the $2 billion dollars a week we are spending now to kill goat herders in the Middle East with drones. I would re-allocate that money, which is still in the Defense budget, to begin construction of military hospitals across the country. I would have the Joint Chiefs redirect the training of officers and enlisted personnel to include more doctors, nurses, and medical support staff to fill these hospitals once they are constructed. When a few of these are up and running, I would open them up to any US citizen free of charge.

Rinse and repeat.

It would take a some time, but eventually there would be military hospitals all over the US that would treat US citizens free of charge. Of course, people could still go to normal civilian hospitals if they chose to, but even the civilian hospitals would benefit from the influx of trained military medical personnel looking for jobs after their military service is over. Promising candidates who otherwise couldn't afford medical school can get their training courtesy of Uncle Sam.

Everybody wins. And the real beauty of this plan is that it requires no Congressional approval. It's all a matter of the military doing as the Commander in Chief orders. All Congress has to do is "Support the Troops" by continuing to fund the Defense department the way they do now.

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 05:59 PM

Originally posted by VictorVonDoom

Originally posted by michael1983l
reply to post by VictorVonDoom

I didn't realise that was the case, in which case maybe not such a good idea. It is still a good Idea to make it available to all though.

Agreed. Please indulge me as I go into one of my "If I were President" rants.

I would call a meeting of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. I would inform them that we are going to change our strategy in the War on Terror. We're going to take a more defensive posture, focused on keeping the terrorists out of the country. So, bring the troops home, have them patrol the northern and southern borders to keep the terrorists out. The Navy and Coast Guard can patrol our coastlines, and the Air Force can guard the skies. Not only would that help prevent terrorism, but it would also put a huge dent in illegal immigration and drug trafficking.

And then you would be informed that you dont actually make those decisions, and that if you do try and implement them, you will find yourself presiding over a series of strikes on American soil that will be blamed on you. And then they will kill your children.

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 06:18 PM
reply to post by stanguilles7

You're probably right. Fortunately, I have no children, and if the lowest buck private is willing to risk his life for his country, could any less be expected of the President, if he truly cares about his country?

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 06:25 PM

Originally posted by TWISTEDWORDS
reply to post by Shoonra

The problem that I have and most Americans is being forced to buy something.

Very much the point. It is a bit like the seat belt law. You get ticketed if you don't wear it yet it is my car and should be my choice to wear it or not. I don't want to pay taxes to help someone have healthcare who may not work hard enough to afford it themselves. It is not MY responsibility for them to survive. I work and pay my own healthcare, not my company. While I feel empathy for those that truly can't afford it, you can't expect me or anyone else to do it for you. I do care about people and ideals, but this is simply NOT the answer.

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 06:30 PM

Originally posted by Vasa Croe

Originally posted by TWISTEDWORDS
reply to post by Shoonra

The problem that I have and most Americans is being forced to buy something.

Very much the point. It is a bit like the seat belt law. You get ticketed if you don't wear it yet it is my car and should be my choice to wear it or not. I don't want to pay taxes to help someone have healthcare who may not work hard enough to afford it themselves. It is not MY responsibility for them to survive. I work and pay my own healthcare, not my company. While I feel empathy for those that truly can't afford it, you can't expect me or anyone else to do it for you. I do care about people and ideals, but this is simply NOT the answer.

The problem is that you already DO pay for it. Because even if someone doesnt have health insurance, they will still go to the ER, and that will cost YOU money.

Souns ike you want to live in your own personal kingdom, without anyone else around.

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 06:37 PM
Sadly, just so many people can't get past the retoric and sound bites of their respective parties.

It is true, Obamacare doesn't give anyone healthcare. It does require everyone to have health insurance, either through work, or privately. And for those that are lacking the means, options on programs that are comprehensive and affordable, with assistance to pay those fees if necessary.

OR, you pay a penalty (tax, sure, we can say,thar). That fee is used to offset the cost of those that would be un-insured who still get healthcare, which currently, WE ALL PAY FOR.

I'd really love to have an intelligent conversation about it with someone, but perception has become reality, and you can't win a discussion with someone who's never wrong.

So, I'm done talking about it.

(so there!).

edit on 6/29/2012 by ctdannyd because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 07:00 PM
reply to post by michael1983l

Because that's not what Obama Care is. Obama care is simply a way to force every american to BUY health insurance on their own dime from private companies at Outlandish rates. And if you refuse you are PENALIZED for it.

Nowhere in this situation is there any free or even reduced cost health care for ANYONE.... Don't be fooled by lamestream media talking points. This is nothing more than a naked power grab foisted on the American people by Corporate Croney capitalism.

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 07:03 PM

Originally posted by The Sword
reply to post by michael1983l

You have to prove that Americans are against this.

Keep on spreading the fear, ATS! You're making yourselves look even more ridiculous in the process!

I am American and I am against this
My wife is American and she is against this
My father is American and he is against this
My mother is American and she is against this

There, Americans are against this. I guess that makes me a teabagging right-winger racist; and hypocrite since I married a black woman.

It's not fear, its truth.
edit on 29-6-2012 by six67seven because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-6-2012 by six67seven because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 07:24 PM
reply to post by michael1983l

All you have to do is look at the Republican strategy for 'winning' to see that the unfortunate answer is-- because a lot of money is spent and a lot of powerful effort made by rich greedy people to convince poor people that having healthcare would be akin to Nazi Germany.. and what makes America beautiful is the American God given right to do well or die.

You just have to think like a reptilian or be kinda of ignorant (no offense to them) and then it begins to make total sense.

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 07:28 PM

Originally posted by michael1983l
Why would any civilized person complain about making primary healthcare available to all instead of just those that have the cash to pay for it?

How can a population of a developed nation like the USA complain about paying extra taxes for this when their current government invests more money in war than all other nations combines accross the globe?

Just saying.

Read the Declaration of Independence. Any questions now??

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 07:29 PM
reply to post by michael1983l

im an american

and i make enough money to pay for health care if i choose to

but for the last 5 years ive chosen not to have health care, because i never get sick and its a waste of my frikin money

and as an american i feel i should have the damm choice whether or not i pay my hard earned $$
to a bunch of corporate fat cats

im against anything they tell me i have to do cause i dont have to do s---

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