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America Is Terminal. How Long Does It Have Left?

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posted on May, 24 2012 @ 07:52 AM
Americas problem stems from years of greed and corruption at the highest levels of government and corporations, banks, wall street. It seems that for too long we have been the cash cow for these dirty fat cats.We allowed them to virtually cripple the US by moving the majority of manufacturing overseas for cheap labor costs.When we lost our manufacturing and industry that was the big hit. So we have virtually no manufacturing they say we are service oriented then. So what do we let them do? They start farming those jobs out overseas as well. Why do you think when ever you call a help desk line for say your computer you get New Delhi, India. We should look in the mirror and blame ourselves, because we allowed it to happen. We can change it. We are the ones with the power not them. We have the shear numbers, they do not.
edit on 5/24/2012 by CaptGizmo because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 08:05 AM

When the Roman Empire fell, it lead to 800 years of the Dark Ages. I wonder how long it will take for the world to recover after the fall of the American Empire?
reply to post by babybunnies

There is no "American Empire". Having military bases around the globe as of today is nothing unique.

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 08:11 AM
Anybody who saved for their retirement whether cash in banks or 401 K's or any form has been robbed. It came apparent with the collapse of ENRON several years ago. Along with that, our politicians are as crooked as the day is long with being owned by Corporations and Big Oil along with the War Machine. Every things tightly wrapped up in Washington except for a minuscule few like Ron Paul and, ......I really can't think of who else....?

Big Oil is collapsing the economy in preparation to skating away with their fortunes when the American economic collapse does come. The politicians are doing likewise. The laws are being put in place for the ability to try to contain the populace. The military is being organized in such a way so as to try to suppress anarchy that will surely follow. That will only be slightly successful until the public realizes they outnumber the military 1,000 to 1. When the military can no longer contain the public anarchy will start in earnest unimpeded by them. The collateral damage will flow outward to all our trading partners, oil, China, Argentina, Japan, and Europe. The collapse of the dollar will send the worldwide economic structures into collapse and some into oblivion.

It will be dire.... and unless you have stores of food or seed banks or livestock, the outcome will be grimmer still. Cities will be armed battlegrounds with local warlords, and that will only be the beginning. Everything you saw happen to the USSR a few years back when they collapsed, you will see here. Only we will be hit harder because we had, 'individually' ,more money in the system by virtue of being a wealthier nation. The higher you go, the harder you will fall could be a fair assessment in this case. The transportation industry will be brought to the point of being spotty and unreliable at best. Regional bandits and gangs will control the highways in their areas. Utilities will likely collapse for a while. And who will fill the void as a leader of this nation? You could look at Bible prophecy and the Antichrist and all and believe that it is unfolding, or whatever you could wrap your head around, but in essence it would likely follow the Biblical blueprint of Armageddon's rise of an Antichrist. A person or person(s) will fill the vacuum at some point.

When will all this happen? Well each day brings us closer and with the public distracted with Americas got talent or Jersey Shores or the junk people watch.... Fox, MSN, CNN and the like feeding the pablum the public is addicted to. Frankly, it could happen within the next two years, either before or just after the elections. That would be my guess.

The stock market is sliding, gold is sliding, oil is sliding, the banks are collapsing, or under investigation, the politicians are getting their ducks in a row, ready to abandon ship with their booty (millions in taxpayer monies) that they have rat holed away. Corporations are trying to get themselves in such a stance so as to have military protection or government backing. It's not looking good. Who's going to get hit the hardest? The big cities, but the one that will get trashed will be California.

And this will all be 'just another day' ..............what if we have a calamity like a massive earthquake or nuclear power station catastrophe, or oil spill or something? Raging forest fires during the summer months, or Hurricanes? Their season starts next month you know....... All the 'what if's', it's pretty daunting of a prospect to try to swallow. But there are a lot who like these kind of scenarios in print, in conspiracy forums...... they like scaring people..... until it happens to them. This next collapse ....... well I don't think it will spare anyone.....

Ya'll have a nice day now, go out and walk and get some fresh air while you still can

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 08:13 AM
All empires fall, eventually. Pax Americana is drawing to a close.

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 08:32 AM
Every single country rising have very low Christian populations. The western nations, home to the descendants of Christian forefathers, are being raped financially, are seeing most manufacturing jobs shipped overseas, suffering the sell-off of state assets and resources to foreign owners, are suffering violent crime - yet we just can't believe that as we've rejected God, God does what He always does - allows our enemies to rule over us as punishment. The more wicked we become, the more wicked the leadership. The more we tolerate greed, the more greedy leaders we get. The more that we reject Him and His laws, the more that we get life without His blessings.There is truly nothing new under the sun for us as Israel - same old, same old. Will many repent of their ways? Will some heed the pressure that He is applying to us? Probably not. So, we face the music and reap the harvest of what we sowed - a life without God and oh how bitter it will taste. He's there to show you the Truth and to show you who you are, there to bless our lives and the world as His lights on Earth. Instead, we suffer from generational blindness and absolutely forget that Jesus came to offer life more abundantly whilst learning to love God and do His Will here on Earth. Instead, we moan at all our problems, yet never can see that our own behaviours collectively are to blame.

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 08:51 AM

Originally posted by boeserwolf
It's not just the USA, it's the whole capitalist system that's collapsing. Capitalism depends on "slaves" to function. It commodifies anything and everything while externalizing all costs of resource depletion, pollution and damages that you and I pay for and have to clean up. You cannot have endless growth on a finite planet. Ecosystems are collapsing. We are polluting and contaminating the whole world. Unless we get our act together and begin to live sustainably, Mother Nature will have the last word.

I've been saying this for years my friend but so many people living in the west are brainwashed by the state! They are brainwashed to believe that capitalism supports freedom and socialism enslaves but these views could not be farther from the truth! We need a resource based economy which has also been called sometimes stateless communism! This is a type of democratic social system where all needs are met including that of the environment! With this type of system luxuries are only available once all persons have their needs met! I realize
there are many people who don't want to give up these eccentric activities for the needs of their brothers! Many
who believe that we can continue to live beyond our means and will continue to do so no matter the cost but the
truth is the cost will end up being far greater then any of us realize! I believe we are on the verge of doing irreversable damage to our environment, ourselves and any sense of values we now hold on high as we are on
the cusp of an every man for himself scenario! Do we really want to lose all the social values our brothers and sisters have faught tooth and nail for throughout history? God help us if we choose to do nothing, to wait while our government strips our freedoms, to allow illegal searchs, illegal elections, illegal banking and allow our lives to be shaped by the evil aristocracy which profits off of our missery! When the next GFC comes we will have to choose whether we are enablers of these crimes or revolutionarys willing to give our very lives for truth, justice and freedom! Whatever you choose make sure you have the convictions to live with those choices because they
will be the shape of things to come and there will not be anyone to save you from those choices!

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 09:08 AM
It is all by design, economies are the new battlegrounds, I mean heck thats all Al Qaeda was aiming to do was make us broke.

The immigration that once made america great is now its downfall IMO because you get many people who are loyal to other countries into positions of power here.

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 09:42 AM

Originally posted by WhoKnows100
Every single country rising have very low Christian populations. The western nations, home to the descendants of Christian forefathers, are being raped financially, are seeing most manufacturing jobs shipped overseas, suffering the sell-off of state assets and resources to foreign owners, are suffering violent crime - yet we just can't believe that as we've rejected God, God does what He always does - allows our enemies to rule over us as punishment. The more wicked we become, the more wicked the leadership. The more we tolerate greed, the more greedy leaders we get. The more that we reject Him and His laws, the more that we get life without His blessings.There is truly nothing new under the sun for us as Israel - same old, same old. Will many repent of their ways? Will some heed the pressure that He is applying to us? Probably not. So, we face the music and reap the harvest of what we sowed - a life without God and oh how bitter it will taste. He's there to show you the Truth and to show you who you are, there to bless our lives and the world as His lights on Earth. Instead, we suffer from generational blindness and absolutely forget that Jesus came to offer life more abundantly whilst learning to love God and do His Will here on Earth. Instead, we moan at all our problems, yet never can see that our own behaviours collectively are to blame.

The problem is the hypocrisy of the christians. Church is church and business is business. Once the morals of the two got seperated, we started heading to where we are today.

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 10:18 AM

Originally posted by nosacrificenofreedom

Originally posted by boeserwolf
It's not just the USA, it's the whole capitalist system that's collapsing. Capitalism depends on "slaves" to function. It commodifies anything and everything while externalizing all costs of resource depletion, pollution and damages that you and I pay for and have to clean up. You cannot have endless growth on a finite planet. Ecosystems are collapsing. We are polluting and contaminating the whole world. Unless we get our act together and begin to live sustainably, Mother Nature will have the last word.

I've been saying this for years my friend but so many people living in the west are brainwashed by the state! They are brainwashed to believe that capitalism supports freedom and socialism enslaves but these views could not be farther from the truth! We need a resource based economy which has also been called sometimes stateless communism! This is a type of democratic social system where all needs are met including that of the environment! With this type of system luxuries are only available once all persons have their needs met! I realize
there are many people who don't want to give up these eccentric activities for the needs of their brothers! Many
who believe that we can continue to live beyond our means and will continue to do so no matter the cost but the
truth is the cost will end up being far greater then any of us realize! I believe we are on the verge of doing irreversable damage to our environment, ourselves and any sense of values we now hold on high as we are on
the cusp of an every man for himself scenario! Do we really want to lose all the social values our brothers and sisters have faught tooth and nail for throughout history? God help us if we choose to do nothing, to wait while our government strips our freedoms, to allow illegal searchs, illegal elections, illegal banking and allow our lives to be shaped by the evil aristocracy which profits off of our missery! When the next GFC comes we will have to choose whether we are enablers of these crimes or revolutionarys willing to give our very lives for truth, justice and freedom! Whatever you choose make sure you have the convictions to live with those choices because they
will be the shape of things to come and there will not be anyone to save you from those choices!


posted on May, 24 2012 @ 11:14 AM
Every bit of this is an illusion. America is not Terminal. It is only politically and financially terminal. Insomuch as we are told. America has crap-loads of cash. You can't tell me that the sheer amount of tax dollars and revenue we have made as a country was lost that fast. They are just telling us it's terminal because we have no power, no authority and we believe every damn thing we're least we used to before we were told of our inevitable death. The real truth is that the government is just going to be replaced by a ruthless dictator and our money will be controlled by chipping people (a chip that I will not be taking even if it means GOD instructs) and controlling the currency the same as it always has been controlled, a sea of numbers and data backed up by no true pecuniary equivalent. Meaning the elites, will and do have our gold and although America is not terminal, it will be replaced by maniacal leaders. You will wish that YOU were terminal.
edit on 24-5-2012 by Phenomium because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 11:25 AM
I have noticed that the concerns for the country grow desperately in a time of Democratic Presidents when in fact conditions get better. The main damage is done during Republican Presidencies. For example, Bush jr.s 8 year reign resulted in the era of trillion dollar deficits (Oct 2008-Sept 2009 1.4 Trillion) and the complete and total collapse of the economy. My main fear for the country is that we get Mitt Romney as a President or continued obstruction for getting anything done by the Republicans in congress who are putting politics ahead of the economy.

Dick Cheney 2002:
"Reagan proved deficits don't matter"

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 11:51 AM

Originally posted by Germanicus

Originally posted by METACOMET
reply to post by Germanicus

First, you blame capitalism, an economic system that doesn't even exist in practice.

Second, you claim that failed centrally planned economies would be better off if they were even further centrally planned.

Finally, you advocate fascism as a "fix" for it all. Do you honestly believe what you say?

Ever heard the truism that it isn't so much what a man doesn't know that causes him so many problems, but what he knows that ain't so?

Blah blah. what are you? A free Market capitalist? A Capitalist purest? We have capitalism. Deal with it. State Capitalism is capitalism. crony capitalism is capitalism,corporatism is capitalism. Im sick of you capitalists defending capitalism by claiming capitalism isnt capitalism.

National Socialism is not about bigger government. It will be more simple and have less regulations.

National Socialism is not fascism but at least a dictator gets things done. What does US Congress do? what does the Super commitee do?

Im so tired of the brainwashed people who cannot see the fault of the capitalist system and belive tweeking it will fix it. It cannot be fixed. It is a stupid idea to begin with and will always reward the people who manipulates and lies the best and are most gready/egoistic and unemphatic.

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 11:51 AM

Originally posted by nosacrificenofreedom
I've been saying this for years my friend but so many people living in the west are brainwashed by the state! They are brainwashed to believe that capitalism supports freedom and socialism enslaves but these views could not be farther from the truth!

No, the Ministry of Truth states otherwise.

BTW, 1984 is "Watch Instantly" on Netflix.


Totalitarianism (or totalitarian rule) is when a government aims to control the political, economic, social, intellectual, and cultural lives of its citizens.[1] Totalitarian regimes stay in political power through an all-encompassing propaganda campaign, which is disseminated through the state-controlled mass media, a single party that is often marked by political repression, personality cultism, control over the economy, regulation and restriction of speech, mass surveillance, and widespread use of terror.

edit on 24-5-2012 by gentledissident because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 11:59 AM
I should think the answer self-evident.
We can't pay our debts, our entire economy is based on arms manufacturing.
America will go to war.
This is why Iran has been chosen, to draw China, Russia and perhaps India into a conventional ground war.
The only alternative will be as you say to give China and the BRICS nations the "keys to the kingdom".
At the highest levels I don't believe China is being manipulated by the anyone, they are their own masters.
They stand in opposition to the NWO controlled by Western banking families.
By destroying China we destroy most our debt.
Problem solved for only a few hundred million dead.

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 12:08 PM
Seems to me like it's being intentionally SLOWED to help keep the populace in a state of confussion about what's actually happening around them. Or, at least confused enough with the idea that facts don't exist anymore being that there are so many sources of information with so many agendas and/or perspectives it's almost impossible to verify, with no room for doubt, what is manifesting and, exactly, why.

Like we're headed for a brick wall at twenty-five miles per hour instead of one hundred.
edit on 24-5-2012 by Floydshayvious because: Spellz

edit on 24-5-2012 by Floydshayvious because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 12:30 PM

Originally posted by WhoKnows100
Every single country rising have very low Christian populations. The western nations, home to the descendants of Christian forefathers, are being raped financially, are seeing most manufacturing jobs shipped overseas, suffering the sell-off of state assets and resources to foreign owners, are suffering violent crime - yet we just can't believe that as we've rejected God, God does what He always does - allows our enemies to rule over us as punishment. The more wicked we become, the more wicked the leadership. The more we tolerate greed, the more greedy leaders we get. The more that we reject Him and His laws, the more that we get life without His blessings.There is truly nothing new under the sun for us as Israel - same old, same old. Will many repent of their ways? Will some heed the pressure that He is applying to us? Probably not. So, we face the music and reap the harvest of what we sowed - a life without God and oh how bitter it will taste. He's there to show you the Truth and to show you who you are, there to bless our lives and the world as His lights on Earth. Instead, we suffer from generational blindness and absolutely forget that Jesus came to offer life more abundantly whilst learning to love God and do His Will here on Earth. Instead, we moan at all our problems, yet never can see that our own behaviours collectively are to blame.

You are right from my point of view but most people here will probably not see it that way since this is a nonspiritual thread and a thread about different duality viewpoints and the comming reaping of what the US (and other countries) have sown. But bad karma is not only in the US. It is all over the world. Unfortunatly people must be scared to wake up from the dream and start understanding how everything is connected and that it is. All souls create the heaven or hell they deserve either by action or inaction. Ignorence have never been a defense and never will be a defense.

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 01:42 PM
reply to post by Germanicus

The House has done little else and has actually passed Bills to start to deal with it. The Senate however is a useless body that can't even pass a Budget under the leadership of Obama and the Democratic Party. Unfortunately the House has to have the participation of the President and the Senate.

The Democrats can't even pass their own legislation. Not a single one in the Senate voted for Obama's budget for instance. What good is a Party and an Administration when their own members won't vote for the their own Presidents budget?

The solution; don't vote them back in. A vote for Obama is a vote for more of the same. What was that definition of insanity? Will the voters do the insane thing this time?

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 03:19 PM
I'd like to remind everyone, since it seems to have been completely overlooked, that China only owns 8% of the US's debt.

8%. You'd think they owned the place reading through posts here.

Another thing I'd like to point out, US manufacturing is currently at an all time high. We're not having China make all our stuff, not at all. Yes, there are less manufacturing jobs, but that's due to the fact that our technology has advanced to the point where we don't need hundreds of people putting parts together on a conveyer belt. Machines do it now. We can make a lot more with fewer people.

Furthermore, the debt to GDP ratio right now is not even a historical high. That was back during WWII when, guess what, massive spending and debt actually jump started the US economy. Debt is not necessarily a bad thing if that debt is due to investments that will pay off in the future. For example, a medical doctor with student debts is going to be better off and more financial secure than a car salesman with gambling debts. One's debt will eventually pay itself, while the other's debt will leave him in financial ruin.

As for the US losing its credit rating that had nothing to do with the US's economic power and everything to do with the volatile politics of our government giving an image of being unreliable when it comes to money. If you read the statement issued by S&P, you'd see this was the reason. Too much squabbling in congress, not any real reflection of country economics. Also, I might add, that we were downgraded by one of three credit rating companies, the other two (Moody's and Fitch) kept the AAA rating. Not anything to write home about, for sure, but not a sign of a failing economy by a long shot.

Sure, the US has some hurdles it must face and needs to do a little inner reworking, but this is really just another ridiculous doom and gloom thread. People have been spelling the demise of the US as far back as the early 1800's, and yet the US, while struggling at times, has managed to prosper and grow to be a great world power. Even economic forecasts up through 2050 and beyond have the US doing quite well (though yes, we will eventually be surpassed by China, but we will retain the number two spot for the foreseeable future after that).

Though, as I've said before, I mostly come here to read all the hilariously idiotic threads people start and this one surely delivered. Thanks for the chuckles, OP, I'm guessing your an angsty 18-25 year old going through a rebellious stage in your life and you've just discovered Rage Against The Machine and how totally uncool your parents are. Nothing wrong with that, just like me, you'll laugh about it later in life.
edit on 24-5-2012 by Speakeasy1981 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 03:23 PM
reply to post by Germanicus

TPTB want the economy here to fail and the dollar to be worthless. Once that happens they can introduce the american union and the amero as the saving grace and they will have one more major step towards the NWO accomplished.

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 05:11 PM
You may want to subtract the "C" from BRICS my friend.
China is a bubble set to horribly pop,With it's over population,Corrupt government,Human rights violations
(a set up for a revolution/uprisings ),With their 1 baby policy,their workforce will age they'll demand rights/medical benefits,They have their own debt(They've been caught hiding it).
Plus their pretty much not liked in the world.
If I'm wrong on any of these,my apologies.

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