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President Obama Affirms His Support for Same Sex Marriage

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posted on May, 9 2012 @ 05:46 PM

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by sonnny1
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

President Obama Endorses Same-Sex Marriage

To score more votes,for his reelection.

Real question: Why didn't he say this 4 years ago?

And if he didn't - - "you and yours" would say he was afraid of losing the religious vote.

Or something like that.

Come on,you know this reeks of PANDERING.

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 05:47 PM
reply to post by RealSpoke

I see this helping out Obama's base for the election, but it will give Romney and the republicans ammunition to fire up their base as well.

^^Then maybe the OP should of re-worded then...Obviously the OP thinks that Obama supporting same sex marriage would help him out for the ELECTION....

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 05:48 PM
reply to post by sonnny1

"Pandering" to his solid, secure LGBT base? You guys aren't making any sense. It's like saying Ron Paul is "pandering" by announcing that he believes in states rights.

No sense at all.

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 05:52 PM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

Sorry,I didnt know "gay" meant liberal.

Like I said,WHY not 4 years ago ? WHY now?


posted on May, 9 2012 @ 05:57 PM

Originally posted by neo96

Liar Liar Pants on Fire!

State Rights eh?

How does a Obama supporter defend this ?

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 05:59 PM
reply to post by sonnny1

Didn't see a one touch that post did you?

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 06:01 PM

Originally posted by KonquestAbySS
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

I think I'm doing a pretty good job of exposing the logic flaws in your argument...

I think you trying so desperately to point out logical flaws at this point won't help your argument either...So you think Obama made this announcement from the kindness of his heart? Are you certain that he isn't doing it for other reasons? I would hate to find out that his strings were being pulled while he made this announcement...The irony...
edit on 9-5-2012 by KonquestAbySS because: (no reason given)

You nitpicking at small flaws is just as important as Obama making this announcement...It doesn't matter...What matters is the reason behind why he would make such an announcement...Your obviously looking the other way. So how can I be logical if your being illogical?
edit on 9-5-2012 by KonquestAbySS because: (no reason given)

You claimed he did it for votes...and BH made you look foolish for making a claim you can't back up.

So you just turn into more illogical claims that you can't possibly back up.

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 06:04 PM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
reply to post by sonnny1

"Pandering" to his solid, secure LGBT base? You guys aren't making any sense. It's like saying Ron Paul is "pandering" by announcing that he believes in states rights.

No sense at all.


Since I follow the gay issue very closely - - I know that representatives of the LGBTQ have enacted a determined effort to officially inform/educate and discuss their position/views with Obama and his immediate staff.

Remember in the beginning - - when Obama said (to the effect of): "If I don't hear you - make me pay attention".

Well that is exactly what the LGBTQ did.Obama's personal statement clearly reflects that.

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 06:04 PM

Originally posted by KonquestAbySS
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

And that is? What is the reason?

Well according to the OP, Obamas support toward gay marriages would help out his base...And for what reasons? I don't know genius you tell me, maybe because it is his re-election year?...I'm sure a kindergartner could of figured that out...

Helping out as in giving them a bit more energy and bigger contrast between Obama and Romney.

Remember...these are all personal opinions...BH doesn't have to defend my opinions or even share why ask her???

Why are you getting so angry and mean??? It isn't our fault you are making illogical claims.

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 06:07 PM

Originally posted by KonquestAbySS
reply to post by RealSpoke

I see this helping out Obama's base for the election, but it will give Romney and the republicans ammunition to fire up their base as well.

^^Then maybe the OP should of re-worded then...Obviously the OP thinks that Obama supporting same sex marriage would help him out for the ELECTION....

Wow...yes...I do personally believe that....everyone who thinks this was good that Obama made his position clear doesn't have to have the exact same opinion about how this will effect the outcome.

We aren't a cult here...we all have our own thoughts and beliefs...I know it is probably stranged for you to understand.

I do believe it will give him a boost in energy if nothing else...I do think some independents will swing his way because of this...but I also think that he will lose some independents and it will give the ultra religous right ammunition to attack Obama as the anti-christ.

Your anger is clouding your logic.

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 06:07 PM
This was clearly a political move on Obama's part. First, a few days ago, Joe Biden come out and says he supports Gay Marriage, thus "testing the waters," so to speak, and then Obama comes out and supports. He even spoke about his "Christian Faith".

"This is something that, you know, we've talked about over the years and she, you know, she feels the same way, she feels the same way that I do. And that is that, in the end the values that I care most deeply about and she cares most deeply about is how we treat other people and, you know, I, you know, we are both practicing Christians and obviously this position may be considered to put us at odds with the views of others but, you know, when we think about our faith, the thing at root that we think about is, not only Christ sacrificing himself on our behalf, but it's also the Golden Rule, you know, treat others the way you would want to be treated. And I think that's what we try to impart to our kids and that's what motivates me as president and I figure the most consistent I can be in being true to those precepts, the better I'll be as a as a dad and a husband and, hopefully, the better I'll be as president."

President Obama Affirms His Support for Same Sex Marriage

Now, let us consider Mitt Romney. A Mormon you say?

The LDS Church historically taught that the practice of homosexuality, meaning sexual behavior with someone of the same sex, was a choice or a curable mental illness.
How will Mitt handle this issue? The next president will have to support some form of Gay Marriage.....

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 06:08 PM

Originally posted by sonnny1
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

Sorry,I didnt know "gay" meant liberal.

Like I said,WHY not 4 years ago ? WHY now?


What agenda???

His agenda of making his position clear after he has repeatedly said his views are evolving on the issue???

Please share with us...what is his evil agenda???

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 06:08 PM

Originally posted by sonnny1

Come on,you know this reeks of PANDERING.

No - I do not know that at all.

As said in previous post - - I follow the gay issue very closely.

I know what efforts they have made to speak with Obama.

His personal statement reflects their efforts - - and his "evolving" - - exactly as presented.

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 06:08 PM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
Because if anything, he will lose votes.


He is pandering to the 'soft right'. People that are traditionally conservative, but have a strong belief in personal liberty/equality.

The Republicans will probably be chimming in shortly to attempt to get those votes back.

I must say, kudos to Obama's campaign advisers for getting him in on this this quickly.

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 06:10 PM
I "bit the bullet" and watched a right wing news cast on this subject.

My opinion: they are completely insane.

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 06:11 PM
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

You claimed he did it for votes...and BH made you look foolish for making a claim you can't back up.

So I am foolish because why? Is it because I think Obama has something else up his sleeves? I rather be foolish then blind.

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 06:13 PM
reply to post by sonnny1

How does a Obama supporter defend this ?

Unlike Conservatives, who tend to be very rigid in their thinking...most liberals do understand the concept of learning with an open mind and having your beliefs change over time.

Mine have on same sex marriage...I admit it...when it first started being talked about I thought homosexuals were being a bit dramatic and just trying to poke their finger in the church's eye. But then I heard more and more about it...about legal issues, about taxation issues, about estate issues and ultimately I did realize it was an equality issue.

And now...I think they should have the right to get married and have it recognized by the Government. So if I had a problem with Obama saying he evolved his thoughts on it...I would have to have a problem with myself doing the same.

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 06:14 PM
What is insane is thinking you need governments permission or acceptance to live your life how you want to.


posted on May, 9 2012 @ 06:15 PM

Originally posted by KonquestAbySS
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

You claimed he did it for votes...and BH made you look foolish for making a claim you can't back up.

So I am foolish because why? Is it because I think Obama has something else up his sleeves? I rather be foolish then blind.

Only because you made a claim that you can't back up.

You were called out and now you are angry...get over it...and next time don't speak about things you don't know about and make a claim you can't back up.

Either learn from it or become bitter and angry over it...your choice.

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 06:17 PM

Originally posted by neo96
What is insane is thinking you need governments permission or acceptance to live your life how you want to.


Unless you have been living in a hole for the past know it is about a lot more than that.

It's an equality issue plain and a straight person, I have more rights than a gay person.

Go ahead...defend that.

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