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Life is pointless

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posted on Apr, 7 2012 @ 09:35 PM
reply to post by morpheusxxz

Life is a mighty joke, of the utmost absurdity, and you are very close to getting it, and when you do, you will realize that your depression and hopelessness, is equally pointless, and then in that space of nothing (pointlessness), with you humor restored, you'll then be able to become creative, playful, and humorous, for no other reason than that, if there's nothing we must do, then we are free to do what we want, including getting a new set of friends and altering our own environment in transformative ways. Life is to be played with, and if you cannot bring yourself to see this, and do it, even in the face of almost infinite possibility, while laughing at the absurdity of life and existence well then you've missed the whole point.

Life puts to us an open ended question - what would you like to do, to create, and enjoy. And to run away just because it doesn't have it's OWN point, and isn't prepared to tell you what to do, is not only cowardly, but worse, it's not the least bit funny.

Please don't turn life into an insult?!

It's your choice of course, but what an utter idiot you'd be if you went and did that, when the joke was just a heartbeat away the whole time!

posted on Apr, 7 2012 @ 09:48 PM

I love that metaphore Guy Ritchie put in this movie

The truth in this reality is often plain and boring, we all indulge in ''illusions'' because they have a attractive aspect and allow us to have dreams...yet we always strive to find truth, its in our nature.
Allowing those truth to get the best of you is giving up on everything else life as to offer.

I will never get enough of those words from Bill Hicks

Your main problem bro is exactly those questions you're asking yourself...trying to find meaning to it all is a goose chase...its just a ride

The only thing that needs a purpose is you...nothing else. Get out there and indulge in some illusion and don't let life pass you by, there's so much to do and to see out there
edit on 7-4-2012 by jesiaha because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 7 2012 @ 09:53 PM

Originally posted by morpheusxxz
For past few months, I have lost interest in everything. Every damn thing seems so pointless. Everyone just run around trying to keep themselves involved with illusions to escape reality. There are many threads on this topic all over the web and I read many, but still I am yet to be satisfied with an answer. My existence does not make any difference in this world. So my death too won't make any. We, the product evolution just simply exist. And if we look at the most basic level, we are nothing but a mass of many atoms stacked one upon another held together by a force. Therefore upon my death all my atoms will rearrange and go back within earth.

You may say that I am going through depression but perhaps it maybe that I am loosing my ability to keep myself occupied with illusions. Yes, I still have been trying to just survive and spend my days occupied with video games the whole day. For couple of weeks, it worked but again today I was haunted by the same question. I have cut connection with all my friends and I rarely meet anyone as every single one of them just talk about money/career/other illusions. Three months ago I closed down my business as money no longer interests me. Heck, I don't even like to eat and sleep anymore.

Many say that life is very precious and one should live a healthy life but still what is the point of this survival? Many say that it is actually the lack of love because of which I think like this but love is a very strong illusion and I cannot willingly give myself into it. Many say that life is what we make of it but even if I get myself busy with something, I will start pondering on the very same thing after a few days. I doubt that anyone will have the answer but still I want to hear your views on this.

Of course life is pointless.
The question is do you really WANT an answer and if you do how badly do you want it?
Are you tired enough yet to actually SEE the answer if it was presented to you or would you simply dismiss it as more "useless" information like the vast majority of human beings?

The Wise Teacher

Ten unhappy young boys once approached a wise, elderly teacher seeking helpful instruction. He told them "The first thing I will tell you is that you really don’t want my teachings at all, even though you will insist that you do. You can take this information with you and you may return tomorrow for more". The teacher then turned away and closed the door behind him. The next day nine of the original ten were absent. Upon seeing the sole returnee the teacher asked “So what have you learned from yesterdays teaching?” The student, seeing that his other fellows were absent, commented to the teacher "I have learned that you are an accurate teacher" to which the wise man replied “Please..come in.”

Perhaps you simply want to argue your points and debate your "philosophies" which is simply more BS for you to feel bad about.

The Two Survivors

There were two sole survivors of a shipwreck who were paddling about 2 miles into shore. The first of them said to the other "I am very well versed in rare marine biology...let's discuss it" to which the other replied "No, thank you. I only know one thing"

A bit annoyed the first swimmer then stated "Well I am an expert on the subject of water currents and other oceanographic facts. Let's debate." The other swimmer replied "I only know one thing"

Now the first swimmer said "Have I mentioned that I am the foremost expert on sea faring vessels and maritime litigation?" "I only know one thing" said the other.

As they were just a few feet from land a huge wave overcame both swimmers. The first swimmer started splashing and flailing about as he almost drowned. The other swimmer grabbed his talkative friend and pulled him safely into shore.
"What is the one thing that you know?" sputtered the first swimmer. As he walked away the other one replied "I know how to swim."

Here is a man who can help IF you really want it. (No, it's not religion)

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

edit on 7-4-2012 by lapi7 because: additional content

posted on Apr, 7 2012 @ 10:01 PM
reply to post by morpheusxxz

First thing to do is look around your Town,City,Community, or where ever you live, for any Services that would gladly accept your help. Organizations such as Big Brother, SPCA, or animal care outreaches,etc.. Hell, it could be anything except you. Sounds like you`re depressed and or bored with life, or your own lifestyle. Whatever. Stop thinking about poor you and try to imagine what it`s like to"Walk around in someone else`s shoes". Hey, pal, there`s a lot of people out there that need help and you could be the one they`re waiting for. Poor folks, kids with no Dads. Homeless people, soup kitchens,any volunteer work that needs simple help. That would be no skin off your back, except that your caring for them and donating your time to them and for them, would make a big difference in their world. If nothing else, it`ll get you off your butt and keep you busy enough to not think about your own stuff. I`m not criticizing, but it seems you`re not looking in the right places, or not looking at all. Give it a shot, it could turn your life around! Good Luck,Pal

posted on Apr, 7 2012 @ 10:14 PM
reply to post by morpheusxxz

If you don't matter then nobody else does either,
You say we chase illusions then please tell me what reality is as I'd love to know.
You aren't escaping with video games, you're simply putting off facing your own existence.
Have no fear jump right in and go live - just go do your heart's desire.
Maybe it's time to climb Everest or take up Tae kwan do
Learn to play an instrument you've always wanted to.
Just challenge yourself for the fun of it.

You sound like a victim of both too much meaningless work and suppressed creativity.
It's a scary ride but sometimes we must face things squarely to move forward.
I wish you happiness, joy and love.
They are all real but will not fall on you like rain.
You must seek them out.
edit on 7-4-2012 by Asktheanimals because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 7 2012 @ 10:30 PM
you have too live free or die tryin

posted on Apr, 7 2012 @ 10:41 PM

Originally posted by lapi7
Part 3

Now that's the stuff, that's the kind of humor (in part) that I'm talking about.

Love that guy! Awesome, thanks for sharing him, what he sais is so rational, and utterly fantastic, and so simple AND so very very funny!

posted on Apr, 7 2012 @ 10:47 PM
Change is good, take a vacation somewhere warm, sun helps, find a new interest. Search out new music. JOG, its hard to be depressed if you run or jog, excercise ! I feel the same way, i BAN everyone from me who makes me feel bad....I HAVE BANNED LOTS OF PEOPLE FROM MY LIFE, now Im lonely but I do have a few of the friends Ive always had. You can always think of the good stuff too, like feeling physically good,,not being sick,,not being obese,,having both legs, that kind of stuff..

posted on Apr, 7 2012 @ 10:48 PM
reply to post by morpheusxxz

I am seeing a rise in this perspective lately,perhaps this is us "waking up"..I believe I am going through the same feelings/process you are and let me tell you it can drive one mad!
It does feel like a Depression,but its not really depression I think,its more of acknowledging that there is nothing left on Earth to satisfy or expand your mind.Perhaps those with High Perception can perceive much of this world without having to experience it..and it has taught us what there is here...NOT to say that there ISNT anything here,but with its current status,it is hindering and harming our growth..and we want to leave.

I kind of believe that Life has been so amped up,that any person who want/considers/or is curious about Death,something is considered "wrong" with them and because Death is such a serious matter when it comes to loved ones,the world around you persuades us into staying.Honestly man,I think to myself at several times how I am curious what is on the other side of Death,its the only thing Im interested in exploring afterall you know the saying "The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious".Also,it kind of difficult talking about Death with anyone because its such a touchy subject,especially when you involve yourself because people will jump to assumptions on what they think your thinking about doing.

Morpheus,I also believe that Life is a prison,EVERYTHING about it entraps part of ourselves here,whether we hate something so much we want to change it,or love something so much we never want to leave it.These attachments we develop towards this illusion,but know that not everything is illusion Morpheus...the "Physical" nature of Life is one its biggest illusions,just because everything in this plane of reality is Physical doesnt mean everything we experience is illusory.

A couple things that have helped influence this perspective were a book called "Be Here Now" by Ram Dass,reading over the "Hidden Hand" messages,and a documentary called "Kymatica",as well as researching the basis of many religions and personal experience and "signs" I have chosen to read during my Life.
I am still a lost soul,but I have at least realized I am lost now can search to being found which is what I am doing and helping those also realizing they are lost is the first step towards being found.

"You don't seem to understand,YOU ARE IN PRISON,if you are to get out of prison the first thine you must realize is:YOU ARE IN PRISON.If you think you're free.You can't escape" - Ram Dass 'Be Here Now"

posted on Apr, 7 2012 @ 11:02 PM
Why does this remind me of INCEPTION? is just that life. It has no point other than to live a life to learn things. Ever get the feeling you are dreaming? Who is to say that your waking moments in "life" are not the dream? What if the dream is real? Personally i am just going day to day until this ends or i wake up.

posted on Apr, 7 2012 @ 11:08 PM
You're calling this place a hell and saying that you've given up all illusions, etc, well if you think this place is a hell maybe you've only got so far?

There's several similarities with my own life when I read your post, the disconnect, etc, but what if you're close to something your whole life has been leading up to? Like, say, a real release from the illusion? Maybe you'll soon see that it's not a heaven or a hell, it's in fact neither, and you'll be free from getting so down about it and be able to help others.

And saying you'll just die and turn into atoms is probably nihilism and is also what's got you caught. Maybe you're not so free of illusions after all. (I'm not trying to wind you up by saying that, am genuinely trying to help.)

Do everything you can to keep going, you could be close to something amazing. I can only suggest meditation and letting go of the idea of this being a hell. Your mind is way more than you think right now and there's a myriad of reasons to carry on, you're just in a bad place where your awareness has probably been blocked to a certain extent. (possibly the darkest part before the dawn, as the saying goes.)

Finally I'd just suggest that you have the answers inside you already. (that's why I recommend meditation, to help get closer to them.)

Good luck to you, and I hope your state of mind improves shortly.
edit on 7-4-2012 by robhines because: added/typos

posted on Apr, 7 2012 @ 11:16 PM
I'm guessing you're young

I was a depressed teen at once too, you'll get over it.

Get good friends, establish a nice relationship with your family and get a girl/boyfriend. You'll stop saying it is pointless at that point.
edit on 7-4-2012 by RealSpoke because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 7 2012 @ 11:24 PM
A lot of people reach this stage in their life.

In my younger days, through a few *ahem* 'experiences,' I was able to piece together what I think is the point of our existence.

The universe is conscious. Each of us is a piece of this awareness. We are a facet through which the universe is able to experience itself. To learn, to love, to feel, to teach, to help. Each person serves a unique purpose in this world, because no one has experienced like you have. Existence and learning is all this is. There is a point, and the point is knowing ourselves. Knowing what we are, where we come from. For everything positive in this world, there is something negative to counteract it. It's the law of nature, duality. Everything is an experience, and everything is experiencing.

I guess what I'm trying to say, is your existence means a lot, even if you don't realize it right now. Your existence helps everything in the grand scheme of things, like information being stored in a database. You have this life for a reason. There's so much beyond what you feel right now, and one day when you're out of this slump (which by the way, is a learning experience), you'll realize it.

Keep experiencing. It's the single best thing we can ever do.
edit on 4-7-12 by paradox because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 7 2012 @ 11:27 PM
reply to post by morpheusxxz
Very good, you have reached a point that most never obtain. You have literally found the "we are just a grain of sand on a big beach" state of mind.

Your avitar speaks also, remember how Smith explained his hatred for humans to Morpheus in the first episode?

When humans reach where you are and I am headed, willingly I might add, most can't deal with it. I can't tell you exactly why but it has something to do with feeling like your outside looking in, you just can't comprehend what our species has done with its self after thousands of years of existence.

Like a Pink Floyd song lyric "tired of looking out from behind these eyes"......................don't waste the experiance, use it, most people stay stupied and numb tell the day they die.............good luck.
edit on 7-4-2012 by Battleline because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 7 2012 @ 11:36 PM
Then, make a point by helping others. You could become Tyler Durden.

posted on Apr, 7 2012 @ 11:38 PM

Originally posted by morpheusxxz

Originally posted by GmoS719
The fact that you are relying on answers to come from ATS means you have a problem.
OR you are looking for attention. Either way it means something is wrong.
I suggest looking for answers someplace else besides the internet.
WE obviously can't give you a reason for existence, you have to find that out on your own.
Like everyone else.

As I mentioned in OP, I do not expect an answer here but I am here to find how people look at life, just to get more perspectives. And it maybe that I am unknowingly looking for attention but let alone this ATS account, I do not care about my physical self.

I was looking for answers when I was a teen. I love Hindu philosophy because Hindus understand that God Consciousness is at the nucleus of every atom and cell of your being. When you see it from that view point, that you exist because God exists within you, you find a purpose of existence in life. This is the only real thing to counter that existential stuff Nietzsche and Sartre indulged in.
See here for description of existentialism

Now compare that with a study of higher consciousness

posted on Apr, 7 2012 @ 11:48 PM
What you have stumbled upon is also an illusion. You are occupying yourself with the illusion that you've become disillusioned and thus find no value in life. You will, in truth, never be truly disillusioned. Self deception is bliss, self destruction is improvement, self improvement is masturbation.

Whenever a post like this is made it turns into a pity party, I assume this is not what you're looking for. I struggled with the concept of life being meaningless, though thinking about it now it was because I was in a rather dark place; the problem wasn't that life had no inherent value, but that I found no value in life.

You will probably come full circle and develop a great appreciation for life, unless your resistance worsens and consumes you. The thing is, and I agree with you, that life seems wasted when people occupy themselves with stupid illusory ideals and superficial goals, and it is. I've come to find life to be about self-reflection and learning. It is a chance to attain knowledge and expand your horizons. All of man's accomplishments are contemporary; mankind is not fit for long term survival (I'm talking billions of years). It does not matter what you accomplish in life, in that sense, because regardless of what you achieve the sun will eventually blow up and devour us. All existence is futile, so find in life the things that are important to you and expand upon them. People's opinions are useless, do not be deterred by them. Do some soul-searching and find what you value in life, then create a lifestyle for yourself that is in line with your virtues.

Perhaps this means joining a monastery, perhaps this means making a ton of money; people have diverse values, don't be pigeon holed by society and pop culture. Find what your passion and wrap yourself in it.

posted on Apr, 7 2012 @ 11:57 PM
Life is what you make of it.

To me life isn't pointless, it is quite the contrary. It is full of points, and puns. That are intended to be rather painful and/or embarrassing.

So cheer up! Before life goes ahead and makes another point....

posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 12:00 AM

Originally posted by paradox
A lot of people reach this stage in their life.

In my younger days, through a few *ahem* 'experiences,' I was able to piece together what I think is the point of our existence.

The universe is conscious. Each of us is a piece of this awareness. We are a facet through which the universe is able to experience itself. To learn, to love, to feel, to teach, to help. Each person serves a unique purpose in this world, because no one has experienced like you have. Existence and learning is all this is. There is a point, and the point is knowing ourselves. Knowing what we are, where we come from. For everything positive in this world, there is something negative to counteract it. It's the law of nature, duality. Everything is an experience, and everything is experiencing.

I guess what I'm trying to say, is your existence means a lot, even if you don't realize it right now. Your existence helps everything in the grand scheme of things, like information being stored in a database. You have this life for a reason. There's so much beyond what you feel right now, and one day when you're out of this slump (which by the way, is a learning experience), you'll realize it.

Keep experiencing. It's the single best thing we can ever do.
edit on 4-7-12 by paradox because: (no reason given)

That's a brilliant post, well said.

Was just coming back here to say that all you have to do is look around the world, then look at your own position. Look at all the people suffering and caught up in illusions. You're in a position to be able to help many others become free from many of those illusions, you have a real chance to help people, so try your best not to waste it.

No matter what you may or may not think or know, if you get past this and have a better mindset, you're needed in many ways.
edit on 8-4-2012 by robhines because: added

posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 12:04 AM
I forgot to add that quitting your business means you no longer much value money or what it can buy.
That's a good thing, you're on the path to finding out what does have value.
For a bunch of atoms randomly put together you sure ask some tough questions.

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