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We are having a lot of strange behaviour at our house.

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posted on Feb, 15 2012 @ 04:54 PM
reply to post by thesearchfortruth

How do you know that the paranormal doesn't exist? Even the most modern science leaves room for the possibility of paranormal activity, what with quantum physics infinity of parallel worlds and the theory of relativity's flexibility of time and space, as well as our sheer lack of understanding of what creates consciousness.

If your basis for concluding that factors of forgetfulness, experiences based on personal believes, experiences wasn’t real or lies made up by the OP - then there is an obvious flaw in your logic. If you disbelieve its existence simply because you have never witnessed it yourself, then you are basing something entirely on faith with no evidence, and are therefore not scientific.

It is much easier to bash those who have experienced and believe. Such as "There really isn't any evidence of ghosts " is not a reason, as it has never been proven not to exist either. I am thick-skinned enough to where it doesn't bother me, I know it does bother some, and then there's those looking for help and guidance like the OP.

These experiences are real to the OP and her family. The OP is concerned for the physical, emotional and spiritual well being of her children.

Could you live with yourself if you found out that your words/actions could caused harm because you told someone it was all in their head and it was not?

A sceptical person can still have experiences in this area too and when it happens their sense of reality changes.

Addit: This was posted on another thread by an ATS member:

“I shall not commit the fashionable stupidity of regarding everything I cannot explain as a fraud.” Carl Gustav Jung

edit on 15-2-2012 by DonaldD because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2012 @ 05:25 PM
This is a general question to ponder for those of us who may have an entity personally attached to us as people instead of being attached to object that can be disposed of or buildings that we can flee. My daughter once asked me at the tender age of five that if the Devil himself were to have a change of heart at the end times and were to repent, would God forgive him? I admit that question stopped me in my tracks. I told her I can't imagine a being like that, if he exists and is as hate filled as we believe him to be, would ever repent to begin with. She then asked me shouldn't we then pray for him to repent if all things are possible with God. I was raised a Baptist and with the hellfire and brimstone portrayals of this being as the ultimate enemy. So it was hard to wrap my mind around the concept. But what if that is the big secret? What if that is why Jesus told us to pray for our enemies and bless those that curse us.

If demons are real and the myths are true about fallen beings, then they were once angels. Could they be restored to goodness through the power of prayer? Could their power to torment us be cancelled out by forgiveness and love? It's a hard thing for me to contemplate at this late stage of my life. But my child once told me at around the age of three we do not exist the way we think we do. She says we really reside elsewhere and only parts of us are here. I had no clue what she was talking about but since then reading stuff from quantum physics (what little I could understand) and the writings of people who have done astral travel who describe how we are made up of different levels of being, I think the little ankle biter may be closer to some sort of profound truths than I ever could be as an adult. Even now, at 7 she is losing touch to the spirituality that came so naturally to her earlier. She's been drawn to the cares and distractions of our material world. And I think that is a healthy thing so long as we don't lose the insights she shared while she was a tuned in pure soul.

posted on Feb, 15 2012 @ 05:32 PM
I forgot to add that I NEVER introduced the concept of the Devil to my daughter nor do we attend church. I didn't think it appropriate to introduce such a horrid concept to a child and I remember resenting it when the youth ministers went terrorizing me with the concept in Sunday School. My daughter is the one who told ME about him. I did tell her about God in a vague way when one of our pets died. One day she came to me and said "I know about God. But there is another, isn't there, that you aren't telling me about. He's big like God but he is mean and hates us and is the opposite of God."

I was stunned speechless. I said yes she was right and I asked her where she got that idea from and she said she just KNEW. This was well before she started school and I did my due diligence and questioned people and everyone swears they didn't broach the subject to her. So, some things just make themselves known, I guess, regardless of whether we accept them or not.

posted on Feb, 15 2012 @ 06:06 PM

Originally posted by ShaunSwindon
Well I was a sceptic for my whole life. Then my Wife and I bought a beautiful two bedroomed apartment from a lovely old lady who was moving into an old age home.

The second night we we in our new home I was woken up by the sound of a voice saying rather loudly DA! When I awoke my Wife was already walking towards our cupboard which was next to me as I slept and told me later that what I heard was the fith or sixth DA. So in other words she heard something saying aloud DA, DA, DA, DA, DA, DA!

Time passed and a few other things happened which we did not really pay attention to that much until end of last year I found a spoon bent lying on the kitchen floor. I myself had difficulty bending the spoon straight. A week later after the spoon incident I was awoken abruptly with my Wife trying to climb over my head. Screaming hysterically. I will never forget that sound. She was terrified and swore blind that she was half asleep at around 3am and while still in bed felt something touch her foot. She panicked and noticed there was a wavy black mass standing at the foot of our bed. It took me an hour to calm her down.

A month passed and we got a psycic in. She cleansed the flat with Sea Salt and a ritual. She also made my Wife and I bath in 500g Sea Salt each and soak in it for more than 15 minutes. Apparently she said these things attach themselves onto your back and can cause irritability, lack of energy and a sore back / neck and they dislike pure salt.

I cannot be sure that there was anything in my home but I cannot explain a few things I have seen in the corner of my eye and also the spoon incident. I am and always will be a sceptic but even as I write this I get cold shivers down my spine to think of how scared my Wife was of what she saw that one night.

Much love and light to you all and hope this issue resolves itself over time. I think you should try and talk to whatever is there. Have a chat to thin air. I have read some poeple even make little shrines and burn incense to make the entity feel welcome and not act in an angry way. Call me crazy but we all have souls. That I am sure of. Who is to say that soul does not get lost sometimes? Just saying

edit on 15-2-2012 by ShaunSwindon because: (no reason given)

We too have seen large black masses, in fact I saw it 3 times in the last 4 days. Last night I saw it at my bed, I told it to leave and imagined a white light protecting me and it went away. We have pure sea salt, and are going to try taking a bath in it and see if that works. Than you!

posted on Feb, 15 2012 @ 06:13 PM
reply to post by Tsurugi

Hi, thanks for your reply. We are torn between documenting it and trying to rid it completely. We have so many people telling me to get pictures, video it and document it. Some of our friends want us to call paranormal researchers and have them video it. While others tell us we should ask a church to help and others say sage and sea salt. We are doing the sea salt thing right now and it seems to of calmed things down a bit. Trying to find an eagle feather to use with burning the sage I have. Supposed to work the best with a real eagle feather. Also been told to imagine a white light when we are scared and that works the best so far. We aren't religious but we do believe in god somewhat so we I am saying the lords prayer more and other prayers as well from the christian belief. Hubby think a cross above each doorway will help, so we will be looking to buy some when we find out where they are sold. Thank you for your info.

posted on Feb, 15 2012 @ 06:16 PM
reply to post by FinalAccount2008

All our friends all wish they had this happening to them. I tell them "No you don't!" They think it's cool when they come over and get to see things happen. It's not like a game, it isn't fun. It's annoying as heck.

posted on Feb, 15 2012 @ 06:23 PM
reply to post by SheeplFlavoredAgain

I've lived in several houses that have had ghosts or something unsettling in them. even the house I grew up in. I used to see the ghosts of 2 dogs walking around the house and go into my bedroom. One night my bunk was shaking and I heard a chewing sound at the bottom base of my bed on a leg. I was too scared to hang my head over and look. The next day there was a small chunk of wood gouged out of the leg. We didn't have a dog. Years later I overheard my neighbor talking to my parents about how the previous owner had two dogs and he buried them in the backyard. I lived in an apartment in my early twenties when I used to see an older man sitting on a chair at my kitchen table smoking a cigar. I asked a neighbor who had last lived there and she listed a few people with one being an older man who had died there years before. I believe if someone dies there their spirit came come back and visit. Your neighbors dying of cancer and each person who moves into that house has things happen is scary, that house is definatley haunted. I wish we could just leave but we've moved three times and it has followed us.

posted on Feb, 15 2012 @ 06:29 PM
reply to post by SheeplFlavoredAgain

I was wondering the same thing about praying for a bad spirit too. But also wondered if that might encourage it to become more attached to us rather than want to leave. So for the time being we are just concentrating on not being afraid of it and telling it to leave. I want to show it compassion just because I'm like that in real life to people but I just don't know about this.

posted on Feb, 15 2012 @ 06:50 PM
reply to post by shell310

I did go ahead and pray for my problem entity. I don't know exactly how many I'm dealing with all total but I know of one very specific one that has plagued my maternal grandmother when she was a practicing shaman of her people and then went on to my mom, then myself, and most recently my daughter gave me a description and it sounds like the old family heirloom. Great, some people inherit fine china or jewelry but my family passes down a demon.

So I know that one and that's the one I prayed for and I'll tell later what I specifically prayed about. I've got to get dinner on the table now. But I can say now the prayer filled ME with peace and a profound sense of strength like God approves and I'm tapping into something so much bigger than myself and so powerful and benign. I'm ashamed to say even though I'm a Christian I don't pray often enough quietly enough, I am so hyper it is hard to get me to still myself to really get it "right". I prayed for you and for me and our families and a couple others around here who have demon troubles.

This thing is already attached to me and mine for going on four generations now and possibly back further. I'm a "the buck stops here" kind of gal. So I'd prefer it to stick with me and see this thing through so it doesn't plague future generations or go off and bedevil some other poor soul that might not have the resources I do and the family knowledge to recognize what they are dealing with. I believe God can do anything and if I follow his commands to pray for my enemies he will find a way to work it all to good. I have faith in that.

posted on Feb, 15 2012 @ 07:37 PM
reply to post by SheeplFlavoredAgain

Wow, that's quite something that's been following your family for generations. I believe families can have connections to things like that. I know my mother and I and now my daughter have always been able to see and communicate with spirits. I don't know if my mother and grandmother ever were plagued by bad spirits, They never said anything. My mom died in 1978 and my grandmother 5 years ago. We aren't religious but we do believe there is a god of some sort and saying prayers do make us feel better after. Thank you so very much for praying for our family, I feel more peaceful knowing that. I will pray for you too and others plagued by this as no one deserves to be afraid of something like this.

Thank you, take care

posted on Feb, 15 2012 @ 08:33 PM
reply to post by SheeplFlavoredAgain

You could try generational healing. If the problems you have are historical in nature, it won't just stop at you.

edit on 15-2-2012 by DonaldD because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2012 @ 09:47 PM
reply to post by shell310

I have a kind of unconventional heritage. My mom comes from a kind of tribal Asian heritage that has largely been assimilated by Japan and doesn't have much left of it. I'm lucky I'm old enough to have met a grandma and a great grandma. Anyway it's just me and my mom that didn't carry on the old ways. Partly because WWII ruined their people and the Japanese pushed them to modernize. And partly by choice. My granny was a shaman and that meant her job was to intercede between the living and the dead ancestors. She did this for years and it was hard and the spirits were abusive and she suffered a lot. When Christian missionaries told her her ancestors would never harm her like that and explained she likely was serving demons it made perfect sense to her. She wasn't getting anything out of it, nor were her kin, so she converted and she never got troubled again. By the time I met her she was the most devout church going woman I ever knew.

But my mom got plagued even though she converted, too. One entity that has a distinctive mental voice. I never heard of reptilians until I saw this site but all my life my mom and I called this thing snake dude. It is a cold reptilian character. My mom says she first heard it before her baby brother drowned. It likes to foretell bad news. When I was little it would tell me when my pets were going to die. It's not always accurate which leads me to believe something intercedes on our behalf as often as possible or it just likes to mess with us. It's said similar nasty things to daughter.

I never told her about this entity and she was way more ordinary as a small child, her spiritual insights notwithstanding, than I was at those ages, so I thought she would escape this fate. I mean she never saw scary stuff like I did, never reported anything paranormal except she could see the same tiny red dots in a dark room that I could exactly when I was seeing them, too. But other than that, she was a regular happy go lucky kid. So, my heart sank like a rock when she came to me around last Christmas in tears telling me this thing was following her around the house saying horrible things to her in her thoughts. She doesn't watch violent shows and we are very careful about everything and so is our extended family. My mother in law is her only baby sitter. So I know this wasnt something she got off of the media. It has a distinctive snarky manner she relayed to me perfectly. Man, was I miffed. And scared. Then I got determined. My grandkids, if there ever are any, won't go through this.

By the way I'm no dummy. I'm well aware of mental illness. My mom did suffer a breakdown and got successfully treated. I don't take chances and I'm a practical woman. So yes, my own medical doctor and my daughter's pediatrician are well aware what we go through. I got a great doctor, she happens to be Jewish, but she has no problem with anything I've told her. She says I'm rational but she did help me with Zoloft when things got real bad around here after the birth of my daughter. I believe when you get the brain chemistry out of whack, some things your mind will make up on its own, but other things will slide in and take advantage. My daughter has awesome pediatricians and they know what's been going on and got me lined up with caring specialists if this ever becomes a combined spiritual attack and mental health issue. When it comes to my own well being or that of my family I don't play around. I will explore all possiblities and play all my options. I don't close my mind to anything. I'm quite a fan of the Fortean viewpoint.

So when scoffers tell me I'm nuts, I say, you know, you could have a point. I've got it covered. And I do. Sometimes it's not a spook. Sometimes it's just messed up serotonin levels. Sometimes both.

posted on Feb, 15 2012 @ 10:12 PM
reply to post by SheeplFlavoredAgain

Oh, I totally agree with you on the mind thing. Mental illness can play a part in hearing things. I've heard weird things most of my life, but so have my family and anyone who comes for an extended visit and they are perfectly healthy in the mind. So we can't all be nuts. Or can we?

posted on Feb, 15 2012 @ 10:16 PM
reply to post by DonaldD

I would but I don't know what that is. If you would be so kind to explain what it is or point me to a reference I would really appreciate that.

posted on Feb, 15 2012 @ 10:27 PM
We had a family meeting today and have decided to continue working together to rid ourselves of any bad spirits in the house. We have agreed to try to only have healthy happy thoughts. When we feel scared we will imagine a white light around us protecting us. We have pure sea salt in every corner of the house and we are each going to have a 15 minute bath in sea salt to help rid any bad spirit that may be attached to us. Tomorrow we are going to all say the St Michael's Prayer and burn sage in each room of the house with one door left open so the spirit can leave. For the time being no video will be set up and we will not be chasing after it trying to get another picture. We have been doing all those things except for the sage and sea salt. And doing it all together all the time, well we'll see if it dies down some.
edit on 15-2-2012 by shell310 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2012 @ 10:42 PM

Originally posted by ShaunSwindon
I have read some poeple even make little shrines and burn incense to make the entity feel welcome and not act in an angry way. Call me crazy but we all have souls. That I am sure of. Who is to say that soul does not get lost sometimes? Just saying

edit on 15-2-2012 by ShaunSwindon because: (no reason given)

Very interesting to see this comment. I'm Chinese and like most typical Chinese, don't subscribe to any religion. Having said that, we're still spiritual, especially when it comes to ancestors. Anyways, to this day, my parents do the same thing in every new residence they move into. The first thing that gets moved from the old house to the new one is the ancestor "shrine" (think wooden/stone/glass tablets with individual or clan names on them). My dad would light some incense and say a little prayer to the ancestors, thanking them for looking out for us and that this is our/their new home. The second thing that gets moved is the "earth/land spirit shrine", basically something to appease whatever spirit(s) are already in or around the new property. Again, another prayer along with some incense, but thanking the other spirit for letting us live here in peace and that we would respect it so long as it respects us. And based on the lunar calendar, every few weeks or so, some offerings are placed at the shrine for the relatives (rice, meat, fruit) and prayers are spoken again. This same set of offerings is then placed at the other shrine along with another prayer of thanks for keeping the peace.

When I asked my dad about the ancestor shrine, he described it as sort of a proxy for their graves. Much the same way folks goto cemeteries to visit loved ones and to talk, my parents used the shrine for the same reasons. They'd hold little conversations every now and then at the shrines whenever something significant happened, like someone getting married or someone having a child, and they'd request the blessings from these ancestors.

The thing is, I see this exact same type of setup in most traditional Asian homes that I've visited along the east and west coast here in the US. Oh course, now that the kids are all grown and we have our own kids, we haven't kept up with that tradition. I do know it disturbs my parents though. They commented one time, "if you guys don't setup a shrine for us, how will we find our way back to you? We'll just end up as lost souls with no one to pray for us or give us offerings." Basically, they think they'll end up being the forgotten souls that the second shrine was supposed to address.

Sorry for getting sidetracked with this, just thought I'd elaborate on my experience regarding little shrines. With that said, I've never experienced anything like the OP. Only seen a dark shadow person at the foot of my bed once when I was a teenager and all it did was say "help me" over and over. I was freaked out of course but managed to say "what do you want me to do?". It didn't answer though, just kept asking for help until it went away. Damn I'm getting goose bumps just thinking about that thing again...

But like others have stated in this thread, my dad also said the same thing about how to deal with unwanted spirits. Stand your ground, don't let your fear take control, get angry and demand that spirit to leave. The parents also had some words of caution regarding OOBE. Man, now that I think about it, my parents taught me a lot of random weird things that I'm remembering all of a sudden. Very odd, dad was just an electrical engineer and mom was a seamstress. Not sure why this stuff was common knowledge around the house.

edit on 15-2-2012 by gumbico because: typos

posted on Feb, 15 2012 @ 10:54 PM
reply to post by shell310

From observing my mom when she had her break, the mind generated problems are not too hard to pick out. For one, she wasn't rational. And when she started accusing ME of being a demon, that was when I knew for sure her mind went off the rails. But the paranormal components were definitely present because my dad and I, as rational third party witnesses, got our first exposure to shadow beings at that time. We had never seen that sort of thing around the house before, and it was the first time my dad ever admitted to believing in the paranormal. He always had, I think, but he kept it to himself.

There is also something else to consider, and this relates back to the post a few pages back that I think we all failed ti acknowledge about these things possibly being generated by ourselves through our own uncontrolled energies..that geist stuff. I would be amiss if I failed to note that my mom's breakdown and the accompanying manifestations coincided with her starting menopause.

Amd my own worst ever breakout of shadow people, sounds, cold spots, etc, etc happened to me within a month of my giving birth ti my daughter. I'd have to be willfully ignorant to deny that messed up female hormones don't play some kind of role in a lot of these things.

Now when the poo hit the fan last year, nobody was hormonal as far as I know, but our family did endure a sad loss and my daughter was going through some grief.

But that does not discount the participation of a generational entity in all of our misery. I just think the thing to take away from our experience is if you already have a genetic predisposition to paranormal sensitivity, if your emotions or your hormones go out of whack, there are things in this universe that are going to take advantage of that and manifest. And there are your own energies that might go out of control and manifest. And then there are well documented scientifically studied mental illness symptoms that will also manifest and the result will be one hot mess that is difficult to sort out if you focus on just one aspect of the suffering. So we all have to be aware we exist simultaneously as spiritual beings and as physical beings and have to look out for and nurture both aspects. You can't fix anything if you refuse to acknowledge the possibility there is a brain or body chemistry issue that needs examining and correcting or ruling out. You can't fix anything if you refuse to acknowledge a spiritual attack, if the mental health explanation doesn't seem to cover all the bases.

And you can't fix anything if you fail to be aware of your own energies and pray or meditate or vacation and settle yourself and "sort yourself out" as my UK friend's would say.

If you have visitors hearing the noises, too, that to me says a mental health explanation isn't going to cover all the bases. Somebody in your family may well need a vacation, but you would know if anyone was no longer rational. I know there are people reading this thread who think we are bonkers and discussing utter bunk. But to me I think we are perfectly reasonable. We are observing things that don't quite have a logical rational explanation behind them. We can't provide that proof over the Internet but we can probably sway people who kmow us personally. Even my grand sceptic of a husband couldn't explain away the icy cold air around me. Great, an entity who opens me up for frigid wife jokes! Just my luck!

Remember, you don't have a thing to prove to anybody over the Internet. I think you have identified the basics of your problem to yourself to your satisfaction and to the people who also have experience in these matters at least enough to empathize.

I am just sorry that while I empathize I can't advise. I do find the Christian belief system I have very helpful but I would never push that on anyone. And it's not a cure all. I don't think my faith is meant for that. I believe this happened to our family for a valid reason for God's glory ultimately, even though I resent the whole thing with a heated passion. But Jesus Christ himself had to deal with Satan whispering and bothering him, too, so I'm not without an example to follow.

While I will pray for this entity I will follow Christ's example and show it no tolerance, no compassion and no mercy that it could exploit against me. I am praying only that if it is within God's will that such can occur, my request that this being find a reconnection with its lost divine nature and seek its own redemption will be heard and considered if that is something God would permit and allow. Only God knows what he thinks ought to be done with these things and if he thinks it safe for the rest of his creation to give them a chance at redemption.

I can as a flawed human understand its hatred, jealousy and resentment of humanity and of God's authority.

posted on Feb, 15 2012 @ 10:54 PM
reply to post by SheeplFlavoredAgain

Hi there, sorry, I have been working and am just catching up. No, I don't think your (meaning SheeplFlavoredAgain's) experience was negative or that you have a demon stalking your because you smelled the lovely scent and felt a presence. You had a positive experience, no need to double guess it.

On the other hand, the OP has had so many strange experiences and many of them have been negative, and they seem to be plaguing her family. They have felt like the Grandma has helped, and I think that is most likely the case. But, with all the tricks going on, I just personally wouldn't trust scents or apparitions at this point, to be what they might seem. Honestly, I would have to say you go with the gut on this one. Does the OP feel comfortable as soon as the perfume shows up, and do the shadows and other tricks abate? Or do the family smell the scent, but the other games are all happening at around the same time? I suspect the Grandma is trying to help, and definitely lending her influence to help protect the family, but in comparison to the entity, she probably has not been off the physical plane for that long. So, does she have the energy at this point to be able to express herself physically through sight or scent in addition to blocking the entity? My guess is that she would not, unless already quite practiced and strong when she passed. Perhaps she was, since the OP mentions that psychic abilities run in the family, so it may be just as it appears. I would just be cautious, in the OP's situation, as everything presented may not be quite the reality.

What do you feel? Trust your instincts. If you feel discomfort in any way, confront and banish it from your presence. If you feel truly safe and secure, then allow it. We in the modern world have lost touch with our intuition in so many ways, and that is our safety net.

posted on Feb, 15 2012 @ 11:01 PM
(continued) but I have to acknowledge the entities choose to be the way they are. They choose to burn with rage and hate.

The only thing I can do is pray that if there is a way for it to find its way back to its pre fallen state, that God help it along. And I also asked for God to straighten ME, as another fallen being, to show there is a better way to live, to see things. I'm a hot head so goodness knows I need the help myself. I consider myself a very nice person but I get angry and hate filled myself when I read the news. It's hard enough to pray for some people, let alone an evil entity. Often times it's hard to tell the difference with some people and the things they do.

posted on Feb, 15 2012 @ 11:10 PM
Shell the author here, are you in New England by chance? If you were I could share information with you and possibly be able to get some help to you. My sister and I have a talent at spirit work, only because they refuse to stop noticing us.

I can't just promise i'd volunteer anyone but myself but if you were local, i could find a way for an assist here. However I feel you have the tools at your disposal to deal with said entity/entities. Your gift for the Psychic/Spiritual just needs some fine tuning to be of aid to you, I can help with that at least, as it has been my lifelong passion.

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