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Sun flares affect our pineal gland, causing mass awakening?

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posted on May, 10 2012 @ 01:15 PM

Originally posted by BelowPublicKnowledge
reply to post by KonquestAbySS

Have you ever heard of sun gazing? Its when you stare at the sun ( during safe hours ) and you receive all of the nutrients and energy you need to survive. Never have to eat again.

Oh for crying out loud!

I hope nobody here reads this and goes blind or damages their eyes.
Starring at the Sun during safe hours!!!

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 01:33 PM
reply to post by KonquestAbySS

Everyone is too busy working their arses off so the government will give them the privilege of paying an arm and a leg for stuff they deserved to have anyway...

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 01:53 PM
reply to post by Starchild23

There is a point in time, and that point is marked at the end of 2010 and the beginning of 2011. This is the point where everything changed. Like a door in my mind was closed before. Awakening can be coupled with a more "normal" term of perhaps, maturing, but even maturing doesn't quite define the entire experience.

To make a super Long story short I'll try to sum up some experiences below: (I'm typing from my phone so bear with me)

1st. Had my first lucid dream the morning family member dies
-this family member was the religious pillar in the family.

2nd. Moved out of the big city

Next. Started researching my lucid dreaming experiences. I had never had a lucid dream until that mornin of my grandmas death.

From researching lucid dreaming, I learned about potential demons or negative energies that can feed on you.
So I basically started learning about negative and Positive energies, things in the invisible that could exist.

Then I got into religion. Taking into consideration all the things I heard from my grandmother all my life and comparing and studying other religions. Throw in some zeitgeist (which seemed awesome AT THE TIME), finding Alex jones(listened to him for a short time), trying to pray to Jesus or ancestors..Getting in touch with who I am and what my reality is. And wanting to find out where I was from and where I might be going.

Then i started researching more and more, down that rabbit hole, which would lead me here there and everywhere. I became very interested in astronomy, astrology, and astrophysics. All these experiences just all started happening so fast in 2011. My thirst for a need to know on just about everything erupted. I started taking concern in the food my family was eating, things going on it he world that I would have never ever thought about before. I started trying meditation, even manipulation of energy from within the mind.
At some point I learned about the power of manifest, intention, and connecting with the universe to help guide the direction of my life.

Anyhow, all these experiences since December 2010 is what I'd call my awakening. When that fire of desire was lit and took off, the flames grew bigger..It is my fire to fight against all the unjust I've learned about. I feel like my intuition is stronger than ever, I can connect to different thought wavelengths of people around me, Ive confronted my dark side, the hidden secrets and suppressed emotions, the things that make me good and things that would make me bad. I feel like I really do have the power to influence my world by putting forth my strongest intention about something and have that come to fruition.
I know that everyone has their own way to awakening and path to enlightenment, this was mine, and btw, I didn't have to work during this time period so I had every single day and night, inside our home to think, ponder, wonder, and explore. It was almost like I took A hiatus from the world in order to have so much time to research and dig deep. I understand a lot of people dont have the opportunity to close the doors on the outside world long enough to look within and work on that.

Also, 2011 was the year I started number seeing patterns 11:11. 1:23, 12:34, 4:56.

"they" say 2012 is the year for the awakening, and I believe it. I tried waking up friends by sending information or trying to have discussions. You cant make those horses drink the water, remember? People wake up on their own, and its amazing to see your peers snap into it.

edit on 10-5-2012 by LightWarrior11 because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-5-2012 by LightWarrior11 because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-5-2012 by LightWarrior11 because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-5-2012 by LightWarrior11 because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-5-2012 by LightWarrior11 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 02:05 PM

Originally posted by Xcalibur254
reply to post by Soapusmaximus

I've seen this claim before and it makes no sense. The pineal gland calcifies due to calcium. Fluoride contains 0% calcium. It is completely illogical to claim that the pineal gland is calcified due to fluoride.

Flouride doesn't have to contain calcium to cause calcification. I'm not sure you understand the process involved, but it's a fact. Another cause is exposure to electromagnetic fields, and electromagnetic fields don't contain calcium either. The pineal gland also can produce Pinoline which is thought to act as an MAOI to potentiate endogenous '___'. By the way, if you find another gland that is capable of producing '___', be sure to let science know.
If you have a RATS subscription, check this thread out...

The pineal gland in birds is thought to be related to magnetic navigation, so the OP might be on to something. Fascinating...

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 02:09 PM

Originally posted by stereologist
Most animals are tropical.

Debunking is an art I guess. Is that ad lib or do you have a source for that?

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by chr0naut
reply to post by BelowPublicKnowledge

How, exactly, do solar flares affect the pineal gland?

The magnetic and electrical effects within the human body would be well below detectable. And we have sources of both that far exceed what we would expect the Sun to produce here on the ground.

Perhaps it's the Solar Neutrinos which don't interact with us at all and pass through us without effect.

Or, has ANYONE observed a correlation between solar flares and "mass awakenings" to date?

As a theory, it's on pretty shaky ground.

for the 'mass awakenings' now happening in my logic it is not what is going on , or it is misnamed thing if the sun as our source-protector of life and has influence on our pineal gland then it does so as a head regulator and a protector of life and bone feeder also a real awakening connected to the bio-cycles
and not the protector of death and its signals of dmt chemistries in order to accelerate
bottompits-desirous milky particles like ovarieses infused madness -- see thet as the centre of the galaxy its behavior and 'photon belt' calls for 'something' eh vibuti?
so.. about the sun in my intuitive thought-fool reasoning, it can be be seen as the very part of protective pineal and the pineal edge oort cloud sa,t so enlarged for
protecting us from un-desirous surrounding impulses
like a pineal against the dream with and used by the intruders coming in it with

its hormone melatonin can protect against neurodegeneration.[25]

and is maybe might be the real one connected to the real reality tru
so if the solar system was now attacked it needed to change ithe fields poles through the activity of and by the sun
by and by the sun as a deity for the poison's/ dmt collection burner as that dmt even such an info suplier is but as an impulse not the light that should and will awaken this system and all of us
so this is ricks misinterpretation - although in seeng death you might be illuminated

its hormone melatonin can protect against neurodegeneration.[25]

[edit] Conjecture

Dr. Rick Strassman, while conducting research on the psychedelic dimethyltryptamine ('___') in the 1990s at the University of New Mexico, advanced the controversial hypothesis that a massive release of '___' from the pineal gland prior to death or near death was the cause of the near death experience (NDE) phenomenon. Several of his test subjects reported NDE-like audio or visual hallucinations. His explanation for this was the possible lack of panic involved in the clinical setting and possible dosage differences between those administered and those encountered in actual NDE cases. Several subjects also reported contact with 'other beings', alien like, insectoid or reptilian in nature, in highly advanced technological environments[26] where the subjects were 'carried,' 'probed,' 'tested,' 'manipulated,' 'dismembered,' 'taught,' 'loved,' and even 'raped' by these 'beings' (one could note the strong similarities of these bodily tests/invasions in other psychedelic experiences throughout time, outlined in Graham Hancock's "Supernatural"[27]). Basing his reasoning on his belief that all the enzymatic material needed to produce '___' is found in the pineal gland (see evidence in mammals), and moreover in substantially greater concentrations than in any other part of the body, Strassman ([26] p. 69) has speculated that '___' is made in the pineal gland.
"Supernatural"[ is not does not mean always the good and not just for humans but the wider circles of universes kingdoms

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 08:55 PM
reply to post by SonofLeod

I'm goIng to school for degrees in Internal Medicine, Nutrition and Dieting, with a few others. You can do google searches for what I'm talking about, you and X do for everything else.

It really does not matter who you claim you are. What matters is the material you post. You post unsubstantiated claims. One of the big issues is learning how to separate the baloney claims from real material.

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 09:07 PM

Originally posted by twitchy

Originally posted by Xcalibur254
reply to post by Soapusmaximus

I've seen this claim before and it makes no sense. The pineal gland calcifies due to calcium. Fluoride contains 0% calcium. It is completely illogical to claim that the pineal gland is calcified due to fluoride.

Flouride doesn't have to contain calcium to cause calcification. I'm not sure you understand the process involved, but it's a fact. Another cause is exposure to electromagnetic fields, and electromagnetic fields don't contain calcium either. The pineal gland also can produce Pinoline which is thought to act as an MAOI to potentiate endogenous '___'. By the way, if you find another gland that is capable of producing '___', be sure to let science know.
If you have a RATS subscription, check this thread out...

The pineal gland in birds is thought to be related to magnetic navigation, so the OP might be on to something. Fascinating...

[].........Windows to the Universe

An example for The Sun:

In Vedic mythology, Garuda is the king of birds and the enemy of serpents. His body was that of a handsome man with the beak and the talons of a predatory bird. He is associated with the all-consuming sun's rays. Garuda is often depicted with the supreme Hindu god Vishnu and his wife Lakshmi riding on his back flying across the sky.

His father was Kasyapa, one of the seven great sages called the Rishis. Hindu people believe that he has the power to cure those suffering from snake-bite. In one myth, it is said that Garuda stole the water of life, named Amrta. Garuda needed the Amrta to release his mother Vinata, who had been enslaved by her rival Kadru with a subterfuge.

Kadru had asked the elixir of immortality as a ransom. The water of life was the ambrosia of the gods and it was carefully guarded in Indra's heaven. The task appeared impossible to him. Nevertheless, Garuda succeeded and won his mother's freedom. Indra had his thunderbolt broken during the battle.

Rasa or- Raka - heaven in Hebrew
tala - matter(ial) world
Briareus is one of three giant sons--the Hecatoncheires--of Gaea and Uranus ...

Definition: Hecatoncheires, the fierce gigantic 100-handers, were children of Uranus and Gaia. There were 3 Hecatoncheires, Briareus, Cottus, and Gyges. For each pair of their hundred hands there was a head, so these creatures were 50-headed. Uranus threw these sons into Tartarus, in the Underworld. After Zeus freed the Hecatoncheires from Tartarus, they fought on the side of the gods against the"
¹ The ` elemental' kingdom are the three stages of life on its descent into matter-- involution-- and the seven kingdoms might be figured on a descending and ascending arc, like Chains and globes:
Triple LOGOS of the system, with His Ministers, the “Rulers of seven Chains,”¹ A B C D E F G
The Venusian Scheme is reaching the end of its fifth Chain, and Venus has consequently lately lost her Moon, the globe D of the preceding Chain.1 (¹ It may be remembered that the Moon of Venus was seen by Herschel.) It is possible that Vulcan, which Herschel saw, but which, it is said, has now disappeared, is in its sixth Chain, but on that we have no information, either direct or mediate. Jupiter is not yet inhabited, but its moons are, by beings with dense physical bodies.
"Hundred-Handed Ones," Latinised Centimani),
Ecopoiesis is a neologism created by Robert Haynes. The word was formed from the Greek, οικος, house, and ποιησις, production. Ecopoiesis refers to the origin of an ecosystem. In the context of space exploration, Haynes describes ecopoiesis as the "fabrication of a sustainable ecosystem on a currently lifeless, sterile planet".
Tree planting is the process of transplanting tree seedlings,

edit on 10-5-2012 by nii900 because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-5-2012 by nii900 because: (no reason given)

JNF trees in the Negev Desert. Man-made
dunes help keep in rainwater, creating oasis.

edit on 10-5-2012 by nii900 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 09:08 PM

Originally posted by Starchild23
It is said that the Bermuda triangle is the result of an acient Merkabah that is still active, resulting in an electromagnetic field that not only causes electronics to malfunction, but also creates a portal...hence, the disappearances of many vessels that have sailed or flown in the area.

Isn't the Bermuda Triangle part of the (supposed) ley lines?
I think I remember reading something like that in an Edgar Cayce book.

I believe there are other electromagnetic 'regions' aside from the Bermuda Triangle. I forget where they are, though.

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 09:12 PM
reply to post by Starchild23

While this little excerpt only mentions certain chemical influence, it implies that there is a strong connection between the pineal gland, electrmagnetic influence (which is connected to the Merkabah) and cellular development and activity.

This can be associated with essential "enlightenment" and "godliness", or the pineal gland developing to the point of allowing electromagnetic influence, and therefore control, over aspects of biological and metaphysical function.

You're stretching things a bit.

Here is the abstract from the Lohmann and Johnson article.

Diverse vertebrate animals can sense the earth's magnetic field, but little is known about the physiological mechanisms that underlie this sensory ability. Three major hypotheses of magnetic-field detection have been proposed. Electrosensitive marine fish might sense the geomagnetic field through electromagnetic induction, although definitive evidence that such fish actually do so has not yet been obtained. Studies with other vertebrates have provided evidence consistent with two different mechanisms: biogenic magnetite and chemical reactions that are modulated by magnetic fields. Despite recent progress, however, primary magnetoreceptors have not yet been identified unambiguously in any animal.

I did not find the Schultheiss article titled "Magnetic analysis of human brain tissue". I did find the following comment on that article

The possible role of strongly ferrimagnetic magnetite in neurological and neurodegenerative diseases, such as epilepsy or Alzheimer's disease, has been investigated in several studies

The comment was in reference to 3 articles.

Not sure where the article you linked to came up with some of their claims. People have been aware of EM effects at the cellular level for a long time. Magnetic field detection by living creatures has not been and still is not well understood.

The claim that there is a strong or even weak connection between the pineal gland and magnetic fields is not based on those papers. The issue is not cellular development. Not in those papers.

Not clear how you come to those claims from these papers.

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 09:13 PM
reply to post by Starchild23

The Bermuda Triangle is not real. The number of disappearance is low out there. More small planes have disappeared without a trace on land than in the Bermuda Triangle.

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 09:18 PM
It certainly does. This is somehting I've experienced, memories coming, veil lifting, contact with Family, even got my power back. And in a ufology experience that had my power taken from me for years, had my power back because I remembered who he was and the Guide that came in with the CME was Family and told him he needed to raise his frequency in love now because it was time to go home. So, that was a very empowering and wonderful experience and no longer feel threatened at all in some of those things.

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 09:19 PM
reply to post by twitchy

Do I have a source for biodiversity of tropical rainforests or coral reefs?

Diversity consistently measures higher in the tropics and in other localized regions such as Cape Floristic Province and lower in polar regions generally.

Obviously most animals are tropical.

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 09:54 PM

Originally posted by Starchild23
what exactly IS coming, I'm not sure.

yea you are! .. humans getting super powers remember

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 09:56 PM

Originally posted by BelowPublicKnowledge

I just stumbled upon this video and it makes pretty good sense. He talks about how there is a correlation between solar flares and our pineal gland. And what year has solar flares been extremely active... 2012? When the sun has a flare it send energy into our gland and allows it to secrete '___'. Sometime this year he predicts a sun flare will cause mass "dmt trips" causing us to face our shadow / higher self. But, here we go into conspiracies, the government is trying to calcify our pineal gland through fluoride and other chemicals.

He also talks about the earth grid and how we can transfer either positive or negative energy from one point on the grid to another. ( Reasons for 9/11 and other such terrorist attacks)

What does ATS think about this?

PS.. Wasnt sure which forum to put this in so feel free to move it

hey man.. i really don't understand what the bermuda triangle has to do with this all.. could you plz tell us what time in the vid it talks about solar flares and the pineal.. if it's in this vid at all

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 10:39 PM

Originally posted by BelowPublicKnowledge

But, here we go into conspiracies, the government is trying to calcify our pineal gland through fluoride and other chemicals.

If you have some family member that belongs to the government have you see that it drinks a different type of water or have you seen that they eat special things than all the people?

Have you seen any president of the world eating different food than everybody? They eat and drink the same things like any one else.

If this is true then it could be very easy for the most powerful country of the world in this case the United States to make the people of other countries in zoombies by flooding their water with flouride and other chemicals without knowing, this could make that the USA could win any war in any country very easy and you know that it is impossible to do that.
edit on 10-5-2012 by lke123 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 11:05 PM

Originally posted by stereologist
Obviously most animals are tropical.

LOL ok.
Let's go fifth grade geography here...
Tropical means that something is located or indigenous to the area between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. You're actually claiming that most animals are tropical, that's completely inane tripe. Try learning a little about something before you try to debunk it. Credibility is important for debunkers here, otherwise all the wise cracks about conspiracy theorists melt into hypocrisy.

edit on 10-5-2012 by twitchy because: uh...

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 10:07 AM
reply to post by twitchy

You've provided nothing other than a map and definition of tropical. Guess what?

I've still correct. The areas of the map are the areas of greatest biodiversity. So thank you for supporting my position.

Most species are tropical.

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 10:27 AM
Big Name Neuroscientist Announces Telepathy as Proven Fact!

The Flares and CME's are why this scientist already coming forth as a materialist and athiest, released this, including that Ingo Swann was one of their subjects, which was a bit of a surprise to me, since they didn't learn much from him, apparently, for Ingo Swann would tell you immediately that you have been put in a small box, and that we have hundreds if not more, toggle spots, biological psi trigger spots, and that we are multidimensional sensing beings.

The only reason I could figure out that they released this info finally was to try and persuade those who would be waking up due to the CME's, they brought out the the magnetic field affects our psi, was to convince people that the magnetic field was just like a big memory harddrive so they were picking up events, other people, and history, but they were still just mortal, no such thing as soul.

Its a complete lie, and goes against their subject matters and research.

Now Ingo Swann's essay are exceptional, well worth reading.

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 11:07 AM

Originally posted by lke123
If you have some family member that belongs to the government have you see that it drinks a different type of water or have you seen that they eat special things than all the people?

Have you seen any president of the world eating different food than everybody? They eat and drink the same things like any one else.

Implying that you spend time with any notable politicians, have access to their kitchens, or sit beside them in a restaurant when they order food/drinks.

How do you know what they consume?

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