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Policeman ‘Chased Himself’ for 20 Minutes While Looking for Suspect

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posted on Feb, 8 2012 @ 08:47 AM
reply to post by LifeInDeath
You left us with a cliff hanger. How does it end!!

I especially loved all the grunt sounds

I have been a Fire Rescue Lieutenant for over 20 years now (with fire/rescue for over 30).
I have worked with countless "new hires" as they progress through the system. I have to say that my Department has a high standard when hiring and by and large these "kids" are smart, professional and well trained paramedics and firefighters, many now adays combat veterens of Iraq and Afganistan.
But, common sense as far as things they should have learned via life experiences and from mom & dad ain't alway there. Therefore the scene in you video is not uncommon and has been played out, in on way or another, time and time again. either to my amusement (like the man behind the desk) or frustration ( the man who keeps repeating "unbelieveable") .

Thanks for posting the video

posted on Feb, 8 2012 @ 09:57 AM
reply to post by gortex

post by artistpoet
muddied waters concerning him witnessing bombs being planted by people who should not have been doing so

"There is no muddy water , he had nothing to do with anything , he witnessed nothing and knew nothing or anybody involved with 7/7 .... he was an innocent member of the public who was executed by the Met due to their incompetence .....R.I.P "

Let's set the whole conspiracy angle aside for one moment and look at the incident at face value. I take it that we all know the proven particulars of this incident ( via general consesus not theory of conspiracy). Now, put yourself in the position of the officers who shot this, now known to be, completely innocent person. Assume these officers were acting on their assumtion that this person was indeed carrying a bomb, which he could detonate at any second, in a crowded public area.
Now put yourself in that officers position. Do you shoot this person or not?
Do you hesitate and let him detonate his explosives, killing and injuring countless innocents
Do you order him to stay still and search him? Will he comply? Did he comply during the actual incident?
What if you decide to not shoot and he detonates? Could you live with yourself as a trained officer who's duty it is to protect the public knowing your decision killed and injured innocent people?
If you were that officer today do you think you would feel more guilty knowing your decision to shoot cost an innocent man his life?
Or, that by not trusting the split second decision you were forced to make you decided not to shoot this person, he indeed had an explosive device and your decision cost the lives, pain and suffering of countless innocent people?
My point being is It's always wise to examine all sides of an incident and all participants in that incident. Use your intellect to question all information given. Don't be to quick to believe whatever fits into your particular mindset and prejudices. In other words keep an open mind in regards to everything you see and hear in the world.
This person who was killed may have witnessed a goverment conspiracy to commit a false flag event and the officers who shot him may have commited murder to silence him. OR they may all be innocent victims in a tragic case of mistaken identity and erroneous decision making.
Me personally, I can see both sides of the argument murder vs. mistaken identity. But can not/will not allow my emotions and prejudices to rule and declare as absolute one version or the other.

A final thought.......I may be exactly what I porport to be in this response, just a guy with an opinion.
Or, maybe a paid goverment shill (paid in pounds or dollars???) out to sway the sheeple.

Once again keep an open mind.

edit on 8-2-2012 by grubblesnert because: spellin'&tighten up!

edit on 8-2-2012 by grubblesnert because: the dereaded letter transpose

posted on Feb, 8 2012 @ 10:01 AM
reply to post by grubblesnert

Easily amused and easily fooled. To be plausible, the operator had to intentionally lead the PC on this chase. As this story is presented,

“With the sergeant's sides aching from laughter he pointed out to the PC that the operator had been watching him unaware that he was a pain-clothes officer – thus the PC had been chasing himself round the streets,” he added.

And it gets better. The Yahoo report Thursday appears to be taken from The Telegraph report Wednesday. The source for both is said to be Police Federation magazine. I searched their site for the article and can't find it. Amusing indeed.

posted on Feb, 8 2012 @ 10:03 AM
reply to post by DenyObfuscation

This supposed incident happened in the county I live in, I will keep an eye out for anything in the local papers. If I see anything il post here. It does seem that PC has been the victim of the ops prank, if it did really happen.

posted on Feb, 8 2012 @ 10:13 AM

Originally posted by DenyObfuscation
reply to post by disconnected8

That is my point! Communication is not in doubt. How does the Op direct the PC to where the suspect(PC) has yet to go??? Without explanation this is beyond dubious.

I was telling this story and as the words came out of my mouth "when the suspect darted into an alleyway". It hit me, why would he??
More layers than a Dagwood sandwich

This tale is reaching epic porpotions!!!!
edit on 8-2-2012 by grubblesnert because: I cant writ more than one word without misspelling sumthin'!

posted on Feb, 8 2012 @ 11:32 AM
reply to post by grubblesnert

Prove me wrong.

posted on Feb, 8 2012 @ 12:37 PM
reply to post by DenyObfuscation
Please elaborate as to specifically what you are requesting that I prove you wrong on?
I am not being snide or sarcastic. I have reviewed the past posts/responses and I am confused as to the specific or general nature of the issue you have taken afront to.

Thank you.

posted on Feb, 8 2012 @ 12:50 PM
I do not know if noticed in my futher response that I adjusted the sentance you quoted to be -may or may not have seen - Yes I have an open mind and No I do not think you are a government shill - I believe you say you are who you say you are and respect the work you do.
However I can not be as sure as you - wish I could.
But this is rather off subject and I did say I did not want to go there.
By the way you doing the job you do it is good to have your views to balance against others on this rather light weight thread which seems to be a lighthearted incident.
edit on 8-2-2012 by artistpoet because: typo

edit on 8-2-2012 by artistpoet because: typo

posted on Feb, 8 2012 @ 01:12 PM
reply to post by artistpoet
My friend, and I mean that. I was not pointing my response at you but rather the person who responded to your post. Unfortunately my response went back as if adressed to you specifically. That being said I also was not directing particular critizisms at the intended recipent but rather sharing a general thought I have regarding what I have noticed in many aspects of life and this thread in particular.
The ease of most people to pop off snide and ignorant comments in reference to subjects and areas they have little to no real knowledge of and/or are so prejudiced either for or against that they really should think and research before issuing their thoughts or perceptions as fact.

Yes, you are correct.
This may have started off as a "lighthearted" thread but as you, I and the rest of the characters involved in this fiasco have now realized it is anything but that now.
Still, all things considered I am having fun here. This kind of back and with my fellow human beings is always positive, in my opinion, and a often times enlightning and educational.

I want everyone here to know I harbor no ill will or hurt feelings and intended none to be broadcast, by me, into this little slice of cyber world.
My advice to everyone is to take it easy, state your thoughts and opinions, read what other have to say respond if you like.
And be happy.

That being said it's a beautiful day here in cocoa beach and I'm going to enjoy it!

Peace to you my ATS friend and everyone else out there

posted on Feb, 8 2012 @ 01:18 PM
reply to post by grubblesnert

Hey no problem - I do know what you mean - I think you are one of the good guys and I mean that - Doing what you do - Enjoy the Sun

posted on Feb, 8 2012 @ 01:29 PM
reply to post by grubblesnert

Please elaborate as to specifically what you are requesting that I prove you wrong on?

Only you know the basis for your mockery. Put yourself in the position of the operator. Walk it thru in your mind. How could this play out as told? Any explanation is contradicted by the story itself as I have explained. How would you feel about "reporters" regurgitating baseless claims about your Dept. claiming as source a publication from your profession that doesn't seem to contain the source info? I would love to hear what that Police Dept. has to say about it.

posted on Feb, 8 2012 @ 01:55 PM

Originally posted by DenyObfuscation

reply to post by grubblesnert

Please elaborate as to specifically what you are requesting that I prove you wrong on?

Only you know the basis for your mockery. Put yourself in the position of the operator. Walk it thru in your mind. How could this play out as told? Any explanation is contradicted by the story itself as I have explained. How would you feel about "reporters" regurgitating baseless claims about your Dept. claiming as source a publication from your profession that doesn't seem to contain the source info? I would love to hear what that Police Dept. has to say about it.
How often do you have other people state that it is hard to communicate with you?
Once again I'll ask:
Please eloborate as to SPECIFICALLY what you are requesting I prove you wrong on?
Your previous response was no help whatsoever in helping me attain clarity in regards to your request for proof of wrongness.
Please keep the lines of communication open. I, as I'm sure do you, hope for a resolution and mutual understanding in regards to this perplexing issue and await your concise and confusion ending response.

posted on Feb, 8 2012 @ 02:51 PM
reply to post by grubblesnert

You have read my posts and don't get my point. You objected, to what you haven't specifically said. If i don't know your objection I can't tell you specifically what to prove.

I can't simplify this further than to ask why does the man dart into an alleyway? The operator would have to see the officer do this before directing the officer into the alley regardless of identity confusion. Why would the officer while being directed by the operator who sees the "suspect" who is the officer take it upon himself to go into an alley before the operator could tell him to? I didn't write the article.

posted on Feb, 8 2012 @ 11:58 PM

Originally posted by grubblesnert
reply to post by LifeInDeath
You left us with a cliff hanger. How does it end!!

I especially loved all the grunt sounds

That's it, the whole scene. It's a little vignette that starts off an episode in the first season, but the theme of the scene (the police department fighting itself and getting nothing done) is played out in other ways throughout the episode and throughout all five seasons of the show in bigger, more serious ways. It's a metaphor for how messed up the whole system is.

"The Wire" is the best show ever, IMO, and if you are a fireman you will probably find it all too real (it's not about the FD, but it is about government bureaucracies like it -- police department, the courts, City Hall, the school system). My dad was a parole officer in Baltimore and he knows a lot of the real people that characters on the show are based on (the show is set in Baltimore and co-created by a Baltimore cop and a Baltimore news reporter). From his own experiences in the Maryland Department of Parole and Probation and based on what his friends and acquaintances in the courts and the Baltimore PD there say, the show is the most accurate depiction of that world ever made, bar none.

I have been a Fire Rescue Lieutenant for over 20 years now (with fire/rescue for over 30).
I have worked with countless "new hires" as they progress through the system. I have to say that my Department has a high standard when hiring and by and large these "kids" are smart, professional and well trained paramedics and firefighters, many now adays combat veterens of Iraq and Afganistan.
But, common sense as far as things they should have learned via life experiences and from mom & dad ain't alway there. Therefore the scene in you video is not uncommon and has been played out, in on way or another, time and time again. either to my amusement (like the man behind the desk) or frustration ( the man who keeps repeating "unbelieveable") .

My cousin is a fire investigator in Baltimore and was, obviously, a fireman for many years before that. He's told me some stories about that world too (he says Dennis Leary's show is extremely accurate). He refuses to watch "The Wire" for some reason, dunno why.

As to what you said about guys without life experience, yeah, they definitely hit on that in the show a lot. You see the young'ins really screw up big sometimes, or even just do bone-headed things that make you slap your forehead, but also laugh hysterically at them, too. Even the in the drug dealer's organizations, the guys the cops are chasing, you get the same dynamic:

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 11:36 AM
reply to post by gortex

Such a perfect demonstration of perfectly a useless camera system and tons of money thrown by the window for nothing...

But it does highlight interesting logic flaws in their concept and setup, one that would have the means to have a friend on the inside and make some experiment on how the system reacts to certain actions it could potentially highly dangerous security flaws...

As an example if the system doesn't have a good multi-tracking system one could use someone as a decoy that attracts all the cameras while another one just sneak in staying clear of the other guy and could remain invisible... This could be bad as one could just kill someone and run as the police will patrol the street less relying on cams... This would give someone plenty of time to get the hell away, something that would of otherwise be much harder due to multitudes of cops everywhere in town...

I like how Big Bro's getting arrogant and too dependent on their technologies, it'll be their Achille's heel...

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 03:28 PM
Now, if only we could get them to taze themselves...

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 06:39 PM

Funny story, but honestly I find the Brits love affair of CCTV's to be extremely creepy.
reply to post by Rockpuck

What about the US? They have even more.

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