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All Roads Lead to Babylon : Mystery Babylon Demystified

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posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 04:22 PM
reply to post by Heatrae

I have been wondering about something Re; the Neb's statue in Daniel and would like your input. The Iron torso, which represents Rome, is split off into 2 legs and then 2 feet with toes of Iron and Miry Clay.l am starting to think that the 2 legs represent when the Roman Empire split between the Ottoman Turks to the east and The Roman Catholic Church to the West. I am convinced that the Iron and Miry Clay in the toes represents Islam and Catholocism, who have to this day a shaky, but semi-peaceful relationship. It is postulated that Islam was actually born out of the RCC as well. The 10 toes will be the 10 regions that the Earth will be divided up into ( 5 East=Muslim Control) (5 West= RCC Contol) Islam and the RCC will merge into a synergistic pagan religion.

Not wishing to start an argument with anyone else who has a difference of opinion...., but as you've asked us all to comment. ......... Here's the understanding of the interpretation of the statue in Daniel 2 31-35, that I agree with. You have to take this image in the context that Daniel a Hebrew was speaking about the Empires that had a direct effect on Jehovah's chosen people.

The Head of Good Gold: Babylon

9 Nebuchadnezzar, who reigned for 43 years, headed a dynasty that ruled over the Babylonian Empire. It included his son-in-law Nabonidus and his oldest son, Evil-merodach. That dynasty continued for 43 more years, until the death of Nabonidus’ son Belshazzar, in 539 B.C.E. (2 Kings 25:27; Daniel 5:30) So the head of gold in the dream image represented not just Nebuchadnezzar but the entire Babylonian line of rulership

The breasts and arms of Silver: Medo Persia

Daniel told Nebuchadnezzar: “After you there will rise another kingdom inferior to you.” (Daniel 2:39) A kingdom symbolized by the image’s breasts and arms of silver would succeed Nebuchadnezzar’s dynasty. Some 200 years earlier, Isaiah had foretold this kingdom, even giving the name of its victorious king—Cyrus. (Isaiah 13:1-17; 21:2-9; 44:24–45:7, 13) This was the Medo-Persian Empire.

Even though Medo-Persia developed a great civilization that was not secondary to that of the Babylonian Empire, this latter kingdom is represented by silver, a metal less precious than gold. It was inferior to the Babylonian World Power in that it did not have the distinction of overturning Judah, the typical kingdom of God with its capital at Jerusalem.

Some 60 years after interpreting the dream, Daniel witnessed the end of Nebuchadnezzar’s dynasty. Daniel was present on the night of October 5/6, 539 B.C.E., when the Medo-Persian army took seemingly impregnable Babylon and executed King Belshazzar. With the death of Belshazzar, the golden head of the dream image—the Babylonian Empire—ceased to exist

The Belly and the Thighs of Copper: Greece

Daniel told Nebuchadnezzar that the belly and thighs of the immense image constituted “another kingdom, a third one, of copper, that [would] rule over the whole earth.” (Daniel 2:32, 39) This third kingdom would follow Babylonia and Medo-Persia. As copper is inferior to silver, this new world power would be inferior to Medo-Persia in that it would not be honored with any privilege like that of liberating Jehovah’s people. However, the copperlike kingdom would “rule over the whole earth,” indicating that it would be more extensive than either Babylonia or Medo-Persia.

What do the facts of history bear out about this world power? Shortly after inheriting the throne of Macedonia in 336 B.C.E. at 20 years of age, ambitious Alexander III embarked upon a campaign of conquest. Because of his military successes, he came to be called Alexander the Great. Gaining one victory after another, he kept moving into the Persian domain. When he defeated Darius III in battle at Gaugamela in 331 B.C.E., the Persian Empire began to collapse and Alexander established Greece as the new world power.

Alexander the Great lived only eight years as world ruler. Young though he was, 32-year-old Alexander fell ill after a banquet and died shortly thereafter, on June 13, 323 B.C.E. In time, his huge empire was divided into four territories, each ruled by one of his generals. Thus out of one great kingdom came four kingdoms that were eventually swallowed up by the Roman Empire. The copperlike world power continued only until 30 B.C.E. when the last of these four kingdoms—the Ptolemaic dynasty ruling in Egypt—finally fell to Rome.

edit on 5-1-2012 by JB1234 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 04:40 PM
reply to post by Heatrae

Legs of Iron & feet mixed with moist clay: Rome down to the British Empire/Anglo American Empire

Daniel continued his explanation of the dream image: “As for the fourth kingdom [after Babylon, Medo-Persia, and Greece], it will prove to be strong like iron. Forasmuch as iron is crushing and grinding everything else, so, like iron that shatters, it will crush and shatter even all these.” (Daniel 2:40) In its strength and ability to crush, this world power would be like iron—stronger than the empires represented by gold, silver, or copper. The Roman Empire was such a power.

Rome crushed and shattered the Grecian Empire and swallowed up remnants of the Medo-Persian and Babylonian world powers. Showing no respect for God’s Kingdom proclaimed by Jesus Christ, it put him to death on a torture stake in 33 C.E. In an effort to shatter true Christianity, Rome persecuted Jesus’ disciples. Moreover, the Romans destroyed Jerusalem and its temple in 70 C.E. 23 The iron legs of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream image pictured not only the Roman Empire but also its political outgrowth.

Consider these words recorded at Revelation 17:10: “There are seven kings: five have fallen, one is, the other has not yet arrived, but when he does arrive he must remain a short while.” When the apostle John penned these words, he was being held in exile by the Romans, on the isle of Patmos. The five fallen kings, or world powers, were Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, and Greece. The sixth—the Roman Empire—was still in power. But it also was to fall, and the seventh king would arise from one of Rome’s captured territories. What world power would that be?

Britain was once a northwestern part of the Roman Empire. But by the year 1763, it had become the British Empire—the Britannia that ruled the seven seas. By 1776 its 13 American colonies had declared their independence in order to set up the United States of America. In later years, however, Britain and the United States became partners in both war and peace. Thus, the Anglo-American combination came into existence as the seventh world power of Bible prophecy. Like the Roman Empire, it has proved to be “strong like iron,” exercising ironlike authority. The iron legs of the dream image thus include both the Roman Empire and the Anglo-American dual world power.

Notice that the next part of the body the feet & the toes - contain Iron, which was Rome and that backs up the argument of just how much influence the Roman empire has held sway over the subsequent empires....

Daniel next told Nebuchadnezzar: “Whereas you beheld the feet and the toes to be partly of molded clay of a potter and partly of iron, the kingdom itself will prove to be divided, but somewhat of the hardness of iron will prove to be in it, forasmuch as you beheld the iron mixed with moist clay. And as for the toes of the feet being partly of iron and partly of molded clay, the kingdom will partly prove to be strong and will partly prove to be fragile. Whereas you beheld iron mixed with moist clay, they will come to be mixed with the offspring of mankind; but they will not prove to be sticking together, this one to that one, just as iron is not mixing with molded clay.”—Daniel 2:41-43.

The succession of world powers represented by the various parts of the image in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream began with the head and extended down to the feet. Logically, the feet and toes of “iron mixed with moist clay” would symbolize the final manifestation of human rule that would exist during “the time of the end.”—Daniel 12:4.

At the dawn of the 20th century, the British Empire ruled over every fourth person on earth. Other European empires controlled millions more. But World War I resulted in the emergence of groups of nations in place of empires. After World War II, this trend accelerated. As nationalism developed further, the number of nations in the world grew dramatically.

The toes are still the Anglo American world empire, which still has elements of Rome within it & also trys to impose it's version of government over the rest of the earth "democracy" an iron like grip. However the fact that these toes contain lots of clay. which doesn't mix with the iron surely shows that there would be alot of diversive fractions with this empire. That is exactly what we see as democracy brings all sorts of freedom of speech issues stopping the Anglo American power holding iron like power over it's dominions like it's predecessor Rome had. Bringing the prophetic image right up to date surely Occupy Wall Street et al would surely therefore be part of the moist clay fighting against this attempted iron like grip of the 1%.

I thought it highly significant that recently David Cameron turned his back on Europe & their attempts to control the City of London & it's lax banking regulations.... and the very next day William Hague re-asserted Britains close ties to the US standing next to Obama.

edit on 5-1-2012 by JB1234 because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-1-2012 by JB1234 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 04:55 PM

Originally posted by undo
reply to post by ElohimJD

may be, but mystery babylon is a city.
it's a city that sits on 7 hills/mounts that represent
7 kings. but it is not a nation or an empire by itself.
mystery babylon is a city that rules the world.
and one more time for good measure, a city.

don't make me go into quote mode. lol

lol no need for that mode haha!

I can say with certainty that Rome/Vatican City is indeed the most complete fufilment of mystery babylon as Revelation unfolds on earth, you are 100% correct in that claim. I am simply stating that there is far more to that definition then you are able to grasp at this time. And the OP hit the nail on the head when he tied the source of all false religion to the present day Vatican you are atributing to mystery Babylon.

You are both right in part. But the whole truth is not yet grasped.

God Bless,

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 05:01 PM

You are a great mind, and tedious in your research as well as scripture. Great job!

I will simply add this:

The US/UK alliance is modern day Israel (the name given to Jacob's sons Mennesah and Ephriam, NOT Judah/jews), not the fourth empire in Daniel. This plain truth allows for all prophecy to begin to be made simple to grasp.

If this truth is rejected, then you will be unable to use all your hard work to help others.

God Bless,

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 05:28 PM
reply to post by muzzleflash

This is why the x'mas tree should really be called the ba'al tree.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 06:03 PM
reply to post by SuperTripps

Honestly, I am sick and tired of seeing this debate going on. Dear MuzzleFlash, I am so dearly sorry that I suggested that you allude to ProtoplasmicTraveler's thread in the title of this one.

What I want to specify to Mr Tripps is:
Mr Flash is, in absolutely no way, trying to take away from the Roman thread. Instead, he was trying to add on to it. The central point of this thread, as stated in the OP, is not to show how Babylon rules the world today, or how the government of today derives from that of Babylon. He is instead showing how all major contemporary religions employ details and schemes originating in Babylonian myth. This is, in no way, a challenge to the All Roads Lead to Rome thread, which is primarily concerned with the government of Rome and how it continues to rule the world today.

I do not see why this mindless bickering continues to interrupt the discussion of the topic at hand here. To all of the Romans: imagine that the founding of Babylon (and the shenanigans there that became legendary in later cultures) occurs at a contemporary period to the founding of Troy, which acted as the headquarters of the ancient god-kings. When the god-kings of Babylon created the stereotypical conflict that undermines all mythologies: the Cut God; the Virgin Birth; the Cross/Tau/Ankh; to name a few.

These legends were popularized throughout the ancient world through the migration of people and ideas, until they eventually landed in Rome, which was founded about 3000 years after Eridu (the Tower of Babel and the original Babylon). In Rome, the religion of the Hebrew people (which Panbabylonism holds as a derivation of the original, Babylonian myths) was repackaged with a new leader, Julius Caesar-become-Jesus Christ.

From there on out, All Roads Lead to Rome seems to be a pretty good depiction of how the successors of the Roman emperors continue to Divide and Conquer the world through the strategy of Julius Caesar.

Now, as for the bit about the Central American connection to the ancients:
I do believe that there was communication between the Old World and the New World before the times of Columbus or even the Vikings. As to whether it was the Romans or Babylonians, what matters is that they carried the time-tested ideals of ziggurat/pyramidial architecture and the Fish-God, Sphinx, etc motifs that ultimately originated in Babylon.

For those who find this post tl;dr:
All Roads Lead to Rome and Mystery Babylon are BOTH correct. Get over it.

Hope I did not offend anybody in this post. If I did, I apologize; it was unintentional.

Just my two cents,

EDIT TO ADD~ Jesus Christ, that post was long. Added a tl;dr clause above the disclaimer and signature.

edit on 5-1-2012 by seraphnb because: long post

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 06:06 PM

Originally posted by muzzleflash
V. The "Goddess" in Cultures Globally

The famous "Statue of Liberty" in NYC is "Columbia". "Columbia" is "Venus
Columba" or "Venus the Dove". "Columbia" is the personification of the
Dove. "America" is another name for "Columbia".

Some of the names of Semiramis (But surely not comprehensive) ::

America = Columbia = Venus Columba / Aphrodite = The "Golden Dove" = Isis =
Ishtar = Astarte / Ashtoreth / Asherah / Ashtart = Lucifer = Athena / Minerva = The Virgin Mary = Hathor = Belit / Beltis = Artemis / Diana = Nike / Victoria = Demeter / Ceres = Gaea / Terra = Hera / Juno = Hestia / Vesta = Cybele = Laksjmi = Rhea / Ops = Hertha = Disa = Devaki / Isi = Irene = Fortuna = Shing Moo = Ariadne = Allilah = Eastre = Toci / Tlazolteotl = Ninkharsag = Pachamama = Danu / Anann / Aine / Ana / Anand / Anu = Dea Matrona = Sophia = Hannahhannah = Kubau = Ananke = Brigid / Brigit = Freyja = Frigga = Kamakhya = Yasoda / Yashoda = Etc etc etc.

This list is an awesome compilation, but where have you seen "America" in the mix with all of these other "queen of heaven" (Jer 7:18) lookalike names?

For you mind control folks: think on Columbine High School (I believe the Columbine flower has 5 points---aka pentagram).

It has ALWAYS been about the Mystery religions:


And God will judge her and punish her for her iniquity:

Rev 18:8 Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her.

If you have not been saved, today would be a great time.


posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 06:59 PM
Spam removed by admin
edit on Jan 5th 2012 by Djarums because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 07:56 PM
reply to post by undo

If its a religious city what is the name of said city? And how many waters does this city sit upon? why is the blood of the saints being avenged by the father on this great city? who are the saints? when is the destruction due to take place upon said city? if you dont understand this you dont understand.

I dont want to take the thread off topic so if you care to start another thread we can do that.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 08:05 PM

Originally posted by each1reach41
reply to post by undo

If its a religious city what is the name of said city? And how many waters does this city sit upon? why is the blood of the saints being avenged by the father on this great city? who are the saints? when is the destruction due to take place upon said city? if you dont understand this you dont understand.

I dont want to take the thread off topic so if you care to start another thread we can do that.

asking me questions and then insisting i not answer them?
what will people come up with next, to have the last word.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 11:10 PM
reply to post by seraphnb

explain if you will, how babylon as a prophetical concept, would have any validity if the whole thing is make believe. i don't understand why people use scripture to prove scripture is a fairy tale but then accept some parts of revelation as real and use it to prove the people who wrote the bible are evil liars. that's like the liar foretelling his own demise. what do you make of that?

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 11:15 PM
Whoever linked this documentary earlier "Revelation of the Pyramids" thank you, it's a really interesting film.

Whoever hasn't seen it check it out.

I am very open to the suggestion that many of these megalithic sites could be reused by civilizations and that they may predate the civilizations we attribute them to.

Due to the similarities across the world they indeed could be from a type of "Atlantis" ancient advanced civilization and they could easily be antediluvian in age.

Since it does indeed appear to form a type of globally based celestial calendar system, it's construction methods are highly advanced, it's precision cannot be matched, etc; I would consider it highly possible that it was simply reused.

The "Egyptians" could have just carved inscriptions on older ruins, which may explain the lack of inscriptions inside the biggest pyramid as the secret entrance was supposedly blocked until contemporary times.

The South Americans have legends that claim the ruins there predate their civilization and were built by an entire other culture / race which would work out well with the whole hypothesis.

Also at many of these sites, Baalbek, Egypt, Easter Island, there are massive carvings still laying in their quarry and not finished, and this could indicate that a sudden cataclysm stopped them in the middle of their work, although there are other possibilities such as sudden rebellions, discovery that it was too big (cracked) and thus abandoned, etc.

I think there is a lot of unexplained or unanswered questions about these megalithic sites and so I would be open to pushing the dates of their construction back to much more ancient times. I am not really a big fan of the official institutions of Egyptology, etc, so I agree that the evidence indeed indicates things we should be more open to considering.

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 05:26 AM
reply to post by muzzleflash

in one of sitchin's books, he mentions that there's evidence in the cuneiform writings of sumer (he called everything ancient from that part of the world, sumerian lol) that at one time, before the flood, jerusalem was a spaceport. and that enlil had a command center there on the same spot where temple mount currently is. in effect, the dome of the rock is built right on top of "jehovah's command center." now oridinarily i would write this kind of unsubtantiated claim off, but over the years, i've been encountering little snippets of data that make me wonder if he may have been telling the truth at some level, about this location. for example, check out this guy's info on temple mount (There's 8 videos in all, this is video number 1)

there's an entire line of inquiry that accompanies this theory which follows along with the movement of a large group of people out of egypt, called the hyskos shepherd kings and also known as the habiru (hebrews). this is virtually the history of the israelites exodus, with a few extra tidbits of data, related to other things happening at the time, including the view of the exodus from the perspective of the egyptian pharaoh ahmose (who moses was presumably named after)

it dawned on me after watching that, that the land had been occupied by the habiru before the flood, while in service to enlil (space station or not), and he was sending them back there. as they had inherited the acreage due to their service to enlil but had as yet not been allowed to return to claim it. and that's where all that "promised land" talk came from. theoretically, of course. watch the videos. they are interesting.

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 09:16 AM
Wow, this is a fascinating post, it reminds me of the Golden Bough and the resulting controversies. I found a video which I felt may contribute something to this discussion, what do you think?

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 09:23 AM
reply to post by TheBabylonianTurncoat

Explanation: I have supplied a working embedd of the vid below...

Personal Disclosure: You only need to copy the bit of the youtube address that is after the v= bit and there is also no need to include any youtube features or playlists in the link either.

I hope that helps!

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 10:07 AM
JB & Elohim, Tnx for your replies to my post. Interesting comments by both.



posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 10:28 AM
reply to post by undo

You brought up Sitchin. Sooner or later it will have to come up. Academics had long thrashed his interpretations and hypothesis, while he had many more fans who could follow his logic and analysis of the discovered Sumerian tablets.

But this thread is not about Sitchen, even if he is proven right, nor argue about his hypothesis. Everyone has an opinion anyway, right or wrong. It isn't Sitchen, or the academics that matters.

What matters are the Sumerian tablets found, and must be deciphered so that we may comprehend on what actually happened during that age. Some academics called those tablets as 'mythologies'. Fortunately, the younger generation of students back in the 17th century did not allow such beliefs to dampen their quest for knowledge.

With education imparted, they started archeology and anthropology in earnest right up to today, and found evidences through the remains of archeological sites that often proved even the biblical tales may not had been myths, but actual events, such as correspondences, records, etc between heads of states, names of which correlates and found as in the bible and other religious scripts around the world.

With the internet today, may more be interested to participate in our quest of our origins with whatever resources we can find, not just in the west, but from every part of the world.

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 01:12 PM
I want to post this link I found on this thread and just say to whoever provided it thank you very very much ...Know Your Enemy is a 11 hour synopsis of the mystery religion from before the flood to today ...peace

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 04:10 PM

Originally posted by ElohimJD

Originally posted by undo
reply to post by ElohimJD

may be, but mystery babylon is a city.
it's a city that sits on 7 hills/mounts that represent
7 kings. but it is not a nation or an empire by itself.
mystery babylon is a city that rules the world.
and one more time for good measure, a city.

don't make me go into quote mode. lol

lol no need for that mode haha!

I can say with certainty that Rome/Vatican City is indeed the most complete fufilment of mystery babylon as Revelation unfolds on earth, you are 100% correct in that claim. I am simply stating that there is far more to that definition then you are able to grasp at this time. And the OP hit the nail on the head when he tied the source of all false religion to the present day Vatican you are atributing to mystery Babylon.

You are both right in part. But the whole truth is not yet grasped.

God Bless,

so in the end you guys of 7 hills is rome. lol. so all roads really do lead there!

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 04:21 PM

Originally posted by seraphnb
reply to post by SuperTripps

Honestly, I am sick and tired of seeing this debate going on. Dear MuzzleFlash, I am so dearly sorry that I suggested that you allude to ProtoplasmicTraveler's thread in the title of this one.

What I want to specify to Mr Tripps is:
Mr Flash is, in absolutely no way, trying to take away from the Roman thread. Instead, he was trying to add on to it. The central point of this thread, as stated in the OP, is not to show how Babylon rules the world today, or how the government of today derives from that of Babylon. He is instead showing how all major contemporary religions employ details and schemes originating in Babylonian myth. This is, in no way, a challenge to the All Roads Lead to Rome thread, which is primarily concerned with the government of Rome and how it continues to rule the world today.

I do not see why this mindless bickering continues to interrupt the discussion of the topic at hand here. To all of the Romans: imagine that the founding of Babylon (and the shenanigans there that became legendary in later cultures) occurs at a contemporary period to the founding of Troy, which acted as the headquarters of the ancient god-kings. When the god-kings of Babylon created the stereotypical conflict that undermines all mythologies: the Cut God; the Virgin Birth; the Cross/Tau/Ankh; to name a few.

These legends were popularized throughout the ancient world through the migration of people and ideas, until they eventually landed in Rome, which was founded about 3000 years after Eridu (the Tower of Babel and the original Babylon). In Rome, the religion of the Hebrew people (which Panbabylonism holds as a derivation of the original, Babylonian myths) was repackaged with a new leader, Julius Caesar-become-Jesus Christ.

From there on out, All Roads Lead to Rome seems to be a pretty good depiction of how the successors of the Roman emperors continue to Divide and Conquer the world through the strategy of Julius Caesar.

Now, as for the bit about the Central American connection to the ancients:
I do believe that there was communication between the Old World and the New World before the times of Columbus or even the Vikings. As to whether it was the Romans or Babylonians, what matters is that they carried the time-tested ideals of ziggurat/pyramidial architecture and the Fish-God, Sphinx, etc motifs that ultimately originated in Babylon.

For those who find this post tl;dr:
All Roads Lead to Rome and Mystery Babylon are BOTH correct. Get over it.

Hope I did not offend anybody in this post. If I did, I apologize; it was unintentional.

Just my two cents,

EDIT TO ADD~ Jesus Christ, that post was long. Added a tl;dr clause above the disclaimer and signature.

edit on 5-1-2012 by seraphnb because: long post

yes, so you agree with me that "all myths lead to Babylon, but all ROADS lead to ROME"?

myths parables symbolism and things of this nature are one thing..the the manifestation of this into art and form via architecture, politics, law, construction, military, strategy, etc are another.

I will buy into Bablyon/Sumer etc having a nice influence thats OK with me. After all the pope wears a fish hat and the whole mithras thing there before Christianity was official.

what i need to know is how the original jewish/hebrew folks tie into Babylon, etc. were the shepherd kings from here and kept spreading all over? we all know how it seemed this group of jews ended up in every major country by 1 AD...also many have correctly seen the pattern I have too how jews and elite anglos seem to support each other and have some same occultic beliefs whether Templars or the modern day folks in the US who continue to pump up Israel like the world depends on it.

did anyone see the Nat Geo show the other nite showing EDIRU in Iraq? its literally dirt hills now..very few structures

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