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Why Does the Left Try so hard to Justify Terrorists in the Middle East?

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posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 06:57 AM

Originally posted by BO XIAN
reply to post by phishyblankwaters

fighting the symptoms without addressing the causes means perpetual war, which is EXACTLY what the right wings want.

That's utter nonsense.

1. The huge rational, alert, informed percentage of the right prefer to be left alone and to leave others alone.

2. It's NOT the right that's so eager to REDISTRIBUTE OTHER FOLKS' WEALTH!

3. It's NOT the right that's so eager to destroy RIGHT TO WORK LAWS.

4. It's NOT the right that's so eager to send our brightest and bravest off on suicidal to meaningless to trumped up genocidal wars of the Marxist globalists plotting. We may be overly gullible at times and fall for the farce that our National security is at stake. However, our desire is to protect our way of life--not thump others on the head.

5. It's NOT the right that is so eager to destroy the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

6. It's NOT the right that encourages satanism, witchcraft and Islam in public schools while punishing Christianity fiercely.

Perhaps it's possible for some on the left to wake up. I've given up hoping that they will grow up.

1. so do the left. In fact, one of the most important aspects of left ideology is non-interventionism.

2. redistribution of wealth is neccessary when those that are owners of the means of production do not pay their workers what their work's real value is.

3. that is just another fantasy of yours.

4. funny that you say that, when America is the no 1 warmongering nation in the last 70 years.

5. the constitution has been largely ignored by all right wing presidents...that is, by all of them, since there w*w never a left wing president.

6. this does not happen at all. The left simply want equality.

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 07:01 AM

Originally posted by BO XIAN
reply to post by detachedindividual

Just wanted to point out that you lose me the moment you started talking about the "commies".

All. credibility. shot.

Ahhhhhhhhh what grand fantasies seem to populate your construction on reality.

Evidently you are unaware of the influence of Marxism inherently incorporated in the sweeping globalism consuming our planet. They have been Marxists in a sense before Marx. They are certainly so now.

Denial of their existence pleases them and makes their job easier. Do you enjoy being complicit?

Perhaps these quote can be informative if you have any will toward the truth, at all.

Whatever the price of the Chinese Revolution, it has obviously succeeded not only in producing more efficient and dedicated administration, but also in fostering high morale and community of purpose. The social experiment in China under Chairman Maos leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history." [Hideous traitor] David Rockefeller, [brother of Nick quoted above], statement in 1973 about Mao Tse-tung: (NY Times 8-10-73)

They have long planned to rule the world with a bastardized form of Communism wedded to a mangled Tyrannical monopolistic form of "capitalism."

I'm sure they appreciate your encouragements.

Jesus Christ was the first communist: those that have two pieces of cloth must give one to others, a man does not really own anything beyond his body, it's easier for a camel to pass from a pin's head than a rich man to enter heaven etc.

It is so funny that you right wingers support Christianity so much but not Christ at all.

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 07:05 AM

Originally posted by BO XIAN
reply to post by forklift

My question is, how come US were best pals with Islamic extremists and supported them in Afghanistan, Chechnya and Bosnia against Soviets until 9/11 took place?

Was Islam a peaceful religion prior 9/11 as it has been on this planet for 1400 years? So why did we not hear about islam being the big bad religion prior 9/11?

Why is US best pals with Saudi Arabia where Sharia Law has been fully implemented and where women can't even drive or leave their houses without their males relatives accompanying them?

Just tryna make sense, can someone help me with these questions please?

1. The Marxist globalist oligarchy plays all sides against the middle and manipulates all the big events and many not so big.

2. Islam is a tool as everything and everyone else are tools, cogs in the great globalist Marxist satanic machine rushing toward the tyrannical global government and literal Armageddon.

3. They are determined to destroy the "OLD ORDER" in order to make setting up the NEW WORLD ORDER easier and more thorough.

4. They are determined to reduce the population globally to 200 million.

5. When they wish--black is white; white is black; up is down; down is up; . . . all in the service of the globalist oligarchy.

6. Most of them truly believe that there is no wrong or right except as the globalist elite decide momentarily what is 'right' FOR THEM at that point in time in that situation.

7. The rest of us are at best serfs and slaves or 'useless eaters' to be exterminated.

8. Afghanistan was useful in one way at one point in time and is now useful in another way at another point in time.

9. Islam similarly will be cast aside, obliterated WHEN the globalists have begun to transition the smoldering ashes of the rest of religions they have used Islam to obliterate . . . as they transition to the one world religion to worship literally satan alone. Until then, the blood thirsty exclusionist, exclusivity and ruthlessness of Islam serves the blood thirsty globalist leadership quite well.

I am not saying you are mentally ill, but what you say is pure nonsense. Marxist oligarchy? global plan to spread marxism? using islam as a tool? you must be living on a different planet!

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 07:52 AM
reply to post by captaintyinknots

What a glib dodge of the Muslim founding document !DEMANDS! to violently exterminate Non-Muslims.

When folks like you are willing to discuss THE TRUTH, then perhaps threads such as this can truly DENY IGNORANCE.



we can observe


. . . some actual, logical, educated debate.

Until then, we'll just muddle through with those who are evidently MORE educated, MORE logical and MORE interested in serious debate.

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 08:03 AM
reply to post by BO XIAN

I actually heard the excuse from some very far leftists who I showed those stats to, that it is American propaganda because PEW research group is American and is totally bias, even though are completely and clearly bipartisan. With that type of reasoning and logic they just proved my point, and are hopeless!

So the real question is, are the terrorists in Middle East weapons for the left so that they can continue to hide behind their feel good mentality and continue to blame wars on the right?

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 08:11 AM
reply to post by mastahunta

I'm not sure which of the following are not clear to you:

1. I've studied globalism/one worldism since 1965. Have you been alive half that long?

2. The globalists use ALL SIDES AGAINST THE MIDDLE.

3. In other words, the globalists use the GOP et al ALMOST as much as they use the left. The left is 'merely' MORE BRAZENLY AND OVERTLY IN CONCERT with the globalists' goals, methods, strategies, evils, etc.

4. That may be difficult to wrap one's convictions, awareness and understanding around. However, such difficulty does NOT change the FACTS.

5. Timelines are notoriously flawed because life is so complex. LONG RANGE PLANNING DOES NOT work. The globalists move countless puzzle pieces toward their long range goals and adjust sequences, events, actions along the way accordingly.

6. Enjoy your construction on reality. It will not endure a great deal longer. I hope you can be more than catatonic when it sinks in how grossly !WRONG! your understanding was. Survival will likely be longer for those who can think quickly on their feet instead of sitting immobilized on a sofa staring at the lies from the MSM.

7. Yes, the New Testament mentions a COMMUNAL sharing of property amongst the members of the 1st Century Church of Jesus The Christ. HOWEVER, THERE WAS A VERY KEY DIFFERENCE that y'all seem to glibly ignore.


MARXISM is tyranny to the max.

MARXISM REQUIRES ALL THE SERFS AND SLAVES ONLY TO SHARE THE LOWEST COMMON DENOMINATOR. The USA is being destroyed down to BELOW the lowest common denominator of the 3rd WORLD. I'm sure you'll enjoy DRAMATICALLY LESS food; LESS media; LESS music; LESS medical drugs; LESS clothes; LESS transportation; LESS communication; LESS peace; . . . LESS LIFE.

I do confess that it IS slightly interesting to observe such a fantastic example of the Marxist globalist brain-washing robotized education system. Surprises delivered thereby seem to be endlessly socking in terms of the stark dissonance between the "education" system's construction on reality vs more or less TRUE reality.


edit on 26/12/2011 by BO XIAN because: text emphasis fixes

edit on 26/12/2011 by BO XIAN because: (no reason given)

edit on 26/12/2011 by BO XIAN because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 08:20 AM
reply to post by jjf3rd77

So the real question is, are the terrorists in Middle East weapons for the left so that they can continue to hide behind their feel good mentality and continue to blame wars on the right?

That's certainly plausible, to me.

The globalists use all the puzzle pieces and individuals they can as



--authentic choice
. . .
. . .

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 08:36 AM
reply to post by masterp

Jesus Christ was the first communist: those that have two pieces of cloth must give one to others, a man does not really own anything beyond his body, it's easier for a camel to pass from a pin's head than a rich man to enter heaven etc.

It is so funny that you right wingers support Christianity so much but not Christ at all.

I've devoted my life to a relationship with Jesus The Christ and sharing His priorities with all those I possibly can. Thankfully, you don't seem to have much of a microscopic clue about me.

You seem to


A VERY CRITICAL ISSUE about the early Church's communal sharing.

The early Christians SHARED VOLUNTARILY.


Ain't that grand. Marxism let's the slaves share watery gruel. What a magnificent wonderous blessing!


Ain't the Marxist globalist mindless robotic education system wonderful! Truth gets trashed and gaseous farts get elevated as 'the truth.'


"The powers of financial capitalism had another far reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements, arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences.

The apex of the system was the Bank for International Settlements in Basle, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the worlds central banks which were themselves private corporations. The growth of financial capitalism made possible a centralization of world economic control and use of this power for the direct benefit of financiers and the indirect injury of all other economic groups."

–Excerpt from: "Tragedy and Hope: A History of The World in Our Time" (Macmillan Company, 1966,) by Professor Carroll Quigley of Georgetown University, highly esteemed by his former student, President William Jefferson Clinton.

I realize that a bastardized version of Marxism wedded to a bastardized tyrannical monopolistic version of pseudo-capitalism seems to be too difficult for some to wrap their understanding around.

Nevertheless, it is descending on the planet with increasing speed and increasing ruthlessness.

However, enjoy. The Marxist in the Whitehouse is encouraging one and all to look forward with utter glee to the WEALTH REDISTRIBUTION manipulations of the globalists.

Just think, instead of having 4 sets of underwear, you'll get to enjoy one or two!

Instead of enjoying 2 glasses of milk, you'll get to enjoy a half of one.

Instead of enjoying 12 music selections of your choice, you'll get to enjoy 2 of the oligarchy's choice.

Instead of enjoying 2 pairs of shoes, you'll get to be utterly thrilled with one pair.

. . .

. . .


posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 08:42 AM
reply to post by masterp

That would be a lot easier to handle. LOL.

Sadly, I'm still having to contend with the mess the Marxist globalist oligarchy has flooded the world with.

However, Jesus The Christ will deliver from such horrors at the appointed-of-The-Father time.

I would hope that folks like you would choose Him over the Mark of the Beast chip ID implant.

Sadly, it appears that the mindless sheeple will be lining up gahgah cheeringly to receive such wonders from their slave masters.

HOWEVER, given that DENYING IGNORANCE is toooooo challenging a stretch for so many . . . please walk on by.

Nothing here.

Sleep on.

edit on 26/12/2011 by BO XIAN because: an addition

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 08:52 AM
reply to post by masterp

. . . The left simply want equality.

Maybe I can improve the truth of that assertion a thousand percent:

SOME of the mindless sheeple on the left fantasize that the leadership of the left wants equality, when, IN FACT, the leadership of the left is busy reducing the middle class to serfdom and increasing the wealth of the ruling elite.

Check out the statistics of the increasing wealth of the 1% even the last 20 years--particularly since the Marxist's insertion into the Whitehouse--vs the destruction of the middle class. The facts are readily available even from the MSM.

I do appreciate ya'll asserting such wholesale false nonsense.

It helps illustrate the gross distortions of reality so chronically the habit of the left.

edit on 26/12/2011 by BO XIAN because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 10:19 AM
The government is not evil nor can never be evil to most leftists therefore when the government tells the mass number of dems and leftists to do something they do it, without question. The only things they are pissed off at the government for doing is waging wars which actually is the most profitable and in the long run could be good for society.

They yell at the right for questioning the government's every actions and then yell at us for believing why military action is needed in the countries it says its needed. I can definitely see the madness in this scenario. Then the left go around saying, can't we all just get along, without trying to do so.

edit on 26-12-2011 by jjf3rd77 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 04:52 PM

Originally posted by jjf3rd77
The government is not evil nor can never be evil to most leftists therefore when the government tells the mass number of dems and leftists to do something they do it, without question. The only things they are pissed off at the government for doing is waging wars which actually is the most profitable and in the long run could be good for society.

They yell at the right for questioning the government's every actions and then yell at us for believing why military action is needed in the countries it says its needed. I can definitely see the madness in this scenario. Then the left go around saying, can't we all just get along, without trying to do so.

edit on 26-12-2011 by jjf3rd77 because: (no reason given)

why are you talking out your backside?

The government does tons of stupid things, every single day... But that fact does not
change the fact that private men, use their private companies to sway government and
control policy. Your pro war agenda is exactly what grants government its omni-presense
and perpetual growth. While the government serves as nothing but a tool for business men
and their business endeavors.

Give me examples, put your money where your mouth is;

"when the government tells the mass number of dems and leftists to do something they
do it, without question"

What are you talking about, maybe you will be happy when private forces have direct control
over America and the people will get NO voice or chance to change anything...

edit on 26-12-2011 by mastahunta because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 04:54 PM

Originally posted by jjf3rd77
The government is not evil nor can never be evil to most leftists therefore when the government tells the mass number of dems and leftists to do something they do it, without question. The only things they are pissed off at the government for doing is waging wars which actually is the most profitable and in the long run could be good for society.

They yell at the right for questioning the government's every actions and then yell at us for believing why military action is needed in the countries it says its needed. I can definitely see the madness in this scenario. Then the left go around saying, can't we all just get along, without trying to do so.

edit on 26-12-2011 by jjf3rd77 because: (no reason given)

i see you still ignore the questions i have posed. It should be clear to all what this thread really is...

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 04:55 PM

Originally posted by captaintyinknots

Originally posted by jjf3rd77
The government is not evil nor can never be evil to most leftists therefore when the government tells the mass number of dems and leftists to do something they do it, without question. The only things they are pissed off at the government for doing is waging wars which actually is the most profitable and in the long run could be good for society.

They yell at the right for questioning the government's every actions and then yell at us for believing why military action is needed in the countries it says its needed. I can definitely see the madness in this scenario. Then the left go around saying, can't we all just get along, without trying to do so.

edit on 26-12-2011 by jjf3rd77 because: (no reason given)

i see you still ignore the questions i have posed. It should be clear to all what this thread really is...

...It's a bunch of hypocrites pointing three fingers back at themselves...

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 05:10 PM

Originally posted by BO XIAN

SOME of the mindless sheeple on the left fantasize that the leadership of the left wants equality, when, IN FACT, the leadership of the left is busy reducing the middle class to serfdom and increasing the wealth of the ruling elite.

The left is here for the middle class, ever notice which party constantly goes to bat for big oil,
big military, big nuke, big banking? Thats right... Your cohorts... The left is always "punishing
people for being successful". You did bother to notice that the right is always rewarding
people (companies) for their success, last I checked the elites are the most successful
in this society.

The right wants to end unemployment insurance, while there are no jobs to be found, ignore
explaining what ALL those millions of people will do without an income, while there are no jobs
to supplement... Talk about being in line with the devil, your people justify making people suffer
and turning the other cheek, while Americans need help. Then you justify this truly callous, UN
CHRISTIAN position, based upon some phony Marxism, an ideology that has been CRUSHED
none the less...

You sure don't sound like you are right with god or Americans, you are right with the bankers
edit on 26-12-2011 by mastahunta because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 06:15 PM

Originally posted by BO XIAN
reply to post by masterp

Jesus Christ was the first communist: those that have two pieces of cloth must give one to others, a man does not really own anything beyond his body, it's easier for a camel to pass from a pin's head than a rich man to enter heaven etc.

It is so funny that you right wingers support Christianity so much but not Christ at all.

I've devoted my life to a relationship with Jesus The Christ and sharing His priorities with all those I possibly can. Thankfully, you don't seem to have much of a microscopic clue about me.

You seem to


A VERY CRITICAL ISSUE about the early Church's communal sharing.

The early Christians SHARED VOLUNTARILY.


Ain't that grand. Marxism let's the slaves share watery gruel. What a magnificent wonderous blessing!


Ain't the Marxist globalist mindless robotic education system wonderful! Truth gets trashed and gaseous farts get elevated as 'the truth.'


"The powers of financial capitalism had another far reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements, arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences.

The apex of the system was the Bank for International Settlements in Basle, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the worlds central banks which were themselves private corporations. The growth of financial capitalism made possible a centralization of world economic control and use of this power for the direct benefit of financiers and the indirect injury of all other economic groups."

–Excerpt from: "Tragedy and Hope: A History of The World in Our Time" (Macmillan Company, 1966,) by Professor Carroll Quigley of Georgetown University, highly esteemed by his former student, President William Jefferson Clinton.

I realize that a bastardized version of Marxism wedded to a bastardized tyrannical monopolistic version of pseudo-capitalism seems to be too difficult for some to wrap their understanding around.

Nevertheless, it is descending on the planet with increasing speed and increasing ruthlessness.

However, enjoy. The Marxist in the Whitehouse is encouraging one and all to look forward with utter glee to the WEALTH REDISTRIBUTION manipulations of the globalists.

Just think, instead of having 4 sets of underwear, you'll get to enjoy one or two!

Instead of enjoying 2 glasses of milk, you'll get to enjoy a half of one.

Instead of enjoying 12 music selections of your choice, you'll get to enjoy 2 of the oligarchy's choice.

Instead of enjoying 2 pairs of shoes, you'll get to be utterly thrilled with one pair.

. . .

. . .


They did not share VOLUNTARILY. They shared because if they did not, they would go to hell.

Nice try though.

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 06:18 PM
Oh man, this thread is horrible. Seriously, some of you have no connection to reality. You should check in for mental examinations immediately.

I have never seen such blatant alteration of reality and history in any other thread. It is simply amazing, and you are simply nuts.

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 06:24 PM

Originally posted by jjf3rd77

Die Hard Christians are just as extreme as the terrorists???

Actually, given the correct stimulus, their belief system would be just as easily transferable to terrorism. Don't expect "jihad" or "suicide bombers" anymore than one would expect US fascism to look like Auschwitz or Swastikas. The Christian Right, for the fervor, just needs the right context to become just as headstrong, ignorant and violent as Muslim extremists.

Are you kidding me? Wake up! The very people the left sympathizes with support want to kill Gays and Atheists too! At least Christians are pretty tolerant of them. Christians aren't going to kill their relatives if they find out they are atheists that argument was very weak.

Again, in the structure of our society, no, they don't go killing them. But Christians in Uganda, Belize, Jamaica and Guyana certainly do go around killing Gay people. So, maybe, again as you say yourself, it's not the religion but rather the context.

Violence is not the answer:

The "peace-loving" "Anti-War" left insist that because these people attacked us on 9/11 we shouldn't have done anything about it? We should have studied them and figured out why they did this and sit down and talk to them about it?

As a matter of fact, the saying "Violence never solved anything" is probably a little bit older of an observation for a reason. I'm not really sure where you are citing this so-called "Left", but it certainly doesn't have a home in the Democratic party or the current administration. At any rate, we'll leave 9/11 out of this argument for now. The rationale of the OS is about as sensical as saying some guys from across the railroad tracks burnt down your house and killed one of your family members, so you and all your neighbors get your pitchforks and torches, go across the railroad tracks and start haphazardly burning people's houses down and killing them indiscriminately, not really sure if you've caught the right guy or not (and later questionable involvement of dear ol' dad in your housefire surfaces), but stepdad shows up and kills the hobo down in the cave by the 7-11 and dumps his body in Miller's pond.

There is no simple reason for their attacks:

Are you kidding? They scream Allah at the top of their lungs and pray eight hours a day...

Method and causation are mutually exclusive. You could argue teen girls get abortions because of unprotected sex, but not paying attention to poverty, living standards and education as the root causes gets you chasing your tail (and causing worse problems a la Abstinence rings and anal STDs).

Their Calendar is backwards:

Yes, I have actually heard this excuse before. Really, If it's the year 1379 in their calendar then why was it ok to use bombs, modern technology, and planes to attack us? huh? That argument insisting that the it is ok for the Extremists to be backwards because their calendar is, is ridiculous.

Source on this one? Otherwise, I'm calling strawman. Naturally there is nothing empirical or rational about this argument, yet, who has made it? I see you have and torn it down very well, as it is ridiculous, but who on the left has made this claim? Certainly not Chomsky, Nader, or West. I would suggest to you that you perhaps research "real" leftists positions, rather than these wishy-washy generalizations of the

Education is the answer!

Many of the countries believe our type of education is American or European Propaganda and don't want it taught in their school systems. So, it's their own fault on that one too!

Iraq had a very high literacy rate and the highest level of university scholarship in the middle east, if I'm not mistaken. Then again, Afghanistan is a tribal, goat-herding backwater. What's the education - propagandized or otherwise - deep in Appalachia??

That's why we are hunting down all of AL-Qaeda's leaders with drones (which is more preferable than full out wars-- even with collateral damage).

Method and cause. Again, the argument is that the cause of "terrorism" is our own form of terror. Recent polling shows that most Taliban have no idea where the US is located, let alone why we are there. So, if you were illiterate, living in a mountainous area, herding animals and living off the land, and one day some crazy group of outsiders come in and start killing your family and friends, how would you react? Talk about creating your own buggy man...The terrorists are in Afghanistan... BOMB THEM! Poof! See terrorists...MAGIC!!!!

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 10:01 PM
reply to post by mastahunta

What are you talking about, maybe you will be happy when private forces have direct control

Oh, you must mean Marxist Obama's private thug army that he wants to fund equal to the Dept of Defense--that the TSA seems to be morphing into. Oh, that's right, If a leftist Marxist does it--it's saintly. Raaaaaaaaaaaghhhhhhhhht.


It still shocks me that you seem to believe what you write. Amazing. Absolutely amazing.

edit on 26/12/2011 by BO XIAN because: trying to get the hypersensitive color stuff to come out right. Sigh

edit on 26/12/2011 by BO XIAN because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 10:09 PM
reply to post by Sphota

The Christian Right, for the fervor, just needs the right context to become just as headstrong, ignorant and violent as Muslim extremists.

The Inquisition in the middle ages had little to nothing to do with Authentic Christians.

On top of that, it was essentially a political power play IN THE NAME OF Christianity.

There was nothing in the founding documents of Christianity to support such horrors.

That's not true about Islam. 109+ verses of the Koran exhorting genocidal murder is quite unique even for RELIGION.

I realize that even facts don't sway some folks and perspectives.

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