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Facebook Shuts Down Syrian TV Page after Uploading Video Showing ABC's Manipulation of Interview wi

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posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 08:38 AM

Originally posted by Wrabbit2000
I hate to be the voice of reason, yet again...but Western media and citizens need to lay OFF the Gotcha game political screwing around in every situation. Assad KNOWS he may die before New Years...and likely won't see another one, regardless. He has Mubarak and Gadaffi to look to as inspiration...Or Saddam if he's really feel depressed about things...

Youtube may have just been outright told... Lose the video or lose lives. Period. Full stop. If the video making our President isn't taken down, we'll see what Google employees may be around Syria to punish. That wouldn't shock me a bit. It's as bad as the Occupy people though... Tactics aren't a problem unless you have REAL naive people doing these things and then sitting back like surprised morons when things don't go like their dream the night before SAID they should.

Surprise... Assad is a dangerous man. He didn't get there and take the jb from Dear 'Ol Dad without some serious blood flowing over his hands..and now he's almost to the end of the line with nothing left to lose. ABC may be lucky they didn't have people arrested or shot as it is...given who and where this incident happened.

Al-assad was voted in twice unopposed. How you interpret that is all up to you I guess. However, he has done much to modernize his country and has done a good job of taking state run business and turning them over to private owners.
Most of these "crack-downs" are lies. The government has taken action to limit speech and human rights according to western media, according to the Syrian government they have done so to protect against terrorist threats in their region from outside forces. Syria has said they are being subversively infiltrated and they are being undermind in that subversive action.

Do you find his reasoning and explanation unbelievable after Libya, Iraq, and Afghanistan?
No leader or country is perfect and I believe a lot of the bad things we here is propaganda and those who listen to it and stand against Syria do not respect truth at all.

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 08:41 AM

Originally posted by IsraeliGuy
So wait.. You acknowledge Facebook is being meddled by CIA and the information there is being 'sold', yet you still hold on to your Facebook accounts?

I actually agree with that poster as well.

I enjoy Facebook and REFUSE to allow anyone (like the CIA) to take away that enjoyment. So the CIA monitors it---so what? If they are interested in my latest attempt at going gluten free, or when I finished my Christmas shopping, then go for it. If they want to see a photo of my Christmas tree, or how cute my cat is, they can knock themselves out. I put nothing up there that could be damaging to me, OR anything that I wouldn't want absolutely anyone to know about me. I understand that there is a lack of privacy with the internet, because once something is "out there" you can't get it back.

So they sell the information about what I like and what I don't does that hurt me?

I say use the internet tools and sites you enjoy, but be cautious as to what you are sharing if you don't want it out there. I wouldn't put "time to overthrow the government" as my FB status, so I'm not worried.

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 08:45 AM

Originally posted by GeorgiaGirl

Originally posted by IsraeliGuy
So wait.. You acknowledge Facebook is being meddled by CIA and the information there is being 'sold', yet you still hold on to your Facebook accounts?

I actually agree with that poster as well.

I enjoy Facebook and REFUSE to allow anyone (like the CIA) to take away that enjoyment. So the CIA monitors it---so what? If they are interested in my latest attempt at going gluten free, or when I finished my Christmas shopping, then go for it. If they want to see a photo of my Christmas tree, or how cute my cat is, they can knock themselves out. I put nothing up there that could be damaging to me, OR anything that I wouldn't want absolutely anyone to know about me. I understand that there is a lack of privacy with the internet, because once something is "out there" you can't get it back.

So they sell the information about what I like and what I don't does that hurt me?

I say use the internet tools and sites you enjoy, but be cautious as to what you are sharing if you don't want it out there. I wouldn't put "time to overthrow the government" as my FB status, so I'm not worried.

Again, people who acknowledge but go along are the real sheeple. Your enjoyment is apparently more important to you than the principle of the matter. I think those who can and do use FB to monitor us, were well aware of this and probably even counted on it. Well played, CIA man.

Well, enjoy your farmville. I, in the mean time, will be here acting consistently in line with my morals.

There, now both sides of the argument have been explained.
edit on 12-12-2011 by TinkerHaus because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 08:53 AM
"It's not my army. I'm just the president".
LOL....Okay, 'nough said.

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 08:54 AM
I find your thread very interesting, and an additional source of how the American population is manipulated by the MSM.

It would be wiser to just allow a person to say what they say, given enough “rope” they usually hang themselves anyway. Being caught in the act of manufacturing propaganda puts that action as the focus destroying any credibility you may have had. But with the MSM they have already destroyed their creditability years ago.

Fox News Lies…remember that one ? Now so does ABC, but we already were aware of that.

There are many data mining abilities employed by the Black Arm of the US Government, all of which require intensive profiling effort, save one… Face Book.

Most Face Book users volunteer any and all personal information used to profile a person, including known acquaintances.

If one feels comfortable releasing all of their information to anyone and everyone on the web that is their choice, I see as foolish and choose not to participate, but that me.

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 09:50 AM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

You have a lot of arrogance to assume you are the voice of reason, and it is just as appalling you for you to claim "OWS is naive", in a thread with nothing to do with OWS. Honestly, what is your point here? Are you claiming there is a conspiracy about Syria threatening global media?

If so, how do you care to address the fact that ABC manipulated an interview, and then broadcasted it as the full-piece?

I mean honestly, what are you even talking about... you failed to discuss the crux of the matter and instead just projected your fallacies and lack of reason about your feelings on OWS and other interventionist nonsense.

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 10:31 AM
reply to post by TinkerHaus

I'd say the REAL "sheeple" are those that let their irrational fears dictate what they will and will not do.

You're free to disregard any site you don't think has value. But just because we disagree doesn't mean my opinion is somewhat lesser than yours. Sometimes things, like FB, are popular for valid reasons....not just because we are all morons.

And as for my "principles": I don't CARE that they are monitoring my FB account. I say they can monitor it all they want, so I don't understand how that is contrary to my principles. I choose to put information out there. I don't care if they see it.

PS I don't play Farmville. I ONLY use FB to keep up with family and friends, who live all over the US and world. But if I wanted to play Farmville, how arrogant of YOU to decide that I should not.
edit on 12-12-2011 by GeorgiaGirl because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 11:17 AM
I saw some FB comments under a news article. This was yet another article exposing our corporatocracy. The FB people were praising FB becasue it allows them to share their discontent and spread dissent. This seems like a different air than when I was asked to look at FB a few years ago. I was dragged in by my graduating class. They were still close-minded and boring. I got right out. If FB is gently exposing the tender to reality, more power to that little data miner. I just saw someone cry and break down at the mention of the Rick Perry Strong ad. Some people are so weak and frightened, they need baby steps.
edit on 12-12-2011 by gentledissident because: a

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 11:46 AM

Originally posted by Raivan31
Seriously..... This guys name is jihad?
The mans name means 'holy war', are effing kidding me?

Back on topic though.

Yep this sure does appear to be pretty messed up.

It's things like this that make me constantly flip flop between "Conspiracy theorists are nutters" and "wait a minute these guys are onto something, no wonder they seem crazy, what they know is crazy"

We live in such a beautiful world don't we?

Maybe letting the crazies outta their straight-jackets and putting them on the non-crazies would be the sanest thing we could possibly do.

To correct you, Jihad does not mean holy war, that's a bogus lie and misrep that has been carried on for about a decade now. (wonder why)

The definition of the arabic word Jihad is "struggle" and it's a very common name in arab culture.

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 11:54 AM

Originally posted by Corruption Exposed

I watched the the ABC version and the unedited version and this article appears to have hold some truth to it.

I'm not defending Assad's brutal crackdown, but I am considering the possibility that the media is putting it's own spin on things to make things appear worse than they really are, and portraying the events that are unfolding in a certain way in which benefits certain interests.

I will let you judge for yourselves

Facebook is nothing more than a useful tool for the propaganda machine that also likes to mine your data. Stories like this definitely help prove it. Hey Mark Zuckerberg, which agency told you to take this channel down?
(visit the link for the full news article)
edit on 12-12-2011 by Corruption Exposed because: (no reason given)

Thanks for making that easy to compare.

Some of the comments are doing the same thing Barbara Walters and ABC editors did!

The thread discussion turned to the US government being assumed to be behind what Barbara Walters asked, and was edited out; and what parts of his answers were edited out.

What evidence do we have that the US government had anything at all to do with ABC's actions?

My more liberal friends declare that FOX news is nothing but lies.

My more conservative friends declare that MS-NBC is nothing but lies.

I have declared that all media is lax in policing itself to remove ideological bias.

And, here, on ATS, we see the problem: We watch two clips of a Barbabra Walters interview and know that Barbara asked leading questions, and we know that she interrupted answers she did not like, and we know that the editor(s) removed the parts they did not want aired.

That is what we know.

But what is discussed, is the result of ideological bias:

"Facebook is watching us" and speculation that the US government is behind the editing of the interview--- neither is relevant to the evidence, and neither is supported by the evidence.

Why are we not screaming about being unable to trust the media in the US as being free from political, social and cultural agenda?

The method used by Walters is very reminiscent of the Piers Morgan interview with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu interview a few months ago-- the "reporter" had a story to tell and dismissed any answers not fitting the preconceived "story" to be false.

Two leaders being interviewed, and both reasonable and articulate-- and both contradicted by the interviewers- when what was said was not in line with what the interviewer had decided to report-- to heck with what the persons actually said.

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 12:07 PM
I know facebook is the devil, along with ABC. But I would like to be the devil's advocate and say that maybe this page was taken down by this sort of action:
Discrediting the truth is much easier than spreading it.

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 12:23 PM
I watched the full interview on Sunday on Information Clearing House ABCs version is a edited version and it is a good idea to watch the full clip ...The Interviewer was defiantly taking the you are a villain approach ....She said that no western journalist were allowed into Syria but I know Webstler Tarpley was there last week or so and his account of what was going on rings true to what President Bashar Assad was saying in the full version ....viewer beware of the MSM ... Tarpleys site can be found here .. this is a podcast from Nov.28th No Civil War in Syria, but a Killing Spree by CIA-NATO Death Squads Including the Al Qaeda Mass Murderer Belhadj of Libya

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 12:48 PM

Originally posted by GeorgiaGirl
reply to post by TinkerHaus

I'd say the REAL "sheeple" are those that let their irrational fears dictate what they will and will not do.

You're free to disregard any site you don't think has value. But just because we disagree doesn't mean my opinion is somewhat lesser than yours. Sometimes things, like FB, are popular for valid reasons....not just because we are all morons.

And as for my "principles": I don't CARE that they are monitoring my FB account. I say they can monitor it all they want, so I don't understand how that is contrary to my principles. I choose to put information out there. I don't care if they see it.

PS I don't play Farmville. I ONLY use FB to keep up with family and friends, who live all over the US and world. But if I wanted to play Farmville, how arrogant of YOU to decide that I should not.
edit on 12-12-2011 by GeorgiaGirl because: (no reason given)

I'm not afraid. Fear isn't the reason I choose to not use Facebook.

I CHOOSE not to use Facebook because I see it for what it is, and I believe what it is is wrong.
Are you one of those people who wouldn't mind cameras on every street corner because you feel you're never doing anything wrong. Well how about in your shower? Is that ok? Where is the line drawn? For me, it's drawn at Facebook. For you, I imagine, based on the manner in which you typically post on this site, the line will be drawn when you decide you are being personally negatively affected - and not a moment sooner.

I keep up with family and friends too. Avidly. I just don't use Facebook to do it. I was able to keep up with family and friends BEFORE Facebook, and I'll be able to do so after Facebook is long gone.

I didn't decide anything for you, how arrogant of YOU to put words in my mouth. I said do what you wish.

edit on 12-12-2011 by TinkerHaus because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 12:55 PM

Originally posted by EspyderMan

Originally posted by bigfatfurrytexan
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

On Pirate Bay you can download the personal info of 100 million FB users.

People make it a habit to track you on facebook. I have known people like this, who are just a little touch of crazy.

Sure, Uncle Sam can find me. But I don't have to give him the keys to my house, do i?

The internet is not for real life. Mixing the two usually has disastrous consequences.

No, i wasn't meaning to offend.
Just putting in my two cents.

I can visit the profile of 100 million users manually, the fact the information is mined with a robot is no surprise, so is every web site ever built via GoogleBot, MSNBot and more.
People tracking other people is not reall scary. If someone wants to find me, go for it.
I never give the keys to my house to anyone but they sure can visit my profile.

Internet is part of real life, I make a living off of it. The money I make is real, the information I gather and put on the internet is also real. If I decided that the internet was not real life, I guess i'd be jobless eh?

Seriously, your logic is failing on every count here and you are not giving one good reason to stay off facebook. All your doing is trying to act like your better then everyone who has an FB profile. I bet 10 bucks you actually do have an account, you just like to pretend your not to seem better for some strange reason.

Psychologically scary if you ask me.

One the whole, the last 3 sentences of your post kind of sums it up for me: needless, suppositional ad hominem.

I regularly use 3 computers that I own. None of them have ever accessed FB. I avoid it for many reasons, one of which is the spyware/data mining that happens/has happened with their applets.

Another major reason is the facial recognition and tagging (I also make it clear to my friends/family that I don't want my picture on FB, so don't upload photos of me, and if you do absolutely DO NOT tag them with my name).

The data available on Pirate Bay (or that was available) was data that you cannot get normally. There was one of MANY screw ups with the way FB used information, and this info was fathered during that time. It contains info that, with the exception of those times that FB screws up, is not available.

FB allows people to track what you do to a point that houses have been robbed, etc (there are many links available).

And, the main reason: why do i care what all those people are doing? It is often an exercise in narcissism, with constant mindless updates about what is happening in the mundane moments of everyday life. It is an orgy of voyeurism, mirroring the other pop cultural enactments such as the supposed "reality television" (often with FB status updates being no more realistic).

As a purveyor of internet meme's, I have found no greater level of mendacity than on sites such as Failbook.

To be honest, I have not seen a single thing that would attract me. Even the story on the founder reads like a "how to" of evil geniusness. Having never used it, I see nothing attractive about it. And given its involvement with so many "drama's" (up to and including rage murdering someone who made someone else mad on FB), think that my life is far, far greater without it.

Now...were I you this might be were I made a bet that you were something morose like Mark Zuckerberg protecting his progeny, in some thinly veiled attempt to bolster my opinion with the audience. But that is ludicrous to assert, and adds nothing to finding any truth in the situation.

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 01:00 PM
As a data analyst, something to consider:

Data being available is one thing. But it all being put together in one convenient location is something else entirely.

Sure, the government can get info on me. BUt they normally don't, because it is difficult to put all that together. So my question is, why make it easier?

Facebook, by their own admission, is a honeypot for various government agencies. To feed a honeypot requires countless, mindless worker bees. That is not me. Not to say that I share an Atlas Shrugged mentality of "I work for my own profit", as I believe in charity, etc. However, I do not want to work for the collective, either.

And to say that to some people seems to seriously threaten them. To a point where insulting you is the only trick they can muster.

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 01:28 PM
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

I work with technology, in fact I develop software quite regularly however I am one of those people that has grown tired of technology because I have realised it's mostly a big distraction.

I have one of these new smart phones but I often wondered what would happen if people who owned these phones didn't use facebook, or twitter, or the many other internet based services simply did not use them, just how useful would these devices be?

I am considering deactivating my facebook account and possibly my twitter account; as much fun as it is to post amusing rants on these services I can't help but feel like the guy staring in the mirror and laughing at his own jokes.

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 01:31 PM

Originally posted by bigfatfurrytexan
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

On Pirate Bay you can download the personal info of 100 million FB users.

People make it a habit to track you on facebook. I have known people like this, who are just a little touch of crazy.

Sure, Uncle Sam can find me. But I don't have to give him the keys to my house, do i?

The internet is not for real life. Mixing the two usually has disastrous consequences.

No, i wasn't meaning to offend.
Just putting in my two cents.

I'd have to Agree with you except for one point. The internet is a real life arena where people are enabled the option of communicating and interacting. This expression of ideas has changed the real world around you, and has enriched the lives of millions of people world wide, both intelligently, as well as financially.

The internet has set much that has been hiding from us free to reveal itself, to the disgrace of some, and to the glory of others. Information once unobtainable to the masses has granted mankind new avenues of intellect and has expanded our life's experiences beyond comparison.

Where, for instance, can you obtain imagery from the NASA sponsored Mars Rover missions, unless you went directly to Florida or Pasadena and obtained a security clearance just to enter the site, then be monitored while you browse if you got that far? Where can you get immediate information on world events as they happen, without waiting for your 'film at 11' news service on tv? Where else can you read the omitted books of the Holy Scriptures, unless a library that hosts such documents somehow was close to home?

True, the internet can be a dangerous place, for those that leave themselves open for it, but so can the Avenue of the Americas in New York. FaceBook is a social networking tool that enables people to express themselves to their peers. Sure, the CIA can track you and build a database with all of your info... they did that already I'm afraid, long ago... and yes, Ted Turner and Publishers Clearinghouse all make money off of you with the info they then start gathering about you... They've already done that long ago too I'm afraid. However, an individual with an interest in getting the attention of people they're interested in expressing themselves to can find such an ability with a service like FaceBook, and it works to enrich their efforts.

Oh well, If the CIA doesn't like the latest soundtrack produced by Dr. DRE, they can always make a note of it on his FaceBook page...

edit on 12-12-2011 by Heyyo_yoyo because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 01:32 PM
I don't see any difference between the two wrt the basic message ie Assad is in denial. Quite how much denial anybody can take before they say "he's in denial" is open to debate. Maybe conspiracists need hours whereas most of us need s few minutes.

Maybe the video was dropped because of the translation on the screen. Does it match what was said?

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 01:42 PM
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

I do not know if they made him look worse in the edited one. It's more like, they made him look less sophisticated. Most of his points were still reached in the edited one. I simply feel the man is more intelligent in the unedited one.

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 01:55 PM
reply to post by TinkerHaus

Well, enjoy your farmville. I, in the mean time, will be here acting consistently in line with my morals.

You don't think that statement was completely judgmental and showed you "looking down" on anyone who would consider playing Farmville? Because that is completely how it sounded.

Do you really think that everything you post on ATS is untracable? Because you are doing EXACTLY THE SAME THING I AM. You are putting information out there on the internet that is TRACABLE to you.

I am just SO SICK of everyone who judges everyone else's actions, and if we don't all agree with precisely what you think we should do there is something wrong with us...we must have no morals. (You're the person who brought in morals, not me.) And again, if you think you were NOT judging my morals, see your comment quoted above.

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