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Iran moves from "Destroy Israel!" to "Destroy all the Jews!"

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posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 12:40 PM
Since no one is sure and the debate keeps going round can they do it pictorial form to say what Iran really means, they keep saying it is misunderstood or they are lying to buy time to build a bomb to bring that eventuality. Can they not use stick on pictures like the old weather forecast to show what they really intend because it does make sense.

For example - Iran> Nuke > Israel > :-)

If that is not the intention of their wording then fine no doubts move on.

If that is the case then the Bible has this in defence.

Ezekiel 39
1 “Son of man, prophesy against Gog and say: ‘This is what the Sovereign LORD says: I am against you, Gog, chief prince of Meshek and Tubal. 2 I will turn you around and drag you along. I will bring you from the far north and send you against the mountains of Israel. 3 Then I will strike your bow from your left hand and make your arrows drop from your right hand. 4 On the mountains of Israel you will fall, you and all your troops and the nations with you.

Is this what they realy want?


edit on 4-12-2011 by The time lord because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-12-2011 by The time lord because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 12:46 PM
Iran never said they wanted to destroy Israel and i am 99% percent certain they have not said anything about the Jews either.

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 01:03 PM

Originally posted by Helixer

Originally posted by Deetermined

Originally posted by Babbleman

The story of Moses and Pharoah is still very appropriate...

Appropriate to what?

You bicker too much about everything when you should be concerned about the world learning of the atrocious nature of zionism and the zionist terror state Israel.

What? Versus the terror state of Iran through Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihadists, etc?

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 01:04 PM
Don't Americans have UFOs now why don't they use them? I know because its all a lie too, if they are not used means that technology is against man too they just wait untill we depopulate a bit. Or it means its all rubbish after all to put doubts in faith.

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 01:20 PM
reply to post by buster2010

I also hate the situation in Palestine and wish the Jewish right wing faction was not so belligerent with settlement building, however nobody seems remotely concerned about the fact that JORDAN, a country that is supposed to be taking care of the Palestinians, has totally washed its hands of its Muslim brothers. Why do none of the large Muslim states that claim to care so much about Palestinians offer to find a home for this small group of persecuted people? Why are the Kurds persecuted by Muslim brothers? Why are the Yezidi persecuted by Muslim brothers? Why is it so much easier for everyone to blame Jews and Israelis than the people who hate them and also hate us, do you actually WANT another holocaust??

Just for the record I have no prejudice against true spiritual Muslims, it is the hardline factions of all 'religions' (not 'religion' at all, of course, just politics) that cause the wars.

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 01:21 PM

Originally posted by Viking9019
Iran never said they wanted to destroy Israel and i am 99% percent certain they have not said anything about the Jews either.

Ahmadinejad Quotes:

September 18, 2008

"I have heard some say the idea of Greater Israel has expired….I say that the idea of lesser Israel has expired, too."

"We have no problems with these people (Israelis) but they should leave the occupied territories, leave them to their genuine owners and get back to their countries and homes where they originally came from."

April 22, 2009

"Don't be afraid of those Zionists. They are on the verge of death. Their time has passed. Do not surrender your people to them…

"Don't you know the nature of the Zionists? Don't you know who the Zionists are? They came in order to take over our region in its entirety. At first, they said that they wanted [a country] from the Nile to the Euphrates. Once they got settled, they said that there had been a mistake, and that they wanted all the Islamic lands…

"Unless they are put in their place at the very beginning of their conspiracy and fitna, they will jeopardize the security of the whole world, they will jeopardize the security of the whole region… They want the entire world. At their very first step, you must crush their step, crush their leg, so that they do not dare to invade the Islamic lands"

(Speech, carried by Iranian News Channel, IRINN. Source: MEMRI)

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 01:34 PM

Originally posted by lifttheveil

Originally posted by lonewolf19792000
reply to post by lifttheveil

Lol, your deluding yourself if you think The Qur’an is any more violent, sickening and gobbledegook than the christian bible. Personally I think they're both hogwash

That statement right there shows you just how ignorant you are of the "christian bible". The "Christian bible" is the new testament, not the old testament. We follow the new covenant and nowhere in it is written anything about exterminating anyone. Christ preached forgiveness and loving your enemies like you love your friends.

Personally i am going to opt out of anything to do with Israel, Iran or Palestine/Jordan or whatever you want to call it. That whole mess is more trouble than it is worth and more drama and i hate drama. Drama is the lady that lives next door who has a different man at her house everynight.

OK that's fine if that's your opinion, but it's not the opinion of the general christian belief, which is why both the old and new testaments are BOTH together and make up the Holy Bible and both are preached in church. Sure, Christians like to separate from the depravity and murderous god of the old testament but I thought your belief is that god is changeless?

We only use the old testament to validate the new testiment and back up what Jesus taught us. What you fail to understand is that God's ways are not our ways neither are his thoughts our thoughts, what we consider murder he does not. God's thoughts and ways and knowledge are as alien to us as our ways, thoughts and knowledge are to a piss ant.

Isaiah 55:8 "Your ways are not my ways, neither are your thoughts my thoughts"

What concerns us does not concern him, he is looking at the big picture whereas we only see seperated jigsaw puzzle pieces. You cannot grasp what is on the mind of an entity that is omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent. He is so far beyond us that we cannot even begin to grasp who or what he truly is. All we have to go on is what he has laid down for us to know about him.

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 01:36 PM

Originally posted by charlottecowell
reply to post by buster2010

I also hate the situation in Palestine and wish the Jewish right wing faction was not so belligerent with settlement building, however nobody seems remotely concerned about the fact that JORDAN, a country that is supposed to be taking care of the Palestinians, has totally washed its hands of its Muslim brothers. Why do none of the large Muslim states that claim to care so much about Palestinians offer to find a home for this small group of persecuted people? Why are the Kurds persecuted by Muslim brothers? Why are the Yezidi persecuted by Muslim brothers? Why is it so much easier for everyone to blame Jews and Israelis than the people who hate them and also hate us, do you actually WANT another holocaust??

Just for the record I have no prejudice against true spiritual Muslims, it is the hardline factions of all 'religions' (not 'religion' at all, of course, just politics) that cause the wars.

Isn't that the truth? Not to mention the fact that every offer that's been made to the Palestinians have all been rejected by the Palestinians. They won't be happy until they get back everything for doing absolutely nothing. They are too weak to fight for themselves or even govern or rule over themselves without everyone else's money or help. If they are ever able to get what they ask for, they wouldn't know what to do with it or how to run it. There would still be just as many problems.

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 02:14 PM
reply to post by seabag

Ok, I was gonna write something like -- "I don't ever condone violence, but unfortunately that's what happens after 50 years of occupation. I bet if Texas was occupied for 50 years and such atrocities were committed, neighboring states would want a bit more than just the occupier to leave."

Then I started thinking, this can't be right, this is just propaganda. Iran would NEVER state something like that, just like Netanyahu would NEVER say publicly that he wants the annihilation of Iran, even though that is the apparent goal.

Then I searched through your source, and now I decided not to write any more. Your source is a Zionist propaganda tool -- great job, man. I would imagine that if you were really trying to deny ignorance, you would not believe a word they say.

I also see you just joined us a couple of months ago -- thank you for clearing up your agenda for us so soon.
Now I know exactly what to expect from you.


posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 02:22 PM
reply to post by Kharron

Give me a break! There isn't a source available from either side that wouldn't be considered propaganda! This is a cop out way of saying, "I GOT NOTHING" to come back with.

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 02:26 PM
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

As a former Christian & someone who has taken the time to read the books from Jewish, christian & Muslim belief systems... I can tell you they are all full of hate, violence, sexism, contradiction & hypocrisy. I know that there are many good & decent people who follow in one of these systems of belief, however, I had to turn my back on organized religion as it mirrors government too much. No man died for my sins... No man murdered or was murdered on a field of battle for my freedom. True freedom exists within the heart & mind of an individual... It's not about flags, declarations, constitutions, geographic location, skin color. We are one race... Human. We share this planet with many other species that we could learn much from. We don't have to kill one another... We choose to. Maybe one day we can rise above this madness & work together to truly build a better world for ourselves & our children.

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 02:29 PM
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

You can be a Jew without being a Zionist. Jews against Zionism are a great example. It's amazing how easily people forget this when it's convenient to their beliefs. You have been tricked my friend

I think maybe you have. The fact that they exist does not make them right. I am interested in what the word says. Not in what men say about the word. The word makes it pretty clear that Zionism cannot be subtracted from Judaism. That you must be a Zionist to be a proper Jew.

If you're interested in informing yourself, it's even possible to be a Zionist without even being Jewish. If you don't believe me look up Christian Zionism. It's very real, and it's another example that proves how you much you have bee misinformed.

I am a Christian Zionist. But perhaps in a different light. I favor the Holy Land being ruled by the UN. To provide it for all. I don't find any scripture For Christians that stats a Jewish state must exist. It's only so for Jews. But as Christian I believe that a state should exist, ruled by the world, securing it for the world. It is an important historical area that ought to be policed by a global entity to provide a secure situation.

No need to thank me, clearing up this misinformation you have been tricked into believing is the only reward I seek

Why should I than you? You provide no scripture, no proof, no knowledge. You just stated what you think.

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 02:35 PM
the un is ruled by the satanist bankers who created israel in the first place to fool all the Sheeple into buring their heads in the sand and putting their butts in the air and to then say please sir can I have some more and here is all my gold and my babies.

ps the zionist christians don't think people who pay for that kind of sex get to go to heaven they say...
edit on 4-12-2011 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 02:36 PM
I think most people would have no problem with allowing Israel to exist, if they weren't so greedy and cruel.

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 02:37 PM
reply to post by avatar01

Apparently 65 percent of Israelis think the same ...god bless em for that too
edit on 4-12-2011 by Danbones because:

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 02:38 PM
reply to post by nusnus

Interesting post. I cannot wrap my head around the level of anger and hatred that an extremist must have to wake up each morning. How would someone sleep at night with those kind of evil thoughts constantly swimming around inside? We all understand anger and dislike. But how do you go from that to getting to the level of wanting to wipe out a people or a Country? That's just weird. I mean seriously weird.

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 02:44 PM
If you watch that parade closely, the Iranian "sword" is not attacking the Nazi/US Flag and Star of David. The Nazi/US/Israeli troops march toward Iran, and destroy themself on the Iranian sword.

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 02:45 PM
reply to post by seabag
Comments such as yours coming from someone whose avatar is that of a murderer who hides his face so no one in the world would recognize him; someone whose mood is Truculent while also claiming to be an Oath Keeper should go stand with the Zionists because you do not stand on the same side as I am.

If any rational human being were for a moment to put the shoe on the other foot and imagine being one of their victims and survivors of what Israel and those with them have done to the Palestinians and others, I wonder if you too would not being crying for justice and revenge.

Anyone who knows the truth about Israel and what they have done and has been done in their name would not support Israel.

Frankly Seabag, you remind me of the type that was working the machine gun on those civilians and children in the "Collateral Murder" video released by're a thug and murderer and proud of it...that's the impression you give me.

edit on 4-12-2011 by MajorKarma because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 02:50 PM

Originally posted by seabag

IMO Iran has very dangerous and deadly intentions, and groups like Hamas, Al Qaeda, Muslim Brotherhood, et al are all seeking the annihilation of Jews world-wide. After that, infidels (infidels meaning – ALL NON MUSLIMS) across the globe will be targeted.

So pray tell me, why would Jewish controlled America create, fund, organise and deploy groups such as Al-Qaeda?

Doesnt it all seem a bit contradictory and hypocritical with Americas fervent support of Isreal thrown in the mix?

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 03:07 PM

Originally posted by open_eyeballs

i didnt mention anything about left or right wing news sources. When something stinks of a bias I check the source. Get a life and stop playing usual partisan politics BS.

Oh but I have a life, and I don't bash constantly on Israel because I swallow anti-Israeli propaganda constantly...

Has Israel done questionable things? sure they have, but at least they don't strap their kids with bombs and send them to Palestinian cities to kill as many Palestinians as possible...

Palestinian terrorists use their kids as shields, and hide behind them, and when a surgical strike unfortunately kills these kids the terrorists are hiding behind of, the other Palestinian radicals use their kids deaths to try to suck in suckers like you to their cause.

Palestinian radicals, which is a very large mayority of Palestinians apparently sorry to say, don't care much about their kids when they allow their kids being used as living time bombs, and send their kids to indoctrination camps where they learn to "die for the cause is great"...

If it was my kid, nomatter how poor I was I would take him/her as far away from there as possible, and it is possible. Arabs have MORE THAN ENOUGH LANDS, that they also need Israel for themselves...

edit on 4-12-2011 by ElectricUniverse because: (no reason given)

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