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The Reptilians And Insectoids Walk Among Us

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posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 07:20 AM
reply to post by Getsmart
A few of the planets moons,most of them,or even all of them could actually be spaceships/cosmic arks/ancient interstellar war machines and the side by side image you posted of Iapetus next to the Star Wars Death Star is a real eye and mind opener...

I remember when i first saw the 1977 star wars movie on the big screen,the way it and all movies were meant to be seen,holy #!##@% what an experience! like no other movie before,people were cheering and yelling at the screen,especially during the opening scene when the spaceships first fly into view from overhead! and like no other movie before and perhaps ever since did star wars grab the attention of the world,it literally altered our culture and aimed us and our minds in a new direction as well...

Think about it,while we were living in caves more or less,look what was going on in some other galaxy "a long time ago"

Close encounters of the third kind,from the same year and 2001-a space odyssey 1968 must also be mentioned and given much credit as well...

edit on 8-1-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 09:11 AM
John A. Keel, in his book "Our Haunted Planet" gives an interesting introduction to the reality of an alien race that has taken careful measures to remain hidden from the mass consciousness of those dwelling on the surface of planet earth,or those ignorant "human cattle" whom they are intent on manipulating and exploiting from their secret hiding places above,below and even amongst the inhabitants of planet earth...

"They Live"...Chameleons In Our
edit on 8-1-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 06:17 PM

Originally posted by blocula

Another person of great interest and a wealth of occult knowledge is Helena Blavatsky...

Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831-91) is without comparison the single person who has had the most influence in the Occult Sciences in the 19 Century...

Yes blocula, and I find the Insignia of the Theosophical Society very revealing.

It shows the Serpent, symbolizing the Reptilian, and right where it is "eating its tail" implying that it has looped the circuit and controls everything in between, we find a ROYAL CROWN. This is in evidence of the ROYAL BLOODLINES SERVING THE REPTILIANS.

Serious historians who investigate in depth the rise of the NAZI Regime will find that many ROYAL LINEAGES were not only staunch supporters of HITLER but also that they were at the initiative for the rise of this movement. Therefore we shouldn't be surprised to find the SWASTIKA displayed directly beneath the ROYAL CROWN right where the REPTILIAN Snake eats its tail and directly above the occult ZIONIST symbol seen on the Red Shield of the ROTHSCHILD.


posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 07:03 PM
The original short story that "They Live" was based on featured reptilians:

He left the theatre, pushing out into the neon night, carefully avoiding any indication that he saw the green, reptilian flesh or the multiple yellow eyes of the rulers of the earth.

"Eight O'Clock in the Morning"

posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 07:30 PM
While some people report strange encounters with "aliens" others report encounters with all sorts of monsters or other religious,mythic and legendary beings,some of which are seen in conjunction with bright lights or ariel craft...

No one would claim that all these entities come from other planets...

In fact most ufologists prefer to ignore such accounts and their parallels with UFO encounters so that they can continue to propagate the modern,space-age myth of extraterrestrial visitations...

Instead of being extraterrestrials from outer space,aliens appear to be psycho-terrestrials from inner space Conclusion
edit on 8-1-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 08:18 PM
In one case,a woman awoke in bed to see a helicopter over her house as if the intervening ceiling and roof had disappeared.She also saw 2 unusual humanoid beings at the foot of the bed.Fortunately 2 friends were able to witness this scene...they saw a blue sphere of light around her,as she did,with brighter lights shooting through it, but they heard no helicopter and saw no beings.The blue light apparently created a virtual-reality Alien abductions - 2

A virtual reality scenario?...Or perhaps only her soul was taken somewhere?
edit on 8-1-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 08:27 PM
reply to post by blocula

Yes, but you also have to realize. Milabs. I also find it hard in meditation to use alpha. Alpha sounds like chopper blades to me and so I avoid it. In addition, the chopper is something I heard faintly one night, not too long ago and so was up for hours, quite alarmed. My childhood memories were joint thing, co-op type. Then it was no longer like that. I work hard at keeping frequency higher and out of their reach, and worry over the kids even fighting. Consequences and permissions. Wont let anyone have any part of my consciousness or bury anything in it. High Frequency and Love is the answer.

That story of the choppers was brought up in Karla Turners, books too. The pdfs are online.

Dr. Karla Turner MUFON conference 1 of 6
edit on 8-1-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 08:36 PM
reply to post by Getsmart
Hitler and the nazis would never have been able to do what they did without the full support of the rich industrialists...

Think about it...

The world was plunged into a great depression,most people were slowly starving to death because they had no income,no jobs,no money...

Then suddenly as if from nowhere,Hitler and Germany rise up out of the still burning ashes of the then on-going world wide economic collapse.They conveniently have massive amounts of money,enough to build thousands of planes,thousands of tanks and trucks and millions of guns and boots and flags and uniforms ect,ect...

Hmmmm?...Where did all that money suddenly come from?...

Directly from the rich industrialists,the same wealthy and powerful people who benefitted financially from world war-2,the same wealthy and powerful people who are ultimately responsible for starting WW-2 and the same wealthy and powerful people who were the cause of the world wide depression to begin with...

And they are in league with demons,the alien reptilians and insectoids who dominate us and control us through their prison wardens who are the rich industrialists,the royal bloodline elites,the world leaders and they and the evil aliens are the ones who are running the show...

Our freedoms and our freewill and our so called dominance of earth as a human species are nothing but blatant lies,grand deceptions and induced illusions...
edit on 8-1-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 08:39 PM
reply to post by blocula

Now I want to ask you something. Because I don't accept any pat answers anyone gives me spiritually or in anything, and have always known everyone will be freed, but don't know when. I believe its in my lifetime now, hope so. That means to me, this universe goes up. That the school is a free will zone but only lasts so long. Then we either wake up from the dream when we have God or Good Family consciousness or continue to sleep and dream in basically holograms/dream lab.

But I also think there is a time when its over, that every section has such a time, and its a safety net for all the souls that come in, even Darth Vader's. All have be happy.

Thats how I see it.

No one could ever be happy otherwise, if anyone was stuck in suffering and pain, or cruelty. Or family stuck being monsters.

Now, how does the dark side or the hybrid types running this planet fare differently than us, and even get sent in to these roles?

Unless the whole purpose of the cosmic school was to provide the opposition from the beginning so that different species, ie. lets say reptilians, would come first an be more predatory, and get to higher levels first.

But their spirits would also be Light and have Love within, but operating in a harder challenge perhaps, a more predatory body suit.

I've heard that many reptilians are more pure than humans.

I don't know if it means more loving though by nature. But I imagine that those who worked on developing their heart chakras or love energy or increasing Light would be Love. Im sure its interactive.

However, would the ones running this unbalanced nightmare school be judged the same way if they're in completely different body suits so that they would not feel the same way, perhaps live by a different code until things progress up and are healed?

That idea just came to me today on a different thread watching

Leo Zagami the 2012 Armageddon

posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 09:41 PM
If it is our reality and it very well might be and everyone found out the "horrible truth" that god our creator was actually a super intelligent bi-pedal reptilian and or insectoid,probably 80 or 90% of humanity would commit suicide,just like...

the original group that were the first to discover the "horrible truth" several committed suicide,the most prominent of which was Defense Secretary James V. Forrestal,who jumped to his death from a 16th story hospital window. Forrestal’s records are sealed to this day.President Truman quickly put a lid on the secret and turned the screws so tight that the general public still thinks that flying saucers are a joke...

The Secret Government...A Covenant With Death >

Whitley Strieber recounts a letter about a teen pinned to the ground by a six-foot long mantis.His family chased it back into the woods and they still hear the sounds it makes occasionally...

A child tells how she was taken up to a life raft floating in the air and saw what seems to be her grandma "but I am afraid it was a great big bug"

General James H. Doolittle inspected the flying saucer that crashed in Spitzbergen,Norway,in 1952 and made a discovery,then known to only a handful of men,"They were indeed ugly little creatures, shaped like praying mantises and who were more advanced than us by perhaps a billion years"
edit on 8-1-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 10:07 PM
reply to post by blocula

God is not. And predators don't exist on the higher levels. I've seen the dreamscape, its like a dream lab. When they say people sleep who do yet attain heaven, it means, they fall back into dreams.

I'm aware something might be very alarming just out of our comfort zone here, though.

posted on Jan, 9 2012 @ 08:49 AM
Heres a few more links that i came across concerning the not often discussed insectoid aliens,who are too horrible for most people to accept in my opinion and so they are mostly ignored and denied...

The dixieland insectoid encounter >

Human sized insectoid aliens >

Insectoid visitations haunt californian >

Was Jehovah perhaps a praying mantis being?" The ufologist asking this question is one Joe Lewels and to all appearances he is not kidding.He frames his question in a context of mysteries about why God would not reveal his countenance to his chosen ones like Moses.Answer yes and the Israelites would have been horrified...
Graying mantis >
edit on 9-1-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2012 @ 11:54 AM
What came to me yesterday is if you were designing a free will dream lab, where consciousness that has already studied and learnt, needs to make it real, with free will, and lots of negative side trips and even consequence for harming, until consciousness finally becomes rock solid good (and I'm not using rock as a frequency for rocks are really low frequency), and a gift to everyone, and self.

Then, you might do it this way.

You might have mirrors, or programs running for what we call evil, and the system might be interactive. You might come in 50/50 as a shadow, mirrored reflection of eutopia worlds from Beyond and have both individual tests and planet or system tests, ie. frequency brings things up or down, for billions of years., or longer. Which in dream time is long, but a second on the other side, if that.

Now, the dark side, AI, may end up getting real players joining in, renegades from other systems, bullies who like to lord it over the children, its basically a free for all. However there is alot of control nonetheless behind the scenes, so this free for all is an appearance only. Even the bullies are being limited and there is a plan for them as well.

Some who wish to graduate higher realms, would incarnate into harsher schools to see if they can overcome the blinders, the low frequency and shine love.

So a variety of schools, and some with memory loss.

Consequence is like a mirror. You can lie to others, but not your self and your heart is a frequency. This is very real, albeit its a dream scape, so your actions would be reflected also in a place of purification that would be real, based on how far gone you allowed yourself to go and how much harm you did, but with forgiveness and mitigation, and lots and lots of support. The Spirit of Love and Peace grows stronger within you when you are peace, and I call this Christ, too, but He walks closer than close, with you. Goodness, Love, the Holy Spirit, is closer than closer and closer than your parents. So faith and trust and seeking within, brings us the direction we need. Its not as chaotic a we think.

Now kind of built into the school is the oppositions, and the choices, and so harder schools are predicted as outcome over time, due to predicted consequences. Its not easy and most take a while, for that is how we learn. So to create the possibility that we would have bullies and there would be harsher systems, what if it was designed, that insects and reptiles matured first. But of course they also would have higher pure positive elements, and more lower frequency predatory elements.

And this was necessary. It was a safeguard, so all could be freed. Because, individually, many make it out faster, but there are many who got pulled down the regression or loss of consciousness, light and soul roads.

So for some who might become monsters and get insane for billions of years there has to be a limit, when the healing begins.

And alot of limitiations of what people can aspire to is built into their various body suits. Ie. repitlian minds, with less compassion, more fight and flight and warrior stance, would be a more severe type body suit, so they wouldn't be held accountable the same way for not being Love and Light as we would. But still have accountability in a different way.

I'm guessing.

In case you don't know, to me, everyone who is not AI in the system, ie, all living conscieous beings, no matter who they are, even the monsters, even the dark side, everyone has to go home. And be grateful to each ohter in the end, and dump all the information together for everyone to learn so no one would ever hurt another again.

I don't approve of anything else.

posted on Jan, 9 2012 @ 11:59 AM
So, this is how I am going to basically see it from now on, so I don't need to judge even the bad guys. Though run legs run, if some get close. Unconditional Love means being love and trying to understand everyone and pray for all. But it doesnt mean, we should allow them to walk over us with steel toed boots, nor does it mean we should put ourselves in constant danger. Some are best to pray for at a distance. But the Love and Understanding needs to be there to have the heart to pray for everyone.

Plus I don't think we're doing our jobs at being artists of Love as Jessicamystic puts it. That we need to be Peace. Love. Compassion. And see through the meaningless stuff in this world like jobs, reputation, status, things, over people. Wars.

We haven't broken their hearts enough, the ones running this world need to be woken up too.
edit on 9-1-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2012 @ 12:36 PM

Originally posted by blocula

In one case,a woman awoke in bed to see a helicopter over her house as if the intervening ceiling and roof had disappeared.She also saw 2 unusual humanoid beings at the foot of the bed.Fortunately 2 friends were able to witness this scene...they saw a blue sphere of light around her,as she did,with brighter lights shooting through it, but they heard no helicopter and saw no beings.The blue light apparently created a virtual-reality Alien abductions - 2

A virtual reality scenario?...Or perhaps only her soul was taken somewhere?

Well blocula,

hammering away at the problem set seems to bear its fruit. You have just come up with a very important theory regarding Alien Abductions: the blue light seen by the witnesses is possibly an energy field which forces the Soul out of the Body. In this instance we would be witnessing...


This would mean that everything that an abductee experiences is REAL in FACT but that it occurs by the abduction of their SOUL or what is also called their LIGHT BODY. People are thus projected into another Dimension which is intermingled with this one. We can also assume that the ALIENS or CREATURES that are perceived are also LIGHT BODIES which have the ability to materialize physically wherever they wish in order to be seen, heard and felt by those witnessing them outside of an abduction scenario. Similarly their UFO spacecraft would be LIGHT BODY CRAFT from another Dimension which can also materialize physically to be seen, heard, felt and detected by Radar.

The Solution to this very sticky problem seems to be that the Reptilians and Insectoids are indeed DIMENSIONAL CREATURES which have entered into our plane of existence through Stargates or Portals such as those referenced throughout antiquity as the GATES OF HELL. It is even possible that they carry with them portable devices such as the Cubes seen on their belts which enable them to Switch Between Dimensions at will.


edit on 9-1-2012 by Getsmart because: the Reptilians and Insectoids are HERE ON EARTH as we speak...

posted on Jan, 9 2012 @ 01:40 PM
reply to post by Getsmart
The famed British astrophysicist Fred Hoyle,told a London press conference as long ago as 1971 that the world was controlled by a force which could manifest in many forms."They are everywhere" he told astonished journalists "in the sky,in the sea and on the Earth" He said that "they" controlled humanity through the mind...Fred Hoyle and intelligent design >

As i said i think that the insectoids are spraying their human abductees with an advanced form of pheromone that puts people into a trance like state...

A chemical spell which also induces implanted hallucinations within the abductees minds that tricks them into believing that these advanced bi-pedal insects are aliens from outer space,little green martians,angelic beings with holy intentions or friendly brothers and sisters from the stars here to rescue humanity...

Disguising who they really are,what they are doing to us,where they are actually coming from,keeps us looking and thinking in the wrong direction,up into outer space,instead of below us underground...

Gods drive flying saucers and god very well could be a super intelligent,highly evolved bi-pedal mantis,ant,wasp or velociraptor type creature,or any bizzare combination of them imaginable...

If they actually are god or gods,our creators,then i am stunned and virtually speechless,what are we to do? And like it or not its highly likely and probably true...
edit on 9-1-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2012 @ 02:06 PM
reply to post by Unity_99
Theres a really good and really bizzare movie called Bug from 2006 directed by William Friedkin who also made The Exorcist and in the movie Bug,there are scenes involving the sounds of rumbling chopper blades hoovering over and descending upon the motel that the people are staying in,actually shaking the building,but they have no obvious source and as the title says,it also involves insects,intelligent insects.If you or anyone else hasnt seen it yet,i suggest doing so...

I have read that the reptilians and the insectoids are actually living reflections of our own denials,but i'm not exactly sure what thats suppose to mean?

Does that mean that we are empowering them to carry on because we refuse to admit they are real?

Are we unknowingly projecting our deepest most supressed prehistoric fears of reptiles and insects out from within our minds and into our reality?

Or does that mean something else?

edit on 9-1-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2012 @ 02:18 PM
GS & biocula brought up the blue light that has been seen by abductees. My information is that the blue Norway Spiral was a portal opening up to allow inter-dimensional dark entities into this Reality.

posted on Jan, 9 2012 @ 02:21 PM
reply to post by blocula

I believe there are a variety of different players here for the dark side, and bear in mind that not all insectoids or reptilians, or any particular species would be evil or fallen. I think there would simply be the predators come first making it harsher schools for the spirits to learn from and also making it easier to correct even the predators in the end, as this is simply a temporary stint in a harsher wired body form. It lets many off the hook. And in fact maybe we're meant to soften their hearts too if we can, making it all work faster.

ie. Also there would AI in the realm. Negative entities that aren't spirit, but a program running in the system as an opposition and tempting some.

The problem though with shadow, and that was always my original thought, but in a sense these would be your children. And we're kind of a mirrored shadow of Beyond. Are we their children then as in the mistakes of the past universal realms, a universe long ago, far away? That they are bringing up and out now? Freeing and helping?

We would have to do the same then?

That is also one of the theories I've had.

edit on 9-1-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2012 @ 02:41 PM
reply to post by Unity_99
It also could be that the insectoids and or the reptilians are the true dominant species of earth and we are their creation,we are their livestock allowed to breed upon the surface of their planet,helpless children blissfully unaware as we play with our toys within upon their terrarium earth and we are harvested whenever they feel like doing so...

And our freedoms,our freewill,our souls,our hopes and belief in a benevloent god and our human dominance as a species are all nothing more than induced illusions,if thats all true and unfortunately i think it probably is then hell is a place i would much rather be than where we are now...

And think about it!...Getsmart has actually seen a reptilian with his own eyes! And i give him a lot of credit for coming forward and telling the truth no matter what the denying opposition thinks and says,as i myself have always done and will always do...

I dont think and say what other people think i shoud think and say,i think and say what i feel and what i know is the truth and wether or not anyone else agrees or disagrees with me is something they will have to decide for themselves...

edit on 9-1-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

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