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Epic tram lady... meet "kill all white people" tram guy

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posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 11:12 AM
lmao....."animals dont hang out with eachother so why should we?"

meanwhile if you watch a nature show and all the animals are standing around the watering hole there are at least 5 species of critter around at a given time...some of whom have a natural predator/prey relationship and what are they doing? Thats right....COEXISTING. there will be time for the hunt later but at that moment everyone is being civil to meet a common goal...hydration. We dont all have to stand around hugging eachother but don't use stats, pseudo science, historical tidbits or any other nonsense to justify why you do not allow yourself to extend friendship, or at the very least respect to your fellow man. Because no matter what.....that choice is ultimately yours. If you are reviled by the actions of a particular race and find they have little to no redeeming qualities its because thats all you have allowed yourself to see. Racism, discrimination and making anyone feel like less based on something they had no control over is WRONG. I dont care what color you are and I have stopped black kids from pickin on my white friends in my time as well. Because its not about retreating to your respective sides and only protecting your own. Thats cowardly. I'd go down fighting for anyone who warranted it, regardless of color. And I do this knowing that my color and preconceived notions about who I am based off my race almost guarantees that there are those who would not do the same for me. I know there are white people who can say that to. And knowing that commonality should make us want to bridge the gap not widen it.
edit on 3-12-2011 by irsuccubus because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 11:23 AM
This is why I Love Classic SNL, as they already addressed the absurdity of this issue years ago. And no, this is not to inject hatred but to inject levity. Race is still too sensitive of a subject and though there are some good reasons in there, there are also some pretty stupid ones. I dont want white people gone. Hell, my son and daughter are half white.

snl sketch
edit on 3-12-2011 by irsuccubus because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 11:58 AM
Somehow, we need to get these people on the same train XD

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 01:16 PM

Originally posted by Partygirl
Be nice people. Play nice together.

Remember when you were kids?

edit on 12/3/2011 by Partygirl because: (no reason given)

I do remember, to bad our government keeps us at one-anothers throats, ever notice how kids don't see color, that is until the reach about middle school?

Why do you think that is?

I know why.

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 02:22 PM

Originally posted by Stormdancer777

Originally posted by Partygirl
Be nice people. Play nice together.

Remember when you were kids?

edit on 12/3/2011 by Partygirl because: (no reason given)

I do remember, to bad our government keeps us at one-anothers throats, ever notice how kids don't see color, that is until the reach about middle school?

Why do you think that is?

I know why.

Why? Well, where I live it's the parents that pass on the hatred towards others. My neighbor kids attend inner city schools and they all lost their colored friends once they got to a certain age. I ask "why" and the answer I get is "they just don't want to associate with me anymore because they get picked on". I seriously doubt the government or the school system had a hand in that, especially at young ages as such.

The schools have nothing to do with it. It's the parenting, or lack there of.

True life experiences is how I know this. I've seen it firsthand myself and with others.
edit on 3-12-2011 by kimish because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-12-2011 by kimish because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 08:47 PM
reply to post by sunshinesmile

Yeah, in the fifties the minorities started whining...

How dare they get tired of living under JimCrow, or on reservations... Or being told they can't apply for work here. Or be relegated to the back of the bus? Oh, what is the world coming to...

Yeah, the world was so much better when those nasty people with darker skin, or differing religious beliefs knew their places...

Cut them, do they not bleed red? Rhetorical question.

Do they not want better lives for their children? Sure they do, but not if some would have their way.

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 09:14 PM
Bigotry isn't natural. Bigotry is a learned response. Now who do you suppose teaches children to become bigots in their later lives...?

Slavery, regardless of the skin color of the victim, is morally reprehensible. To say that someone would be OK with slavery as long as that slaves skin color is one shade or another is also reprehensible.

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 09:23 PM

Originally posted by JessopJessopJessop

What silence? Perhaps they aren't aware of this thread.

Logic fail. Threads get attention when they cause an uproar- when they bring out rage or concern in people. This incident didn't cause rage in the large majortiy of people like the other incident did. That's why it's not getting attention.

Subtitles aren't quite as cutting, neither do they accurately put across the venom and hatred of the speaker.

Oh please...this is really grasping. You know damn well that if the French person was white and the British person was black, it would still play out the same.

Do we know there is no outrage over this video?

The point is that this video didn't raise even a pinch of the outrage that the other video raised...and yes, we do know that. 13 full pages compared to less than a full page in one day is a drastic difference in reaction. You'd have to be delusional to deny this.

I think if you look through the thread and see which comments are being starred and which aren't that it's something much more than that.

All I see is people pointing out the reality of the situation, and then there's people like you with your baseless paranoia about some imagined 'agenda'.

There's an agenda to this thread and many of the commentators - I include yourself - that is quite visible.

If there's any sort of agenda, it's to shed light of the reality of anti-white bias. You, on the other hand, seem to have an agenda to deny reality in order to convince yourself and others of what you wish was true.

we have a member called 'silent thunder' who claims anti-racism is code for anti-white

The actions (or inaction) of self-proclaimed 'anti-racists' only support the claim that they are in fact anti-white. If you have a problem with the fact that 'anti-racists' get labeled as anti-white, then hold THEM responsible for it. It's because of their behavior that they get labeled as such. Actions speak louder than words. If you were seriously concerned about racism against ALL races, then you would call them out for their blatant anti-white behavior.

it's about promoting white victim-hood and sulking because it's not acceptable for you to be racist.

Not one person in this thread has spoken with a 'poor me' attitude or played the victim in any way whatsoeever....and you know it. Pulling things out of thin air does nothing to support your 'argument'.

I doubt for one second that any of you want to stop racism.

'Racism' is such an ambiguous, cliche, almost meaningless word....because people like yourself have made it such. No, I don't view a mere point of view as the evil of all evils. Racism can never be completely stopped. It would be really nice if racial tension decreased, but it can't with people like yourself living in a fantasy world where you think everyone is going to hold hands and sing 'kumbaya'. That's only destructive.

You don't care that some black man is screaming death to whites.

Never said I did. I don't care about his opinion towards whites or what he fantasizes about. What does concern me is the large amount of people who have no problem with his notion and would actually allow violence towards whites. Don't tell me that this is far-fetched because non-whites already receive more lawful protection and more justice when a crime is committed against them.

If that's what you cared about you wouldn't trivialise his vulgar hate speech by using it as a vehicle to drive your own 'white-people-are-being-oppressed-by-cultural-Marxists' agenda.

Since you're so hung up on some 'agenda' of this thread, then the other thread must logically serve an agenda to demonize whites while placing non-whites into a victim role. If anyone has trivialized his speech, it is the large majority of people who ignore it.

I don't see anyone saying hatred of white people is a-ok.

That's because you suppress the reality that exists right under your nose. Compare the reaction of the two threads in question. 'Racism' against non-whites causes massive knee-jerk outrage and people screaming for vigilante action while racism against whites causes....well, hardly a reaction at all. The once outraged folks who ignore this incident are telling everyone that they couldn't care less about the hatred for whites that exists.

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 09:27 PM

Originally posted by Misoir
The video with a foul mouthed ranting lady whom I believe was on some sort of drugs became an instant internet sensation with millions of views and inspiring millions of people into anger and some into nods of agreement.

It's blatantly obvious why the video of her caused so much anger and disgust.

You're barking up the wrong tree if you think that the races of the protagonists had any bearing on the video's notoriety.

A couple of others videos, also showing white English women launching into foul-mouthed xenophobic or racist tirades, have also cropped up lately, even so both of these videos are at least 18 months old.

Nothing had been made of these ''racist'' videos on YouTube until this infamous Croydon tram video had emerged.

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 09:52 PM
This is one too many times I've seen you perpetrate hate.

This man is somehow worse in her words than the woman?


It's all racism. Don't defend one woman's hate with the hate of another man.

You're all twisted individuals, when you do this. I've really grown disgusted watching members like you, as of late, increase in racism and dislike of others. And now that we established that you were a hypocrite in the other thread because you disliked foreigners when you, and immigrant, were one, I'm ever more disgusted by you.

Quite frankly, you're all the same evil. And must be routed out of the west; routed out of the world.
edit on 3-12-2011 by Gorman91 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 09:56 PM
reply to post by Gorman91

It's funny how the white woman got so much hate directed towards her...yet with this man, all the hate gets directed towards the people who simply point him out.

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 09:57 PM
I think this guy has been watching to too many Dr. Kamau Kambon videos on YouTube!

How sad it is that white people can be arrested for telling immigrants to get out of the country, whereas black people can tell white people that they should be exterminated and meet no repercussions. I guess it's true that racism these days can only be perpetrated by white people with non-whites as the victims.

edit on 3/12/2011 by Dark Ghost because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 10:00 PM
Yeah but where in the video of the white woman did she ever say, "Do you know how you enslaved us?". That's kind of what karma is all about. You enslave a people and treat them like dogs. They strike back and hate you. Another generation goes by and you hear the stories. You in turn fear for your life that the people you mistreated are coming back after you. So you hate them. And they hate you. And it goes on and on. It's karma on an individual scale and karma on a cultural scale. On a scale of small groups up to a nation state or international scale. Best thing to do is not react. Or have compassion on them because they are in delusion. Greed, hatred and delusion. Those three things keep the wheel of karma going round and round. You stop it in your own mind.

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 10:00 PM
reply to post by Gorman91

Calling for the deportation of foreigners from a country somebody was born in does NOT equate with calling for all people of a certain race to be exterminated by God. They might both be racist attitudes, but the magnitude of the one is far greater than the other.

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 10:02 PM

Logic fail. Threads get attention when they cause an uproar- when they bring out rage or concern in people. This incident didn't cause rage in the large majortiy of people like the other incident did. That's why it's not getting attention.
reply to post by Charmed707

i have seen this thread quite a few times and this is the first time i have actually clicked on it, maybe another reason for the lower turn out is the thread title mentions 'epic tram lady' and every thread that has been created since the original 'tram lady thread' that mentions 'tram lady' i have ignored and skip over as i thought "oh another thread on the same thing",

and seeing as though i gave my opinion about what i thought in the first thread i did not see a point of replying to any of the others just to say the exact same things as the first time.

have you considered that this is why this thread is getting less replies and it has nothing to do with whether people think it is o.k. when it is the other way around.

- my opinion - all racism is bad regardless of who says it, however arresting people for being ignorant i disagree with unless they are becoming aggresive or violant, people can use words to educate them in the error of their ways where the racism is concerned, that is the beauty of free speech.
edit on 3-12-2011 by lifeform11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 10:16 PM
reply to post by lifeform11

This thread title contains "kill all white people tram guy", which sounds much more serious than just "racist", which the white woman was labeled in the other thread. This thread title makes it clear that it's not about the tram lady, but about someone else. If someone is seriously against racism, then surely a black man who calls for genocide of an entire race would spark just as much outrage, if not more, than a white woman who tells other races to 'go back to where they came from'.

13 pages in one day is so drastically different than a pathetic less than 1 page in a day reaction that all the BS excuses just don't cut it. People don't give a flip about hatred of whites. It couldn't be more obvious.

There's even someone (jzenman) who had enough courage to admit their mindset. I have more respect for that than denial.
edit on 12/3/2011 by Charmed707 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 10:21 PM
reply to post by Charmed707

So because your thread doesn't catch on, everyone here is some sort of reverse racist who thinks it's ok to "hate the white man"? Is that seriously what you're saying? Despite the fact that the vast majority of the posts here, including my own, aren't saying anything of the sort? In point of fact, they're saying precisely the opposite.

Any form of racism is to be shunned as reprehensible. It should have no place in society, at all.

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 10:25 PM
see below..oops
edit on 12/3/2011 by mblahnikluver because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 10:32 PM
I don't see why color or race ever has to be an issue.

Everyone is human aren't we? Does it really matter where you came from or what happened in the past? No it doesnt. What matters is now and the future. The past is the past, it can't be changed but you can change the future.

Personally I have been on the other end of these types of racist tirades and I didn't take them personal. Why? Because that is exactly what someone who goes on a tirade like this wants. They want to push your buttons and get you to react. If people didnt react and ignored it nobody would care!

That saying about sticks and stones is so true, names are names!

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 10:38 PM
reply to post by Charmed707

when glimpsing over the 'new threads' sorry all i saw was tram lady and stopped reading the title and went straight past it, due to assuming it was more of the same. and it is more of the same, it is more racist rants by members of the public, and it is no different to the other thread.

it does not matter who is being racist it is wrong, i do not see the point comparing what a white person said to a black person. racism is racism no matter who it comes from and there are no sides to take on the issue.
this black guy is the same as the white women there is no difference, yet some people try to excuse the white women but then expect everybody to come in and condemn what the black guy said.

like i said there are no sides and they are both as bad as eachother, there is no need to defend one or the other or try to make one of them more wrong than the other. and if people have stated racism is wrong in one thread they should not have to come into another to say the same things when the colours are swapped about, as it should be obvious from the first thread they condemn racism.

only if you are siding with a colour white or black would it even matter.
edit on 3-12-2011 by lifeform11 because: missed important word out

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