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Parents told to medicate kids with ADHD

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posted on Nov, 21 2011 @ 10:46 PM

Originally posted by RedParrotHead
Forced medication for ADD? That's ridiculous.

But whoever thinks that medicating for ADD/ADHD is wrong in ALL cases needs to get a grip. When your kid starts struggling with work, disrupting other kids to the point that they don't want to sit near him (which leads to them not wanting to be friends) and is continually stressed out because of these things - you just want them to be able to function happily, period.

Two of my three kids have been diagnosed (1 with ADHD, 1 with ADD) with mixed results.

Our pediatrician spent 7 years specializing in ADD and was very good, gave 2 pieces of advice that I think were very important.
1. Does your child have good days and bad days? If yes, then that child does not have ADD/ADHD (true cases never have good days). If no, the child MAY have ADD/ADHD.
2. Even if diagnosed with ADD/ADHD, there's a chance no meds will help.

My older was (mis)diagnosed with ADHD...the boy could not sit still in school, could not focus when around other children at all. We went through all of the alternatives to medication (positive reinforcement, punishing, food allergies, meditation etc.) After months with no success, we decided to start medication...after a year of different meds/doses/combinations and not seeing any drastically positive results, we took him off. Elementary school was a huge challenge with him to get through but as he entered middle school he seemed to settle down and now in High School he's A-B student with no more attention problems that the typical 14 year old boy.

My middle son was recently diagnosed with ADD (no hyperactivity this time, just couldn't stay focused and never finished school work etc.) and was getting worse, so we tried meds and his teacher immediately saw a change. Finishes all his work, doesn't distract other kids and just seems like his old happy self. The only personality change we noticed is that he doesn't cry at little things anymore, before he's cry if he spilled a drink, or his sister took his toy's a welcome change.

Anyway - glad we have the choice as parents.
edit on 11/21/2011 by RedParrotHead because: (no reason given)

edit on 11/21/2011 by RedParrotHead because: (no reason given)

If your pediatrician spent 7 years specialising in "ADD" then you might want to look for a better pediatrician. Your kid has ADHD, both of them.

I would be concerned and seriously question the credibility of any doctor using terminology that's been dead for 20 years. Nobody has used ADD for ADHD-PI since the 90's

posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 12:29 AM
I was recently finally diagnosed for ADD. I've had it all my life and so has my father.

Im prescribed Adderall (legal meth) but rarely take it, I'm a student and go to school fine without it. I used to take it everyday in middle and high school and it made me sort of recluse to society in a way to say it. Yes it made me pay attention, focus, and get a lot more done then i usually did, but at the same time the side effects were just too much to bare. These drugs are no joke, and im just glad I was older when I finally got prescribed because I would not have been wanting to take them when I was young.

posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 12:33 AM
I would never do that. They could never force me to and would protect the kids from them no matter what.

posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 01:01 AM
We medicate our kids here in NZ if they show the slightest sign of not conforming.

So, we medicate and dumb down our future bright stars.

Are we stupid or what?

Also, we have the highest rate of child abuse and murder apparently. But I have to say, and I am not racist, but that is mainly down to Maori and Pacific Islanders. Those are the statistics.

Wake up, New Zealand!

posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 01:35 AM
reply to post by TiM3LoRd

Your living is a fantasy world where the people actually have a right to choose what laws are passed...

Who's really living in a fantasy world? I pointed out the article is BS and the rest of you guys are panicking or starting fights with straw men that don't exist.

It's an Australian draft guidelines so all the Americans/ Canadians in the thread are overreacting to something that doesn't involve them. I've read most of the actual report and couldn't find the part where 'parents told to medicate kids with ADHD.'

But hey? Let's take to the streets and march on the White House because a weasel journalist wrote 5 Australia.

Thats how its done, they drop the news just to make you think you have choice. But its all an illusion. They will pass this for sure. Also if you think people shouldn't be "wound UP" over whats being done to them then you are part of the problem and not the solution.

I'm in a thread where I point out the 'news' is wrong and get accused of being 'part of the problem?' You haven't taken your opinion further than what was given to you by the Aussie journalist.

Jeez, what's it like being you when 5 dishonest sentences can get you all hysterical? You respond really well to rumours - that makes you a perfect modern citizen - thoughtless and easily led.

posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 02:34 AM
Man, when I was in school, there was always one or two kids on Ritalin but the kids who underperformed, the kids who acted out in class...they were just considered the 'bad' kids or the 'class clowns'. These days, it seems like every kid who makes less than As and Bs or who gets in trouble is diagnosed to have ADHD and put on medication. And a lot of them use it as an excuse to further act like a jackass. "I'm being a jerk? Sorry, must be my ADHD".

posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 03:53 AM
reply to post by TiM3LoRd

My daughter has Asperger's Syndrome with severe ADHD she has been on Concerta for 9 years. It has done wonders for managing her ADHD. She isnt a zombie; rather she can sit still and focus on her work and is an honor student mainstreamed in regular high school classes. However I would definately take offense at being FORCED to medicate her-this wasnt an easy decision to come to and it might not be the right one in every case-she has also had behavioral therapy as well (in Asperger's Syndrome which is an Autistic Spectrum Disorder you dont pick up the social/body language cues and have difficulty socializing) it's taken her a lot of hard work to get where she is; the concerta is only one tool used. I dont understand why once a genuine diagnosis is reached people have such opposition to treating it-if your child had diabetes or asthma or epilepsy you would give them the proper medication. ADHD is a neurological defect it's time people started recognizing it as such-again Im not for forcing anybody to drug their children unecessarily but when its genuinly there it should be treated.

posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 04:14 AM
I have ADHD-PI or ADD or whatever we are insisting on calling it. I wasn't diagnosed until junior year of high school, and seriously within three days of taking the medicine it was like a fog was cleared from my brain, I had done fine in school, but it was miserable, and I was a scattered mess that just happened to be smart enough to fight my way through it. As an adult I don't need the meds so much at work because I work in a high energy, somewhat chaotic, adrenaline laden environment as the manager of a Restaurant and sometime bartender. I do however need them for my days off at home when I have to clean the house, and do laundry, pay bills and all the other drudgery of adult life.

When my son hit second grade, school started being a real problem. He is so damn smart he should have been sailing through it but instead he was turning in blank papers, loosing everything that wasnt attached to him, disrupting the entire class and felt like a stupid worthless piece of garbage. He had stomach aches and was in tears and wasn't socially doing well like he always had before. Homework was an all night struggle that ended in tears for both of us more nights than not.

We tried behavioral methods, rewards, punishments, flat out bribery and none of it had any effect at all, it was obvious this was not something he was doing on purpose as he is never an overtly defiant child.

One low dose of Vyvanse on school days only has totally turned around his experience in school. His self esteem is so much higher, he is happy and can come home and do his homework with no fuss and his grades are all As and Bs.

If we forget his medicine in the morning he will call me and ask me to bring it to him.........but he never has asked for it on a non school day. We have taught him to see it as a tool, just like his assignment book, or a ruler.
We tried a few other medicines first and it was clear within a week or two that they weren't going to be a good choice for him, but the right med combined with loving guidance and education about why he struggles with things that are so simple for every one else has made such a huge difference. He is still silly and creative and full of ideas and the bright child he always was, he is just less stressed out trying to deal with the minutia of daily life at school.

posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 05:53 AM
There are genuine cases of ADD/ADHD, ASD and learning and sensory disorders that do impact a child's ability to function.. but when you have over half a class medicated it's obvious it's just trying to force them to adapt to a system and enviroment that is not natural yet they are trying to make it "the norm".

If someone is a bit or very different they have to be "treated" for it as it might be contagious.

edit on 22-11-2011 by riley because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 06:27 AM
I had a friend with ADD. Like a real case of it, he had to take meds for it not sure what kind they were but they turned him into a zombie. After he stopped taking them though, he started on other drugs. I'm guessing it a self medication thing. Anyways it ended badly. So I know ADD is a real thing prolly over-diagnosed though, however I don't think the medication they use is god enough. Hopefully they are working on something better.

posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 06:33 AM
Just musings at 4:30 am.

Someone puts something in the environment, in various ways, to cause a disorder which they of course have the "fix" for, which is worse than the disease.

Problem - Reaction - Solution.


posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 07:20 AM

I think there should be an age limit at which these kids can be medicated. Or bet yet, wait until these kids are old enough to decide for themselves whether or not they want to take these medications. There are serious side effects for giving AMPHETAMINE (similar to crack and meth) to a developing brain. Minors don't have many choices and rights about anything, they should at least be able to choose whether or not they're brain is to be altered with long term effects. They are taught to say no to drugs, how should this be any different?

But I suppose I'm biased because I was one of the overly medicated kids during the early 90's fad of doping your kids up with Adderal because teachers and parents were too lazy to teach them any differently. Oh showing Adderal's side effect of depression and aggression (probably caused by over-thinking)? HERE TAKE ZOLOFT TOO. No! Wait, take Welbutrin because it's also a sleep aid, to deal with your insomnia also caused from your scheduled tweak in pill form. Did I mention I was 9 and this went on until I was 15 or 16, I stopped taking the pills on my own, was doing fine, and they decided I was misdiagnosed.

/rant sorry, very bitter towards this whole "everyone and their mom has ADHD and should be given mind altering drugs"

posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 08:30 AM

Originally posted by NadaCambia
If your pediatrician spent 7 years specialising in "ADD" then you might want to look for a better pediatrician. Your kid has ADHD, both of them.

I would be concerned and seriously question the credibility of any doctor using terminology that's been dead for 20 years. Nobody has used ADD for ADHD-PI since the 90's

FYI - While the term AD/HD recently has been widely accepted as the all encompassing name for the disorder both terms ADD & ADHD are used to more accurately describe a specific condition. ADD without Hyperactivity and ADHD display different symptoms, have different effects and require different treatment.

People with this disorder (ADD) have trouble focusing and concentrating, but are not hyperactive or impulsive. In the classroom, they do not get in trouble, they stay in their seat and don't talk or move around too much. They appear to be paying attention, but they are thinking about many things besides their school work.

ADD & ADHD is Really a Continuum. That means that most kids have a combination of inattention and hyperactivity. Very seldom do we encounter kids who are "pure" ADD or "pure" ADHD. It is like a bell-shaped curve. Some are mostly inattentive, some mostly hyperactive, but most are a combination.

So, as I stated - one of my boys was hyperactive--always on the go, moving, tapping, getting up and down and the other is not. You may like a doctor who only uses general terms but I prefer one that gives an individual and specific diagnosis.

edit on 11/22/2011 by RedParrotHead because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 08:58 AM
[when i was a kid they wanted to put me on drugs mom said no they claimed i was hyperactive. no i was just plain out bored . by time i was in kindergarten i was reading comic books . so reading books saying she dog run was rather dull.

posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 12:44 PM
reply to post by TiM3LoRd

I have ADHD myself .. and its pretty bad , however , discipline and the enjoyment of my job easily counters this now.

If some one with ADHD does not enjoy what they are doing they will have a big problem.

I am taking adderall atm while i am attending college so i can receive my new MOS. I am a 2nd Lt without a MOS atm and i simply do errands and paper work while i follow other officers to learn how they deal with fellow Marines and i have ADHD.

Adderall is not allowed in use during the service , but they are lenient and i have a waiver that states i can function normally without the medication and am granted adderall while attending my college classes.

Adderall makes a life difference when it comes to my ability to focus in a classroom setting. I do not have to study near as hard to remember material i did not pick up during class. Without the medication i usually day dream and reflect on past experiences , or i play strategies over in my head for combat scenarios. Adderall makes a huge difference in a classroom settings , and if i had this as a child i would have been much better off in my classes.

I am currently maintaining a 3.4 GPA which recently increased to a 3.6 due to my final exams coming into play. Without adderall i had a 2.7 GPA because studying would burn me out mentally because i would have to FORCE things down my own throat which wears on you physically and mentally.

I have no ill side effects of the medication. I feel nothing when i take it , i just notice my ability to listen and attention is increased.

I will completely stand by the medication in a class room setting. Everything else is simply discipline. Such as the hyperactivity which can be controlled easily , however , that is what bleeds into also taking away your attention. When i am active i can learn and be on the move very easily.

The medication does not cause me to be restless , it actually calms me down , the medication does not make me NOT hungry , i am always hungry no matter what. The only thing it does to me is to have a dry mouth , but i hydrate constantly regardless. I drink at least a gallon of water a day.

Adderall works perfectly if you have ADHD. No side effects on my person.

It should not be made mandatory , however , i believe you would be neglecting your child a proper education and child experience if he/she isnt at least testest for ADHD.

Adderall does not make you a zombie in any way. Its exactly the opposite. You think much more clearly.


I was diagnosed by two psychiatrist. 810 dollars for 10 test they give you. They did not simply give me the medication. My health insurance , covers most of it.

ADHD has a WIDE effect on people DETERMINED by their personality.

edit on 04/30/2011 by milkyway12 because: (no reason given)

edit on 04/30/2011 by milkyway12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 12:52 PM

Originally posted by daryllyn
I think a lot of parents would find that cutting out sugary drinks, refined carbs and processed foods would help their children a lot more than meds.

Just sayin'

It's not necessarily the "sugary drinks" and refined carbs that are the problem itself (though refined carbs are pretty bad anyway), but it's the slew of synthetics they put in with it. Synthetic dyes, preservatives and other unnatural concoctions that is, in my opinion, responsible for many a neurological disorder and disease.

Sodium Benzoate, Aspartame, Red #40/Yellow #5/Blue #1, Monosodium Glutamate (MSG), and to a lesser extent High-Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS). HFCS isn't really that bad as the other offenders, in my opinion, but I avoid it anyway. The problem arises when it is in nearly everything the average American consumes. As is the rest of the stuff I mentioned.

Nothing wrong with sweets at all, there is nothing wrong with sugary stuff. It's the consumer-based synthetic mass production of these "sweets" and "food" that is the problem. Make your sweets yourself, from scratch, with traditional ingredients, and never ever look back.

If families, children/teens cut the stuff out of their diets then their consciousness, awareness, attention span and ability to learn on their own will increase ten-fold. I know, I've seen it. I don't mean to offend anyone... but it has to be said. How many critical-thinking Mt. Dew chuggers have you seen in your lifetime?
edit on 22-11-2011 by SyphonX because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 23 2011 @ 03:09 AM
reply to post by Kandinsky

I agree with you about the tendency of people here to be incredibly lazy and not bother reading before they post. I just signed up here a few days ago after reading one or two good threads. Unfortunately, the most I've read, the more I've realized that this community is not what I thought it was. It is only slightly better than some others. Thank you for trying to inject the voice of reason.

That said, the general issue of medicating kids for alleged psychological disorders is very disturbing and is not restricted to one county. In fact this news snippet just tells me that Australia is behind the curve compared to the U.S. Big Pharma has been using teachers, "doctors", and online marketing to push this agenda here in America for well over two decades now. And they're doing their job well. I'm saddened to see people post here that talk about medicating their kids, but never mention trying to change diet or otherwise try to stabilize the situation without drugs.

In my opinion the parents are as much to blame as Pharma. How did parents ever deal with their children in the past? It must have been absolutely unbearable when they couldn't just pop a pill in the kid's mouth. They actually had to spend long hours paying attention to their kids. It must have been terrible...

The fact is that these disorders didn't officially exist until someone could make money off of them. This is the case with most alleged psychological disorders today. I guarantee that any "normal" person - adult or child - could walk into a psychiatrist's office today and fill out the psych screening only to be diagnosed with some kind of disorder that requires medication. IMO the DSM IV is mostly designed as a tool of the state that can be used for anything from character assassination to justifying forced medicated imprisonment.

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 07:08 AM

Originally posted by SyphonX
Nothing wrong with sweets at all, there is nothing wrong with sugary stuff. It's the consumer-based synthetic mass production of these "sweets" and "food" that is the problem. Make your sweets yourself, from scratch, with traditional ingredients, and never ever look back.

If families, children/teens cut the stuff out of their diets then their consciousness, awareness, attention span and ability to learn on their own will increase ten-fold. I know, I've seen it. I don't mean to offend anyone... but it has to be said. How many critical-thinking Mt. Dew chuggers have you seen in your lifetime?
edit on 22-11-2011 by SyphonX because: (no reason given)

It's true. I've experienced the effects of cutting out chemically processed foods from diet intake first hand. If you avoid anything boxed (count chemicals not calories), your brain chemicals will balance themselves... without the shock and jogging of artificially produced and chemically processed sugar (artificial sweeteners cause more harm than good, and actually cause you to store more fat tissue, and the worst kind of fat tissue... the hard, non-squishy belly fat kind).

Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder and Attention Deficit Disorder are both being overplayed by pharmaceutic-prescribing-happy psychiatrists... that the first chance they get they label and scribble for insurance money...

Not always, but since I've recently been screwed by a doctor... I'm a bit bitter....

Anyway... The reason processed crap tastes good is it's made to overexcite your taste buds so that healthy food--food that is good for your mind, body, and spirit (your complete and overall health)--doesn't taste as good and you turn to the unhealthy food. When you eat the unhealthy man-made crap your body doesn't know what to do with it cause it doesn't have any nutritional value and the stuff it does have is so messed with and altered and mutated by chemists in some remote lab somewheres off the coast of East Bumble that your body has no clue what to do with all these calories. So it becomes fat. When in doubt your body makes fat. Simple as that.

Same basic principle happens when you take medication of any kind. It alters you unnaturally. Bad things happen when this goes down... It's called side-effects... Ever notice how that the side effects are often times 10x worse than the condition the medication is supposed to be treating?

That's because it's unnatural and bad for your body.

Bottom line: People like quick fix and instant gratification and anything that takes any kind of long term commitment or a long time to show any sort of improvement or results they are uninterested and can not be bothered.

Me personally think that if people prefer to be fat and miserable they can have at it...

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