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Occupy Portland Prepares For War

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posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 03:43 PM
reply to post by Resinveins

A fellow Pennsylvanian. Nice! I think I cleared up the issue for Neo in my last post. He just misuderstood the point of the remark.

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 03:44 PM
reply to post by sonnny1

Apolitical? Where did I say that sir? I like your hat by the way. Catholics always have the best hats.

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 03:45 PM

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus
reply to post by sheepslayer247

These people are anarchist, not peaceful protesters. Some are transplants from the G20 Summit protests, as well as the Egypt Revolution, and their goal is violent clashing. They think if they do all this, they can force us into a socialist state via violence. Many are leftist radicals with the intent to completely change our Constitution and our system into their Socialist Utopia. Since the communists are also involved, it is likely that complete communist revolution is behind this. These people are not mainstream America or even just people down on their luck. They are violent revolutionaries and many just downright nasty. The crimes, the lice, the Stds, murders, rapes, and even hypocrisy since they don't want to share their free food with the homeless....

If you think it is a crime to be a socialist, communist, anarchist, monarchist, etc...then obviously you have very little regard for the first amendment in its truest form. Most likely you ONLY support the first for corporate speech.

To be frank OWS has nothing to do with a marxist revolution, although at this point it would not be a terrible idea. It has everything to do with what RockPuck stated earlier in the thread especially the misappropriation of public funds to private parties.

He is a conservative and still sees the light of day through cracks in the wall of tyranny. Why can't others? Why the need to play the illiterate and desperate card of socialism so early? You wannabe conservatives are nothing more than government trolls trying ohhh sooo desperately to keep your washington chair rather than head on to fort levingworth were you belong.

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 03:46 PM
reply to post by Resinveins

The OWS movement is supposed to be Apolitical,if you didnt know.

1 : having no interest or involvement in political affairs; also : having an aversion to politics or political affairs 2 : having no political significance

Just wondering if these supporters could clear that up for me.

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 03:50 PM

Originally posted by fordrew
reply to post by Rockpuck

Wow Rock, have you ever passed by there? It sounds bad. I am glad to see people taking this seriously though. Even though I do not agree with Occupy Movements completely.

I personally support their rights and freedoms, people should be able to protest where they want, how they want, and however long they want. Whether anyone likes it or not.

And truthfully speaking, it has been getting worse lately... The other day a vet shot himself in the head at a protest camp, with another person expiring from a heroin overdose at another. These are obviously not things that can be faked to marginalize the movement.

These negative occurrences are obviously a byproduct of the current state of society.

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 03:54 PM
The government trolls have nothing to worry about YET! But when the last dime of public funds dries up due to unscrupulous corporate handouts by the FED(with NO oversight) then it will not be a few thousands will be a few million protesting and a gradual snowball into the majority.

Most people are still sleeping on McCarthism and have lots of faith in their government. Anything to prevent communism.

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 04:02 PM
They're going to war with law enforcement? If that's their plan, then I'm not standing behind them. Those in law enforcement have families and lives that are just as important as theirs and the rest of us. What a dumb idea. Go to war against your enemy, not your neighbors. A reason is usually good to have as well.

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 04:06 PM
reply to post by sonnny1

Not having been there.. I don't know. The timing of it suggests it was in response to the boarding of two ships trying to go thru the Israeli blockade. From the video I saw.. it looked very spur of the moment... they went in, they sat, they chanted some slogans.. and left. Why no other consulates dunno. What did they hope to accomplish? Probably to let israel know not everyone in the US supports their blockade? How much do you think will get accomplished in 20 mins or so?

If you want specific answers about what happened in boston.. best to ask someone who was there and knows their reasoning. not that I'm trying to duck your questions.. but some of these I just don't know.

For myself, I'd rather the focus remain on matters inside our borders.. I don't think we should be policing the world unless we can fix our own problems.

Hope that helped

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 04:08 PM
Been following this thread, thought I'd sign up and add an update to the original post:

As of this afternoon, a portion of the occupied parks have been cleared voluntarily. Some occupiers have moved out and the police are removing the obstacles and makeshift fencing that have been in place for the past few days (pallets, boards, etc.) they have also removed large chunks of rock and cement. I was there about an hour ago and all is quiet at the moment, no signs of additional "occupiers" streaming in and no signs of unruly anarchists. There is a large police presence, but from what I saw they are just chillin' so far.

There is supposed to be a large gathering in the park next to the two occupied parks tonight (this is also the general assembly point) where there is to be a potluck, etc. around 6pm. This is also about the time it's expected that others from out of area are meant to be arriving.

Representatives from the "legit" OWS protestors (another words - not the homeless campers, drug addicts and street thugs) are saying they do expect there will be a segment of the population intending to provoke the police, or to be other than peaceful and they are trying to distance themselves from that group.

They are also continuing to discuss strategy to remain in the park peacefully. Such things as chaining themselves to the statue and other concrete pieces. This discussion about planning for the eviction tonight as well as their thoughts on potential police tactics is taking place via the livestream link: right here.

This video from KGW news pretty much sums up last night and this afternoon, starts at mark 1.50 and here is a link to the police scanner if you're interested. Stay tuned.

edit on 12-11-2011 by Zynga because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 04:09 PM
Ten hours to go, i'm getting the popcorn ready..

I hope the protesters go in peace.

If they decide to not protest peacefully
we will see the true colors of the occupy
movement shine..

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 04:10 PM
reply to post by MegasAlexandros

Have I ever seen battle....did you not read the post? You're 12 arent a soldier and you havent seen war.

Play your total war and have your theoretic discussions about hammer and anvil nonsense with the other 12 yr olds.

Sorry you had to see your Aunt die but count yourself lucky that you arent having to deal with that now but if you think there is some glory to the slaughtering of innocents and other brainwashed individuals whove seen to many movies then by all your thing but let me know how those hammer and anvil tactis work against the tanks and drones police have now.

go ahead, sharpen your spears and build your wooden sheilds. Have you seen what happens to the Palestinians who have sticks and stones too? Yea....good luck with that brother.

As a solider, a REAL soldier who has been to war quite a few times and has actually shot and killed and saved lives while watching other perish as I search my brain trying to find some way to save this kid whose had his throat torn apart by an IED, I'd advise you to settle down and play with your toys while you still can.

There will be plenty of war for you by the time you reach the age, I can assure you.

edit on 12-11-2011 by Thutmoseii because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 04:11 PM
reply to post by sonnny1

What do you want to hear, Sonnny? You sit on your side of the fence and lob bombs, and I'll sit on mine. Do I agree with terrorists? No, not even close. Do I agree with asymmetrical warfare? Yes. Like the Navy Seals, Marine Recon, Rangers, and Green Berets... all have learned it has worked and trained for unconventional warfare. For OWS to adopt that type of messaging and leadership warfare I'm sure it would be highly useful against the ingrained and intrenched forces of global banking.

The terrorism analogy makes it relevant to today without having to spell out every thought, it's close scrutiny from ATS members I was hoping for rather than the reactionary, he said "terrorist! Get him!!!!"

But if you like and others too... OWS should do what the US Rangers and Seals did in Vietnam. And that is win by unconventional means.

Edit: And since I've learned everything must be spelled out on this website, thanks to you Sonnny. No, not warfare in in violence. Warfare as informational, command and control warfare. And, I'll say it again. OWS should not be violent.
edit on 12-11-2011 by Jason88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by Jason88

OWS should do what the US Rangers and Seals did in Vietnam. And that is win by unconventional means.

USA lost the Vietnam war unfortunately. The commies successfully used guerrilla warfare which was unconventional at the time. France initially got owned by Vietnam before the US stepped in, because France was still wearing pretty little colonial uniforms while blowing into trumpets.

+6 more 
posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 04:22 PM
Just my humble opinion ...
I am very sympathetic with the movement of OWS. They are not drug addicts, punks , hooligans ,etc.
They are MEN . That must be done whenever the rights are violated. Stand up and fight .
The truth is that we (at least 99%) are slaves . But things are far more complex for regular people to understand .
What i really do not understand is who is behind that movement . Who pull the strings . I have a feeling that these people are used for a much more sinister purpose . It's not only the OWS , it's global .
You can really feel that something major is gonna happen.
I live in Eastern Europe. In 1989 i was an teenager. Big things happened then. The Soviet Union was dissolved, The Berlin Wall fell down, Tiananmen Square protests, Communism was abandoned in Albania and Yugoslavia between 1990 and 1992, and so on...
In Romania was a violent revolution. In only one month were recorded over 1000 dead and over 4000 seriously injured.
Quick and violently.
So what I want to say here, have a lot of caution.
Of course, victory can not be achieved without sacrifice.
But victory, once obtained, should not be confiscated and then used against those who have obtained.

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 04:22 PM

Originally posted by L00kingGlass
reply to post by Jason88

OWS should do what the US Rangers and Seals did in Vietnam. And that is win by unconventional means.

USA lost the Vietnam war unfortunately. The commies successfully used guerrilla warfare which was unconventional at the time. France initially got owned by Vietnam before the US stepped in, because France was still wearing pretty little colonial uniforms while blowing into trumpets.

I knew I'd get dinged there. The US did not win, you're right. And the US took over from a losing France several years later. What the US did learn is that asymmetrical warfare works, the Navy Seals were born during this conflict.

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 04:25 PM

Originally posted by Jason88

Edit: And since I've learned everything must be spelled out on this website, thanks to you Sonnny. No, not warfare in in violence. Warfare as informational, command and control warfare. And, I'll say it again. OWS should not be violent.
edit on 12-11-2011 by Jason88 because: (no reason given)

Then say it without using the word "terrorist". I would think after all these years,and with ALL our freedoms in jeopardy,people wouldn't use the word so loosely,in this day and age. You do have to spell it out,because there are those who advocate violence on ATS.


posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 04:34 PM

Originally posted by L00kingGlass
And truthfully speaking, it has been getting worse lately... The other day a vet shot himself in the head at a protest camp, with another person expiring from a heroin overdose at another. These are obviously not things that can be faked to marginalize the movement.

These negative occurrences are obviously a byproduct of the current state of society.


a byproduct of the current state of society

Just as when we hear of a wealthy businessman or what ave you who just up and blows his head off... for whatever reason.

Or that famous Celeb who recently OD'd on drugs.

You don't see those type incidents being sewn together from an underlying common thread in order to label the whole as being this or that.

Though, the mere possility that these OWS folks have any sort of common thread amongst them is a big red bullseye for detractors of late ... well, throughout actually.

The irony being that on one hand they claim there's no point, commonality or message amongst them, yet on the other hand they're all too quick to lump the entirety under a single label based on the actions, efforts and activities of a very few.

You can't have it both ways. ?

to add:

A homeless shelter was found to have tested positive for TB

on any other given day, or any other given time...

That's headline worthy. How (?)

... but Oh So Timely.

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 04:46 PM
reply to post by Zynga

The OWS 'government' seem to be relying heavily on the fact that the homeless inhabitants and the Street Kids will just go away? Obviously the original inhabitants don't want a confrontation, but they've shown over the past month that they have no control over what's actually happening in the community. It's a Saturday Night, people will be drinking, people will come to see the spectacle, some might show up just to cause problems, some may think it's a perfect excuse to harass officers. In all likelihood OWS members won't be causing the problems tonight, people using the excuse for a scheduled confrontation will.

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 04:49 PM

edit on 12-11-2011 by popsmayhem because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 04:55 PM
reply to post by Rockpuck

Totally agree. Was at the bagel shop a block away this morning and there were customers in line talking about going out tonight, having drinks and then heading over to see "if they could get arrested" and these are just the local schmo's from around town, not part of the occupy camp at all.

This issue lays directly at the Mayor and Chief's feet. Setting a deadline with so much advance warning (on a Saturday night) was just begging to have people go down simply to rubberneck. I'm also hearing about the cycle clubs planning to head over and essentially, provide a ring around the parks. I swear, I'm half tempted to go see what happens tonight, myself.

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