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Jesus was a witch

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posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 11:06 AM
I believe he was an advanced human, in other words he could use more of his brain than the average human. If you look at humans today we are starting to heal (not on the scale Jesus did) but for instance Reiki, Shambala, angel healing and other forms of energy healing is becoming more and more dominant in our society, and it is something that works.
Then if you think about it break magic down to its absolute basic form and it is energy manipulation.

posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 01:32 PM
reply to post by darkredfish

Star and Flag, my thoughts exactly. Think of it like this, if humans were not meant to be able to learn how to "bend the rules," in accordance with nature, then humans would not have the capability to learn it, and the information would not be available in the first place. Jesus was not the only High Magick Practitioner recorded in the bible, I know of two others, but they have been glazed over by the Church. Moses was one, raised up in the Court of Pharaoh, and thought of as a son, Moses was taught the High Magicks of Egypt, which he USED in the Sinai Desert . Moses supposedly wrote The Pentateuch,the Books of the Law, the Law, and the Torah, that is pretty much accepted by Theologians. But what most Bible believers do not know is Moses wrote another book, The Sword of Moses. The Sword is a book of Magick. Solomon was also a High Magick Practitioner, he is said to have authored The Key of Solomon, and the Lessor Key of Solomon. These are Grimoires of High Magick and Conjuration. Solomon is said to have commanded a cadre of 72 demons to mine the gold and precious jewels for his Kingdom, and it was probably they who actually built the First Temple.

Back to Moses for a minute. Moses, according to the OT, spent 40 days and nights on the mountain talking to "G-D," who, according to the descriptions given in the Bible, landed in a large, radioactive emitting spacecraft of some kind, it landed in smoke and flames that everyone could see.
As for the 40 days, I have always though this a bit long to get 10 "Thou Shalt Nots," I rather believe strongly, based on much research, that what Moses really got was The Kabbalah.
This is the Jewish Mystic Ways and Practices, and it also teaches Magick, in an Eclectic sort of way. Inner Magick, or Inner Alchemy.

So, it is no stretch at all to think Jesus was what is now days called a Witch. The origin of the word derives from the Old English nouns wicca, and wicce, both of which really means, "One who is Wise." To read the New Testament, it is easy to see that the man in the stories was quite wise, but is still just a man.

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 02:19 PM
by all technicalities, yup...jesus was a witch.

i bet you catch a lot of flack for saying things like this, though...

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 03:30 PM

Originally posted by jheated5
Technically he'd be a Warlock.....

No, "warlock" was invented by the movie people a long time ago. The word "Witch" means "One Who Is Wise," and it does not designate sex. If you are very wise, then, by definition, you are a Witch.

I have read this before, and I have to agree....Jesus performed many High Magick things, after all, he surely trained in Egypt as a boy. He also performed Necromancy in the raising of the dead, and all Witches frown severely on that sort of thing. Moses was also adept in the High Magickal Arts, and we all know of Solomon's famous Key, and Lessor Key.

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 03:33 PM

Originally posted by kinglizard
reply to post by darkredfish

If Jesus was a witch and you believe his historical record which is where you learned about him then he changed your definition of witchcraft and you should be a Christian.

Can you please be so very kind as to point us all to this Historical Record you speak of? And before you answer, the NT is not recognized as a Historical Record.

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 03:37 PM

Originally posted by micmerci
reply to post by darkredfish

Jesus did not invoke spirits when he performed miracles, he just gave commands:

Rise, and walk.
Be still...
Your faith has made you whole...
Lazarus arise....etc. etc.

He spoke with authority. He did not need to appeal to anyone
Before some miracles he prayed giving thanks to God

I have never known any Witch to call on any spirit whatsoever for a Magick Working. I don't know where you got that information. A Witch will speak with authority, and will command things to happen as such. Being a Witch is about Knowing, not about Faith. To know, to Will, to Dare, and to Keep Silent.

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 03:39 PM
reply to post by darkredfish

Jesus the Christ, a witch?


Did you know blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is the one unforgiveable sin?

Thread fail

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 03:49 PM
reply to post by ICEKOHLD

no. Jesus was not a witch. Jesus IS a witch. cuz He never died!

I'm afraid he did, actually. James Cameron found his bones in 1980 in Talpiyot, Jerusalem.


Mysterious bones of Jesus, Joseph and Mary

Has the tomb of Jesus been found?

Raiders of the Lost Tomb

I wonder just when the MSM is going to pick this story up and run with it? It made big news in the UK back in 1980 when the find was originally made.

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 03:58 PM
reply to post by Ittabena

Having said that I would like to adjust your statement to say that Jesus was not a witch, and did not practice magic since magic and witchcraft come with rituals which I believe is a crutch which is not necessary.

I can see that you do not know anything about the Magickal Arts. Read a book once on Witchcraft, did you? Magick is everywhere, it surrounds everything, and is in everything. Magick makes the world go around. I can assure you that I need no rituals to make a spell happen. All it takes is a knowledge of how things works, and how to manipulate the natural order of things. Just like Christ did, just like Moses did.

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 04:03 PM

Originally posted by boymonkey74
Also can you prove he had never been with a woman? we only here what he did after he hit his 30's, maybe those scripture's what they have not used in the bible and have kept from the public because they are deemed sensitive have the fella rocking out all over Bethlehem

According to the Customs of the day, in Ancient Hebrew land, I would say IF, Jesus did not marry, he would be labeled a homosexual, and stoned to death in short order. He was married to Miriam, whom some claim was an Egyptian Princess, and no amount of wishful thinking can change that.
Whose Wedding do you think he was at when he changed water into wine? According to Custom, the Groom was responsible for the wine!

posted on Oct, 19 2016 @ 11:39 AM
Interesting subject. Was Jesus a witch. Not unlikely. So let's do some homework.
In the knowledge is a liar. At the table of Jesus his disciples or aposteles is a betraiter.
Judas Iskariot.
This means among Christians there is a false Christian.
So we say occult. Among the occult is a false Christian and later they used the word occult.
They say occult means secret but is this true. Let's do our home work a bit better.
If a witch has a secret then it is a christian who pretend to be a christian but is a witch and a witch believes Judas the liar because among the christians is a liar. for example how did the snake get in the paradise and who is the liar? witches like to see themselves as christians because they have also knowledge the same knowledge.
So what is the different between a christian and a witch since why if a witch believes in Jesus and God does not call them selves a christian as christians do?
Many who call them christians secret say the snake is lucifer and god and good and god is a low creator god.
So many explain the bible different and who is saying the truth. India has knowledge and rome.
all is knowledge.
If God is everything God is all knowledge.
So we can hate or love God and nothing else.
So there was a person that hate God.
He oppose to God. That was the snake in the paradise and Judas Iskariot.
They are the both and the same.
Judas betrayed Jesus to the priests.
Nobody tells you that.
So everybody does not read the bible and has no knowledge and they believe what others teach them. Where is the teachings come from. Who controll the whole thing and lie about all books written in the world not just the bible. And everybody always believe those people and think they are smart. BEhind their back those people laugh them out because they were so easy being fooled and people do not know that.
I call a person a witch who pretend to be pro god but insult god in any way they can in secret and hate herbs and do perversities and do nothing then mock with god.
so if you do not mock with god truly love god and his creation you can call that in my opinion a christian to have the right defenition.
So witches mock the church.
Witches want free sexuality but mean perversities and not just perversities with sexuality but with everything that exists to mock god and his creation completely. I have been there while they train people to mock with life and if you do you get a complement and if you do not they laugh and bully you extreme. BElieve me. Witch exits. In the bible Jesus hates witches. This he says in the new testament. I forgot precise where but I only remember that I really read it in the bible as jesus is his own words. Jesus through see witches and witches do not want that. Jesus is venus. witches turned against their own christ. they have pentagon that is symbol for venus. so they hate their own god.
Witches and Jews are the same.
so Jesus was born among witches.
Witches their god is venus the pentagon does not matter in what direction and is male for venus and not woman.
So it is Jesus.
Venus is a planet not a person. So Jesus was God.

Not just a human being.

But venus can do magic.

So we see magic with witches.

So christians are pro witch craft.

So that is confusing for some.

So witchcraft is allowed. to do magic.

But one is anti witchcraft and that is Judas Iskariot and the snake in paradise. So what means christians precisely?
A christians is a witch who is pro god and Jesus. that is the only different. And that is why witch choose not to become a christian but say they are a witch.
eventhow witches say they want to be called christians.
So did Judas sit with the rest of the aposteles. but he is a betrayder. And so is a witch from Judas.
A christian is not Judas. that is the different.
christians do herbs with love for god.
witches use herbs to mock god and choose the bible to mock god.
if you do not mock god you are not a witch but a christians even you do tarot, astrology and herbs.
The broom is in reality the broom bush.

A normal christian bible plant.

Nothing wrong with and from god.

So it is christianity.

So christians who say astrology is not allowed are from Saul who say astrology is not allowed and Saul did not listen to god. So christians do not listen to god.
Saul did not listen to god.
Saul went to far so god choose David remember.

So Saul made the same mistake many christians made.

But Saul made as the snake and judas a mistake. this is the different between modern witches and Judas.
Judas cried when he understood what he had done and commited suicide , because he was mileaded.
Judas was not a sadists.

Judas threw his money away.

He regret later what he had done.

that is not wrong isn't it.

this can happen to anybody to make a mistake.

some will want to kill them selves for that afterwoods. Judas had not fun in it.

There is a misunderstanding herbs are not allowed by christians.

those christians who explain the bible that way explain the bible wrong and that is what witches do.

So read the bible your selve. never listen what others say.

witches want you not to read the bible yourselve because then you think for yourselve and believe witches never again who spread lies.

So if you pray to Jesus he will show you herbs. In reality.

So Jesus is not anti herbs. But is he then a witch?

A witch is someone who believed a lie from a christian that lie because among the sheep is a wolf.

That wolf wants money like judas.

So you can be a christian and being fooled. So some fool people for money on purpose and some don't. So it is complecated to say who is a real christian or a fooled witch who believes without knowing a lie because many parents pretend to be a christian but want free sexuality and are anti the church but do that secretly. They are only in the occult interested for free sexuality to do what you want no matter you hurt other once their feeling. They say the other must learn not to be jealous. So this is the words of Krishna to his own wife and that is why witches are interested in the occult only since hinduism is not witch but christianity. Sexuality exists. So also christians have sexuality. Many witches deny that fact.
So God is all and nothing not.
But a christians treat everthing including sexuality in respect not to hurt others.

And what was krishna doing? I studiet the books. If you study all knowledge sexuality does exists and so the knoweldge. And all knowledge is from God. Little children giggle , adults think interesting.

So it is not by nature perversity but adults understand better that sexuality is sensitive. They understand that better then little children. sometimes children can hurt others. they do not better. jesus said forgive them for they do not know what they do and they did not as little children know what they do so they say forgive them for their sin but you know kids can really hurt people and adults that is just a fact. and that is a bit what is going on. do not make jokes about sexuality because it is sensitive subject. Only adults understand.

So as I say they teach children to laugh about sexuality. I have been there. I have seen them doing that. They complement children with a feather if they hurt other peoples feelings and children about their sexuality and they get a feather a complekment and many children love to this and so they love to bully other ch

posted on Oct, 19 2016 @ 11:49 AM
a reply to: connief

I mean love to bully other children.
So many children are distroyed by other children. But adults and parents know about this. That is why some children of the same parents to well and others end up for example in a mental institution die from lonelyness.

So witch do because of India and Hindu want free sexuality and say christians have no sexuality. But this is based on no truth.

India has all knowledge. But they say with 108 gods you must act holy.
and it is for adults. Children not full grown. So this is what the world must understand.
It is not because sexuality is fitlhy little children were not allowed to this knowledge. But little children thought this.
Like parents to children say you are not allowed you are still to young and children become suspicious. And so was the snake that must have been a young child.

So you can not always explain children everything. And things can go wrong.

So india say do what you do absolute holy. So it is absolutely gods way.

So it is absolute christianity and not occult what is a word invented in england since england was that snake still not allowed by the roman empire that knowledge from India because England was still to young only and England became suspicious.

So the misunderstanding is in India and there the witches want to have what India has.

So England does not understand why they are not allowed to do what they do with sexuality. But children do not know that.

England does not know what they do.

But the law says forgive children for they do not know what they do. So England is forgiven their sin. They are the age psychological of little chilrdren of 5.

India is psychological the age of some one of 21.

So therefor god told India the truth but not to the Jewish people. this is all mentioned in the bible. god is not anti jewish or hindu's. he had been in the temples and synagoge. this is all mentioned in the bible a book not many really wrote and if they start to do as I will be more surprised then they expect.

Germany is older in age psychological then England.

So Europe is more wise then England and England is the joy as little chilren bring to adults. But this is the history and the bible about.

Australie is older then India and new zealand older then australia.

So know you know who are the most wise on this planet.

Be not anger. seek the truth. you find the truth.

posted on Oct, 20 2016 @ 01:04 AM
a reply to: rick004

IMHO ... if people are willing to accept reincarnation, they maybe would find out like me, ... that Jesus Christ was King David`s reincarnation!!! ... and He is the first person in the Bible ever told to be adopted as son of God, ... before His own son i.e. King Solomon, ... as the second person ever told in the Bible to be the son of God too!!! ... Lol

(The problem that no body knows the secrets of the Kingdom of God so far, ... I think coz is most of us don`t/ never want to accept reincarnation, but only willing to believe in resurrection, such people are Catholics, Christians & Islam)

Jesus knew that thing from the beginning, that people or religions inspired by Him & who read Bible & Quran won`t be willing to accept reincarnation theory!!! ...

>>>Matthew 11:13-15
13 For all the Prophets and the Law prophesied until John. 14 And if you are willing to accept it, he is the Elijah who was to come. 15 Whoever has ears, let them hear.

And above Jesus told us that John the Baptist was the reincarnation of Prophet Elijah, and later as though as Jesus saying don`t just read your own holy books, ... but whoever has ears hear others too (means other religions theories, myths even just fantasy or movies) ... and mostly only Budhisme and Hinduisme believe in reincarnation/ rebirth & karma, ... but they don`t believe in Jesus & the Bible!!! ... Coz with God nothing is impossible ... Lol

Look in my page from the start about my theories about them below:

posted on Oct, 20 2016 @ 03:58 PM
a reply to: darkredfish

Namaste, my friend. Most Christians are in darkness as well, they just don't know it themselves. What I mean by that is their spiritual understanding of God is stuck within doctrines of paganism and false tradition for many thousands of years. As with all belief systems, paganism has its roots embedded in thousands of years of history too. But they are correct in some of their beliefs. Therefore, please forgive Christians for the "hatred" to other religions such as Wicca. There is darkness in every religion, as well as light. This world is duality, thereby all things have truth and falsehood.

I say to you today that the Master Jesus was not and is not a witch nor a warlock. Yes, you can be a true witch and have magick, commanding the elements and so forth. I mean "true" because there are many people out there who think they are, but are not. Jesus had mastery over the physical world through his divinity as a Son of God, not because he studied magick in his lifetime. Not many people know the Master like I do, since he is my personal teacher, not just spiritually, but also literally.

He and Father God are indeed ONE. He did ONLY the Will of God during his life on Earth. He studied many religions. However, he wasn't a member in any particular religion. You might say he was a Jew, but only in creed. He truly was a Son of God and a King of Kings. His resurrection after death alone proved that he wasn't a "witch" nor any other kind of man-made spiritual title, for only a true Master who is a Son of God can do such a thing. He also appeared to numerous people after his resurrection. You see, God doesn't allow just anybody to appear in this world like that. You must have permission and authority in order to return to Earth in that manner. And finally, I can't begin to show you who Master Jesus really is beyond many people's understanding.

May Peace be with you.

edit on 10/20/2016 by ctophil because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2016 @ 04:21 PM
a reply to: ctophil

Not many people know the Master like I do, since he is my personal teacher, not just spiritually, but also literally

what colour skin ?
you said literally so send whatever is teaching you my way
so i can verify your claim

And finally, I can't begin to show you who Master Jesus really is beyond many people's understanding.

edit on 20-10-2016 by kibric because: boo

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