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posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 10:33 PM

Originally posted by Fromabove

Originally posted by LoneGunMan
reply to post by Fromabove

Your on the wrong side of the revolution.

How in the world did you let yourself get so brainwashed by the big corp. and big banks?

You threatened the Marine Corps and disrespected them after all they try and do for you?
edit on 27-10-2011 by LoneGunMan because: (no reason given)

A true Marine knows the code of honor, and if you go out into public and disrespect the uniform by rioting in the streets it is a dishonor to both the uniform and nation you swear to protect and defend.

I agree with this part of your statement.

A good sized chunk of the current roster of U.S. military personnel have been deployed to parts of the world where basic human rights really are an issue in question and a tangible divide exists between the haves and have nots.

After seeing a tour or two of real suffering it is hard if not impossible to get behind what OWS has manifested itself as representing.

Although my perspective of the OWS is that they are by and large clueless and misinformed I support their right to lawfully protest.

That means following the rules of polite society out of respect for those who do not share their views by following noise ordnances, not urinating publically, not interfering with traffic etc.

Aside from a vocal minority of extremely naive kids calling for nonsensical violent confrontation that they in no way are prepared to handle I wouldn't consider OWS to be a rebellion in any sense.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 10:37 PM

Originally posted by Bramble Iceshimmer
What a bunch of hypocrites. You all scream about upholding the constitution and here is a bunch of malcontents that were told the ordinance, which was created by constitutionally elected officials, didn't allow over night stays in the park. They decided they didn't like that ordinance and tried to ignore it. Way to support the constitution.

It's unfortunate the kid got hurt but if they had obeyed the ordinance the police wouldn't have to be there to enforce the rules. You can't arbitrarily decided what laws and ordinances you will obey and not have a situation devolve into anarchy.

Way to go vets, doing the same thing. Showing solidarity with law breakers, picking and choosing what parts of the constitution you want to support.

Yes, the police may have been a little heavy handed but when out numbered by a crowd that won't obey orders they have to resort to the crowd control training they have received.

If you don't like a law or ordinance you elect new officials or seek redress in court.

I want to elect the right people to office to gut the federal government, return power to the states and let states sink or swim on their own. The only thing I want the federal government to provide is a top notch, well equipped military to protect us and our interests throughout the world, some basic research in technologies much like the NASA of the 60's/70's that brought us so many great things and a few rules and regulation to keep states from fighting over stupid stuff or creating regulations that harm business and services of other states.

What, a city ordinance overrides the constitution? Are you saying that these fiat paid thugs can use dollar store tactics to justify coming in and aggressively beat your fellow Americans down, but you can't stand in a park peacefully to fight for what the death of many Americans bought you? You can't use your Constitutional rights? Hell, the founding fathers knew the deal.We didn't have technology back then but people are no different whether they tweet or ride horses. They even WANTED you to bear arms in case your government no longer served you so that the means was available to remove them. This is just the fact, jack.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 10:38 PM
What are the numbers? Soldiers to Police, or more accurately, national fighting force versus local Fighting force?

There is honor, bravery and service to fellow man inherent in Both these vocations, which I consider a true 'calling.'

What happened was men who were unprepared and overarmed were facing a loud, angry horde.

Were the people wrong to be angry? No.

Were the officers doing their Honorable Best? No.

But Soldiers are many in America, and Police are few.

Part of a policeman's job is to make certain that the gears of government run smoothly without interruption, so they protect the Political sanctum, wherever it may be.

This is a true American Marine.

He shines as a beacon, not because he was Occupying, per se, but because he stands up for what he believes is right, and protects the American people, even on his day off.

Bless him and keep him safe.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 10:56 PM
Well folks...they're screwing with the wrong people now, the Marines will head it all up like they always have and then you could very well see many more Vets who served this Country climbing up some ass along with them. I'm 70 now, served my country, missed all the wars, got in on the Cuban blockade and Cuban missile crisis, during this time I've seen wars we've had no business fighting, our guys dying needlessly, and our government turning into a piece of #. Maybe I'll get that war after all and all I'll have to do is walk to it.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 11:04 PM
This guy just did an interview on RT... sorta lengthy video, but good none the less...

Check out the comments left by other marines at 1:45 in the vid

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 11:09 PM
This is why George Bush had to make Eric Prince's failing security company a billion dollar concern; because when our soldiers in uniform KNOW what is going on -- they do the right thing.

They went to Iraq and Afghanistan with the best intentions. How they were used was up to pencil pushers out of harms way and politicians using them to fulfill promises to their campaign sponsors...

But the actual men and women who have to go into harms way (not including the fly boys) -- THEY are going to be with the people.

>> I figure after when so many vets were subject to predatory loans, extended tours of duty, and basically, depending on CHARITY to survive in some cases -- well, I figure those life lessons that not only did the Fat Cats who sent them to war not appreciate their sacrifice - they wanted to screw them like everyone else.

The jackbooted cowards who pissed there pants and started firing crap into the crowd have bitten off more than they could chew. Hopefully, when the next crew of "hired rock throwers" shows up -- there will be some soldiers and nurses ready to deal with the situation so it doesn't become an EXCUSE for people who work for the Fat Cats.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 11:16 PM
reply to post by Bramble Iceshimmer

OK let’s put it this way for you. You have a few hundred people sitting around quietly protesting in the park.
What are you gonna do? Gas them out and then let them move into the streets?
Use some common sense, if I was mayor id leave them in the park and not piss them off, if they get pissed off they will move into the streets and maybe just maybe start tearing down the town.

And a an idea to all you cops out there, if you’re on mutual ground and not taking sides, and your there just protect the innocent from the occasional yobbo, put a white arm band on.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 11:20 PM

Originally posted by Jean Paul Zodeaux
Define lawful rebellion.

With just those three words, I think you said something more profound there than anything I've read in a long long time. I think the only answer is to your question is to be found in our founding charters, which lay on us the obligation and duty to do away with or overthrow any form of government which ceases to represent the people.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 11:29 PM
reply to post by Fromabove

Rioting did miss something here?

I haven’t seen any cars on fire, I haven’t seen shops broken, I haven’t seen everyone burst into public building and start smashing them to bits.
Where’s this riot, id like read or view it thank you.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 11:33 PM

Originally posted by Boomer1941
Well folks...they're screwing with the wrong people now, the Marines will head it all up like they always have and then you could very well see many more Vets who served this Country climbing up some ass along with them. I'm 70 now, served my country, missed all the wars, got in on the Cuban blockade and Cuban missile crisis, during this time I've seen wars we've had no business fighting, our guys dying needlessly, and our government turning into a piece of #. Maybe I'll get that war after all and all I'll have to do is walk to it.

The people coming home with PTSD given the run-around about their condition; "it's pre-existing" or "not covered" or they got it while not on duty. That makes me sick and angry.

The Vets are coming home with a country that has to "use austerity measures" -- we gave the 1% a fricken tax break during a time of war -- and now "SURPRISE" we have to tighten our belt.

>> After I found out about General Smedley Butler, and the book he wrote; "War is a Racket." I'd have to say, that MAYBE we've had two or three wars that WEREN'T to line someone's pockets; When we kicked out the British, when we kicked out the fascists (to the chagrin of the fascists on Wall Street at the time) and well, the Civil War -- only necessary because the Slave Holders were hiring their own form of "Tea Bag" party at the time to make everyone think that ending slavery would somehow hurt the working man (sure, I know it was more complex than that).

After learning that the Pentagon ADMITTED that the Vietnam and North Korean wars "may have been based on exaggerated situations" -- I realized that UNTIL PROVEN OTHERWISE; All wars are about stealing resources, or creating a profiteering situation for well connected people.

>> Just a tidbit of trivia; Panty Hose, Coca-Cola, Winston Cigarettes, Levis Jeans, and numerous other "fixtures of Americana" really got their world-wide exposure during war time. Military bases became distribution points to bring these products -- but the connections these companies made during war created name recognition, opened markets, and set up their distribution.

What did we get this time? KBR, Haliburton, Xe (Blackwater mercenaries) -- all groups that are just as likely to one day be hired to work against the interests of the US and not just dodge taxes.

>> No, the leaders who promote war and say; "support our troops" -- only like a dead soldier. Bringing back someone injured is a COST, and bringing one back angry might take away from all the movies that show how cool and patriotic war can be.

I EXPECTED there to be "necessary violence" by the police. I expected rock throwers who provoke an incident. I didn't expect however, that Vets would get in harms way and an they would join in solidarity and bring a little more than just good will to the fight.

>> I have to say, that while I'm saddened that this Vet is in a coma -- the reaction of his brothers in arms is about the most awesome thing I've heard of in a long time. A long time. This country has been an embarrassment electing war criminals and allowing them to torture, a can't do nation that CAN allow companies to spill oil but CAN'T find the money to pay for the people who spilled their own blood.

I'm only 46 -- but you need to know that some "youngsters" actually do know a bit of the history you've lived through and actually share your disappointment. While candidates for President are "debating" how many fences to put on the border with Mexico -- I've seen many "illegal" Mexicans actually packing up their belongings to go back to Mexico because it isn't even safe enough to be exploited and treated like dirt by the corporations you made rich.

The border doesn't need securing when some Americans are tempted to pretend to be illegals so they can get a free ticket out of the country.

From 1930 to 1980, we put a man on the moon, we redefined and rebuilt Europe, we inspired nations rich and poor with the "American Dream." We could do anything and we did.

It's about time we took to the streets and demanded that WE control this country and that dollar bills cannot vote -- they already have enough influence as it is.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 11:36 PM

Originally posted by TinkerHaus

My heart goes out to Scott Olsen, this is real example of a Marine injured in the line of duty - serving his country.

I would disagree with that line of thought because I feel it just writes off the boys injuries as coming with the territory, whereas in reality this young man was shot by the police in his own country, while enjoying some time off to protest greed with his fellow countrymen.

It had nothing to do with the fact that he was a marine, although that is the reason this is getting so much attention.

This is what police do to people all the time, yes yes not all just most...

and now since they did it to someone that has the kind of credentials this young man has it will become a huge thorn in the side of the police and security hired by these banker pigs)

More people will join the ranks of these movements because of these police actions.

OWS will have it's say as long as they continue what they are doing, and leave the democrats by the wayside (like they have done to us for years)

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 11:56 PM
reply to post by Iamonlyhuman
DANG IT !!! I tried to open the link to read the information and all I got was this message.

The page you are trying to reach cannot be found.
Read more:

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 12:18 AM
The Marine corp is a brotherhood! Once a Marine always a Marine. Oakland police has better walk on egg shells for the time being! It only takes a few well trained individuals to bring a police force to its knees!

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 12:21 AM

Originally posted by Whateva69
reply to post by Fromabove

Rioting did miss something here?

I haven’t seen any cars on fire, I haven’t seen shops broken, I haven’t seen everyone burst into public building and start smashing them to bits.
Where’s this riot, id like read or view it thank you.

Be reasonable; it takes time to hire the people to throw the rocks. As soon as some random crime occurs where someone steals a flat screen TV -- be assured that Fox News will be connecting that to the OWS protestors. Even if their is a Palm Tree in the background, it will be proof positive to most of their viewers.

Just wait a bit for the cars on fire,.. it will come.

>> I just hope by that time, MOST of the country won't be listening to the News and they'll be in the streets walking arm and arm into City Hall and Mansions and telling them how it's going to be from now on.

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 12:42 AM

Originally posted by twitchy

Originally posted by Jean Paul Zodeaux
Define lawful rebellion.

With just those three words, I think you said something more profound there than anything I've read in a long long time. I think the only answer is to your question is to be found in our founding charters, which lay on us the obligation and duty to do away with or overthrow any form of government which ceases to represent the people.

Yes, as soon as ANY protest becomes influential enough to change the status quo -- those who benefit from the Status Quo will make it illegal.

I do not relish things falling a part -- but I've felt for sometime that "peace" is only embraced by the tyrants when they fear the Guillotine. The Banksters made their greatest crimes legal, and they've got documentation and paperwork on their side.

But ultimately -- it's all about the "will of the people." This country has been ravaged by Economic Royalists and their Courtiers. The people who have the power to apply justice, never got their jobs because they did anything beyond covering up for their sponsors. The FBI cannot find a rich crook, the EPA cannot shut down a big polluter, the military cannot defend the country but instead bankrupts it to help multinationals get a better deal on resources or labor. The whole cancerous mess has metastasized and we cannot SOLVE any problems because someone is profiting from making things worse.

It is ultimately unsustainable. The game of Monopoly ends when one person has all the money -- it CANNOT continue being played after that point. Other than Social Security and other rich people -- there is no more pockets worth picking.

Yes the "tree of Liberty needs to be watered" -- but that is really a scary time to live in. It is NOT the same world it once was. No matter the propaganda, no matter the nonsense of calling someone a terrorist when they fight back against the enemy that has everything -- at some point, the people have "nothing left to lose."

>> The OWS movement is going to have more people because Wall Street is going to demand more outsourcing, more ponzi schemes, and more government handouts to keep the next quarter more profitable than the last.

Will the Media suddenly get a clue that beyond their paycheck, their is a country that needs truth?
Are there more Billionaires out there who realize, like Warren Buffet, that a modest tax increase is better than hiring a squad of mercenaries to drive you to the store?
Is there someone in the Justice System that is going to go after those working the system?

History tells us that things will get worse before they get better. The PROBLEM is that we've got entrenched "winners" who bought their own propaganda about EARNINGs being some measure of your value to the world.

The "World" has collapsing ecosystems, our country is on life support economically, and those in control are disassociated from the pain of the disenfranchised.

>> Sure, that's more than 3 profound words -- but I think it's important to SPECIFY sometimes when there are a bunch of ways to interpret a message.

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 01:10 AM
I am a disabled Navy vet who spent quite some time with my Marine brothers-at-arms. I am absolutely outraged that this happenned to any citizen, but especially one that has already offered his life to his country. I pray that the Marine Corp Commandant makes a public statement concerning this incident and is backed by the full faith and strength of all of the Armed Forces of the United States.

It will always be our duty to support and defend the Constitution of the United States and that is what our fallen brother was doing. I pray for his return to health and his safe return to his family.

Semper Fi the Corp

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 01:22 AM

Originally posted by gamesmaster63
I am a disabled Navy vet who spent quite some time with my Marine brothers-at-arms. I am absolutely outraged that this happenned to any citizen, but especially one that has already offered his life to his country. I pray that the Marine Corp Commandant makes a public statement concerning this incident and is backed by the full faith and strength of all of the Armed Forces of the United States.

It will always be our duty to support and defend the Constitution of the United States and that is what our fallen brother was doing. I pray for his return to health and his safe return to his family.

Semper Fi the Corp

I agree, im a vet and im going to an occupy near me, Im tired of this #

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 01:43 AM

Originally posted by Skewed
reply to post by Jason88

I am a former squid, and I will tell you now, I do not let the branch stand in the way. I consider all to be my brothers and would stand next to you any day, just give me a call.

My only complaint with you jarheads though is, you all can stop bullets pretty good. But I am sorry, when you are walking around on base, walking in front of a car is not the same as a bullet.

COW three blasts on the dive alarm....

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 01:44 AM

Originally posted by Bramble Iceshimmer
What a bunch of hypocrites. You all scream about upholding the constitution and here is a bunch of malcontents that were told the ordinance, which was created by constitutionally elected officials, didn't allow over night stays in the park. They decided they didn't like that ordinance and tried to ignore it. Way to support the constitution.

It's unfortunate the kid got hurt but if they had obeyed the ordinance the police wouldn't have to be there to enforce the rules. You can't arbitrarily decided what laws and ordinances you will obey and not have a situation devolve into anarchy.

Way to go vets, doing the same thing. Showing solidarity with law breakers, picking and choosing what parts of the constitution you want to support.

Yes, the police may have been a little heavy handed but when out numbered by a crowd that won't obey orders they have to resort to the crowd control training they have received.

If you don't like a law or ordinance you elect new officials or seek redress in court.

I want to elect the right people to office to gut the federal government, return power to the states and let states sink or swim on their own. The only thing I want the federal government to provide is a top notch, well equipped military to protect us and our interests throughout the world, some basic research in technologies much like the NASA of the 60's/70's that brought us so many great things and a few rules and regulation to keep states from fighting over stupid stuff or creating regulations that harm business and services of other states.

The Constitution says nothing about city or county governments and has no bearing on the way those officials are elected. City and county ordinances take a distant 2nd to Constitutional rights. I support the Constitution, not local ordinance.

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 02:01 AM
I am a former Marine and I am an intelligent and prudent person. I have not seen anything one way or another on how Scott Olsen was injured. I would think that there should be a video of what happened but, someone could be holding it for some reason. Right now, we don't know what happened or how it happened. Now, I know how Marines are and Marines are not really patient BUT, you must know the truth before you get into something you might regret.....

I do not agree with the OWS protest because the protests are the product of organizations that do not have Americas best interest in mind. These organizations have "mislead" our young people and recruited those who were too young for the Viet Nam protests to protest for "HOPE and CHANGE". "Hope" that they get a free education, guaranteed job, or whatever else they are asking for. And, to "CHANGE" the Banking System, Wall Street, and whatever else they think they need to change. Wait a minute....Hope and Change....I heard that before, somewhere. Don't be fooled, the OWS Protests have their roots in political agenda and campaign.

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