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The Most OBVIOUS police brutality I have ever witnessed. This is shamefully MALICIOUS!!!!

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posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 04:39 PM

Originally posted by Thunderheart
I got no problem with this.
Everyone just go home and you don't have to worry about having your head cracked open.
You're not accomplishing anything but making fools of yourselves anyway.

I am curious:
In what other circumstances would you accept getting your skull cracked open for the offense of not going home?

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 04:43 PM

Originally posted by narwahl

Originally posted by Thunderheart
I got no problem with this.
Everyone just go home and you don't have to worry about having your head cracked open.
You're not accomplishing anything but making fools of yourselves anyway.

I am curious:
In what other circumstances would you accept getting your skull cracked open for the offense of not going home?
If it was a choice between having my head cracked or going home I would gladly go home and say "well we tried and then they said 'go home, you are breaking the law,' so we went home"

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 04:48 PM

Originally posted by Thunderheart

Originally posted by narwahl

Originally posted by Thunderheart
I got no problem with this.
Everyone just go home and you don't have to worry about having your head cracked open.
You're not accomplishing anything but making fools of yourselves anyway.

I am curious:
In what other circumstances would you accept getting your skull cracked open for the offense of not going home?
If it was a choice between having my head cracked or going home I would gladly go home and say "well we tried and then they said 'go home, you are breaking the law,' so we went home"

That actually wasn't the question:
If you are told to go home, under what circumstances would you think having your skull cracked open is a reasonable response?

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 04:52 PM

Originally posted by Thunderheart

Originally posted by narwahl

Originally posted by Thunderheart
I got no problem with this.
Everyone just go home and you don't have to worry about having your head cracked open.
You're not accomplishing anything but making fools of yourselves anyway.

I am curious:
In what other circumstances would you accept getting your skull cracked open for the offense of not going home?
If it was a choice between having my head cracked or going home I would gladly go home and say "well we tried and then they said 'go home, you are breaking the law,' so we went home"

I would say no, this is MY country. MY taxes pay YOUR salaries. You throw one more of those damned gas canisters at me and I'LL crack YOUR skull open.

EDIT: You are allowed to be a coward. Just don't be under the assumption there will be a place for you when we take our country back.
edit on 27-10-2011 by Vortiki because: Additional writing

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 04:57 PM
reply to post by narwahl

If your not willing to bleed for your cause, you have no reason being there. The question that needs to be asked to everyone sitting around in a tent smoking weed and #ting on police cars is this:

"Are you willing to die for the change you seek?"

Every great successful movement has to start there!

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 05:05 PM
Has Neo96 been in here lately to stick up for the cops?

He was trying to say that the Oakland brows was a bunch of Commies.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 05:07 PM
I think the best thing would be to do nothing, NOTHING. Don't go to work, don't pay taxes, don't vote.....nothing. I think a man like john lennon had the power to persuade people to do this on a huge scale and likely would of done, it's entirely peaceful but entirely anarchic (if thats the right word) at the same time. They can't put us all in prison and it would frustrate the hell out of them, what would they do?

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 05:11 PM
How disgusting that these cowardly Bastards could hurt such a hero in such a way.

This guy was purely envoking his right to protest against the entire political system of the west. The way in which the banking institutions and global institutions have so much influence on how our lives are determined.

My Grandparents fought against such a regime in the 1930's- 1940's. It was called Fascism, yet we have allowed it to creep in and embrace it as the norm.

Please watch 'From Freedom to Fascism' you will learn a lot.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 05:16 PM
reply to post by narwahl

Good luck with that.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 05:20 PM
"Welcome to 1984"

Now we've got...
Armies of peace, armed to the teeth, delivering death to make the world a better place

Man, isn't freedom great!?

Hell yeah I'm confused for sure what I thought was the New Millennium is 1984!
edit on 27-10-2011 by The_Phantom because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 05:23 PM
Isnt this like what was happening in Libya ? and the American gov said Gaddafi duck needed to listen to his people
.... talk about double standards.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 05:27 PM
Every man in uniform is not a hero, and to most, you ARE the enemy. I have nothing in common with the protestors. If asked I would say that this is the closest to work and further from soap that most of them have ever been. There is one thing worse, a cop with a weapon, and an attitude. We have one thing in common and that is the belief that if you are harming no one then no one has a right to fire anything at you. What you lefties need is some good ole boys.

Nothing brings Saints and Sinners together better that a fight for freedom.
edit on 27-10-2011 by MissingRonnieR because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 05:32 PM
Hey guys looking at these vids we can praise the Greeks no? Remember those videos? Nothing could stop them! They were teargassed all day long, without any effect.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 05:32 PM
This is the kind of shenanigans that'll make the protests turn violent- That dude lobbed the canister right into the middle of that group of people. Pretty ridiculous considering there was a downed person, clearly injured, right next to it when it blew up.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 05:33 PM
reply to post by MissingRonnieR

Lol at you!!

Everytime there is a protest someone has to bring soap and water into it.

Look back on history. Mary Antoinette called the French protesters (Revolusionists) 'The Great Unwashed' and look at what took place there.

The Guillotine awaits!!!!

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 05:34 PM
Okie dokie. I do not support the OWS message, however, I support their right to protest (paraphrasing Voltaire). This is absurd. That mother ****er did that on purpose to unarmed civilians. If the police have not learned yet that they serve at our leisure, then something tells me they are going to learn!

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 05:39 PM
What do people honestly expect from a protest?
the State and the People singing camp fire songs?
What do people expect from war? Rules? Feel good moments in the middle of battle?

It is a win for the protestors and the movement when you have a martyr that hits home with the masses.
Look at the public outrage.

The People want a change...the State doesn't... there is conflict...there are unkind things being done on
both sides.....that is how it works and always will work.

One side will win and the other lose or both in a compromise.

Stop being ignorant and crying wolf everytime there is some conflict. You OP, you live under a rock if this
is the worst police brutality you have witnessed...or maybe in some rural part of the midwest...

When they start shooting you with metal bullets and killing you by the dozens...well then start shouting about the shameful malicious lack of humanity.

I see why some people around the world view us average Americans as a bunch of ethnocentric, out of touch, spoiled little brats. If you are an American under the age of better man up or the rest of the world is going to walk up to you and take your friggin sucker out of your hand and push you on the ground.

We in the United States(recently) have not seen "real" State aggression against its own people. Even the 60's was mild compared to....well pick a spot on the globe. What we did to the Native Americans...well there ya go...that was some Shamefully Malicious evil #e....but I am talking about you people that are 30yrs old or younger...what has the nanny state done to you?

Real change is going to cost real aint up for it?....stop your whining then. Cause Kumbaya is not going to get sung at any of these protest.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 05:42 PM

Originally posted by Res Ipsa
What do people honestly expect from a protest?
the State and the People singing camp fire songs?
What do people expect from war? Rules? Feel good moments in the middle of battle?

It is a win for the protestors and the movement when you have a martyr that hits home with the masses.
Look at the public outrage.

The People want a change...the State doesn't... there is conflict...there are unkind things being done on
both sides.....that is how it works and always will work.

One side will win and the other lose or both in a compromise.

Stop being ignorant and crying wolf everytime there is some conflict. You OP, you live under a rock if this
is the worst police brutality you have witnessed...or maybe in some rural part of the midwest...

When they start shooting you with metal bullets and killing you by the dozens...well then start shouting about the shameful malicious lack of humanity.

I see why some people around the world view us average Americans as a bunch of ethnocentric, out of touch, spoiled little brats. If you are an American under the age of better man up or the rest of the world is going to walk up to you and take your friggin sucker out of your hand and push you on the ground.

We in the United States(recently) have not seen "real" State aggression against its own people. Even the 60's was mild compared to....well pick a spot on the globe. What we did to the Native Americans...well there ya go...that was some Shamefully Malicious evil #e....but I am talking about you people that are 30yrs old or younger...what has the nanny state done to you?

Real change is going to cost real aint up for it?....stop your whining then. Cause Kumbaya is not going to get sung at any of these protest.

Finally someone with some balls. I was wondering if ATS had turned into a big pool of cry-babies.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 05:46 PM

Originally posted by Vortiki
reply to post by Frira

This isn't about a traffic ticket, so don't down play this. This is about the future of an entire Nation. This is about people being abused and their right to assembly being taken away.

Do they have a right to be there? Yes.
Were the asked to leave by the Police? Yes.
Did they have a right to be there after the assembly was declared unlawful (not "violent," but "unlawful") and they were asked by the Police to leave? No.

I once lived in the state capital city in Texas, Austin, and there are protests all the time downtown. It makes traffic a mess, bus routes rerouted, people trying to catch the bus home cannot. So the protests are limited to certain areas for specific times. They are accommodated, but not allowed to disrupt traffic or business beyond the area and time allotted.

Protests intended to flaunt disobedience typically are held on the Congress Street Bridge, and are quickly deemed unlawful assemblies. It is a vital bridge across the lake-- NECESSARY for police, fire, ambulance, public transportation and so on. They are asked to leave, and then tear gas gets used.

Even those are "peaceable" unless... it is your father having a heart attack, your house on fire, you stranded twenty miles from home all night, or your house being broken into..

Why don't you go out there and protest and take a tear gas canister to the face and see how quickly you are to defend our enemy. you think this is a peaceful protest? Well it is not. Whether people want to admit/realize/or accept that this is a war is irrelevant. what is relevant is one side attempted to be peaceful, and the police decided they were going to throw the first punch.

I just got through writing that if a police officer fired or tossed a canister at that man's head, I want that officer in prison for life. What is your issue with me? Hop down off my back, and be peaceable.

The first punch is often what police must do (military as well) if they encounter resistance.

The police's first act was to announce that the assembly was being deemed unlawful and everyone needed to leave. If I had been in Oakland at the moment, I would have waved at the police, said, "Good night officers" and left.

Next, the police explained the repercussions for not leaving: Chemicals employed, and arrests to be made.

So they want to forcefully remove us from our area of protest, then we will forcefully remove them from our path, it's as simple as that.

No. That is false. The police first declared the assembly unlawful-- at which point it was time to leave. Deliberately refusing to leave took it to the next step, tear gas. Beyond that, those who stayed wanted to be victims, and left the police no choice but to begin using force.

Throwing an explosive canister at a man's head is attempted murder, but the force to remove the protesters with tear gas was lawful. To declare that you would use force against the police to remain is criminal.

No big changes are made without force, no one will accomplish anything just standing around chanting, it's time to grow up and realize what the hell is REALLY happening here.

What is happening?

I am listening to the protesters, but I have yet to hear a statement of unified cause. Without that, I understand the rage at government decisions to bail out big business and banks-- all because of the greed of the 1%-- but civil disobedience is not hurting the government or the 1%, but the other 99%.

If that is enough for you to take up violence-- than you are a criminal, and you are a danger to society, but not to the government nor to the 1%. Further, you seem to making a call to violence which makes your opposition to my post ironic.

I want our present government to be over-thrown by an outraged public voting in revolutionary leadership instead of the status quo, "party-line" which both the Republicans and the Democrats have fed us for too long.

But if war is required, OWS is neither equipped, nor mentally prepared. That is NOT what those people are about.

You say you didn't see the guy get hit by a tear gas canister or anything else? I guess you believe he did it to his damned self then?

Where do you get that attitude?

You saw what I saw-- and neither of us saw what caused the man to go down-- it is not in the video. That I did not see what was not able to be seen, by no means makes me biased-- it makes me just. Justice is a good thing-- rare, but good.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 05:47 PM

Originally posted by dadgad
Hey guys looking at these vids we can praise the Greeks no? Remember those videos? Nothing could stop them! They were teargassed all day long, without any effect.

Let's be honest, the Greeks are a different breed!!

They have been dealt austerity and looked at it squarley in the face and are about to face even more. Brave people, very Brave.

More riots to follow!!!

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