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The Most OBVIOUS police brutality I have ever witnessed. This is shamefully MALICIOUS!!!!

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posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 05:49 PM
reply to post by popsmayhem

I did watch the entire video and all I saw was tear gas and flash grenades shot at unarmed civillians. The things you see flying through the air at 5:15 are tear gas canisters. Funny I was on the fence on this now I know which side Im supporting. And its not the 1%.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 05:50 PM
Yeah, and riot dog stood his ground too!

Atlanta just folded.

That said....Several of my friends changed to credit unions THIS WEEK.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 05:54 PM
reply to post by popsmayhem

The cops who are BEING TOLD that they have to disperse this crowd
are doing THERE JOB!
People started acting violently and throwing projectiles
at them. Police responded back with tear gas.

Wow, the good old Nuremberg debate. I thought we'd been through this already.

It's not their job to throw tear gas canisters at people that are in clear need of medical attention.

The Egyptian army refused to fire upon their own people when they were ordered to, even though they 'WERE TOLD' that it was 'THERE (I believe you meant 'THEIR') JOB'.

None of that group in the original video posed a threat at that point. One guy was down, the rest were too busy helping him to be violent. That cop was just being a douche.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 06:02 PM
reply to post by Res Ipsa

I was trying to think of a way to express many of those same thoughts without sounding like some irrational violence monger. You did it simply and eloquently. The apathy and willful blindness that has become the norm in this country is both distressing and saddening. Things will never change until that does.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 06:03 PM
reply to post by dadgad

So you agree that people have a right to protest as long as it doesn't bring any inconvenience.

Sorry, but protests don't work that way.

I will apologise that you may have to take public transport and you arrive home late, but to be fair if that is your only gripe, good for you.

I can also appreciate that you do not want the people from OWS speaking on your behalf, but you know what, Tough!!

Live with it. The inconvenience is nothing compared to the inconvenience experienced by the people who have lost their jobs or homes due to this financial crisis. Think about these people, who had little say or indeed input to the banking collapse.

Think about the lobbying that goes on in our political system, all done to ensure the Election campaigns can run smoothly. Are you happy with this? The vast amounts spent on electing an idiot to probably the most important position in the so called 'free world'?

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 06:03 PM
You cannot have it both ways.

It is either a non-violent peaceable demonstration in which case excessive force appears to have been used (I still haven't seen a video of what caused the man to go down).


It is the beginning of an armed conflict against the government, in which case, tear gas canisters will be the least of the problems they face.

- - - - - - -

The OWS was declared from the start to be a peaceable protest. If it is changing from that, most protesters were lied to. And if it is changing from that-- I ask: To what end and who is leading?

I am not interested in a sniveling idealistic twenty-four year old advocating violence and creating chaos as a leader; but I will defend an idealistic twenty-five year old's right to snivel in public.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 06:04 PM
reply to post by Aggie Man

Look the the protesters were ORDERED to leave the park buy the Mayor and Police. They failed to comply and the police started moving in to push the people out of the park. The anarchists in the group started throwing bottles and rocks at the police, hence the police responded with non-lethal weapons (tear gas and rubber bullets and rubber bullet grandees, and flash bangs).Granted under certain conditions non-lethal weapons can kill and cause serious injury but they are not designed to kill out right.

Yes the police in this video threw a flash bang at a group of protesters and yes there was an injured person among the crowd. They would have been better off leaving the man where he was and allowing the police to take him in to custody and then having EMS treat him.

Remember it is the duty and responsibly of the Police and Local Officials to maintain order. The mayor pull there permit, after that the protesters should have packed it in and gone home and tried again another day. When the police tell you to disperse, you disperse! They usually won't ask more than a couple of times before they use tactics that will force you to comply. Only a fool or those who want to start trouble will stand in front of riot police. Its quite simple if you don't want to get tear gassed or have flash grenades thrown at you, just follow instruction and leave the area.

Best way to avoid a getting caught in the cross fire is to get the hell out of the way! ! ! !

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 06:06 PM
Clearly the police are incapable of an appropriate respose to protestors.

I have not seen the proestors instigate any of these altercations. With that being, said, if a protestor throws a plastic bottle, the appropriate response is not to fire rubber bullets and tear gas. The appropriate response would be ignoring a plastic bottle.

There response far exceeds the stimulus.

Hey that guy shoved me! OK, LET'S UNLOAD A MACHINE GUN ON HIM!!!11

I mean I guess that is an appropriate response if you're in a hardcore gang.... er... .wait a second...

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 06:06 PM
Peaceful protests are useless because they do absolutely nothing to solve anything because the authority doesn't listen and know they can still get away with whatever they're doing. The status quo is dug like a tick so the only way to accomplish anything is by force. Simple as that. People who want change but won't turn to force or violence are blind to the inevitable.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 06:09 PM
My "make rival" button was on fire while reading this thread. I am so angry at the people taking the cops side on this one.
Maybe you people don't get it or are doing this because of ignorance.
An Iraq war veteran who went to Iraq to supposedly free the Iraqi people from an oppressive government, comes back home and the same thing that he thought he was fighting for is happening here. We have invaded countries for this same reason, we have killed leaders of countries that do this same exact thing!!!!!!!!!!!
Even if you people are against the ows movement I can't see how you agree with what the police is doing.
Do you hate freedom that much?
If you like this type of government why don't you move to a country that normally does this?
America is supposed to be the land of the free not the land of the oppressed and we should fight until it becomes the way that it was supposed to be.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 06:10 PM

Originally posted by Chad_Thomas89
Peaceful protests are useless because they do absolutely nothing to solve anything because the authority doesn't listen and know they can still get away with whatever they're doing. The status quo is dug like a tick so the only way to accomplish anything is by force. Simple as that. People who want change but won't turn to force or violence are blind to the inevitable.

All I can say is this

The good achieved through violence is short lived, whilst the evil created lasts a lifetime.

Seriously. I am not religious, but 'Live by the sword, die by the sword'.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 06:14 PM
reply to post by JBRiddle

You do not need a darn permit to protest.
Amendment I: Congress shall make no law abridging the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 06:17 PM
reply to post by JBRiddle

Look the the protesters were ORDERED to leave the park buy the Mayor and Police. They failed to comply and the police started moving in to push the people out of the park.

Yeah.. so? What if they were ORDERED to get on a train to a concentration camp? Or if they were ORDERED (see what I did there?) to kill their kids? 'They were ordered' indeed..

The anarchists in the group started throwing bottles and rocks at the police, hence the police responded with non-lethal weapons (tear gas and rubber bullets and rubber bullet grandees, and flash bangs).Granted under certain conditions non-lethal weapons can kill and cause serious injury but they are not designed to kill out right.

If the anarchists started throwing stuff, then suppress the anarchists - don't target everyone.

Yes the police in this video threw a flash bang at a group of protesters and yes there was an injured person among the crowd. They would have been better off leaving the man where he was and allowing the police to take him in to custody and then having EMS treat him.

Nonsense, no justification provided here. 'They would have been better off' if the police had let them help the guy out, instead of hitting them when they were down.

Remember it is the duty and responsibly of the Police and Local Officials to maintain order.

Whose order? That's propaganda rhetoric - It's their job to protect the American people.

The mayor pull there permit, after that the protesters should have packed it in and gone home and tried again another day.

A permit to protest? The whole point of a protest is that you do it on your own terms.. The government doesn't usually take kindly to being criticised. Do you really think the civil rights movement would have gotten anywhere if they did everything on the governments terms?

Anyway, I don't support OWS or any of the Occupy movements - it's a shame they weren't able to organise a more focused and relevant protest movement. However, everyone living in a 'democratic' society deserves the 'right' to protest - especially when your government makes such a big deal about how ethical and moral they are. And especially when your government starts wars and meddles in foreign countries, under the guise of 'liberating the people' of that country from 'tyranny'. They have a lot of nerve.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 06:20 PM
reply to post by Elieser

No way did you just compare anything here in the U.S. to Saddam's Iraq!
And you throw the term "ignorant" within a sentence or two of that mind boggling ignorant statement?!

...can' the friggin cop say..."hey look at that Iraqi Vet, I know, how cool will I be to shoot this canister at his head." Is that how it played out in your...or anybody elses head that shares that belief with you?

add me to your list of foes or will be my honor.
edit on 27-10-2011 by Res Ipsa because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 06:23 PM
M.O.D.C. (Millions of dead cops)

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 06:24 PM
reply to post by Res Ipsa

Did the friggin cop say..."hey look at that Iraqi Vet, I know, how cool will I be to shoot this canister at his head." Is that how it played out in your...or anybody elses head that shares that belief with you?

Haha, that would make a funny sketch imo..

Well, you'd expect him to look and think 'hang on, there's a guy down over there - better make sure we don't make things worse'.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 06:27 PM
reply to post by Elieser

ok.........I swear this is my last post on this thread.

I just can't stand quite when the Constitution is so misused, or misunderstood by purposeful didactic ignorance.....You are just dead wrong and too lazy to take the time to understand the very basics of the Constitution
pick up a book, learn about time, place and manner. Learn about what is and isn't free speech and assmebly got a star for that ignorance?! I can't even take the time to spell anything right.
...You are the 30yr old and under American I sooooooooooo fear!

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 06:33 PM
This is just wrong, a vet getting a tear gas canister to the head. As far as protest and peaceful assembly, it appears that the cops were in violation the protester's right. OTOH there was a legitimate sanitation concern, but nothing that justifies this abuse of power... The cop deserves to be charged with substantial battery. Ladies and gentlemen, get ready for a revolution, and it aint gonna be pretty.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 06:36 PM
Absolutely disgusting. People need to realize that police are NOT I repeat NOT put into place to protect and serve the American people... They are put into place to protect and serve CORPORATE INTREST. People... They don't care about you or I. All this brutality believe me it is authorized to keep the cattle in order. I'm sorry I'm sorry I have to say it and I truly mean it. The only way to stop violent behavior when there is no other means, is to use violent behavior. They have been beating us down for way too long... We need to take it into our own hands clearly I repeat CLEARLY there is no justice for us.

All this revolution talk BS do you people realize that revolution is a communist term? I'm going to agree with a great American hero mr. William Cooper... What we need is a restoration of our constitutional republic... Not a communist revolution.
edit on 27-10-2011 by Enemyc0mbatant because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 06:37 PM
reply to post by Aggie Man

OK. So here we have a short video that does not show how the "injured' protestor was bloodied, and fails to point out that the police were dealing with objects being thrown at them. Do a bit of research on the "peaceful" protest in Oakland. It's easy enough to 'knee jerk' react to a situation taken out of context. Sure there are peaceful, uninformed masses at the "Occupy" movements, but what occured was the result of the violent few within. By the way, anyone ever hear of this happening at a Tea Party movement? Yeaaaahhh......

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