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Out of body all in the mind?

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posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 11:42 AM
Let me tell you something right now. I had out of body experiences. I saw things that would happen, that people was hiding, i communicated with others, and even last night, i communicated with a person i work with, and he confirmed what i talked to him about.

The mind is a 4D vortex of a quantum reality. It is a translator of different frequencies. Scientist cannot explain that because the science is not there. when the scientists finally open their mind and say this is quite possible even though we don't have any facts, but you know what? let's study it and we will see. not going to happen... maybe in the new age we are entering in?

Remember, nobody can explain what another person reality is... everybody got a different reality of what they see, they feel... how the heck a scientist can say what another person feel and vision? when they cannot even tell what their own feelings really means?

The world is focus on the physical... on the earth going around the sun. Our life is based on that. Everything is based on the gregorian calendar which is purely physical. There is another aspect to life... things that cannot be explain, experience that cannot be explain because those experiences were experienced by one personn, and one person only.

So they are saying this and that when they don't really know.... because you know what? cause they cannot prove it. They need a proof to everything.... By seeking the proof externally, they will never find the truth. And don't forget that my truth is different than yours. We are all in the same physical world but we are all in different realities.

Please Understand

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 12:06 PM
For those of us who have actually been up and out of our earthly human shell. There is no question whatsoever .

Its funny how only the people it has not happened to are the only ones questioning whether its real or not

Just imagine if you all actually applied yourselves and cultivated an actual inner connection with yourself you too might one day be able to experience one of the most liberating and profoundly interesting things possible in our short lives as humans.

Go right ahead and enjoy being skeptical to spite yourselves. You're not going to hurt my feelings or change the fact that nature of infinite possibility is indeed infinite.

It is a shame you will probably never get to hear the song of the stars but hey I guess its not for everyone

Taking responsibility for ones own personal mental and spiritual evolution is not for the lazy minded or timid.

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 12:21 PM
Im still on the wall about this subject, the mind can be a very powerful thing and you will believe what it shows you ( if you take hallucinogens for example) but at the same time there is the theory of quantum consciousness (our bodies are avatars basically)

so until these researches can put someone in a lab and induce OBE's on command there really is no way to know.

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 12:22 PM
When I was a boy, maybe 8 or 9, I had my first out of body experience. I was sleeping and had a horrible dream. Well it wasn't actually horrible. I was playing baseball and proceeded to run the bases until I came around third, and then I came around third, and then I came around third. Get the picture? I was stuck going around third and I was freaked out. After some time in this state the last thing I remember is everything going black and then I saw myself crying in bed from the corner of my room. I watched myself for sometime before I awoke in the morning. No lying what-so-ever, I did not remember who I was or where I was or for that matter who my mother was when I awoke.

After that my mother had me go to therapy and they thought it was stress induced from my parents not being together. Whether that is true or not I cannot tell you, for I don't even know. \

My second one was when I was 14 or 15 but that one was drug induced, and believe it is unrelatable.

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 12:28 PM
reply to post by IKTOMI

I dont know, I cant blame people for disputing something they have not experienced. The problem is existing on both sides, and that is that there are no sides, there is no ``physical`and ```spiritual``, there is only the gross and the fine, and the perception of either is based on degrees of concentration. It like the flux between classical and modern physics, when we look with one attitude, an experiment reacts like billiard balls, when we shift the attitude, look at the finer matterial, suddenly those classical laws fall apart, and new laws apply. So spiritual knowledge will never repair my brakes, and scientific knowledge does not have the potential to proove or disproove the experiences of the mind.

What there is no shortage of in this thread is belief without method, moreso on those who believe in OBES. There is a specific way to acheive the experience, and there are variation of language (religions) that describe this methodology. None are perfect, but sincear practice will iron out those kinks. My point is, practice of the method is the real way to know, not reading or collecting books on the subject. The same goes for scientists, most people believe in the umbrella of science because it has served us, and calls to some underlying generalities we all experience, there is nothing wrong with that. But we must let science be science, it is just another method, with another language, limited by itself.

The method I use is `Raja Yoga` a combination of purification excersizes, and methods of concentration or meditation. I never went into this path for OBEs, those are an involuntary result of the practice for me, and they are intriguing.

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 12:31 PM
How many times are people going to start this thread? This has been covered about 900 times on this site.

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 12:32 PM
reply to post by el1jah

Um ok.

If you really think you need that many words to say absolutely nothing that's cool.

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 12:39 PM
it doesn't take a genius to figure out that there is a war against your consciousness.

I mean, obviously there is a reason that spirituality has been completely taken out of religion.

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 12:44 PM
I just wanted to put up some quotes from my favorite text, my guide on the subject of inner experience. Swami Vivekananda was a monk who practiced, taught, and commented on the ancient practices of Yoga and meditation practice. His commentary on ``The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali`` alone served to change my entire life.

He speaks a little in his introduction to this commentary on the divide between science and religion, and his fault in fact lies mostly on the side of religion, and the tendency to produce blind believers.

The teachers of the science of Yoga, therefore, declare that religion is not only based upon the experience of ancient times, but that no man can be religious until he has the same perceptions himself. Yoga is the science which teaches us how to get these perceptions. It is not much use to talk about religion until one has felt it. Why is there so much disturbance, so much fighting and quarrelling in the name of God? There has been more bloodshed in the name of God than for any other cause, because people never went to the fountain-head; they were content only to give a mental assent to the customs of their forefathers, and wanted others to do the same. What right has a man to say he has a soul if he does not feel it, or that there is a God if he does not see Him? If there is a God we must see Him, if there is a soul we must perceive it; otherwise it is better not to believe. It is better to be an outspoken atheist than a hypocrite.

he goes on to explain how the methods of Raja Yoga make it a science.

The science of Râja-Yoga proposes to put before humanity a practical and scientifically worked out method of reaching this truth. In the first place, every science must have its own method of investigation. If you want to become an astronomer and sit down and cry "Astronomy! Astronomy!" it will never come to you. The same with chemistry. A certain method must be followed. You must go to a laboratory, take different substances, mix them up, compound them, experiment with them, and out of that will come a knowledge of chemistry. If you want to be an astronomer, you must go to an observatory, take a telescope, study the stars and planets, and then you will become an astronomer. Each science must have its own methods. I could preach you thousands of sermons, but they would not make you religious, until you practiced the method

So we must work faithfully using the prescribed methods, and light will come. In acquiring knowledge we make use of generalizations, and generalization is based upon observation. We first observe facts, then generalize, and then draw conclusions or principles. The knowledge of the mind, of the internal nature of man, of thought, can never be had until we have first the power of observing the facts that are going on within. It is comparatively easy to observe facts in the external world, for many instruments have been invented for the purpose, but in the internal world we have no instrument to help us. Yet we know we must observe in order to have a real science. Without a proper analysis, any science will be hopeless — mere theorizing. And that is why all the psychologists have been quarrelling among themselves since the beginning of time, except those few who found out the means of observation. The science of Raja-Yoga, in the first place, proposes to give us such a means of observing the internal states. The instrument is the mind itself. The power of attention, when properly guided, and directed towards the internal world, will analyze the mind, and illumine facts for us. The powers of the mind are like rays of light dissipated; when they are concentrated, they illumine. This is our only means of knowledge. Everyone is using it, both in the external and the internal world; but, for the psychologist, the same minute observation has to be directed to the internal world, which the scientific man directs to the external; and this requires a great deal of practice. From our childhood upwards we have been taught only to pay attention to things external, but never to things internal; hence most of us have nearly lost the faculty of observing the internal mechanism. To turn the mind as it were, inside, stop it from going outside, and then to concentrate all its powers, and throw them upon the mind itself, in order that it may know its own nature, analyze itself, is very hard work. Yet that is the only way to anything which will be a scientific approach to the subject.

From then on there is a fairly consice guide anyone can choose to explore, basically external and internal purifications, as well as specific methods of meditating.

Raja Yoga

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 12:45 PM
what do you believe in ? spirituality or religion? do you think they are the same thing? Religion is like a king that wants to control the people he has in his country. Spirituality it is a self illumination. Nothing can be compare.

reply to post by booyakasha

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 12:51 PM

Originally posted by el1jah
``The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali`` alone served to change my entire life.

Raja Yoga

Good stuff! North Star vacation. 2 blue planets. Skys touch. Kindergarten class on terraforming.
Like I said up and out is tight.
There is no question for those of us who have done it.

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 12:53 PM
july 31th 2011 starts the 5th day.... 18 days of revelation... then starts the 5 night... we will apply what we've learned through the 5th day....

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 12:54 PM
reply to post by IKTOMI

Im sorry what does that have to do with the content

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 12:58 PM

Originally posted by el1jah
reply to post by IKTOMI

Im sorry what does that have to do with the content

The pantajali northstar meditation. Its from the yoga vein of writings you cited in your previous post.

Sorry I just assumed since it changed your life you were familiar with it.

My bad.

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 01:00 PM
When i was born.... i died. clinicly dead. I saw the light... i felt the light as I was it... one day , i had an OBE, the same reaction, the same feeling, the same vision i had... we are all connected together... we have the same consciousness. If we would all be aware , things we could do would be great

We are a powerful machine... The human body is just a vessal... your soul is light... no good or bad light, it's just light ... your thoughts make it good or bad.... let go your ego, feel the light inside and around... you will be happy and illuminated.

But who says it is true right? Why don't you test it? why don't you learn how to get those abilities back? What do you have to loose? In this world, you only watch and listen to the fear you see and hear!

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 01:08 PM
reply to post by Blinded

Werd. I've done the small death thing a few times in this body. Light shooting up the spine exploding out the top of your head. oooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Light out of every pour, out the tip of every hair.
Closing your eyes reveals light brighter than the sun.

Good stuff.

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 01:10 PM
reply to post by IKTOMI

I dont know what you are getting at, thats not in the link I posted, and If it is (and I missed it), It has nothing to do with the actual writings of Patanjali or Vivekananda. You obviously missed the point though

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 01:12 PM
Please don't misunderstand me as bashing the subject, I was not. I think the notion of separating one's body & spirit is a rather riveting idea, and if I could be a part of a controlled study to prove or disprove it, I would. People will believe what they will based off of their collective experiences and knowledge. If you believe you have had an OBE, good for you. That is a state of mind that must be an immense wonder to explore, and real or chemical-based, I am still curious, intrigued and honestly, a little jealous. I can be equally jealous of another person's riveting dream as well, because I have not been there as they have, it is unique to them. I don't believe OBE's and NDE's are real beyond chemistry, but it does not mean I don't believe they have value.
I said the body is a neat vessel, but not magical. I stand by that. Whether or not an OBE is real. Whether or not a NDE is real. Whether or not I am actually on another planet far off into the universe in my sleep traipsing through a cliff-side forest through dense & lush brush smelling the scents, feeling the tactile sensations of the flora, feeling the chill of the air, the mist of the fog, the breeze, with a funny-looking humanoid alien native showing me around. In the end, whether or not anyone's unconscious or spiritual exploration is real matters only to the one experiencing it. I do not challenge the gains made, not the authenticity of those gains. I never said those were hogwash. Only the categorization of the method--real, or created.

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 01:14 PM

Originally posted by Alexander_Supertramp
As I understand it, the scientists are not saying there is no such things as OBEs. What they do seem to claim, however, is that those 'feelings' of literally leaving the body are nothing more than (essentially) neurons firing.

*For those who may not be familiar with the two concepts I'm about to mention, I will briefly explain them.

The Problem of Interaction is a philosophical pondering which goes something like this: If there exists some kind of immaterial substance (i.e., the soul), how can it interact with a purely physical reality (i.e., the known universe). To believe in OBEs, you have to assert that 1) we have a soul or some kind of immaterial essence and 2) That essence can 'disconnect' from our bodies and traverse dimensions/the Universe.

Dualism is essentially the belief that there is more than a merely physical universe - an immaterial universe or dimensions or whatever exists as well. To believe in OBEs, one must have a kind of Dualist belief.

Now, my own two cents. Until you can show me a reasonable explanation for the Problem of Interaction - that is, some way of showing me that it makes sense to talk about immaterial and material things connecting and causing and effecting each other - or a reasonable argument/evidence for Dualism, I cannot believe in such an extraordinary claim as OBEs being anything more than neurons firing.

Seach down and watch a film: called :::::::: Athene's theory of everything, it does a lot to answer your points. but hard going, as it has lots of info within it.

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 01:17 PM

Originally posted by AwakeinNM
How many times are people going to start this thread? This has been covered about 900 times on this site.

Was it 902 times or 903, can't quite recall!

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