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Out of body all in the mind?

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posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 06:04 PM
reply to post by Farnhold

I am right beside ya!
Bullpoop and all!

I am being serious...not sarcastic at all. I love this subject along with many others. I have a BIG BOOK about astral travel but due to my laziness I have not give it a go just yet. I have to finish the book first. Ha! ;-)

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 06:12 PM
Now I wonder how long will it take, until science will admit that changing physical appearance through mind is possible (proving that to others before science is my lifetime goal). Well, maybe never, since everything is about profit and cosmetic procedures/products definitely more. There were people on the internet who managed to do it. Mind over body=Mind over matter! Hell yeah!

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 06:21 PM
Everone "goes astral" at night during sleep... it does not take a person who "thinks they are special with abilities" to do it.

Many people easily report information from their OBE that is supported in reality. Example of my own....

Aged 7.. first aware OBE.. I saw my mother sitting up in bed reading while my Dad snored as he lay on his side.. I also saw the Milkman's Horse and cart doing their rounds in the dark cold of that winter night.. I could see the plumes of condensation blowing out of the horse's nostrils, etc.

Prior to that I did not know when the Milkman did his rounds, nor that he still used a horse and cart to do so. My mother confirmed she had been sitting up reading while Dad snored laying on his side... they still Believed I had an "issue" for reporting my experience to them.

A few years back I used to work with some members of Astral Pulse forums. To do so required me finding them in the real world via OBE, then going back to Voice-communication to confirm I had found their home and giving details, etc. After a few years I stopped doing that work because Life offered other avenues to work with.

Lastly, I don't care what some scientist claims is probable about OBE/Astral journeying. I've known the reality of it since I was 7 years old.. and am now over 50.. yep, it's a lot of personal experience with a subject that is still being argued over by those who Claim to Know Better than those who are actively participating in the field.

Edited to add...

Autwrench brought up an important point. Re-entering the body. My first time the body looked to me like wet clay.. and it felt absolutely horrifying to enter it again.. which is a very restrictive feeling after having been out and about for a few hours.

edit on 13-7-2011 by Tayesin because: to add something

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 06:34 PM
reply to post by Farnhold

Interesting idea. Do you have any info on that or evidence? Is it something you're personally attempting? And who on the net has done this?

I imagine I know what many men would use such an ability for.

edit on 13-7-2011 by Malcram because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-7-2011 by Malcram because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 06:39 PM
reply to post by Malcram

Aye dude, I have been researching this for over a month. It is definitely possible, however, it is quite difficult, because you have to change yourself INSIDE drastically in order to achieve change on the outside. May I post links here? Because there is a quite huge amount I think that posting links here is not allowed, but I will send them to you via U2U.
I have been attempting to do this, I have not succeeded yet, but that is due to my current mind state, I am in depression from which I am trying to get from and I still am fighting with lots of doubts. But truly believing that it is possible (my ego always finds excuses) takes some time.

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 06:41 PM

Originally posted by Malcram
reply to post by Farnhold

I imagine I know what many men would use such an ability for.

edit on 13-7-2011 by Malcram because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-7-2011 by Malcram because: (no reason given)

Lol, actually
, one guy I talked to managed to do it
, he increased size of his, ehm, lets call it "Ego" by 1 inch I think? He had it for over 2-3 months, but then his "Ego" shrinked back to it's original size

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 06:59 PM
reply to post by Farnhold

Lol. No permanent gains eh? Thats a problem. If he can perfect the technique his online 'mind over member' manual would sell like hotcakes.

But the subject, more broadly speaking, is an interesting one.

Arnie swore by visualization as an aid to muscle growth and Robert Monroe said that in his experience, regular OBEing seemed to increase musle tone and mass. My theory on that is that body perception in OBE tends to be more healthy and ideal, so that the mind is trained to see the body that way, eventually affecting the body composition in waking life.
edit on 13-7-2011 by Malcram because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-7-2011 by Malcram because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 07:16 PM
reply to post by Malcram

There were people who had some permanent changes in their appearance, but this guy, in this case unfortunately not
, but even fact,that he did it, is truly amazing. By the way, I sent you U2U with all the links. The truth is,that there is SO MUCH we don't know about, not only ourselves, but also universe. Old science is skeptical to things such as OBE,remote viewing and all the other "paranormal" stuff, but new science is open to these things. So, why on Earth from all of these things should not changing physical appearance not be possible? People healed themselves "miraciously" from deadly diseases just by subconsciously believing they can do it. We are not our bodies, we are souls, bodies are just extensions of our consciousness.
Oh,and regarding OBE and changing physical appearnace through it, that may be possible as well, I guess. Definitely worth a try.

If anyone else was interested in researching more about changing physical appearance through mind, and even trying it, let me know in U2U, I will send you all the links, there is lot of them.

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 07:49 PM
reply to post by Malcram

Focused visualization is a powerful tool.

Its known for instance that subconscious suggestion, hypnosis, can cause burns and other psychosomatic phenomena, look at stigmata.

If someone through sheer volition can cause burns and bleeding on their own body, whose to say they can't build muscle or burn fat.

Tibetan monks (and Navy SEALS), can raise core temperatures and survive freezing temperatures that would kill most people. Skilled martial artists can focus power in their strikes with force equal to being hit by a car, without damaging their own bones or tissue. Focused visualization plays a key role in these feats.

In the late 1970s, the US military began a program, Project Jedi, schooling US Special Forces in such techniques. A recent study on US Navy SEALs, showed medically unexplanable superhuman feats, so the project must have paid off.

In light of all of that, I would say Arnold was right.

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 07:58 PM

Originally posted by VreemdeVlieendeVoorwep

Out of body all in the mind?

London - Those who talk of having an out-of-body experience often find their claims of a spiritual experience aremocked.

And now scientists have joined the sceptics, saying such events are nothing more than vivid hallucinations - and some of us are predisposed to them.

Researchers at the University of Birmingham claim they occur when “instabilities in the brain” cause people to become disorientated and lose all sense of where their body is.
(visit the link for the full news article)

hahahahaha. Does anyone else find the title of this extremely amusing?

Maybe these "scientists" could define and prove mind before claiming something is in it or out of it?

Maybe it would be more accurate to say "Out of body all in the brain"?

When are people going to see that much of science is dogmatic, superstitious and flat out inaccurate. The cult of science is such a joke.

I'm not claiming out of body experiences are even what those claiming to experience them are. But why would some idiot waste time and money coming up with an unprovable IDEA? Why would people promote this idea as science? this is not science.. actually i take that back. this IS science. Good work scientists. finally we can all move forward in discovery knowing that you have proved out of body experiences are all in the mind.

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 08:24 PM
reply to post by Farnhold

This is absolutely real. Your will controls matter. The strength of your will determines your ability to effect matter. The matter you have most control over is the matter you are intimately connected with. Your body.

You need to strengthen your will to achieve results. You strengthen your will by becoming aware of your intention. You need to, through practice, make a distinction between your desire/wants and your intention. If you are not seeing results it is because your intention is not inline with your desire. You may want one thing, but unconsciously you are willing something else. This leads to discouragement and confusion.. "Why isn't this working?!"

Most people believe that working out makes muscles grow. I would propose that muscles grow with physical activity because people believe physical activity makes muscles grow.

If you believe working out will make your muscles grow, and you exercise with this belief everyday that belief becomes knowing in action.

You cannot avoid the work except through grace of a higher power. I am not suggesting you believe in God but it helps. How does it help? If you believe you are weak and flawed, and you prove it to yourself by not getting the results you want you will become discouraged (you will discouragement) believing that you cannot will your intentions. You become stuck until you believe otherwise. But if you believe that you do not have to rely on your flawed, failing self to accomplish your goals you open yourself to the unlimited potential of God.

Now many spiritual people adhere to the "we are god" belief. Which is great accept most people are not what i would call God. God to me is all powerful, all knowing, completely free of ANY constraint.

When you are stuck pray/ask with total concentration to that real unbridled freedom. Whose will knows no obstacle.

When you are not stuck fully concentrate on exactly what you want. You need to visualize the next step as well as the big picture.

People's unconscious intention is what makes them. Physical characteristics are manifestations of inner beliefs. Things like height, hair color, eye color are DEEPLY held beliefs. If people can dissolve tumors they can grow limbs.. It's just really difficult to overcome the social/cultural/scientific and personal belief barriers to experience that.

One another note.. It would be easier to achieve ANY physical transformation outside of one's normal environment. That is because most people's physical manifestation is also being re-enforced by OTHER people. Family and friends help hold your physical manifestation for you. Your weight, your posture, your disease.. Mostly because you have communicated to them what and who you are. Their minds will be harder to change than your own but nothing is impossible. Your own belief and results can give them belief that you are magic and can do anything.. in which case you literally use their belief to further your own intention and strengthen your will.

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 10:32 PM

Originally posted by Tayesin
Everone "goes astral" at night during sleep... it does not take a person who "thinks they are special with abilities" to do it.

Edited to add...

Autwrench brought up an important point. Re-entering the body. My first time the body looked to me like wet clay.. and it felt absolutely horrifying to enter it again.. which is a very restrictive feeling after having been out and about for a few hours.

edit on 13-7-2011 by Tayesin because: to add something

Your description of how your body looked upon re entry is fascinating. I`ve heard OBE`s can be spontaneous, and i wouldnt mind learning as i`ve only had a Lucid dream experience. Any ideas for those of us who want to obtain this Taeysin?

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 11:06 PM

Originally posted by awareness10
Your description of how your body looked upon re entry is fascinating. I`ve heard OBE`s can be spontaneous, and i wouldnt mind learning as i`ve only had a Lucid dream experience. Any ideas for those of us who want to obtain this Taeysin?


There's a good number of websites devoted to Astral Projection that offer various techniques to experiment with. Astral Pulse is one, Astral Dynamics another.

In my teen years I played with trying to "get out" while awake and aware of what I was doing. Lots of failed experiments and some interesting ones back then.

The first sucessful one I was using a standard process of thinking and deciding to give it a go (setting my Intent), laying down and following any relaxation technique that works for you.. then focusing your awareness on a point about 2 inches outside of your forehead and just breathe.. so your attention is on that imaginary spot outside the body and the normal straying mind is employed to observe the breathing.

Weird thing for most people is what comes next... you reach a point where you can Feel your body swaying a little. If you relax then and let go of Thinking and Breathing.. you can have great success. But, if you go into fear you get a heavy chest pressure... fear of not being able to breathe.. and the mind comes back into play to block any further "escape plans"

So you use controlled focus and observation until you have to let go of the control... which is the point most people struggle with.. particularly Males.

Over the following years I started to think of how we can Experience without the restriction of the 'astral subtle energy body'.. with it's attaching cord. Details of what worked for me and others I've taught are free on my website.. linky in signature.

Hope this helps.

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 11:23 PM
My mother once thought she had a dream where she was walking around her house. For her this was a great dream for she had broken both hips and was bed ridden, she could not walk in real life.

She recalled just walking through her home and was excited about it because it felt so real, the feeling of walking again.

It just so happened as I sat there listening to her excitement of her father is fussing in the other room because he still could not find a paper he had been looking for.

Then mom gets a strange almost scared look on her face...she looked bedazzled. She then tells me to tell look on the desk that over sat our living room area and look on the top shelf by the cup on the desk. Dad then enters the room where my mother and I were....with the paper in his hand. Mom, the humbled soul that she is just smiled and shrugged her shoulders and told him "I saw it when I was walking through the house last night".

I think its safe to say, we dont know and we may never understand, while in these bodies.

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 11:48 PM
I believe in OBE's because I have experienced two pretty recently and never before that, each a year apart. For this reason I cant really dispute the science since most of my research has been done in bias. It seems the scientists are trying to see why the brain caused the OBE, since the brain is all that we are- so it is really a limited scope. Eastern/NewAge thought has a different approach, they use the same tools of perception, but rather than using tools to extend it outward, they turn it inward though different methods, thats the type of perception/analysis that will lead to an actual OBE, that is the real science/proof. I believe like others have mentioned that dreams are the same as OBEs, except the latter is "willed" or influenced by active will rather than just "habit/ instinct/ samskaras". It makes sense that practices that condition the mind to willfully look in on itself, will eventually open the dream state to that same inward will. scientists cant tell us dreams dont exist (though I am sure they would argue the origins of the content).

1- About a two years ago I woke up in the middle of the night and I was confused because I had no sense of where I was for a few seconds, then I realized I was looking at my body which I was half seperated from. I was not above my body, I was out from about two feet above the crown of the head. I felt instant panic and my legs in front of me were kicking up and down aggressively. I was trying to wake up my girlfriend and yell but I couldnt get the voice out, it was really wierd I could see my mouth a foot or so in front of where I was looking from and it was just stuck still. I mentally thought O LORD/GOD *(i dont remember which)-and I was awake and in my body. I jumped right out of bed my girlfriend and cat were both asleep beside me, so obviously my legs were not kicking so I didnt wake her I just walked out of the room. My body was throbbing with intense heat for about thirty minutes I had to go out on the porch and cool off before trying to sleep, which I did in peace. Duration: about 15 seconds

2- About 5 months ago I woke up in the morning, normal work day was about 7:00, walk into the living room and there is my cat, on the couch with three flesh coloured little creatures around him, they seemed to be playing with eachother, and were about the size of a rat, but not animalistic, they definately looked intelligent, and were not aware of me for the few seconds I looked- I dont know why I felt they were intelligent, they just had a huminoid sort of aura to them, but they looked moist. I ran into the bedroom and went for my camera bag (dslr), I was thinking MUST GET PHOTOS (forums imbed this into the brain obviously haha). I fumbled with the zippers and I couldnt get it the bag openend, look to my right, there is my body BANG wake up again, I jump out of bed and there is my cat in the identical pose I left him but no creatures, I realized it was legit so I tried to keep my cool and watch my cats behavior and see if I could sense anything - there was nothing. I felt pretty satisfied in the sense that it confirmed the initial experience which to that day I was a little sceptical about. Duration: about35 seconds

I then started looking into the subject. I must mention, I have been meditating for about three years, and the first OBE happened about a year after I started the practice.
edit on 14-7-2011 by el1jah because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 12:09 AM
what really breaks my heart is listening to how many people have built their lives upon these experiances...

That they would rather die than live in a world without the fantasy. Belief structures that comfort us and grant us magic power over the things that frighten us never die easy.

And all of that would not matter if it were to never pass away.. that the ignorance it needs to survive lasted forever.
edit on 14-7-2011 by Wertdagf because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 12:15 AM
A family member of mine got into a really bad car crash about 30 years ago and the driver in the other car died. He had a out of body experience when he was rushed and in the hospital bed, he said he floated out of his body and heard everything his mother was saying in the waiting room, and what she was doing and what everyone else with her was doing. No one knew really how he knew, maybe it was a lucky guess not really sure but it always makes me wonder. We know so little about out body and existence, its amazing.

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 12:26 AM
No offense to the OP, as these scientists in the source make valid points. But having personally experience an OBE on 2 seperate occasions...i can tell you that to say they are just 'vivid hallucinations' is utter BS. Is that the case with probably 90% of them? sure. it makes sense. But there are things ive experienced during and after an OBE that proves it cannot all just be a vivid hallucination. If you ask me, from personal experience, it proves there is a soul in all of us not held by the bounds of a body.

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 01:08 AM

Originally posted by VreemdeVlieendeVoorwep

Out of body all in the mind?

London - Those who talk of having an out-of-body experience often find their claims of a spiritual experience aremocked.

And now scientists have joined the sceptics, saying such events are nothing more than vivid hallucinations - and some of us are predisposed to them.

Researchers at the University of Birmingham claim they occur when “instabilities in the brain” cause people to become disorientated and lose all sense of where their body is.
(visit the link for the full news article)

What a load of rubbish! hallucinations are NOT Connected to this situation, as hallucinations, are disjointed and have no connectivity from almost one moment to the next. That’s a scientific FACT! Furthermore, are you talking about OBE, or NDE’s as it seems from your comment your referring to NDE’s NOT OBE’s, you need to look up the difference here my friend, And sad to say these so called scientist who made this statement, are fools. OBE’s are out of body experiences, there are millions of accounts of people who have had these seeing things, which have been verified which would be physically outside their field of vision, and have been verified in tens of thousands of situations. How do I know? I researched this for years, some time ago now, and worked for one of the world’s leading experts on this subject

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 01:10 AM
Nobody who has ever had an authentic OOBE would ever call it "just" anything.

Second line.

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