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Out of body all in the mind?

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posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 08:46 PM

Originally posted by Balkan
reply to post by CREAM

I understand where you're coming from, but the fact is, just because you perceive it to be out-of-the-body doesn't mean that's actually what's occuring. People can be easily deceived by their own senses. Not trying to disprove anything. Just playing devil's advocate here, I haven't made up my mind either way (and likely won't).

I understand, I see where your coming from to. If my mind created all of those experiences, for all I know I could actually be in a straight jacket right now hallucinating myself typing this, that's how real it was for me. All I can say that if you don't believe in it, just keep an open mind, because it's not something that can be proven, and I think its better that way. The experience that really got me to believe was very personal and spiritual in nature, and not like a typical OBD, but something totally abstract I cant put into words. And I know that doesnt prove it to anyone but myself, for all you know Im crazy, so I cant argue, because with a claim like this I have the burden of proof, and I cant prove it.

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 10:58 PM

Originally posted by Balkan

Scientists now a days are not the be all, and end all concerning all that there is between heaven and earth.

And neither are the spiritual/religious types who have many (often conflicting) views about the soul, God, and what happens to the soul after death. I'd rather take into consideration many different viewpoints and opinions on the matter, than the opinion of one atheist or spiritual guru.

Confusing to you mayhaps.
But to me there all not that different, the scientist and the gurus or religious types.
So take into as many considerations as you want and pick and chose whatever you want.

And I am not sure about these atheists but from there moniker I take it they follow Atheos the god of drink and swine herds, so whatever dude.


Which god do you worship then? Do you need somebody to tell you what should be, and what can be?

Or are you like the scientists always seeing things that happened eons in the past, and calling it new knowledge.

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 11:36 PM
Some interesting studies relating to OBE

Virtual reality used to transfer men's minds into a woman's body

In a study at Barcelona University, men donned a virtual reality (VR) headset that allowed them to see and hear the world as a female character. When they looked down they could even see their new body and clothes. The "body-swapping" effect was so convincing that the men's sense of self was transferred into the virtual woman, causing them to react reflexively to events in the virtual world in which they were immersed. Men who took part in the experiment reported feeling as though they occupied the woman's body and even gasped and flinched when she was slapped by another character in the virtual world.


posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 02:11 AM
eh this whole thing is getting very old. I agree with the above posters who have personally had OBE's and no for a fact it is no hallucination . IMHO if you have never personally experience a NDE or and OBE then you have absolutely no right to be posting on this thread at all. like ive been saying, go have yourself an OBE then come back here and try to tell us who have experienced them that its all fake....but thats not going to happen. do you know why? because once you have personally had an OBE, an authentic OBE, well then there is going to be no question whatsoever in your mind in they are real or a 'hallucination'

some of you are soooooo misguided. stop spewing your worthless opinions over a topic you know absolutely nothing about personally

posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 10:07 AM

Originally posted by Hawkwind.

What on earth would be gained by scientists lying about out of the body experiences? Where's the gain? There is none.
edit on 13-7-2011 by Hawkwind. because: (no reason given)

What would be lost if they told everyone? Power.

posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 10:56 AM

Originally posted by IKTOMI
Honey badger doesn't give a sh*t

I truely believe that to be the best video ever recorded in all time.
my life has changed. All hail the honey badger!

posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 10:59 AM

Originally posted by OsubsZero13
eh this whole thing is getting very old. I agree with the above posters who have personally had OBE's and no for a fact it is no hallucination . IMHO if you have never personally experience a NDE or and OBE then you have absolutely no right to be posting on this thread at all. like ive been saying, go have yourself an OBE then come back here and try to tell us who have experienced them that its all fake....but thats not going to happen. do you know why? because once you have personally had an OBE, an authentic OBE, well then there is going to be no question whatsoever in your mind in they are real or a 'hallucination'

some of you are soooooo misguided. stop spewing your worthless opinions over a topic you know absolutely nothing about personally

That is no different than saying, "Hey, I've seen the Flying Spaghetti Monster. You haven't? Then don't talk to me about it. Once you see and experience the almighty power of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, you will have no doubt in your mind that the Flying Spaghetti Monster is the most powerful being in existence."

posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 11:21 AM

Originally posted by OsubsZero13
if you have never personally experience a NDE or and OBE then you have absolutely no right to be posting on this thread at all. like ive been saying, go have yourself an OBE then come back here and try to tell us who have experienced them that its all fake....but thats not going to happen. do you know why? because once you have personally had an OBE, an authentic OBE, well then there is going to be no question whatsoever in your mind in they are real or a 'hallucination'

Well I for one have had plenty of "OBE" experiences. Sometime I pop out spontaneously, other times I can feel my arms and legs detach and am able to roll out of my body. And after many many OBEs, I have conclude that IT IS JUST A DREAM!!!!

Dreams form around the last thing you were aware of. Usually it's random thoughts or hypnogogic imagery, but if you enter into sleep too quickly, then your dream defaults to the last thing you were aware of, which was being in your room.

posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by OsubsZero13
IMHO if you have never personally experience a NDE or and OBE then you have absolutely no right to be posting on this thread at all.

stop spewing your worthless opinions over a topic you know absolutely nothing about personally

Don`t be so ignorant .

You are a member of ATS a little over 4 weeks and you have appointed yourself an arbitrator of what should or shouldn`t be posted.

Go read the ATS - Terms and conditions.

posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 01:52 PM

Originally posted by The Cusp

Sometime I pop out spontaneously,

Happened to me on the odd occasion.

Embarrassing when it happens, isn't it?

posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 03:29 PM
hmn.. me going astral and checking on my aunt only to dazzle her when telling what she was wearing and which channel she was watching on tv and who she was talkin to on the phone as it rang on around 1:00 pm and her confirmation on all of this was all in my head eh?

scientists, scientists going hand in hand with the govs: chalk up another bad vote, i shalt frown upon ye

posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 03:49 PM
Of course it is... does anyone else see them up there while it is happening.

The thing is, you don’t have to be nearly dead to use your mind.

posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 07:50 PM

Originally posted by worlds_away
Of course it is... does anyone else see them up there while it is happening.

The thing is, you don’t have to be nearly dead to use your mind.

Funnily enough Worlds_away, many people do it together, some meet up at a designated area.. example: Astral Pulse Island where individuals and groups can go for the various classes that are taught there. It is a creation of people. yes you can create easily in the non-physical and maintain it easily enough for others to find.

When you see another person "out there" you will notice some things.. they shine from within and are attached to the body by an umbilical cord-like structure that appears like a translucent white thread a few inches thick.

posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 11:52 PM

Originally posted by jamsession
hmn.. me going astral and checking on my aunt only to dazzle her when telling what she was wearing and which channel she was watching on tv and who she was talkin to on the phone as it rang on around 1:00 pm and her confirmation on all of this was all in my head eh?

scientists, scientists going hand in hand with the govs: chalk up another bad vote, i shalt frown upon ye

Just another anecdote with no independent witness to verify the event really happened.

What you need to do is contact James Randi and when you show him what you can do he'll make you a millionaire! However, I don't think he'll hand over the cash if you simply relate the above story and get your aunt to confirm she was dazzled. You'll be expected to prove you can do it but that should be no problem for you.

Enjoy the cash!

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 12:52 AM
reply to post by VreemdeVlieendeVoorwep

These scientist are twats they should do some serious research on '___' (Dimethyltryptamine).

'___' is produced during deep REM sleep it is also produced when you have serious trauma or near death experiences, Mass amounts are released when you die, if you research it you will open a whole new doorway to the way you think about everything. especially death and life in general, I am astounded that there has been no deep science or studies done with it other than the spirit molecule, it's called that for a reason!

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 12:53 AM
reply to post by torsion

I've seen the Randi Prize brought up at ATS many times over the years. And despite providing an answer to why genuine people do not go for it, many still can't grasp the simplicity.

Genuinely aware people tend to live more on the fringes of society, have little use for the latest Things, very little desire for the Money or the Fame. So we wonder why people keep saying do this and you can get a Million Dollars.. Yay!!

Personally, if I wanted to be wealthy I would have moved to the ritzy areas on the coast and charged megabucks for one on one sessions.. it's called upmarketing and those towing the New Age Industry line love it. That's okay, they are in service to themselves and not humanity.

Geniune people have no need to prove themselves, they are not so caught up in the unbalanced ego-style of our western culture to feel the need for it. Most live simply and fairly happily that way.

edit on 16-7-2011 by Tayesin because: the usual

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 08:56 AM

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 01:07 PM
Despite all the argument in this thread, the OP was about a "study" which didn't prove anything at all, either way.

So that's where we stand. It's neither scientifically proven or disproven.

The vast majority of those who have direct personal experience with OBE's dismiss the idea that it's "all in the mind" but they can't yet prove this to the satisfaction of those who have no such experience and are skeptical.

The truly scientific perspective is NOT that it's false until proven true but that, as yet, there is no proof either way. Those claiming it is false are making assumptions, they are not representing a scientific perspective, but a cynical one. They are equivalent to those who say they believe OBE's are real but have not experienced them personally, in that they are making a choice what to believe without either experience or scientific proof.

Those who have experienced them, know what they are talking about, they just can't yet prove what they know. They can't expect others to believe them but they are right to expect others without experience to reserve judgment.

Sadly there are fewer real skeptics and more pseudo-skeptics so reserving judgment is rare.

edit on 16-7-2011 by Malcram because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by Malcram

well, you certainly have a point there in saying that proof is needed, but the bad news is that this phenomenon is not something you could videotape while you're up there thus the only proof is the ppl whom we have a peek a boo on (like my aunt for example see: above post of me). i'm not who obe's freq., it's too damn hard to succeed and i managed it only a couple oh times, its very occasional. like i said, there're things that have no firm proof but well, they're still there. asking for material proof for oobe is like asking religious people for tangible proof of god. then again, both subjects are questioned by science anyway.

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 07:30 PM
reply to post by jamsession

I agree. Not yet having a method to provide scientific proof for OBEs doesnt mean that they aren't real.

'Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence'.

We know its real. Science just has not yet found a method of confirming it.

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