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Glenn Beck and Family Attacked in New York’s Bryant Park

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posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 11:38 PM

Originally posted by NightGypsy
reply to post by mishigas

It was a hostile situation…Long story short, somebody kicked a cup of wine intentionally on my wife’s back, so she was completely wet, our blanket was wet. As my daughter and my wife went to go to use the restroom, they were about, i dunno, a quarter of a block away I guess…some guy stood up and pointed their fingers at them and said “We hate conservatives here.”

I'm sorry, but in this volatile state our nation is in--and given the nature of Mr. Beck's dialogue--I don't know why he expects anything less. When you are a celebrity who makes controversial statements on national radio and television, you probably shouldn't assume you can take your family for a day in the park like the average Joe and not garner some attention of this kind. You play, you pay. His wife and kids certainly didn't do anything to deserve that, so maybe Mr. Beck should think about that.

So if you say something i don't like it then will be ok for me to attack you and your family like that?

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 11:39 PM
reply to post by mishigas

Key words in the article; "Here's how beck describes the event."

Beck is so far the only source. As others have pointed out, this sort of thing is assault and intimidation, and he'd be well within his right to have called the cops and had the assailants tossed in the clink.

I was finding the story plausible, until this line; "We hate conservatives around here."

People don't actually say stuff like that. it's nonsensical. Just like people don't actually scratch backwards B's into girls' cheeks for being Republican.

If it happened, I'm sorry for Beck's wife and kids, and I wonder why he didn't call the authorities. But this is tinged with the realization that he's a compulsive liar and a narcissist in every other situation he's ever been in, so, hey, who knows.
edit on 29/6/2011 by TheWalkingFox because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 11:40 PM
If true: the invoking of 'left' 'right' 'democrat' 'republican' 'conservative' 'liberal' are ALL reactions from a tribalistic, emotional state of mind and do NOT belong in the discussion of determining civility or decency.

With that said, ANYONE who condones this, no matter who he IS, needs to look in the mirror and address their problems before they destroy themselves. Glenn Beck went to see a movie, irregardless of his social status, and he's a paying customer, deserving the treatment that ANY paying customer deserves -- it doesn't matter that he has a television show. It doesn't matter that he's rich. It doesn't matter that he shares different opinions with you. It simply doesn't matter. The context of the situation wasn't about politics. It was about Glenn Beck taking his family to a bonding experience. It wasn't about Glenn Beck taking his family to a Tea Party. There's a difference, and the inability to distinguish time and place is a direct consequence of an irrational mind.

So, yes, Glenn Beck, controversial to some, was not controversial Glenn Beck at the time of this event. He was a father and husband -- not the talk show host or political commentator. Heckling is fine -- to a point, and that point is his personal life and his personal property. Both were being attacked and I wholeheartedly hope the people responsible are banned from the cinema.

If you replace the name 'Glenn Beck' with 'x' and can reason the situation more clearly by doing so, this is addressed directly at you.
edit on 29-6-2011 by imherejusttoread because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 11:46 PM
So the situation was so volatile that Beck sent his wife and kid away on their own? I doubt it. He just needs some publicity at the moment.

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 11:56 PM

Originally posted by mpacc
Ok... from my understanding Glenn Beck was invited by his daughter to attend this event... He knew their was a possibilty something could happen but maybe he just wanted to be a normal human and go to the park like everyone else.

I am a human. I have had wine spilled on me. I have had things yelled at me that sucked to hear. That is part of what being a normal human is all about. Glenn Beck is not exempt from spills and people that do not like him any more than the rest of us.

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 12:00 AM
I am completely disheartened after reading some of the comments made by certain members of this site who believe that it was okay for a group of thugs to kick wine onto a mans wife simply because that man may have some controversial political views. I recognize that there are some members of this site that have not reached a level of maturity to understand that it is never okay to criminally assault, embarrass, and humiliate someone because you don't like them. But I have read comments on this Post from some members that has taken me by such surprise that it was like a kick in the gut. I can not remember having ever heard Mr. Beck say any political view that I agreed with. I can remember hearing him say things that has angered me. But never could Mr Beck say anything that would justify in my mind that it would be okay to assault, embarrass, and humiliate him or his family.
Of course I also recognize that there are some on here that are so starved for attention that they might write certain comments that are so outrageous as to provide them with the attention that they believe they need. I remember taking a basic psychology class and hearing our instructor give the idea that when certain people can not get positive attention they will do negative things in order to get attention. I didn't really understand the concept of this, until now.
I just can not believe that any sane and rational person could condone what these thugs did.

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 12:03 AM

Originally posted by VeniVidi
I just can not believe that any sane and rational person could condone what these thugs did.

thugs? Really now? Drama queen much?
Some girl spilled her wine.
Some guy may or may not have yelled something.

What sheltered little lives people must lead to call that thuggish.

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 12:09 AM
For all we know someone accidently spilled wine and Beck thought he heard something.
This sounds like a typical Beck tear moment.
He was so scared for his life he sent his wife and kids to fend for themselves through the hostile thugs.
Uh huh.
Whatever you say Beck.

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 12:11 AM
I say this whole thing Glenn has started is the new start he will use when he leaves Fox shortly. He will go his Mormon way and preach end times and damnation. And say New York was horrible and hes glad to leave. He will then go on about they hate anybody and every body and even have gone as far as to promote gay marriage and then say they are evil like Sodom and Gomorrah and have been warned of there evil ways by God. He will then say even Al Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden were sent by God to try and change them. ( And the public goes crazy on him). But he will say God works in mysterious ways and even uses your enemies to put you on the right path at times. But it will all be for ratings. Its all ways about the ratings.

P.S. Can I patent that so when he starts his new campaign I can claim I have the rights?

edit on 30-6-2011 by JBA2848 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 12:14 AM

Originally posted by VeniVidi
I am completely disheartened after reading some of the comments made by certain members of this site who believe that it was okay for a group of thugs to kick wine onto a mans wife simply because that man may have some controversial political views. I recognize that there are some members of this site that have not reached a level of maturity to understand that it is never okay to criminally assault, embarrass, and humiliate someone because you don't like them. But I have read comments on this Post from some members that has taken me by such surprise that it was like a kick in the gut. I can not remember having ever heard Mr. Beck say any political view that I agreed with. I can remember hearing him say things that has angered me. But never could Mr Beck say anything that would justify in my mind that it would be okay to assault, embarrass, and humiliate him or his family.
Of course I also recognize that there are some on here that are so starved for attention that they might write certain comments that are so outrageous as to provide them with the attention that they believe they need. I remember taking a basic psychology class and hearing our instructor give the idea that when certain people can not get positive attention they will do negative things in order to get attention. I didn't really understand the concept of this, until now.
I just can not believe that any sane and rational person could condone what these thugs did.

Interestingly, you just described Glenn Beck. Eerie, isn't it?

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 12:14 AM
reply to post by Illusionsaregrander

It's obvious that you didn't read all of what I posted. They acted because they are in a state of shortage. So their fear acts up, their shadow acts up, causing all kinds of strife. I know it's hard to love your enemies, but it's worth it.

You say Glenn would complain more if he was greeted warmly or shown that everyone loves him? Do you even know him? He's a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and to me what they are teaching is the best way to beat the shadow within and stop all the strife in the world.

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 12:17 AM
I am so ashamed of this country. Glen Beck or not the man is an american and any american deserves to treat his family to a night on the town without being harassed or people attacking him and his family for christ sake regardless of political views.

Glen is a father and a family man like most normal people.

It is funny how many of you supposedly stand for human rights and do just the opposite.

You are becoming the things you despise.

Glen Beck shouldn't question wether he should go out in public or not.

You should question wether or not that freedom is something you are deserving of.

For most of you sadly the answer is no, you act like a bunch of hypocrites and it is so obvious now.

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 12:32 AM
reply to post by mishigas
To paraphrase Beck "why not string me up to a tree" with tears streaming...

My my my...
How can anyone think of that statement as anything but a manipulation?
The answer might be...his fans know it for what it is and don't care.

A total exaggeration dramatization by Beck.
There were no threats, apologies and napkins were offered by the woman, etc.
The two women didn't like his politics and probably much more than half the crowd
would have agreed if they knew he was there but I have to think no one would have said/ done
anything out of line. Did someone yell "We don't like conservatives" blah blah blah.
I really doubt it. Mr Fake tears and bodyguards were not afraid, had no reason to be
and might have even enjoyed the movie.

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 12:38 AM
Someone may have mentioned this in an earliar post, if that's the case, I'm sorry I missed it. But in this day in age where everything is posted on youtube, how come none of this is online . Everyone seems to have a cell with a recorder but no one uploaded this? Everything about this story just stinks.

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 12:38 AM
Glen Beck tell lies, and stirs up the masses into a frenzy on a "News" network. People all over our nation tune in to "Fox News" for News....and get this dramatic actor going on and on about nonsense.

He's pretending it's news, when in reality its Propaganda. People in New York are wise to it, and people in California are wise to it...he couldn't walk down the streets of LA without getting told what ahole he is. Having wine tossed at you, and being heckled is the least of this man's worries.

People who think for themselves know exactly what Fox news is doing. Im happy his little day in the park was ruined, I hope his high paid job is worth it...he sold out his fellow americans for a paycheck. I don't know he sleeps at night. Preying on the fears of the elderly, ignorant, and misinformed. I hope he rots in hell.

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 12:52 AM
reply to post by JRockABM

Yeah California is so wise.

Hahaha. If wise means pathetic then yes.

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 01:17 AM
Also, a lot of the responses on here are hilarious. Thugs? Attacking an innocent family? Really?

If it was some random "conservative" family in the park, OF COURSE thats uncalled for.

But its not some random conservative family in the park, its the king of Proganda's family. It comes with the territory, especially in a free country like ours where we can speak our mind openly. If he doesnt like the reaction he gets in public, then maybe he should be mindful of what he says and does, or just stop going in public. The same laws that protect his opinions, are the same ones that protect those who passionately disagree. As for the wine, no different than a tomato...its an insult, not an attack. Civil court at best.

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 01:29 AM


posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 01:32 AM
I've lived in the south, have family in Texas, Oklahoma, Ohio, Georgia...I was born and raised in California. I have full understanding of the different mentalities found in different regions of the US. Shot a movie and lived in NYC for a full summer in 2009.

Ive traveled to London, France, Japan, Tahiti, Russia, Canada, Mexico, S Korea, Taiwan, Spain, and many other diverse countires and cities.

Fox News makes me absolutely sick. I see right through the BS. I've had long debates with family members that have NEVER traveled outside the US, or lived outside the midwest/middle america areas....they mostly quote Fox News as their source for "inside info". It pisses me off to see my own family fall for this brainwashing propaganda portrayed as news.

SO YES, some of us who live in NYC and CA, live in these states due to our occupation. We live around other diverse cultures and people and see "THE BIG PICTURE", which doesn't just involve the interests of Rich, White, Racist, Americans...who could care less about the innocent people dying all over this planet.

The mentality of Fox News is the same as every old ass White Racist American, scared of change, scared of other religions, scared of gays, scared of "big city life". This mentality is the same thing Sara Palin ran on...(Old Fashioned American Values?) WTF is that? Its the # thats being passed on by the old white generations of Americans (the same guys that brought you "Blacks cant vote" or have any rights or power), remember those guys? Well they're still alive and running these major corporations! Then you have the not so successful one that just work at the factory in texas or alabama...They pass it down to their kids, and so on.

But this country is moving faster than them, Facebook, Twitter, Instant Global News. They cant control the mixing of races, the voice of the gays, and the fact that MOST of the world is Muslim or Buddhist! They are trying hard to hold on to this power.

What's ironic is this is a conspiracy website, and we're supposed to be looking for the truth...but a lot of you are truly brainwashed and falling for the "I know you are, but what am I?" trick by Fox News. I think its funny.

Travel more, open your mind, see the WORLD VIEW.......we're all one people.
edit on 30-6-2011 by JRockABM because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 01:34 AM
reply to post by JRockABM

The truth is quite sickening isn't it?

Too bad you pay no regard to facts..

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