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Arizona Wins Immigration Suit!

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posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 04:10 PM

Originally posted by KingAtlas
Its too bad that people just looking to work, and make better lives for themselves suffer so much discrimination.

I think its sad. They are people, not "Illegal Aliens".

For hundreds of years they have been working the farms, and labour jobs that most in the area aren't even willing to do.

Losing them as workers, but not subsidising the farmers will bring a downfall in the agricultural community in the area.

I hope you are just as happy when the food prices begin to soar.

People just looking for work and to make a better life? At whos expense? Millions of illegal immigrants have displaced citizens in the workforce. I guess it's ok for the illegal to have a better life and shove aside the citizen who is desperately trying to care for his family right? WRONG!

Doing the jobs that citizens won't do?????? People still believe this lie? Funny how when ICE deports thousand of illegals, thousands of citizens quickly fill thos jobs!

As for food prices or prices on anything, they will soar one way or another anyway.

Illegals are people? No kidding really?
They are also illegal, have stolen identities and use false documents to get what they want. Thousands of people have died because of illegals and our laws not being enforced!!!! How many pedophiles, murderers, thieves, gang members etc come over the border? Oh but the illegals only want to work and have a better life. Is that acceptable to you? We have laws for a reason! Millions of our citizens are falling through the cracks and are suffering and jobless. Is this acceptable to you?

posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 04:11 PM

Originally posted by haarvik
High Court Upholds Arizona Law

FINALLY! A positive for those of us championing the illegal alien ouster in this country! Arizona can impose sanctions on businesses that knowingly hire illegal workers. They can also lose their business license. WOOHOO!!! About time the SC ruled correctly! Take that Obama!

I'm really happy about this rule they are implementing. It's going to change the whole face of immigration and show us where the true loyalties in politicians lie. They are finally going after the right people in the situation, lets see what happens when two forces with power meet head to head.

posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 04:16 PM

Originally posted by haarvik
High Court Upholds Arizona Law

FINALLY! A positive for those of us championing the illegal alien ouster in this country! Arizona can impose sanctions on businesses that knowingly hire illegal workers. They can also lose their business license. WOOHOO!!! About time the SC ruled correctly! Take that Obama!

Now if they can do something to round them up and send them home!

posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 04:57 PM
reply to post by haarvik

no star or flag though i'm tempted to bump this thread

so that others can see who the racists and bigots here are

i am a 2nd gen american three of my grandparents were immigrants, 2 of them may have been illegals or at least related to illegals, that's right folks, i'm talking about the

wait for it,

the sicilian side of the family.

when i asked any of my grandparents about the old country or the language
they would all say the same thing more or less

"you are an American, forget about the old country, this is your country and it's the greatest in the world and you have every reason to be proud of being an American"

being a curious,stubborn and willful child i made it a point to study my ancestry and because i believed, i studied the history of my country and found out the ugly truths that i have seen the same bigoted posters here vehemently deny on other threads. these are usually the same ones posting or chiming in on those "ZOMG!!! white people are being discriminated against"threads.

Getting Out of the Trap, I: The Old Theme -- A "Redeemer Nation," with Some Explaining to Do

It is one of the strange throughlines in the history of U.S. nationalism that since at least the mid-nineteenth century Americans have fancied their country as the savior of the world's peoples--redeemer nation, civilizer, beacon of liberty, asylum of the oppressed--even as they have expressed profound anxiety that the world's peoples might ultimately prove the ruin of the republic. The period between the Philadelphia Exposition of 1876 and World War I was a critical epoch in the twin development of these contending ideas. Americans erected a magnificent statue in New York Harbor beckoning the "tempest-tost" and "wretched" refugees of the Old World through the "golden door" of new hope, and yet they developed in succeeding decades an elaborate biological explanation of the superiority of "old-stock" Americans and the undesirability of the "backward" or "useless" races who were overrepresented among the new immigration. ... What America had to offer seemed too good not to extend to the benighted peoples of the world (by force, if necessary); but what those people threatened to return in the bargain ultimately seemed too bad to risk.

My focus on the years 1876 to 1917 in this book is meant to redress two striking failures of our national memory--one regarding immigration; the other, imperialism.

Recent debates over immigration have revolved around highly idealized images of the "good" European immigrant of a bygone era.

It is useful to know, in this connection, that--however safely "assimilated" now--at the moment of their arrival the waves of European immigrants constituted a full-blown political crisis in the United States, and that it was a crisis articulated in exactly the terms used today by the likes of Patrick Buchanan, Pete Wilson, or Border Watch in reference to Asian and Latin American immigrants. ... The myth of yesterday's "good" European immigrant resides at the heart of this popular misreading of the period, screening the fact that today's "bad" immigration represents precisely the threat that the republic has faced and overcome many times before. Evidently the capacity of the republic to withstand its own diversity is greater than the capacity of many citizens to imagine an America that departs significantly from the demographic status quo (and lives to tell about it--in English).

funny how slavish in your conduct y'all are. mexico's economic problems are a result of US Corp/GOV policy
but you blame the mexicans or whoever you're told to blame but not your masters, oh no! not them and you certainly never blame yourselves

those who ignore the lessons of history are condemned to repeat it.
read it and weep

many of you europoids were once discriminated against as well once.
well y'all are free to spit on your grand and great-grandparents.

but don't dare spit on mine or try to make liars out of them with your recidivist and revisionist crap

a very PO'D American.

posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 05:31 PM

Be careful.

When they are done with the wetbacks, they are coming for the canaliens!

Good for Arizona.

It is nice to see them specify two things from this ruling:
a) culpibility of the business' that employ them
b) that states have rights regarding immigration.

Hopefully that can be used as precedent for more state involvement in ending illegal immigration.

posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 05:36 PM
This is good news. Obama was wrong to oppose it. This is where we SHOULD be looking to stem illegal immigration: At the people with the money who support it. That's businesses. I agree with this ruling.

posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 07:20 PM
reply to post by DerepentLEstranger

This is not the America it once was. We are trillions of dollars in debt. and there are not enough jobs for everyone. So you feel it is ok for an illegal to take a job and shove the citizen aside?

posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 07:24 PM
I can't believe the amount of support people have for these illegal immigrants. Sure, they come here and do the work nobody else wants to do... SOMETIMES.

A lot of the illegals coming into this country from Mexico are criminals. Look at California, with 25% of illegal immigrants living there, Cali is also host to countless gangs. Illegals that commit non-violent crimes are deported back to Mexico... and are back in the U.S. within a month. Illegals that commit violent crimes are sent through the justice system, and are then a drain on the US taxpayers.

Another major issue is ALL illegals work off the books, and get paid in cash under the table. They pay no taxes, no social security, no medicare... nothing, but when they go to the hospital for health care, or to push out an anchor baby, the hospital is obligated to give them care. The hospital has no way to collect the debt on someone with no social security number or housing address, so eventually the hospital has to close its doors to everyone.

Our economy is on this ice as it is, we can't afford to let people live here without paying their way. Illegal immigrants are an INVASION FORCE, and should be treated as such.

posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 07:35 PM
reply to post by Adyta

We have been fighting for years trying to keep our hospital open. If it closes, the nearest hospital would be too far when time is of the essence in saving ones life. My heart goes out to all the people who have lost their local hospitals.

If it wasn't for our local hospital, my Dad would have died much sooner than he did. My Mom and husband would have died years ago. People don't think of the negative impact of illegal immigration. We do have legal channels and we do have numbers to go by. We are literally overwhelmed with the numbers of illegals here all across the USA. They cost us billions of dollars when we are already trillions in debt.

posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 07:37 PM
reply to post by KingAtlas

I get so tirred of listening to this rhetoric. Maybe one should study who the illegals actually are. They are from all over the world. They come here on various visas and decide they don't want to go home when it runs out. They come from Asia, Europe, the Middle East the same can be said about those who have been caught coming across the border. Many are well educated and have money. They simply don't want to go through all the red tape to attemp to immigrate through the proper channels. Or won't be allowed in due to criminal records in their own country. Yes there are many who are poor people trying to get a better life. That fits the most of Americans at this time.

posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 07:42 PM

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by grey580
reply to post by lifeissacred

Not immigrants. Illegal immigrants.
My family on both sides got their visas and came to this country. Even became citizens.
My wifes parents got green cards.

It's not an impossible task to come to this country legally.
Maybe it's not easy but not impossible.

Recently? In what years did they immigrant legally?

what's it matter, you ethier do it the right way or not. it dosen't matter if it's harder now than it was before.
edit on 8-6-2011 by minesweeper because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 07:42 PM

Originally posted by KingAtlas
reply to post by macman

The fact is that they are people, and they just want to not live in complete horrible poverty for thier entire lives.
Would you, would't you try to get to someplace where you have a chance of making life easier for yourself, your family.

Then you would not mind if we just forwarded them all just a bit further northwards - correct?

posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 07:43 PM

Originally posted by Adyta
I can't believe the amount of support people have for these illegal immigrants. Sure, they come here and do the work nobody else wants to do... SOMETIMES.


I worked for a company in Gardena California - - - that wouldn't even bother interviewing anyone with light skin - - - because it was a waste of their time.

I am not supporting illegals.

However - - anyone who doesn't think this is a witch hunt for those of Mexican heritage are delusional and in denial.

There are plenty of illegals from our northern border. Also Arizona has become a Mecca for Chinese immigrants. Do you really believe they are all legal.

I'm very aware this law is All Inclusive to any illegal immigrant. But is that really what we are talking about?


posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 07:45 PM
reply to post by redrose123

But people don't want to hear about the poor American citizen and call us racist or whatever colorful term they can think of. Can you imagine being called racist because you want your laws upheld and your people protected? Our poor people can't afford to move out of their unsafe neighborhoods, never mind go to another country. Our poor people don't go to another Country and expect them to fix all their problems or demand that they speak our language. Our poor people do not matter at all to the pro-illegal people. To them, illegals are above the law and have more worth than the actual citizen. Makes me sick!

It is amazing how many years many of our people donated money to third world countries and now they cannot even provide for themselves, yet pro-illegal people see us as selfish and racist.

posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 07:57 PM
reply to post by Annee

Exactly how many Canadians do you see see scurry across our "Northern Border?" Most of the illegal immigrants are from Mexico,,,,many of them end up in prison for felonies such as murder and rape. Build a BIG WALL and man it with machine guns!!!!!!
edit on 8-6-2011 by Twisted1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 07:58 PM
I am all for holding employers accountable. Many small firms and entrepreneurs have been run out of business due to the unfair and immoral hiring of illegals by their competition. These jobs mostly were in the skilled construction trades and paid decently.

I personally think business should be fined $50,000 per incidence of knowingly hiring an ILLEGAL

Now that several states have implemented this along with having case law supporting it on the books I'd predict a sweeping passage in many more states.

I have always thought that once the economic incentive is turned off word will get back home to others that its a trip not worth making.

Checking immigration status at employment is certainly not discriminatory as it will catch someone from Europe, Africa or Asia just as well as someone from south of the border.

posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 08:02 PM

Originally posted by Antiquated1

Originally posted by Evola
Hunting down and arresting criminals is not discrimination.

Would you advocate "hunting down and arresting" illegal drug users by stopping anyone that looks like they might be a drug user and detaining them until they pass a drug test?

i agree with mac on this

You said “looks like they are a drug user” which anyone would interpret as “appearing high” on narcotics. Reword your question or come up with a better analogy.

posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 08:07 PM

Originally posted by Twisted1
reply to post by Annee

Exactly how many Canadians do you see see scurry across our "Northern Border?" Most of the illegal immigrants are from Mexico,,,,many of them end up in prison for felonies such as murder and rape. Build a BIG WALL and man it with machine guns!!!!!!

Oh - - how many Canadians do I see scurrying across the northern border? NONE. They're white and they look like every other white American.

posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 08:17 PM
reply to post by Annee

Okay Annie,,,think of it this way,,, Do you feel safer with mexican illegals or northern border illegals. Would like an honest answer.

posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 08:20 PM
reply to post by KingAtlas

It is fine that they want to work, let them. BUT they should come here the proper way, so then they pay taxes which is like every body else.

Food prices soar!? Have you seen the food prices lately?

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