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Why is abortion illegal for men but not women?

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posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 03:55 AM
reply to post by Calender

I can't say that sex only in marriage is an entirely practical solution. But I certainly agree that at least TRYING to adhere to some semblance of morality is preferable to lost generations of b@stard children and thinking that it's okay or even preferable to be cranking out kids into single parent homes.

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 03:59 AM

Originally posted by acmpnsfal
Reply to post by Calender

Yes marriage would fix everything...because married couples do not get divorced or have abortions or abandon each other. A lot of people .make the premature step of getting married before they are mature enough to handle it. So part of this still boils down how responsible and mature people are as individuals.

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

There is no doubt the the marriage institution itself is under attack. And in many respects people today have a much lower regard for it, and for their word when entering into a marriage contract.

There was a time when a person's word meant something. Now many today believe that their word is binding so long as it does not become inconvenient to themselves. Changing the problem of the threat to marriage in society today means the change of attitude by society as a whole for the better, which is not going to happen. This society is going down the garbage shoot.

Nevertheless the radical solution presented, along with people who were actually honorable and would be loyal to each other, and keep their word, that would solve a lot of it.

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 04:03 AM
It's because women are favored and pampered by the government. The government figures that if they give women dominance over men (contradictory to the bible), that men will be emasculated and broken down and will not be able to fight the NWO (government) as they break every constitutional law to take our country. At the end of the day, here is what happens.
WHEN WOMEN DO THE EXACT SAME THING AS MEN, (HAVE SEX), THEY CAN MURDER A BABY AND GET AWAY WITH IT. They can be just as irresponsible, oe even MORE irresponsible (as it is up to them to take the pill....that they always convieniently forget), and they have a way out of taking care of their responsibility......just kill the baby. The government says..."what's wrong with that...why not?". Men, however, have NO WAY OUT! If women get to decide that they don't want the pressures of motherhood by venue of murder.....then men should be able to say, "Well, I don't want to have to pay for it". Men should be given just as many rights as women, that is the way this whole constituion thing works....equality for all. That is NOT what's happening though. Women don't want marriage these days, they just want to get pregnant by men so the men can do things like pay off their school (college loans...when they were too stupid to graduate frome anyway), and to have men as an 18 ATM after the child is born IF THEY MAKE IT THAT FAR. If there is money on the line they will go ahead and have the kid. They will then complain about 9 months of discomfort while men remain quiet about 18-20 years of THEIR crap, the governments crap, going in and out of jail for non-payment (because of a questionable amount of support for one or 2 kids, which the ex-wife spends on herself anyway), then the government takes away the man's that he can't find or even get to work!....This is clearly a conspiracy against the men of the nation.Yes, for the court to order a man to do a task such as handing all of his money over to a welfare recipient, such as an ex-wife, and then to take away his car so that it is almost impossible to do the task...assuring that he will be locked up AND OUT OF THE WAY OF indeed, a conspiracy. It is favor of one sex over the other for political agenda. It is also just another "divide and conquer" tactic democracy and many other polar opposite policies that America has. look around at most policies of America and you will see ....there is always a split right down the middle (women/men...blacks/ extremeists, etc.) and the Yet, despite overwhelming evidence of this conspiracy, some men will support women in destorying themselves by siding with them...that is, until the day comes that THEY get screwed over by women...then they come around.. Makes no sense to me. Women spit babies out for profit...and we men are stuck with the bill! Women are truly the more irresponsible party..despite what they say about men. We men are the ones who are expected to do everything for the kids today, while the mothers just run roughshod over men everywhere because the government has spoiled them. Break it all the way down......Women don't want babies....murder them and the government helps........Men don't want for your half and her half, and by the way....why don't you just give your wife everything you own as well, as per the divorce, who cares if she was the one who cheated and was the reason FOR the divorce. Men today get royally screwed in every way and women are litterally in bed with the government in some cases.

edit on 1-6-2011 by Phenomium because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 04:07 AM
reply to post by Calender

It is interesting to note that most divorces are initiated by women. This isn't a jab at women when I say this, but I think that statistic is a sign of the fickle nature of women and their subscription to emotional rhetoric rather than sound logic. In other words, I think it is a woman's nature to sort of be there one day, but get easily bored and be gone the next to seek out more emotional stimuli, even if they come to regret it later. The current system encourages it because the destruction of the family unit weakens society as a whole making us more amendable to their controls.

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 04:08 AM
I I had seen this thread before I joined ATS I would never have joined. The mindset of many of the men here is truly disturbing.

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 04:09 AM

Originally posted by Calender
Here's a radical solution. Sex should remain in the realm of marriage. No one should have sex outside the marriage bond. Once married and the man and wife have consented to being agreeable to having a child/children and rearing it then they can.. If they agree not to they can take measures that they don't, which aren't ever 100% sure. And if they then still do have a child, they will lovingly agree to take care of it.

If you are not mature enough to take care of your own children, if you don't have the funds to support one, then maybe you should think about waiting to get married. When you get married you are both stating you are mature enough for the relationship and are willing to take care of your marriage mate.

Problem solved. The incidences of unwanted pregnancy will drop 1000000 fold.

The problem with today's society, and even many people on this forum is that you want all of the fun but none of the responibility. The problem is, you can't have your cake and eat it too. There are consequences for our actions. If you do drugs, you have a high probability of developing mental disorders, going into poverty, loosing your job, contracting diseases, etc.

If you want unprotected sex with a partner you will not take care of you will risk STDs, emotional trauma, unwanted pregnancies, etc.

People think they have the right to do what they want without being responsible for themselves. Nutheads, everyone that thinks that way. Nutheads, murdering children in the womb because they are too selfish, too stupid.

Your arrogance and ignorance is the reason why the Church's are dieing. You are such a man-hating bigot, woman-worshiping chauvinist it is very pathetic.

Originally posted by Calender
Once married and the man and wife

Look at how he phrased it: "man and wife".

Why not "husband and wife" ? Or conversely "husband and woman". Why must people like you only come out of the wood work to preach when it is men demanding equality? But when women demand something your type is among the first to rush to provide it.

Did your mother molest or abuse you as a child? Do you blame your father for not protecting you or something? Is that where your hatred of boy's and men comes from?(Thats why Betty Friedan famous feminist hated men. Because she had an abuse mother so she blamed her father for not protecting her)

Either way arguments like yours only serve to rub salt into an open wound. You operate under the logic that "it is OK for society to whip men because it is the right thing to do" since you can no longer whip women. I guess your kind has got to get it's rocks off some how. You do know there is probably gay BDSM sites out their some where. That way innocent people won't be hurt to satisfy your itch.

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 04:10 AM
reply to post by arriana

ATS didnt write the article. Thanks for playing.

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 04:13 AM

Originally posted by arriana
I I had seen this thread before I joined ATS I would never have joined. The mindset of many of the men here is truly disturbing.

Welcome to the 21st Century. Each day that goes by the mindset you have a problem with will only grow larger and larger as more men wake up to the gendercide that is being perpetrated against us.

I have a feeling the 2020's will make the 60's look like a giant happy go lucky sing along.

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 04:18 AM

Originally posted by CobraCommander
reply to post by arriana

ATS didnt write the article. Thanks for playing.

ATS isnt just an article, its a community, and its some of the community members that worry me. Seriously, read back this thread. Its no wonder I am gay if this is how men really think, but I am hoping you are just an epic troll.

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 04:20 AM
I am a man and think it should be a womans right to choose. Simple and end of...

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 04:22 AM

Originally posted by CobraCommander

Originally posted by ldyserenity

They can get a court injunction and claim all custody of the child...then the woman can be sued for child support. It's been done before.

Extremely rare that a man gets sole custody of a child, even when abuse by the mother is proven.

As far as a man legally blocking a woman from having an abortion... link please.

Yes, it would have to be an extremely activist judge. The woman would most likely have more money too. But what's new, activist judges are making all kinds of insane judgements.
edit on 1-6-2011 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 04:24 AM

Originally posted by arriana
I I had seen this thread before I joined ATS I would never have joined. The mindset of many of the men here is truly disturbing.

It's not too late. You can still leave.

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 04:25 AM

Originally posted by arriana

Originally posted by CobraCommander
reply to post by arriana

ATS didnt write the article. Thanks for playing.

ATS isnt just an article, its a community, and its some of the community members that worry me. Seriously, read back this thread. Its no wonder I am gay if this is how men really think, but I am hoping you are just an epic troll.

Yes because only a "troll" would demand equality within the law. Perish the thought that female supremacy jurisprudence would ever be called into question...

Guy's this is what I mean by "all girls club" mentality.

(Granted the original news post is horrific because of what the person did, but it is understandable why he did it though given the limited rights males have within the law)

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 04:25 AM
reply to post by purplemer

I can't say that I would disagree with you necessarily. But if it is indeed a woman's choice, as perhaps it should be, then it is also her responsibility.

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 04:29 AM

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 04:29 AM

Originally posted by purplemer
I am a man and think it should be a womans right to choose. Simple and end of...

this is what i talked about in my post back there. "Should be a woman's right to choose to murder a baby, but men have NO choice when it comes to paying for it". Women get a "way out". Men get the government shaft, and guys like this who are cowards imo, take the woman's side because they think that women will respect them more than other guys if they kiss up to them. You couldn't be more wrong pal. Women will use you and spit you out and you will never, ever, get sex frm them no matter how much you support their cause. You betray all men and I disrespect you for that.Why is it JUST a woman's right to choose? We men should have a say as well....being 50% of what the child is..dont ya think? You are brainwashed and have the illusion that women will respect you. You are wrong. They are MORE disgusted by a man like you than a man who will stand up to them...despite what they SAY. To are are the same as well as a traitor to men.

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 04:31 AM

Originally posted by korathin

Originally posted by Calender
Here's a radical solution. Sex should remain in the realm of marriage. No one should have sex outside the marriage bond. Once married and the man and wife have consented to being agreeable to having a child/children and rearing it then they can.. If they agree not to they can take measures that they don't, which aren't ever 100% sure. And if they then still do have a child, they will lovingly agree to take care of it.

If you are not mature enough to take care of your own children, if you don't have the funds to support one, then maybe you should think about waiting to get married. When you get married you are both stating you are mature enough for the relationship and are willing to take care of your marriage mate.

Problem solved. The incidences of unwanted pregnancy will drop 1000000 fold.

The problem with today's society, and even many people on this forum is that you want all of the fun but none of the responibility. The problem is, you can't have your cake and eat it too. There are consequences for our actions. If you do drugs, you have a high probability of developing mental disorders, going into poverty, loosing your job, contracting diseases, etc.

If you want unprotected sex with a partner you will not take care of you will risk STDs, emotional trauma, unwanted pregnancies, etc.

People think they have the right to do what they want without being responsible for themselves. Nutheads, everyone that thinks that way. Nutheads, murdering children in the womb because they are too selfish, too stupid.

Your arrogance and ignorance is the reason why the Church's are dieing. You are such a man-hating bigot, woman-worshiping chauvinist it is very pathetic.

Originally posted by Calender
Once married and the man and wife

Look at how he phrased it: "man and wife".

Why not "husband and wife" ? Or conversely "husband and woman". Why must people like you only come out of the wood work to preach when it is men demanding equality? But when women demand something your type is among the first to rush to provide it.

Did your mother molest or abuse you as a child? Do you blame your father for not protecting you or something? Is that where your hatred of boy's and men comes from?(Thats why Betty Friedan famous feminist hated men. Because she had an abuse mother so she blamed her father for not protecting her)

Either way arguments like yours only serve to rub salt into an open wound. You operate under the logic that "it is OK for society to whip men because it is the right thing to do" since you can no longer whip women. I guess your kind has got to get it's rocks off some how. You do know there is probably gay BDSM sites out their some where. That way innocent people won't be hurt to satisfy your itch.

Dear Korathin, thank you for your kindly worded and well-thought out reply. It shows the thoughts of a respectful and tolerant person. I'm sorry if I came across as arrogant or ignorant. I am the first to realize that I am nothing. To think different would be foolhardy. So, if again, you feel I was acting arrogantly in my radical statement, I apologize, and will no doubt study it and try to better myself and humble myself. Humility is a hard thing to achieve, and although I do not claim to have achieved it, I strive for it.

As for your kindly worded remarks about my private life, you have missed on all marks. I apologize about informing you of this, because you came across as so well-informed, and humble in your own reply that I am sort of baffled at how such an informed individual as yourself could come up with such crass insinuations. I'm sure your lack of arrogance and ignorance in this regard has lead you to such erroneous conclusions as the ones you have made, but to understand how you could be so wrong eludes my ignorant understanding.

Anyway, cheers. Keep up the good work and keep sharing the love.

Oh, and BTW, I agree with you about the Churches going down. Check out some of my threads about it.
edit on 1-6-2011 by Calender because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 04:31 AM

Originally posted by korathin

(Granted the original news post is horrific because of what the person did, but it is understandable why he did it though given the limited rights males have within the law)

Exactly. You back a man into a corner, expect a fight. You put a man in a cage, expect him to act like an animal. Doesn't justify what he did, but it does explain why.
edit on 1-6-2011 by CobraCommander because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 04:32 AM


posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 04:32 AM
If the man cannot care for the child why should he not have a say in whether the child is aborted or not? If the man openly and honestly protests the birth of the baby why is it not then the woman's responsibility to either abort or raise the child?

As stated numerous times I don't agree with the way the guy went about this, however the fact stands that men do not have rights when it comes to their children.

If you want to throw in the nine tenths of the law, then once my seed leaves my body and enters her it's no longer mine but hers. Therefor the outcome, if the possession law is to be applied, isn't mine either. She possess my seed, that seed turns into a child which she also possess from the start. Making it hers. I don't agree with that, but I don't agree with the system the way it stands either.

Men should have a say, or women should be made to have as much responsibility. I know several girls who have had their children removed from them and given to the father because of various issues, mainly drugs. Do those women pay child support? No. But the man in the same situation does.

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