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6pm May 21 - Which is it: RAPTURE (Harold Camping) or END OF THE WORLD (Media)?

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posted on May, 23 2011 @ 09:18 AM
Please use one of the many existing threads on this discussion.

Breaking Alternative News

Harold Camping 'Bewildered' After Failed Doomsday Prediction

Conspiracies in Religion

Harold Camping Ulterior Motive for The Rapture prediction
A Possible Explanation Harold Camping Will Use for the Absence of the Rapture

General Conspiracies

Where In the World is Harold Camping?

Predictions and Prophecies

Video: Harold Camping - May 22nd
Harold Camping: The Contingency Plan
IF Harold Camping is so confident of 21 may rapture y is he accepting donations
5-21-2011 Rapture... Get the facts strait...
I forgive Harold Camping and Followers
5-15-2021. The date Harold Camping should have set

Other Current Events

Harold Camping proves end time prophecy preceeding Christ's return
Failed May doomsday Prophet Harold Camping gone into hiding?
Pictures from my visit to Harold Camping's Family Radio Office, 6pm on Judgement Day
Judgement did happen on May 21st!!! Harold Camping Missing/Dead
Rapture is not occuring as scheduled!

2012 Information and Conspiracies

Why Harold Camping could be Right! May 21st, is not the end of the world, Oct 21, IS!
Nancy Lieder,ZetaTalk, Harold Camping 5/21/2011 The End come and gone yet we are still here

General Chit-Chat

Can we stone Harold Camping now for being a false prophet?

Jokes Puns and Pranks

Is This Harold Camping's Suicide Goodbye Letter?
Now May 21st Prediction Failed, Whats The Funniest Thing You Heard

Plus many, many, many more. Please let's not keep starting new threads on the same subject.

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