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Pastor Manning: Screaming Truth to the Black Man- Best video EVER!

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posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 11:11 AM

Originally posted by paxnatus
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

Stop making excuses for the choices people make be it wise or foolish. As far as the Japanese having warning to their disaster. I believe they had 30 mins. before the tsunami hit, vs. 5 days warning for Katrina! Concerning the behavior of the people in the Super Dome, no one held a gun to their head and said" rape that woman over theirand beat that one over there". Why did the men not pull together and organize the food the water, protect the women and children as men are called too do? Why did no one take responsibility to do what was necessary to make sure there was leadership and some type of order. Instead it was" every man for himself as long as I get mine.
Call me racist if you must but I am only stating fact.



He answered everything you ask. If not read what I wrote also.

posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 11:25 AM
reply to post by MJZoo

I first noticed this way back in the early 1990s. There had been another hurricane, I believe in Florida, and the news people were out in droves interviewing the people who had been hit.

In the middle class areas, people organized themselves. They were clearing roads, setting up water distribution stations, helping each other tarp roofs that had been blown off etc. Men with pickup trucks were going to the food distribution centers. Things were organized the day after the event.

When they went to the black area of town, it was chaos. There was no organization. People were not helping except to loot TVs from the stores. Some residents were complaining that no one had come to help them.

The contrast was quite clear to me but I just thought the middle class (white) residents had responded better. Since that time, I've been more aware and when they have a disaster, just watch how people respond.

Sadly, I don't see the sense of community to help each other in a time of need in the black communities.

posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 11:48 AM
reply to post by Wildbob77

If it is generalization you seek, then I would agree with you that middle classes will help one another, BUT it is not restricted by skin color.

Black or White, we laugh and bled the same. If one community is sorely deprived of dignity and common aspirations in life that most middle classes have, they will revert to natural instincts - survival of the fittest. It is only natural. No one gave a damn to them in life, so why should they give a damn to others when SHTF?

Thus, it is not a black or white thingy, but a societal and morality issue, OF NOT and NEVER leaving anyone behind as we progress. If we fail to to do that, then when SHTF, as it will in mini cataclysmic events of world ending as they know it will happen around this era as our planet and galaxy moves into unknown sectors of unknown sciences in the Universe, there is no one to blame, but our own apathy and compassion for other fellow human beings today.....

posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 11:59 AM

Originally posted by DZAG Wright

Will respond to the actual thread shortly but had to jump in here...

Firstly...TF you mean Afrika has limited resources? Re-think what you just said and come again. Where does a large portion of OUR oil, diamonds, minerals, etc come from?

Afrika has plenty of also has plenty of other nations leeching them.

How did that oil, diamonds, and minerals put food in the mouths of nomadic travelers traveling across the African planes 4000 years ago?

The fact is that Africa has a food limited population. If the US stopped shipping them grain, then the majority of the population in Africa would be dead from starvation within the month. The population was far less back then before they had the availability of outside food.

That is a fact of life that they had to adapt to via cultural and genetic means.

posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 12:00 PM
Some fascinating exercises in denial here! - reminicsent of the best efforts of liberals/progressives/socialists everywhere to deny the results of their belief systems when confronted directly with them.

Indeed they begin to rival those the religious fanatics.

Blacks have never developed any advanced social system - and it seems they are unable to maintain or even function very well, once they are within one. This is a fact, an observation - it doesn't make you a 'racist' to observe - it does make you a fool if you pretend it is not so, it does lead to policy disasters when you act as though all people are somehow magicaly and irrationaly equal - as though the PC fairy waved a magic wand over them!

posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 12:07 PM
reply to post by Mr Tranny

You should read up on geography, high school level if anything above that is beyond your comprehension.

The scarcity in Africa is not naturally induced, but man made, through the corruption of their leaders and corporations around the world whom had denied progress and technological evolution in Africa.

It the masses ever had enfrachisment and progress in this generation, the resources of Africa alone can feed the world several times over for millenia!

posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 12:14 PM
reply to post by JohhnyBGood

Hate to burst your bubble, but whom do you consider capable as you bigottedly believed? Whites?

Are there no homeless or poor whites in societies?
Are there no muderers or criminals whom are white in societies?

The europeans managed to advance and claimed superiority in history was only due to their technological advancement, more so with firepower in a world dominated by swords, bows and arrows, and nothing to do with their 'cultural traditions'. Might was right, coupled with Jesuit zeals, they ruled the world then.

If it had been blacks or asians that were given the opportunity, you would be posting a different song on this thread.

posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 12:15 PM
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

I would tend to think that this is based on economic class rather than the color of ones skin.

However, African Americans are over represented in the lower end of the economic classes. So you have some geographic areas that are predominately African American and also filled with people in the lower economic classes.

There are many ways to explain situations but sadly, too many times, we see African Americans behaving poorly.

posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 12:22 PM

Originally posted by SeekerofTruth101
reply to post by Mr Tranny

You should read up on geography, high school level if anything above that is beyond your comprehension.

The scarcity in Africa is not naturally induced, but man made, through the corruption of their leaders and corporations around the world whom had denied progress and technological evolution in Africa.

It the masses ever had enfrachisment and progress in this generation, the resources of Africa alone can feed the world several times over for millenia!

Like to know what you been smoking…….Because.....It's the good stuff........

posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 12:25 PM
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

Acually the Chinese had invented all of this stuff much earlier - you might like to ask yourself why they were unable to exploit their advantage? - and then, what was it about 15th Century onwards Europeans that did enable them to?

posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 12:34 PM
reply to post by JohhnyBGood

Then you would have to study the 15th Century Ming dynasty, on why they did not exploit this technological advancement. The Ming Dynasty initially was just like USA today, seeking only tributaries but not conquest such as England, France or Spain. They had all the wealth in the world in China and are satisfied till they face problems from the Machurian tribes.

But unfortunately, Europe was ruled by ambitious and greed filled men, worse when the misuse of religion akin to Al Queda and Egypt today had been used then to further their ambitions of world conquests and hunger for gold, together with the technology of firepower learnt from european china traders in the 15th century and with further development, even selling it to enemies of the Ming Dynasty later.

If you seek the truth, look no further back than to the history of current civilisation from 3000 BC to 2011 AD objectively from a variety of sources, and you may be shocked but comprehend more of reality which we this generation must confront and act decisievely, if not for ourselves, it will be for the next generations. We must not allow our ancestors mistakes to happen and compound even further
edit on 26-4-2011 by SeekerofTruth101 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 12:50 PM

Originally posted by SeekerofTruth101
reply to post by JohhnyBGood

Hate to burst your bubble, but whom do you consider capable as you bigottedly believed? Whites?

Are there no homeless or poor whites in societies?
Are there no muderers or criminals whom are white in societies?

That is a fallacy.

Just because everyone of a group doesn’t have a clean record, doesn’t mean that everyone in the group has dirty records. It doesn’t give any indication of them being more or less violent "on average" than another group.

The question about the average violent tendencies of a group has little to do with the question of whether or not anyone at all in the group has done something violent.

And being poor, doesn’t have anything to do with being violent. There is plenty of poor people that show no violence. Other cultures do not have the “poor violence” problems. To try and blame being poor for the violence is just a hunt for a boogieman. Just an excuse, nothing more.

There is plenty of places where the “well off” have it harder than our “poor”. Those “well off” people don’t show the violent tendencies that our “poor” show. To try and make the argument that it is relative poorness that causes it, is to say that the fact that your neighbor is rich, is the reason you are violent. It is to say that the problem isn’t that you are poor, it’s that they are rich……….

To try to imply such is total nonsense, and pure class warfare.

posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 01:11 PM
I think people denying the apparent truth that black communities are more violent and prone to chaos in the face of disaster are ignorant. I also think that people who pin that fact to skin color are racist. It isn't a God problem or skin is values and perceptions for crying out loud.

posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 01:20 PM
reply to post by Wildbob77

So are you saying there weren't any middle class black people? Interesting...

posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 01:25 PM
Im not white and Im not black... but I did meet Dr manning in the early 90's and he is a very humble and great man. He is speaking a language to those who can hear the language... in a one on one, he is a soft spoken and intelligent man who loves his people and wishes for them to be better. Dr Manning was a bad man in his youth.. he lived within and participated in this false culture. His children and his family paid for his bad choices and adherence to the cultural norms. In his path, his religion pulled him out of it and woke him up to the reality. He is simply using what worked with himself and hopes it speaks to their hearts as it did his. He, like many black leaders who's voices have been silenced or ridiculed, feel the modern black culture is a false culture and a violent culture bent on destruction of his peoples shot at some unity and success. He only wants his people to wake up and see it for what it is. Within a thread here a little bit ago I saw someone label Dr Manning as preaching Black Theology! I swear.. I thought we denied ignorance here
Before making absurd declarations or pretending you know what his motivations are, at least take the time to research the man if you arent familiar with him and understand what he is trying to accomplish.

Now for just my humble opinions

I understand what he is saying.. its cultural and not skin pigmentation. This thing that the black community has become is bad not only for society at large, but for the blacks themselves.Because the participants in this culture largely have black skin, you associate the culture with the skin color. Its a convenient thing, it gets you labeled as a racist if you mention it because most geniuses cant differentiate between color and culture

Personally I dont care about your "black friends" or this weird PC garbage. Most of you cloak your true racism by making statements like "poverty causes crime" and " we need to help the blacks/NDNs".Criminals cause crime and there are solid and wonderful poor people. Blacks and my people dont need your help.. we need to you to back the hell out of it. All you wonderful PC folks have done is give the blacks a rez without borders and given them a new slave master: the Federal Govt. Blacks have good minds and as much potential as a white... its the fake culture that has been imposed upon them and then the buying into it that is making them animalistic and violent. Their potential is never realized due to choosing the culture and following it up with the behavior. As human beings, they truly have as much potential as anyone else. Dr manning is trying to get them to see how ridiculous this culture is. At least one can see the real person behind the mask when folks are so scared of a black man calling it like he sees it for the betterment of his own people. Dr Manning knows what I know.. regardless of color you CAN make it in this society if you work for it and dont take the bait that is constantly dangled.

I have NO love and feel NO tolerance for this fake culture the blacks have. My daughter was violently assaulted as I was not due to the pigment of the skin, but by the culture they live within. I grew up in New Orleans after my dad left the Rez. I had no problems back in the day.... before this fake culture took hold. I move all over the world and settle in the Midwest, the bible belt... and am treated to the worst racism and violence I have experienced anywhere in my lifetime. As I said, Im not white. Im very obviously NOT white. This black culture is one of hate. It hates anything that is not within it... and you apologists are promoting it.

Im straddling 2 cultures, I married a white guy. Over the yrs I can see so clearly the passive racism in the white culture... and they call it being PC or NOT racist.. when in fact, you are completely part of the problem and pretend its tolerance. You all better wake the hell up and call it like you see it. Rather than sitting behind a computer and making judgements.. I have lived it. I live in the 618 right now. We were transfered to this hellhole 5 years ago and Id never choose to live in this place. I llive in a very nice neighborhood, but it just so happens that crime and criminal gangs do not respect invisible borders and neighborhoods. Intense black racism toward all non-blacks and violence toward their own who speak out against it is REAL. It has nothing to do with skin color, but culture. It is not "race" issue, it is an ideology. I see it, live it, up until last year was involved with the city and county govt and dealt with it up close and personal.

Ive said it before on here. My grandfather said it was disgusting to smear the blood of your ancestors on yourself to gain favors, special treatment, reparations, apologies, etc. The blacks do this at every turn... as my own do as well. Funny thing is that its promoted by whites and billed as "tolerance" or "understanding"... its not. Its racism at its finest. Blacks have good minds.. they dont need your money, apologies, "help", interference, reparations, etc.. they need to get their minds back on track without the whites keeping them down and disguising it as help and racial tolerance. You promote segregation with your passive racist attitudes.

I am one generation off of a reservation. I got by and am successful with no help from whites or hand outs to NDNs. I have a culture and a history, but I am all American and I feel no conflict with that. Its happened on here and in real life.. I hear " Im sorry my people killed yours/took your land/etc". Im entitled to NO apology from a white. I am NOT entitled to your money in reparations. I am NOT your slave or your second class citizen who requires the great white hand to help me or validate my existence with false apologies and mea culpas. YOU did nothing to me and I have enjoyed the opportunities and successes of the country that your ancestors founded. People have really allowed the PTB to warp their minds over these things and cloak it in tolerance.. wake up folks... its getting a little ridiculous.

posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 01:52 PM

Originally posted by Mr Tranny

Originally posted by DZAG Wright

Will respond to the actual thread shortly but had to jump in here...

Firstly...TF you mean Afrika has limited resources? Re-think what you just said and come again. Where does a large portion of OUR oil, diamonds, minerals, etc come from?

Afrika has plenty of also has plenty of other nations leeching them.

How did that oil, diamonds, and minerals put food in the mouths of nomadic travelers traveling across the African planes 4000 years ago?

The fact is that Africa has a food limited population. If the US stopped shipping them grain, then the majority of the population in Africa would be dead from starvation within the month. The population was far less back then before they had the availability of outside food.

That is a fact of life that they had to adapt to via cultural and genetic means.

Maybe I'm confused...

If you're not referring to the resources I cited, but instead the availability of food and water...again, where is Afrika lacking more than any other continent? If anything, they have more available than any other continent.

The country hasn't been poisoned by a nuclear fallout? What does the North American continent have that Afrika doesn't? Sure Afrika has the Sahara...but every continent has deserts.

The problem Afrika has is that its people have fallen from grace. You, as many, are only aware of the "recent" history of Afrika. The history that has been taught by the victors of a war on black humans. As has been slowly leaking and hinted at for a while now, the human history goes back close to a million years! Afrika was civilized and prosperous hundreds of thousands of years before now. Before they fell from grace.

On to the present, if Afrikan residents were simply educated on methods of growing and raising food (and I don't mean like tobacco or cotton which is responsible for ruining a lot of their farm land any way courtesy of the U.S.) they can feed themselves.

Afrika's problem is poverty and uneducation concerning MODERN life. Along with outside theft and pillage of their resources. All intentional.

posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 02:21 PM

Originally posted by JohhnyBGood
Some fascinating exercises in denial here! - reminicsent of the best efforts of liberals/progressives/socialists everywhere to deny the results of their belief systems when confronted directly with them.

Indeed they begin to rival those the religious fanatics.

Blacks have never developed any advanced social system - and it seems they are unable to maintain or even function very well, once they are within one. This is a fact, an observation - it doesn't make you a 'racist' to observe - it does make you a fool if you pretend it is not so, it does lead to policy disasters when you act as though all people are somehow magicaly and irrationaly equal - as though the PC fairy waved a magic wand over them!

How do you know blacks have never developed advanced social/economic systems? What history have you studied? Is it the history that has been taught to you by the victors of the white on black war?

Hate to burst your bubble but the history you and many others believe to be true isn't. Afrikans weren't all or always bone in the nose, spear chuckers! Afrikans were civilized and conquered this planet long before a segment of THEM lost their melanin and had to be relocated to the Caucase Mountains to avoid the staunch Afrikan and South American sun.

No it doesn't make you racist per se, to state what you did...but it does make you ignorant. Begin some REAL research and find out about history.

posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 02:38 PM

Originally posted by DZAG Wright
(and I don't mean like tobacco or cotton which is responsible for ruining a lot of their farm land any way courtesy of the U.S.)

Typical response……. Blame the “outsider” for their problems…

Here is two.... "more balanced” views of the farming problems in Africa.

Originally posted by DZAG Wright
Afrikans were civilized and conquered this planet long before a segment of THEM lost their melanin and had to be relocated to the Caucase Mountains to avoid the staunch Afrikan and South American sun.

Ummmmm……….God…. Why do I even try?

edit on 26-4-2011 by Mr Tranny because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 02:41 PM
The American culture of the black person has molded them into what they are today. Things like sports stars, rap, poverty, gangs, ebonics all contribute to the downward spiral. Now they do NOT get a free pass as they are still capable of making good choices and breaking out of the cycle as many black Americans do. There have been attempts by some black leaders to try to speak the truth to the black culture and help them breakout of the cycle (Bill Cosby, this Pastor Manning, Martin Luther King, JR, Colin Powell, Condoleeza Rice) but they are outnumbered by 100 rap stars and sports athletes negatively influencing the culture.

posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 02:45 PM
reply to post by TrueAmerican
Annoying lurker chiming in.. While I don't have a problem with some of the obvious and painful truths in Pastor Manning's sermon/rant, I do have a problem with broad sweeping generalizations made against any people as a whole. Whether they be Black, White, Men, Women, Muslim, Jewish, Japanese, American or ect.

Having said that, as a black women; I do take offense to the word N word. Especially when used by my own people as a term of endearment. When I hear this word spoken in passing, almost interchangeable with brother, I hear an acceptance of inferiority and there in lies the problem with some American blacks that Pastor Manning is referring to.

Having spent time in Japan, there does seem to be a calm and spiritual nature to their culture but being that it is mostly homogeneous, i.e. no back of the type history; one can assume that there is not the type of self-loathing anger that some blacks feel entitled to. Dare I say as the economic climate worsens, the social/economic, educational and spiritual divides will only widen.

But perhaps we need more spiritual leaders like MLK who unite through uplifting and less like Pastor Manning who refers to his fellow humans as dogs.

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