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Michigan: Police Search Cell Phones During Traffic Stops

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posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 07:46 AM
reply to post by ViperChili

Oh I get it, you can't defeat me in a debate or make better points than me so you just dismiss me as a troll.


posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 07:54 AM
In my opinion, the problem is not only about unwarranted searches its about being considered guilty until proven innocent. I have to give in and jump through hoops to prove I'm a law abiding citizen? All the while the police office has no reasonable suspicion, or even any logical reason, to assume such a search is necessary.

P.S. Exuberant1 - Champion of Debate, you're a caution to snakes!
edit on 20-4-2011 by MichiganSwampBuck because: Last Comment

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 08:02 AM
reply to post by Exuberant1

Well you haven't made any points other than being an obvious troll.

If you ever do (unlikely) I would address them.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 08:06 AM
I thought this story about the Michigan police using the CelleBrite device to download all of this private cell phone data without a warrant during routine traffic stops was the scariest big brother thing I'd read today.

But maybe I was wrong.

Maybe this is the scariest big brother thing I've read today:

Originally posted by Exuberant1
It is a post-9/11 world out there my friend and we all have to sacrifice some liberty for the protections of our freedoms.

But hey, if you don't like it you are free to leave.

I really hope this was tongue in cheek Orwellian doublethink used to make a point on how 9/11 is used to justify a serious turn towards a police state. We have to give up liberty to have freedom? Huh? Can anyone say "cognitive dissonance?"

The balance between liberty and safety in a country really defines a culture. Personally, I'm glad the USA was founded by people who thought like this:

"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Benjamin Franklin

There are plenty of places where the people have flipped that around, but until 9/11, the USA wasn't really one of them. I really hope we aren't so stupid as to do it now. But I have a feeling most people don't see it coming until it's too late.

Source: Wikipedia

First They came... - Pastor Martin Niemoller

First they came for the communists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew.

Then they came for me
and there was no one left to speak out for me.


posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 08:25 AM

Originally posted by Exuberant1
reply to post by Zamini

Hey man, no one is stopping you from leaving this country.

If you want to live in anarchy, you are free to move to Zimbabwe (or Vermont).

I swear, the way some people talk about cops around here you'd think that they want them to do less. But those people tend to forget that it is the police that are holding the line and stopping civilization from descending into barbarity. Any step back, any laws not enforced by our police is a step towards the brutal tyranny of anarchy.

Besides who do you call when a criminal has just victimized you?


Maybe you should be greatful.

Every day those people go to work they decide that the lives of others are more important than their own.

Anyhow, you are just going to have to deal with this new intrusion and accept the fact that it is done for your own good. Or make a paper sign and walk around with it somewhere shouting slogans (but you already know that doesn't work, so suck it up).

edit on 20-4-2011 by Exuberant1 because: (no reason given)

Well I do not "deal" with any intrusion first off. Alot of us speak about cops like that because...well they deserve it. Yes there are some good cops out there that really are looking out for the people, but those are ar and few in between. When they completely violate an individuals rights, then they deserve the criticism they get plain and simple. How do you get that the police are the front line in stopping anrachy? That is just a lame argument, as they are just as responsible for bringing about anarachy. Lastly, I do not call the police when I have been victimized by a criminal, I either call an ambulance or the coroner.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 09:00 AM
Here is what I posted on the same topic in US Political Madness;

"Some people have been using the excuse that the police need to do this to protect us. Aren't the police there to protect our rights? If so, how does violating our rights equal protecting them? Also, any new technology the police use to apprehend criminals can and will be circumvented by most criminals eventually. So the criminals will do business as usual and the common law abiding citizen will continue to get their well deserved rights trampled on a daily basis. "

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 09:18 AM
reply to post by Exuberant1

WOW, just wait til there victimized by a cell phone user? Read what you write before you post good sir. Thats all

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 10:22 AM
I've been considering for quite a while now what I should do if I am stopped and questioned by the police these days. I thought I'd get a state ID now, before the Feds force that new law on how the states must standardize their IDs. Then I'd use that as ID when I'm in a situation where I'm not driving a motor vehicle. I guess now I'd also be carrying a decoy cell phone that only has a few numbers and no text, pictures, or GPS apps to give to the officer, but only after some resistance. My main phone would be turned off if I suspect a stop. A road block might be a lot trickier, but CBs are good for a forewarning. Man it's getting harder everyday to safeguard our rights in what ever way we can!

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 10:23 AM

Originally posted by Exuberant1
reply to post by mblahnikluver

If you are so worried about having the police see what's on your phone (lord only knows what given your reluctance to cooperate) then you are free to walk or take the bus.

Maybe when someone you love is victimized by a cell phone user, you will understand.

Nope that isnt gonna work with me. Sorry people will use anything to victimize another why should I loose all my rights cause of some idiot?

Not my problem...And I will NOT take a bus or walk. I paid for my car it is mine and pay to drive it. They can go harass someone else.

You really like the cops all in your business it seems??

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 12:41 PM
reply to post by Exuberant1

Hey man, no one is stopping you from leaving this country.

I don't live in the US.

If you want to live in anarchy, you are free to move to Zimbabwe (or Vermont).

You don't say. Got any more blancs in that revolver of yours?

I swear, the way some people talk about cops around here you'd think that they want them to do less.

Listen; when potential officers are declined because their IQ is too high that should tell you something about the police force in general. If it doesn't then you have no clue what you're talking about. Besides that, they shouldn't do less, they should do the right thing - but they can't because the system inherently sets them up to do BAD.

But those people tend to forget that it is the police that are holding the line and stopping civilization from descending into barbarity.

let me awake you from your slumber;

Your supermarkets are holding civilization from going barbaric.
Your idea of money is holding civilization from going barbaric.
Your idea of religion is holding civilization from going barbaric.

All these things keep a stronghold on the minds of us animals(humans) until our minds evolve. But that's a couple of hundred years away, so, whenever faith in one of the above fails, the police will be just as barbaric as those you call barbaric.

Besides who do you call when a criminal has just victimized you?

Terrible's supposed to send someone on a guilt trip. Too bad for you I've heard of plenty accounts from people where police didn't do anything at all...

Maybe you should be greatful.

Maybe you should be greatful for people trying to stop an all out police state?

Every day those people go to work they decide that the lives of others are more important than their own.

Not really. They do it for a living. Bring me a thousand police officers and I will count on one hand the ones that put others ahead of themselves in this day and age.

Anyhow, you are just going to have to deal with this new intrusion and accept the fact that it is done for your own good. Or make a paper sign and walk around with it somewhere shouting slogans (but you already know that doesn't work, so suck it up).

That's right America, go back to sleep. Your government is in control.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 02:12 PM

Originally posted by Exuberant1
reply to post by Nutter

Woah there!

Are you saying that your right to privacy somehow supercedes my right to feel safe and secure?

When did a "feeling" become a right?

I feel like you should loose all your rights just so I can feel secure. No more interstate travel for you. No more religious freedom for you. No more anything, just because I "feel" it should be so.

Please. get back to me when you have a clue.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 03:09 PM
I guess since this is in a diff. forum it will fly.....but....
just in case.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 03:14 PM
reply to post by Xcathdra

Is phoning and texting whilst driving illegal? If yes the cops are just checking you were not breaking this law as part of your driving mis demeanor. Simple really, stop being paranoid.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 05:00 PM
I am sick of people using the "don't like it, then leave" defense to everything. Nobody has the right to extract information like this.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 05:45 PM

Originally posted by Sailor Sam
reply to post by Xcathdra

Is phoning and texting whilst driving illegal? If yes the cops are just checking you were not breaking this law as part of your driving mis demeanor. Simple really, stop being paranoid.

First off im not being paranoid.

Second off, as a Law Enforcement officer I have issues with this type of action.

If you are pulled over for driving 10mph over the speed limit, should we be able to seize your vehicle and search it, and once done give it back to you? If a state has a hands free / no texting law thats fine, but even then since the criteria is established as to the law violation, it invokes a certain method to gather evidence to be used.

Its not against the law to be in possession of a cell phone.
Its not against the law to be in possession of a cell phone in a motor vehicle.

Hypothetical - targeting a suspected drug dealer, pulling him over for speeding, takeing his cell phone and downloading it, and then issueing a warning for the speeding.

Its called a pretextual stop...
Its a violation of the person 4th amendment rights, and even more so since Arizona V. Gant.

I dont mind enforcing the law in a fair but firm way. I do have issues though when an action is being taken by people who operate under the color of law without due regard for a persons rights. The obvious obfuscation of the 4th amendment is troubeling as well.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 05:47 PM
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posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 07:27 PM

Originally posted by Xcathdra

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