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Lets talk about the good old days,I double-dog-dare-ya!

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posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 05:23 PM

Originally posted by alyoshablue
Good thread ... gives us a break from the gloom & doom.

I am not from the era you are necessarily targeting, but this is what I got:

Crushes on Wonder Woman and Erin Gray from Buck Rogers.
Trying to find Hazard County on a map.
Hiding my eyes when MJ's Thriller came on.
1$ got you too much candy.
Circling 'Yes' or 'No' letters, as well as the H.O.M.E game and the Pick a number oragami thing.
John Travolta was tops.
Sparkly tee-shirts as seen here.
Velor turtlenecks.
E.T.'s were good guys who played with kids.

Thanks for the reply! Your from my era i remember all those things..I'm looking for all era's what you can remember growing up..Trying to find Hazard County on a map lol i remember looking for it also silly me
Thanks again..

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 12:05 AM
Expat888, Duck and Cover,, I was the idiot that was suppose to Close The Shades, When we seen the Burst!!! Can You Believe That!! Your right, run back to your school desk and duck under it, I was in High School.
I had a 1958 Olds 98, V8 and it only ran on Ethel 100 Octane or Better, .33 cents a gallon.
The drive in movies with my girl friend, YUP, remember the back rows????? Roll down the window, grab the speaker box, hang it on your window and both of ya,,,, climb into the back seat!!!!!
What's Power Brakes, Power Steering and Air conditioning, What???
Remember the Ash Trays in the isles of your local supper market? Piggly Wiggly and Smoking in the Baby Food Isle, Safeway and Smoking at the checker, Hell, She was smoking too!!!

Let's not forget, the old Indian head on your T V when the stations went off air and the National Anthem Played and then the religious music, AM radio was still King and FM was the Underground Radio Stations, you needed an FM radio receiver if you wanted to listen to FM.

Then you get DRAFTED and Go To Viet Nam and become a radio man with a PRK77 and your back and a M79 or Rem 12 ga. as your weapon.
PFC with Combat Pay, Married with Kid,,, $132.00 amonth. I would Gladly Do It All Again.

Duck and cover drills at school.. (Yep even back then government fearmongering with the red scare..)
reply to post by Expat888

Great Thread OP. S & F , Looking for pictures of my 1958 Olds, It was Black, Crome Wheels With Baby Moons!
edit on 17-2-2011 by guohua because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-2-2011 by guohua because: Spilling

edit on 17-2-2011
edit on 17-2-2011 by guohua because: (no reason given)
extra DIV

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 12:36 AM
Man, I can remember lot's of things from back in the day when I was a kid.

Sitting out on the front porch in the summer time cranking the heck out of this old hand churn ice cream maker that we had. Going fishing at all the local ponds, playing outside until past dark.

No computers, no cell phones, no MTV, growing up in the country was great. Living in a small town there was a tight knit community, everybody looked after each others kids and protected each others property,

Where old ladies straight out of Normal Rockwell art work would make the most amazing meals from scratch.

I can remember when gas was less than $1 USD per gallon, I can remember when a pack of smokes broke $1 and it was a big uproar.

We had dogs all around and would always get to be there for new litters of puppies, which were always grand when you were a kid.

I remember playing Pong for the first time, I also remember Techmo Bowl battles and Duck Hunt marathons with my brother. We also had a broken down go-cart that we used to push up to the top of the hill and then we would take turns riding it down.

The first film I ever went to see at a theater - E.T. ... and it was cool. I was around 7 or 8 years old

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 01:20 AM
reply to post by guohua

When i was in school there was no duck and cover under your desk that was over but that must have been so scary to think there could be a nuke hit the USA and i cant figure out how duck and cover would save your life but i guess they had to do something to make you think your safe.. I cant wait to see the pic of your car sounds like you were very proud of it..thanks for adding to the thread i loved reading it

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 01:30 AM

Originally posted by BlackOps719
Man, I can remember lot's of things from back in the day when I was a kid.

Sitting out on the front porch in the summer time cranking the heck out of this old hand churn ice cream maker that we had. Going fishing at all the local ponds, playing outside until past dark.

No computers, no cell phones, no MTV, growing up in the country was great. Living in a small town there was a tight knit community, everybody looked after each others kids and protected each others property,

Where old ladies straight out of Normal Rockwell art work would make the most amazing meals from scratch.

I can remember when gas was less than $1 USD per gallon, I can remember when a pack of smokes broke $1 and it was a big uproar.

We had dogs all around and would always get to be there for new litters of puppies, which were always grand when you were a kid.

I remember playing Pong for the first time, I also remember Techmo Bowl battles and Duck Hunt marathons with my brother. We also had a broken down go-cart that we used to push up to the top of the hill and then we would take turns riding it down.

The first film I ever went to see at a theater - E.T. ... and it was cool. I was around 7 or 8 years old

thank you so much for your story sounds like you had a wonderful childhood in someways i wish things were like that's aren't like that anymore we lost that somewhere along the line...

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 01:53 AM
reply to post by sugarcookie1

oh my begeeeez, what great thread idea ... just reading other posts brings back sooooo many more memories. Not sure how i passed over movies at the drive-in ... that was regular in the summers. Even on vacation, somehow the parents would always get a hotel/motel near a drive-in and the room would usually be located where we could see the big screen (drive-in). They'd tune in the radio to the right frequency and we'd have free movies without leaving the room. [No VCRs back then, no movie channels and only 'expensive' rooms had tv sets].

don't remember the year but early 80s i think ... one of the 'coolest' new biz adventures of the day (at least to me, anyway) were the 'viewing rooms' created so groups (up to 10) could rent a video and watch it together, on site. (in case you didn't have a VCR or tv) of course, they didn't last long, much like VHSs ... but they were the coolest for those of us without access.

ya know, as for being modern with those ice trays, i've tried ... however, i can't see buying a new set monthly (cause they crack) when i can get one set of the mechanical version and have them still be working decades later. Besides, with the metal ones, you can make edible ice outdoors ... not so much with the plastic ones.

in case you wondered, i kinda skipped over the childhood part but after second thought (and considering the current state of affairs) maybe i shouldn't have.
During the most impressionable days of my youth, two very horrible events occurred. I'll give ya links to both but the reason i'm sharing is because we suffered, together. We grew together, we learned, lost and loved, together. I believe it is events such as these that really help ppl grow, sometimes.
Life isn't always sunshine and flowers but it is love and peace if you choose it to be.

1977 flood - they say it was ... Once in Ten Thousand Years
edit: just google: Johnstown+1977+pics to see the pvs broken link

then, just a couple yrs later, i saw this on the television (replayed over and over) and it just captured my being in so many ways that as an adult, its replacement is in my direct view.
*** my x-hubby was on the opposing span (by accident) when the bridge collapsed.
the evening prior he was asked to switch shifts and agreed or he would have been a participant.

edit on 17-2-2011 by Honor93 because: fix broken link

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 03:47 AM
reply to post by Honor93

Thank you so much for your story..What a wonderful idea getting hotel/motel near a drive-in and the room would usually be located where we could see the big screen (drive-in). They'd tune in the radio to the right frequency and we'd have free movies without leaving the room as a kid that would be so much fun like a neat vacation..I never heard of 'viewing rooms' i asked my parents if they knew anything about that and they said they did but it didn't last long..I read both of your posts and they were so sad but a part of history you will hold close to your heart..I like to hear about others stories because i didn't have a childhood i was always to sick and in and out of hospitals all my life so i like to hear about how others childhoods were and that time in history interests me alot..

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 11:35 AM

Originally posted by sugarcookie1
reply to post by uk today

Thanks for the post and the video that was interesting..But i see alot of myself in that video with my husband but i do it because i like doing that for hI'm not because I'm pressured to.. Maybe I'm crazy but i don't think doing alot of that stuff is so bad..A few of the things were a bit over the top i agree but i do it out of love i guess I'm just old fashioned..

Rising Against, don't you DARE get any ideas from this !!!

Its really cool that you enjoy doing housework n stuff, it must be wonderful to be happy and contented and in a place, both physically and spiritually, that you want to be.
Seriously I'm jealous !!

I just seem to muddle through life, never finding that " contentment with life " thingy.

But hey, fingers crossed for the future....

As regards good old days, my dad used to always say " every day is a good day, some are just better than others "
So guess that past, present and future days are all good old days in a way

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 12:52 PM

Originally posted by uk today

Originally posted by sugarcookie1
reply to post by uk today

Thanks for the post and the video that was interesting..But i see alot of myself in that video with my husband but i do it because i like doing that for hI'm not because I'm pressured to.. Maybe I'm crazy but i don't think doing alot of that stuff is so bad..A few of the things were a bit over the top i agree but i do it out of love i guess I'm just old fashioned..

Rising Against, don't you DARE get any ideas from this !!!

Its really cool that you enjoy doing housework n stuff, it must be wonderful to be happy and contented and in a place, both physically and spiritually, that you want to be.
Seriously I'm jealous !!

I just seem to muddle through life, never finding that " contentment with life " thingy.

But hey, fingers crossed for the future....

As regards good old days, my dad used to always say " every day is a good day, some are just better than others "
So guess that past, present and future days are all good old days in a way

Hello uk today
Don't get me wrong housework isn't my fav thing to do if i don't want to do it i don't.. but its not something i don't mind doing i love cooking for my husband i just like seeing him happy i don't work and he does.. physically I'm not in the best place but spiritually I'm a happy camper
I'm sure your future will be awesome you seem like a super nice person i think life is how you want it to be you pick your own path..I love what your dad said to you " every day is a good day, some are just better than others " what a wonderful thing to say and its so true! and its true the past, present and future days are all good old days in a way
So you have a good day and bless you~~sugar

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 01:57 PM

Originally posted by sugarcookie1
reply to post by uk today

I'm sure your future will be awesome you seem like a super nice person

Trust me, you couldn't find a nicer person than uk today!

edit on 17-2-2011 by Rising Against because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 02:07 PM
reply to post by Rising Against

These are indeed the good old days, THANK YOU sugarcookie and THANK YOU rising against for those real sweet comments xx

Aaaaaw, you've both just made my night !!

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 02:07 PM

Originally posted by Rising Against

Originally posted by sugarcookie1
reply to post by uk today

I'm sure your future will be awesome you seem like a super nice person

Trust me, you couldn't find a nicer person than uk today!

edit on 17-2-2011 by Rising Against because: (no reason given)

I'm sure she is id love to know her better..thanks for the reply

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 11:33 PM
I just want to say thank you to everyone who posted it was great thinking about the old times.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 12:26 PM
Thank you for this thread...and to all who shared their memories and experiences. It was to fun to read and reminded me of many things I have forgotten, or at least misplaced, through the years.

I am currently doing something I have never attempted before...trying to write a book! It is along the lines of what this thread is about. It brings back memories, both good and bad and will have some social commentary on the differences between then and now. Hopefully the end product will focus more on the good things than the bad from the past as well as the changes for the better as opposed to the bad.

I had come to a standstill...writers block or whatever you want to call it....this helped!!

Again, thank you all so much...I truly enjoyed this thread


posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 02:57 PM

Originally posted by Donnie1957
Thank you for this thread...and to all who shared their memories and experiences. It was to fun to read and reminded me of many things I have forgotten, or at least misplaced, through the years.

I am currently doing something I have never attempted before...trying to write a book! It is along the lines of what this thread is about. It brings back memories, both good and bad and will have some social commentary on the differences between then and now. Hopefully the end product will focus more on the good things than the bad from the past as well as the changes for the better as opposed to the bad.

I had come to a standstill...writers block or whatever you want to call it....this helped!!

Again, thank you all so much...I truly enjoyed this thread


I'm so glad you enjoyed the thread i sure did.. memories are something no one can take from you and i agree some are good and some not so good but we worked through them and and I'm sure helped make us better people
That is wonderful your writing a book its fun to try something you have never done before I'm sure it will be a great read please keep us informed on how its going! Thanks for the nice reply..bless you

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 03:37 PM
For my answer, I will focus on one aspect that is really different: Information.

I remember going into bookstores not knowing what you would find and kind of being at the mercy of whatever books they happened to have. Sometimes the selection would be strange and you would buy a book you wouldn't have otherwise, but it would surprise you by being amazingly good or teaching you something you never imagined you needed to know.

If you wanted some information on a given topic in the old days, you might never get it, or you would have an interesting adventure trying to find it, rooting around in the library, calling up university experts, hunting down used, out-of-print books by mail (real, handwritten-letter-type mail)...maybe you'd discover the answer, maybe not, but along the way you'd learn other stuff too. As for silly little bits of information you can google instantly now, forget it. You want to know the lyrics to a song you just heard? You might never be able to find them, or go for years without coming across a reliable answer. So when we were kids my brother and I mis-heard all these lyrics in popular songs, and the incorrect versions stuck in our minds. These were often much more fun and creative than whatever the real lyrics happend to be.

All of these inefficiencies and vagueries could cause problems and I firmly believe more information is better than less. But even so, looking for information in books or having to seek out real people/experiences to get the answer lends everything a certain mysterious glow, and much growth and fascination came from the long, meandering journies in search of questions instantly answerable today at the click of a button. It also bolsters personal qualities like patience, resourcefulness, curiosity, tenaciousness, attention, and so forth.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 06:30 PM
reply to post by sugarcookie1

Hey cookie! I'ts me again. Thanks for the kind words. This is a fun thread. Brings back a lot of memories not thought of for decades. Oh, and by the way, threads in those days refered to new clothes. Boys were cool cat's and girls were chick's.The movie Grease is close to the reality of that time period.
Remember tv tube testers at the local 5 & dime store. Had to watch the old man tap on every tube with a screwdriver to find the bad one.It's a miracle he didn't get zapped! I always wondered that if he fried, would I finally get the keys to the 52 chevy,that's of course if they didn't melt in his pocket. Then it was off to the 5 & dime,at break neck speed on my 26" Schwinn Roadmaster bike to get a new tube with those fatherly words echoing in my ears "and get your azz back here before Gunsmoke comes on"! Talk about pressure!! Sometimes late at night, I can still hear those comforting word's.
Anyway, remember x-ray machines at the shoe store that took a ray of your feet. Still can't figure out what that was all about. They didn't last to long. Guess someone finally figured out that all those rads were not to healthy.
Remember running all over town to the car dealers to see the new models.
Remember that all you had to worry about was getting enough guys to play some sand lot baseball, and god forbid,you might have to get a few girls to play the outfield if not to many guys showed up.Some of them, to our dismay,turned out to be pretty darn good ball players.
Well ,this old 50's cat is starting to ramble. Thanks for letting me share a few memories from a time gone by.

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 12:45 AM
reply to post by silent thunder

hello silent thunder
I also remember going to the bookstores we had one down town that was in a old and smelled musty and was jamed with old and new books they had one room that had out-of-print books that was my favorite room, funny i can still remember the smell of the old books..
And i also would buy books that i normally wouldn't think of reading and learned some fascinating things i lived my life through books i got to sick to do much else but read,I liked the days were you did handwritten-letter-type mail they seemed so much more personal and for song lyrics lol i still mis-hear the lyrics to popular songs but yes the Internet came along and all changed but i have to say the Internet opened a whole new world for me
thank you so much for posting..

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 01:09 AM

Originally posted by 43LEO729
reply to post by sugarcookie1

Hey cookie! I'ts me again. Thanks for the kind words. This is a fun thread. Brings back a lot of memories not thought of for decades. Oh, and by the way, threads in those days refered to new clothes. Boys were cool cat's and girls were chick's.The movie Grease is close to the reality of that time period.
Remember tv tube testers at the local 5 & dime store. Had to watch the old man tap on every tube with a screwdriver to find the bad one.It's a miracle he didn't get zapped! I always wondered that if he fried, would I finally get the keys to the 52 chevy,that's of course if they didn't melt in his pocket. Then it was off to the 5 & dime,at break neck speed on my 26" Schwinn Roadmaster bike to get a new tube with those fatherly words echoing in my ears "and get your azz back here before Gunsmoke comes on"! Talk about pressure!! Sometimes late at night, I can still hear those comforting word's.
Anyway, remember x-ray machines at the shoe store that took a ray of your feet. Still can't figure out what that was all about. They didn't last to long. Guess someone finally figured out that all those rads were not to healthy.
Remember running all over town to the car dealers to see the new models.
Remember that all you had to worry about was getting enough guys to play some sand lot baseball, and god forbid,you might have to get a few girls to play the outfield if not to many guys showed up.Some of them, to our dismay,turned out to be pretty darn good ball players.
Well ,this old 50's cat is starting to ramble. Thanks for letting me share a few memories from a time gone by.

Hey 43LEO729 nice to hear from you again !
I bet you were a cool cat!! And i remember the movie Grease i loved it and i figured the movie was close to the real thing probably why i liked it

Funny you mentioned tv tube testers i saw one at an antique store a few months ago i vagley remember tube tvs and how you could take out the tube and and test it now its a major repair technology has come a long way..
I love hearing about your dad he must have been fascinating i love the get your azz back here before Gunsmoke comes on lol i can picture him in my mind saying that
And 43LEO729
you can ramble all you want! I'm hear to listen i love your stories you should write a book! And thank you for sharing your memories with us

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 10:36 AM

Originally posted by uk today
reply to post by sugarcookie1

Those good old days look rather bad old days in some decades

Betta go touch up my make up, put a nice ribbon in my hair, dust the table, light a fire and pretend I'm glad to see him !!
" Yes Dear you are SO interesting !! "

So I guess you are happier with the way things are now? You are so smart and liberated! Woo hoo! But wait, there's more! More of the same &^% going on now, just ratcheted up a notch at a time! Enjoy!

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