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My husband woke up.

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posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 12:02 PM

Originally posted by NadaCambia

Originally posted by skylightsintheillions

Originally posted by NadaCambia
People begging for predictions and seriously discussing this need to take a step back. Using someones illness for your conspiracy fantasies isn't much ethical. What you're doing doesn't help.

And the mans wife, the OP, should be absolutely ashamed of herself. What kind of loving partner exploits such a situation situation to promote her own fantasies? It wouldn't surprise me if you drove him to insanity, given your behaviour in this thread. Take a long hard look at yourself.

edit on 1-2-2011 by NadaCambia because: (no reason given)

your soul is ashamed of you.

How dare you. I'm one of the few people in this thread to express genuine concern and empathy for the man.

If this man didn't believe what half of you crazy people believed, your take would be entirely different.

I'll try to operate on a higher frequency in future.

I'm sorry but I kind of feel the same way. Not only did she exploit her husband's experience, but why would she not at least try to fight against the medical establishment forcing her husband to take bipolar drugs?

It seems like a sad story. If all of a sudden someone becomes enlightened, they must be "crazy" or bipolar and immediately incarcerated. This is disturbing...

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 12:03 PM

Originally posted by punctual

Originally posted by darrylss
I have to agree with the medical professionals, that certianly fit the bill for some of these posts. I have always asked myself.. why cant I see a UFO why cant I experince a ghost or anything out of the norm...

I tryto keep my thoughts open, but nothing has been experienced todate.

I wish your husband a speedy recovery.

Some would say it is because you need to attain a higher level of consciousness

For ghosts, maybe. For aliens, I doubt it. There is no reason to believe that aliens would not be as based in the same physical realm as we are. People only say otherwise when they want to seperate a group of people from others. Like those damned "speaking in tongues" people. They seperate themselves and bond by babbling. Some people seperate and bond by saying they can see beings the rest of us can't, even though all of that is directly contradictory of the initial idea- aliens are technological beings, and speaking in tongues meant speaking in different HUMAN languages previously unknown to the individual as proof of the divine. Babbling is not proof of the divine, and hallucinations aren't proof of aliens.

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 12:03 PM
1. How could your family have the cops come and apprehend your family while you were on the road? Did you call from a cell phone to give them your location?

2. What kind of behavior was he exhibiting to get arrested for? That just sounds a bit outrageous. Cops can't arrest people for having alternative views.

3. This really sounds like an elaborate way of introducing another prediction scenario, especially since it's going to fall on the date of the Superbowl.

I mean, his "arrest" seems really flaky. A person could drive down the road wearing a CHICKEN HAT and laughing at imagined voices and be painted up like a transvestite CLOWN and not get arrested. If a cop stops you, you could even rant about the Second Coming, asteroid impacts on the Superbowl and 9-11 conspiracies and still not get arrested.

A person has to seem to be a threat to others to get arrested I would imagine. And then to get committed? So, if he had been acting in a threatening way, why would the wife and kids get into the car to begin with? The story doesn't add up, IMHO.

I really do hope that this story is not true. It really sounds like what happened to Richard Dreyfus' character in CE3K (Close Encounters of the Third Kind), only this guy gets arrested and committed instead of taking a road trip to Devil's Tower.

Hey, maybe a mothership will arrive at the stadium where the Superbowl is going to be played. Maybe our government is planning to use the Superbowl event as the first stage in introducing aliens to the public (imagine THAT ---better than ANY previous Superbowl commercial, ever). Maybe the aliens, like in CE3K, are sending out signals that will cause random "normal" individuals to suddenly freak out and make a rabid pilgramige to the Superbowl stadium. Instead of buying tickets, perhaps these individuals have been given instructions on how to sneak in (like Dreyfus in CE3K) and actually take part in the half-time show (a.k.a. Disclosure Event).
edit on 1-2-2011 by GhostLancer because: Typo

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 12:03 PM
This exact situation has happened to someone very close to me and also to others I know of. Thank you OP for sharing this, very reassuring to others who may not understand what's going on. I've read some of the posts, but not all, so I don't know if this opinion has been suggested by someone else.

My opinion:

People "waking up" and acting differently, like spiritual awakening, discussing future events, how the universe works, etc. and exhibiting a personality change are experiencing the results of higher frequency effecting their brain wave pattern and functions. The immediate effect of this is the release of '___' from the pineal gland, this coincides with being conscious while perceiving yourself and the world around you through a much larger awareness and perception. The raising of the frequencies we exist in on earth, is causing more of our brain to "wake up", to be used and experienced by our conscious mind. It's already being used by our subconscious mind, but when people start to use this much brain consciously, they perceive reality in a different way.

A large % of the world's population hasn't begun thinking conscously with their newly awakened brain b/c they just haven't been effected by the higher frequencies...yet, so life just goes on as normal for them even amidst economic disaster, wars, ecological disasters, etc.. They have no difficulties whatsoever going to work, watching t.v., eating unhealthy foods, taking medications or recreational drugs. They live comfortably in the material world.

Another % of society HAVE woken up, meaning they are consciously using a larger portion of their brain. The money driven material world is "depressing" to some, if not most of these people. This is because it is the world of a lower frequency, very literally, the result and combined effort of many people operating on a lower brain frequency. They live UNcomfortably in the material world realized and sustained by the lower frequency population, but they can't explain "why" to those that don't already see.

My explanation for this is not religious in nature, nor spiritual, it's simply cosmic. Polarity. Spirals. Frequencies. This is something that is constantly happening, an ascending and then descending frequency change, we're starting to rise again... Starting, this isn't the apex, it's the start of the climb from the bottom of the valley. As the frequencies we experience on the earth start to rise, our brain functions start to rise and everyone starts to "wake up". Once people start to adjust to consciously thinking with more of their brain, comprehension, reasoning and understanding increase as well as "psychic" or "clairvoyant" abilities. Also, activities that used to excite or anger you may no longer have that effect. This is because many of the motivations and emotions that dictate their decision making process are in fact hysterical and adrenaline rush based, whether joyful, angry, fearful or ecstatic. When the brain operates on a higher frequency, these formerly exciting activities don't have the same effect, because your brain knows better than to release excess adrenaline because of a meaningless emotion or activity now. You are getting used to NOT losing control to have fun and being angry will become a very rare occurence too.

The pineal gland doesn't just produce '___', it's connected to a third eye in many snakes, toads, birds, fish and other animals. The third eye is a sensory organ, but not in the same vain as a regular visual eye. It senses another type of dimension in reality, maybe most accurately described as electromagnetic, although some animals can see optically with it as well. So, people are going to have to adjust to living and operating within the reality that their 6th sense is perceiving as well.

The biggest way we can help those who are starting to be conscious on higher frequencies is to let them know it's okay to be who they want to be and that they don't have to fit into any mold or be the way they used to be for us to love and accept them. Financially, many people won't be able to "work" normal jobs any more. Many higher frequency brains simply cannot adjust to putting time, energy and effort into something they know to be manipulative, destructive or harmful. This is where real family values have to show themselves. Family structures, lifestyles and eventually societal structure will have to adapt to accomodate this shift until the financial system either adapts or collapses. We have to help each other and adapt to doing the things that we ARE comfortable doing; farming, writing, dancing, singing, building, playing, walking, etc..

Just my two cents.

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 12:04 PM

Originally posted by Equinox99
reply to post by NadaCambia

While you may think she is exploiting her husband I think she is just trying to find similar cases and learn how to deal with it. We humans are a bunch who think we know it all at first glance. How do you come to a conclusion of bi-polar disorder at first glance?

Bi-polar doesn't happen overnight. Stella has spent one night with her husband and she is freaked out because he had an epiphany. She doesn't know why he had an epiphany but it DOES happen. Not all of us are crazy. In fact we are the majority, therefore, you guys are crazy.

All jokes aside, we don't fully understand how the body works and how the brain works. So for ANYONE to claim there is nothing supernatural is coming to a premature conclusion. You can only come to a conclusion if the results are final and not changeable.

There are tons of cases where good people have had epiphanies where they aren't bipolar. When someone has an epiphany and people tell them they're crazy and they're insane that breaches the trust relationship. Maybe since the closest person in my life thinks I'm crazy than I must be.

And since Stella hasn't claimed that he went through a depressed stage than where did the doctors get bipolar from? Now they label overly happy people as bipolar? Guys be careful, if your too happy than your bipolar, if your too sad your bipolar, if you don't like social gatherings than you have social anxiety disorder. Come take these blue pills they will make you feel better.

I just don't believe that. The fact she claims as the topic title that her husband 'woke up', as if to imply he was previously blind to truth and has become enlightened, suggests to me she is exploiting her husband.

Consciously or subconsciously she's exploiting his condition to reinforce and support her own beliefs and ideas.

Whether her beliefs are true or not shouldn't matter, the man is clearly going through a mental episode.

There are people who are bipolar. There are people who are mentally gone. One of my good friends is probably on a Psych ward walking in circles as we speak. It happens. To make light of a serious situation and what sounds for all extensive purposes to be serious mental problems, it's just not very thoughtful.

Of course, big Pharma shills over prescribe to line pockets. Nobodies denying that happens. But if the OP's husband didn't believe what everyone here believed, and believed something else, there views would change.

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 12:04 PM

Originally posted by jonwight
im no dr. but maybe meds arent exactly what he needs.

I agree. Its like taking a child, a child with lots of energy. which everyone know that kids are more energy than thought when young. So parents that can't handle them, put them on drugs to calm them down and shut them up. Even though kids are just being kids. Meds masking whatever he needs to get out in the open, are not the answer. Suggestion, have him take a week off work without meds, watch him, and let him express himself without harm or bother from other who will judge ....

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 12:06 PM
I was thinking that was good for him, you know the spiritual experience, then you call the boys in blue... That's sad he was feeling good, learning his place in life and y'all just lock him up and medicate him. lol Seriously though what do you think triggered it? Do you think it was Bi-polar? I mean you two were up all night talking right? Did he seem crazy then? My step dad recently did the same kind of thing, and the doc said, he had hormone imbalances.

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 12:07 PM
"And the mans wife, the OP, should be absolutely ashamed of herself. What kind of loving partner exploits such a situation situation to promote her own fantasies? It wouldn't surprise me if you drove him to insanity, given your behaviour in this thread. Take a long hard look at yourself."

you're obviously being the most negative person here, all of your conclusions include the speculation that the poster is a liar, or a bad person. there's no reasonable evidence to make any normal person assume that she's done something bad.

if all you're going to do is promote a negative attitude about stuff than it's better to not post, IMO.

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 12:10 PM

Originally posted by VI0811

Originally posted by jonwight
im no dr. but maybe meds arent exactly what he needs.

I agree. Its like taking a child, a child with lots of energy. which everyone know that kids are more energy than thought when young. So parents that can't handle them, put them on drugs to calm them down and shut them up. Even though kids are just being kids. Meds masking whatever he needs to get out in the open, are not the answer. Suggestion, have him take a week off work without meds, watch him, and let him express himself without harm or bother from other who will judge ....

Maybe in your ideal world. In the real world it doesn't work like that. Go visit a Psych ward. Many people need and are reliant on medication. That evil western medicine you all abhore.

Funnily enough, my Mum has nursed Psych wards, and my nextdoor neighbour is security on a Psych ward. And I have a friend in the Psych ward. So got a little bit of first and second hand knowledge. Some people aren't mentally right.

You can go anywhere in the world, there's many places without Western medicine, and find people with these problems. Mental problems are as real as the physical.

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 12:12 PM
reply to post by NadaCambia

Everyone has the perfect right to think and conclude what they want to where this topic is concerned, but remember this and remember it well children and their safety mean much more to me than any of you, any person i have ever met, and more than my wife of 22 years does (and yes, i still love her).

And if there was even the slightest, niggling doubt that my wife had a mental illness that could endanger the safety of my kids..and i mean the slightest doubt, i'd have done exactly the same thing as Stella did.

If my wife suddenly and unexpectedly made a rapid personality departure from what i'd known for the last 22 years, i too would be worried sick she might flip and hurt our kids.

To preach what people should or shouldn't do in similar situations, or even go on to attack people for their actions performed out of concern for their children and family, is *bang out of order*, and shows you either do not have children, or that if you do have, you don't care enough about their safety and *you* should be ashamed of yourselves for the terrible parents you are!

Nuff said.

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 12:13 PM
I'm calling shenanigans on this whole thread, parts of your story are just not consistent.

He believes God is an alien so he reads the bible now? nowhere in the bible does it refer to God or jesus being an ET. If he believes God is an alien what made him turn directly to the bible and Catholicism? And the meteor part? come on...Scientists would be able to see a meteor in the path of the earth probably years before it actually hit us so I'm not buying that one either. The superbowl one is just laughable.
The one that really impresses me is that your superman husband broke through a hospital wall.

what some people will do for attention...

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 12:13 PM
Well there was definitely a decent amount of bashing done back and forth on this thread among members and directed at the OP and her spouse for that matter. No wonder you guys scared her off- which is pretty crappy, considering there's really not enough information to properly discern whether or not this was a true "awakening" or a "psychotic break."
Both can seem very similar at times and everyone has their own personal religious/spiritual views to take into consideration, along with their opinions on mental health so I guess things can get pretty garbled especially for THE OP AND HER HUSBAND WHO ARE THE ONES GOING THROUGH THIS FIRST HAND.
All of us are just typing on a computer giving our opinions about someone's life, without actually living it. Imo there's just not enough information to go off of, and rightly so. Some of the people on this thread are ridiculous, on BOTH ends of the spectrum and on BOTH sides of the argument. She's doing the right thing not telling you guys every little thing that happened within her family.
OP, I hope whatever is going on with your family (which only you and your husband really know), that you all take care of yourselves.
I pray everything becomes clearer for you guys because this sounds like an extraordinary journey either way no matter what the outcome or the 'diagnosis.'

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 12:14 PM

Originally posted by metalshredmetal
"And the mans wife, the OP, should be absolutely ashamed of herself. What kind of loving partner exploits such a situation situation to promote her own fantasies? It wouldn't surprise me if you drove him to insanity, given your behaviour in this thread. Take a long hard look at yourself."

you're obviously being the most negative person here, all of your conclusions include the speculation that the poster is a liar, or a bad person. there's no reasonable evidence to make any normal person assume that she's done something bad.

if all you're going to do is promote a negative attitude about stuff than it's better to not post, IMO.

Whether positive or negative my viewpoints would be attacked in much the same way.

IF I came in this thread talking up the benefits of medication in the situation, i'd be run out of the thread

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 12:17 PM
reply to post by stellawayten

How was he acting that the cops needed to get involved? Your only telling us one side of the story, tell the entire story, how was he behaving, was it just ideas that worried everyone, or are they overly paranoid?
Come on what's the deal here?

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 12:17 PM
thats simply amazing. and it is so unfortunate that our society, not fully understanding what happened to your husband, wants to just write him off as being crazy. and i too believe something extraordinary will happen in our very near future. stand by your husband, he very well might be an important link to our future as a race in understanding our place in this vast universe.

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 12:19 PM

Originally posted by spikey
reply to post by NadaCambia

Everyone has the perfect right to think and conclude what they want to where this topic is concerned, but remember this and remember it well children and their safety mean much more to me than any of you, any person i have ever met, and more than my wife of 22 years does (and yes, i still love her).

And if there was even the slightest, niggling doubt that my wife had a mental illness that could endanger the safety of my kids..and i mean the slightest doubt, i'd have done exactly the same thing as Stella did.

If my wife suddenly and unexpectedly made a rapid personality departure from what i'd known for the last 22 years, i too would be worried sick she might flip and hurt our kids.

To preach what people should or shouldn't do in similar situations, or even go on to attack people for their actions performed out of concern for their children and family, is *bang out of order*, and shows you either do not have children, or that if you do have, you don't care enough about their safety and *you* should be ashamed of yourselves for the terrible parents you are!

Nuff said.

Yes. And I must earlier apologise to the OP for my original posts. I hadn't read the thread in full, but only the OPs original post and several after. After reading the thread in full I have plenty of egg on my face. Although I still stand by my attacks on several posters talking up 'enlightenment'

I was attacking her for what I perceived/assumed to be promotion of her husbands views. I absolutely agree with your above post and seeking proper help, against his will or otherwise.
edit on 1-2-2011 by NadaCambia because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 12:22 PM
Sounds like your husband may have had true esoteric experience like a Kundalini awakening or a Satori moment. It sounds like more of a Kundalini awakening. Because Kundalini awakening has been known to cause behavioral changes. Even biblical text mention about people having unearthly spiritual experiences like this. Many who experience a Kundalini awakening experience symptoms that many western psychologist diagnose as schizophrenia or a mental disorder such as bi-polar. You also have to remember modern western psychology relies on heavily medication and like to label people with mental disorders...or I should say "crazy". Just because your husband experience something out of the norm, inexplicable, and beyond our current paradigm...he is quickly diagnosed bi-polar and then medicated? Sounds like deliberate system of spiritual suppression.

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 12:23 PM
I'm glad to hear that your husband is on medication and I hope that he stays on it for his own well-being.
There is no question that as the magnetic field becomes more unstable that people who are "on the edge" are falling over the edge for good (as in your husband's case), or bad - recent violent shootings, etc.
We are connected to the Earth whether we are conscious of it or not and what is happening right now is a destabilization that everyone is at the effect of. I agree, something big is coming, in fact I think it is already here.

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 12:33 PM

Originally posted by NadaCambia
Let me put it to you 7th chakra, quasi-hippy indigo types, now listen closely;

IF the OP's husband had a mental break down, and as a result become a Satanic, Neo-Nazi... Or maybe just a Satanist, or maybe just somebody whos beliefs didn't run parallel to your own. If that was to happen, none of you would be saying 'oh, he's become enlightened'. None of you would be slamming the doctors for diagnosing him with bipolar disorder. You'd all be questioning the OP's motives. You'd too slam people who responded and encouraged his mental illness because his inane ramblings support their own views.

Be serious with yourselves for a second. You're only attacking me because I don't believe the same things you do. In contrast, you're only supporting the OP's husbands enlightenment because he now believes the same things you do.

This man has had a mental break down. He hasn't been enlightened or woken up. That you people are meant to be the good guys, the spiritually enlightened nice guys, with 23 chakras, high frequences and super auras is worrying. I've met Koreans who deep fry cats who have better ethics and maturity.

The religious types will find commonality for them and lunge for it, grasping and groping for anything that will support their own agenda and point of view.

The atheist types will find commonality for them and lunge for it, grasping and groping for anything that will support their own agenda and point of view.

The New age types will find commonality for them and lunge for it, grasping and groping for anything that will support their own agenda and point of view.

The ....

In summary...everyone has an agenda!

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 12:33 PM

Originally posted by harrytuttle
Vincent VanGogh had bipolar disorder. Imagine how different his life and the art world would have been had he lived during this time of "give him meds!"...

The visions he had may have led him to cut off his ear, but it also gave the world this:

Meds may "stabilize" people's lives, but we are meddling with the human spirit.

It was absinthe that led to him cutting off his ear

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