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World Gripped By Anti-Government Riots; America Next?

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posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 07:14 PM
Yea...that headline isn't misleading or anything.

Listen--there's problems in our country but I highly doubt you're going to get a vast majority of Americans to revolt. You're not going to get the vast majority of the US Army to back a few citizens militias blowing up IRS buildings.

This is how America works--remember when Bush was in office? And all the liberals said that this was the worst Pres ever and they wanted to leave the country? It was a hostile political environment. Much like now. Then the Democratic Party started a grass-roots movement starting with 2006 that got the Congress back to the Democrats and then Obama won the 2008 election.

And now...the Republicans started a grass roots movement that got the House back in 2010 and who knows in 2012? The pendulum of American politics goes back and forth all the time.

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 07:29 PM
I would prefer to see in the near future of America a computerized revolution by Americans and for Americans, conducted by masses of highly educated and enlightened true freedom hunters.

With as many as possible involved and done simultaneously from their home computers, office computers, mainframes, and Gov't computerized systems to be used as the ultimate bargaining chip for real change.

In other words a complete computerized take over of our present repressive, greedy, Neanderthalic systems.

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 07:34 PM
American governmental officials need to open their eyes to the revolutions taking place in other places around the world right now. People everywhere have had ENOUGH of the BS that they are subjected to on a daily basis by corrupt, money grubbing politicians. If anyone for a moment even debates weather or not this same fed up attitude is reaching Americans or not, let me tell you something. Americans are not the stereotypical, fat, lazy slob that the powers that were would have you believe. Americans can be just as intelligent as anyone else out there. Everyone across the globe is HUMAN. As humans the people are deciding WE want our power back. We want the responsibility to take care of our country, not to leave it in the hands of these war hungry, greedy fat cats that sit in office chairs all day long making piss-poor decisions about our world. I have some news for you, this is a world wide event. A global movement against tyranny and oppression. The PEOPLE will no longer tolerate this ridiculous government and their insanity. Things like jailing a woman for trying to do the best for her child. Denying everyone the right to freedom, the right to peace, by forcing us to go to wars and fight for what? For freedom, for peace? I think not. You see in the media nothing but negativity, half of it isn't even true. Well the people are fed up. If things continue down this horrid path of deception, the people WILL take back what is rightfully EVERYONES. This is OUR planet, and we'll be damned if we are going to let ANYONE ruin it, or ruin us. Be it tall people, fat people, small people, white people, black people, it doesn't matter. We are all humans and we all want to be free. Our freedoms are being taken away one by one and we aren't going to stand for it any longer.

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 07:43 PM
Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity....

It just doesn't make sense.

American won't be revolting without a massive catalyst of some kind. At the moment, we are too apathetic and complacent, but when that changes, beware the sleeping giant.


edit on 28-1-2011 by SonOfTheLawOfOne because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 07:47 PM
The only war ever worth fighting in the end is the war on war.

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 07:50 PM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

i think the word anti government is misleading who ever uses it, i do not think people are anti government, but more anti corruption, i am pretty sure they still want a government, but either not the one they have, or one that is run in a better way and puts the people first.

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 07:51 PM
Also, the guillotine was a fearsome tool to some once bloodied.....

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 09:31 PM
the difference between the rioters in Egypt, etc. and Americans is that the Egyptians know they live in a fascist dictatorship, while most of America still thinks they are free...American propaganda has been so effective for too long while the people have been kept distracted and in fear; there is no way that Americans would riot without major food shortages...and America doesnt even need to riot anyway, they just need to figure out what is happening and then can nonviolently accomplish whatever they want to with their numbers...we should look to MLK for advice in this regard, with his championing of ideas like civil disobedience and such...we could declare war on the banks and the fed (they declared it on us long ago) if 200 million people refused to pay their taxes...we could make marijuana legal if thousands of tokers would surround every police station until they finally acknowledged what freedom really means...all it takes is organization, hence the shutting down of the social networking sites and internet over there...this country is a long, long way from the types of riots that those countries are experiencing, but we could learn a lot from them about banding together to fight tyranny...

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 09:45 PM
reply to post by ADUB77

How about you not try and discredit Alex Jones' message in the link by misquoting him and charging him of double speak. Alex clearly says, "And if you're not with them [key word being "THEM"], cops and military, AHHH, then you will declare that you're with the Republic now [i.e. with we the people]". So no, Alex is not mixing his words up; but you sure as heck are! I hope you just misheard him, rather than chiming in with a misleading comment to discredit Apodictic's link!? I might not listen to Alex Jones much, but he's entitled to not being misquoted and misrepresented. If you took the time to post, then you should make sure of what you're responding to!

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 09:51 PM
reply to post by apodictic

Yes, Americans are too submissive to take any action, those in the middle east however, are fighting for their very right of speech, many things that people here take for granted.

Before you complain you want better lives, look around the world see all those suffering dreaming of having what you have, you people have no reason to fight your government because your situation (no matter how paranoid or crappy) it can ALWAYS be worse.

Simply put, be grateful for what you have!
edit on 28-1-2011 by Anthony1138 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 09:53 PM

Originally posted by DimensionalDetective

World Gripped By Anti-Government Riots; America Next?

Sorry, but I believe that Americans have become too dumbed down and too apathetic to rise up against ANYTHING tyranny the Government might perpetrate upon us...after all "Dancing With The Stars" is on tonight.

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 09:53 PM
" World Gripped By Anti-Government Riots; America Next?"

Sorry, but I believe that Americans have become too dumbed down and too apathetic to rise up against ANY tyranny the Government might perpetrate upon us...after all "Dancing With The Stars" is on tonight.
edit on 28-1-2011 by lapi7 because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-1-2011 by lapi7 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 09:57 PM
reply to post by Hitoshura

Hey, nice racism.It makes me laugh the hypocrisy of so many supposed erudite commenters on this website...Im sure we are all proud...ever read the Quran?, or for that matter any religious text in depth?

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 10:13 PM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

Americans are slow to anger and wind by that slowness. We've endured everything and we see no reason to revolt as long as we have the pleasures and securities in life. That said, the second one of those no good politicians cross us, they're either dead through election, or physical violence.

Thus the politicians know their line. Seldom they cross it, and through blood or paper, they are removed.

It's fun how they think they rule the country when in fact they're just slaves doing what the people demand.

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 10:26 PM
Our gov has made it well known to the world that our way of life is non negotiable. This too me means we will be the last too fall and they will do anything too insure people don't miss Steve, the wannabe Jerry Springer.

Just for the record tho. The protests and riots are not anti-gov, they do not want anarchy.

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 10:31 PM

Originally posted by lapi7

" World Gripped By Anti-Government Riots; America Next?"

Sorry, but I believe that Americans have become too dumbed down and too apathetic to rise up against ANY tyranny the Government might perpetrate upon us...after all "Dancing With The Stars" is on tonight.

edit on 28-1-2011 by lapi7 because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-1-2011 by lapi7 because: (no reason given)

You just plagiarized DimensionalDetective

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 10:34 PM
reply to post by Anthony1138

Something interesting today on al Jazeera: The commentator made a comment that one of the most bone-headed moves the government made in Egypt was to shut off communications (internet, phone, I'm not sure about TV as I haven't been able to find anything) because people had nothing to do and it got them out in the streets.

So maybe if the time ever comes.... Kidding! Sort of.

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 10:42 PM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

ok AMERICA does anyone remember the national GUARD shooting the students in a peaceful demo i think from memory it was something to do with the Vietnam war your famous president said i quote you can fool some of the people some of the time but you cant fool all the people all the time oh he got shot no one ever shot a vice president butterfly's have freedom bit catch one and hold it tight it will never fly again

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 11:00 PM
reply to post by Anttyk47

Infowars is a government project and Alex Jones a provocateur.

Anyone with a brain can see how obvious this is.

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 11:03 PM
reply to post by ~Lucidity

I was thinking that too....what are they nuts? They were talking about shutting down power, water, net, ph, etc.. I would think this would just piss people off ten fold. You know where they would be heading for a shower and some late night TV.

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