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The world is about to go BANG!

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posted on Jan, 15 2011 @ 05:03 AM
reply to post by smithjustinb

The Earth has not the requisite mass or density to become a star. If any planet in our solar system were to become a star, it would more likely be one of the gas giants, either Jupiter or Saturn. In my opinion it is far more likely to be Jupiter since that planet has massive gravity and were all its gaseous components to suddenly be drawn toward its centre, they would have a higher chance of igniting a chain reaction of starlike proportions.
Of course all this is pure science fiction, since some devastating interferance from outside the planet would be required to begin the course of events which would lead to such a thing, and the technological and scientific knowledge to begin that process is beyond the true understanding of man at this point, and as such is worth nothing to the serious researcher, except as an ammusing interlude.

posted on Jan, 15 2011 @ 12:30 PM
reply to post by StlSteve

No change of heart. I believe it was the way I was taught to write "on the fly" as it were.

The third paragraph is about religion, hence, one will or will not take it on faith and it is something you have to do for yourself if you cannot take it on faith.

The fourth is intended as a summation, "It is a fact..." was used because I believe my original post to be fact and have stated here, albeit too briefly, why I think it is a fact.

Perhaps, I should have simply said, "In summation..." and let others, make this decision for themselves?

posted on Jan, 15 2011 @ 10:07 PM
reply to post by Jedimind

You claim that technology is increasing exponentially. I don't think that is true. What we are seeing is smaller and faster gadgets, but nothing amazing. Facial recognition software still stinks. Wear a hat or make up and the software fails. Is there any real artificial intelligence today? No. The bar has been lowered and it is called expert systems. These systems mimic a small fraction of what an expert does. Intelligent no. Does it do its job? Sure. At best the improvements in technology have made some tasks easier and less of a burden.

posted on Jan, 15 2011 @ 10:16 PM
reply to post by angelwrangler

SO these EM you refer to are not detectable by astronomers, but can be detected by people. If these are indeed EM, then they should be detectable by devices. If this is causing changes in people's DNA, then they must be dying. Many DNA changes are lethal. There are no multi helix organisms are there? Why would a cell be able to handle the insertion of multiple helices?

BTW, if the material has not been published, then no should be distributing the material until it is accepted for publication or better yet published.

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 10:42 AM
reply to post by joehill2012

wow joe thankyou i resonate with every thing you say you see 11:11

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 04:29 PM
I believe that something good is going to happen. Thats when I finally pay off my car note

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 04:36 PM
reply to post by stereologist

If you were to place all the major technological advances according to their relative level of advancement on a graph over the duration of mankind's history here on earth, it would be pretty clear that the speed of technological advancement is exponential and not linear. Ray Kurzweil actually does just that in the beginning of his book about the coming Singularity.

I think that any reasonable assessment would show that relatively, we now in 2011 will see much greater technological advancement from now until 2021 than people saw from 1950 to 1960 for example. We are all standing on our predecessors shoulders so to speak so the people/researchers/scientists,etc. of tomorrow will always be at an advantage than those of yesterday. All the information and advancements are cumulative.

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 05:03 PM
reply to post by fone in

Well said by one whom has no idea of what is really happening . Prophecy has told us of these things 2,000+ years ago . It's there if you were to look . The next thing you can look forward to is a massive attack on Israel . Whether you know it or not Israel or actually Jerusalem is the center of the world . What happens in Israel will impact the rest of the world . Question ; have you payed attention to the fact that Jews own all of the major banks in the world . This includes our 12 Federal Reserve Banks , the World Bank , the Bank of England and Bank of France . The Jews dominate our National News Medias , Movie and television productions and holds many offices in our government . God has laid out the upcoming events if you are willing to look and the Jews are going to be right in the middle of it .

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 05:21 PM
reply to post by SimonPeter

Im gonna have to agree with you on this. Spot on.If only more people would open there eyes to what was said thousands of years ago

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 05:42 PM
reply to post by lioevilo

All we can do is to sit back a watch the big show . It's set in stone and the only decision we can make is our personal decision to serve Christ our Lord or to serve Satan .

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 06:58 PM
reply to post by Jedimind

I doubt it is exponential. I could see it being a power function, but not exponential. A power function makes much more sense. If there is more information and more wealth and more technology and more people to do the research, then more is found. The problem is that there are always limits. What can start out as apparently a power function turns out not to be one in the long run. Resources such as time, money, material, etc. dampen the curve. A good example is a biological population. The growth is dampened by the effects of limited space, disease, predation, food, and other issues.

The claims of some singularity are simply made in spite of reality.

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 09:52 PM

Originally posted by Lil Drummerboy

Originally posted by FoxfilesMulder
Does anybody else out there just get a crazy feeling something bad is about to happen in this world?

Its like the world is under attack by means unknown and each one of these random attacks is for the sole purpose of trying to kickstart a major catastrophe.

The world can only take so much of a beating before it cant recover in time for another kick in the teeth.

I'm not taking into account any prophecy or related hype, but I'm just being aware of my surroundings and this gloomy feeling I get when thinking about the near future ahead.

I read this article recently also, its nothing new but food for thought none the less.

Something is about to change people!

Yeah,. for the last 5 years I have felt it,.
the universe certainly has something up,.
I think the Packers are gonna go back to the superbowl
well whadduya know
the packers won another game,.
It would seem we may be closer to the bigger bang.
the universe is certainly speaking to the natives of Wisconsin..
Oh, as for this thread
I think things will move along as usual

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 10:03 PM

Originally posted by stereologist
reply to post by Jedimind

I doubt it is exponential. I could see it being a power function, but not exponential. A power function makes much more sense. If there is more information and more wealth and more technology and more people to do the research, then more is found. The problem is that there are always limits. What can start out as apparently a power function turns out not to be one in the long run. Resources such as time, money, material, etc. dampen the curve. A good example is a biological population. The growth is dampened by the effects of limited space, disease, predation, food, and other issues.

The claims of some singularity are simply made in spite of reality.

The singularity is sort of the polar opposite of the crash idea, which has an exponential (or some superlinear) curve reach a "threshold point" and then drop to near-zero (in human terms a catastrophe that wipes out most human life).

I never really thought of it that way; I had always seen the singularity as some far-out idea that doesn't relate to anybody else's speculations. But actually you could place it at the "optimistic" pole of a spectrum, which has the big catastrophe at the "pessimistic" end.

Personally I lean toward the pessimistic. Humans aren't mature enough for advanced technology, and we're going to learn that the hard way real soon.

edit on 16-1-2011 by NewlyAwakened because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 07:39 AM
reply to post by NewlyAwakened

The singularity is sort of the polar opposite of the crash idea, which has an exponential (or some superlinear) curve reach a "threshold point" and then drop to near-zero (in human terms a catastrophe that wipes out most human life).

I never really thought of it that way; I had always seen the singularity as some far-out idea that doesn't relate to anybody else's speculations. But actually you could place it at the "optimistic" pole of a spectrum, which has the big catastrophe at the "pessimistic" end.

Personally I lean toward the pessimistic. Humans aren't mature enough for advanced technology, and we're going to learn that the hard way real soon.

This sort of 'curve' is used to imply some measurable quantity, but it is usually some contrived drawing. Decades ago there was a book called Future Shock by Alvin Toffler. He claimed that the rapidly changing advances in technology were going to a hit a wall because humans couldn't adapt to the rising complexities of the new technological world. That was before cell phones, home computers, GPS, etc. Toffler was completely wrong in his assertions.

The plot does not have an 'opposite'. To suppose that a crash should have an opposite is not necessarily valid. I don't believe it is. As for being a superlinear curve, it may not be linear, but exponential growth can't go on for ever. Dampening effects quickly put biological populations in check.

Another issue in our growth in scientific knowledge is that being a scientist was frowned on until recently. Take the life of Buffon, a famous French scientist. His family was quite upset that he wanted to be a scientist. They wanted him to have a respectable job like tax collector or lawyer. The growth in technological issues has to be considered in light of cultural acceptance of this type of work.

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 08:48 AM
reply to post by Wildeagle

For certain our planet, and indeed solar system, has arrived at a natural point in time where some change is inevitable - it's normal - we just happen to be around at this juncture and will have to cope and manage the aftermath of the forthcoming "Event" and the minor events leading up to it. Nobody really knows exactly what the "Event" will be, or exactly when it will happen. Many of our ancestors discuss 2012 in ancient scriptures and my guess is they are right. There are many theories, guesses, assumptions, etc. being made, but for sure the sun will play a big part in any changes that occur on planet Earth. The sun is now in it's 24th cycle and we can expect, and are seeing, alot of solar activity (flares, solar winds,etc) taking place right now, as we speak, having an impact on our planet. The alignment of the solar system and Milky Way will have a major affect on the changes we see. For sure, the main cause will be cosmic, and that includes bombardment of meteors or asteroids. It is starting NOW! The polar shift is happening as we speak. The evidence is measurable scientifically, and we have seen Tampa Airport already closed to re-align the signatures for magnetic north.. We have seen the daylight appear 2 days earlier than normal in regions that should still be dark. We have been told that the North Pole is moving towards Russia, NOW!! We are seeing mass deaths of birds and fish, and now cows in a field, across the globe. Some say this may be man-made and to do with Chemtrails - chemical waste being sprayed into the atmosphere (check out We are also seeing a huge increase in natural disasters - volcanoes, flooding, earthquakes, tsunami, extreme weather, etc. These too may all be a result of cosmic influence on our planet. The changes in the magnetic field around our planet may mean we attract large objects of debris flying through the cosmos, as opposed to normally repelling or deflecting them out into space, so being hit again by a huge asteroid which changed things on earth so long ago - It is a distinct possibility!! Whatever happens, we are not in a position to fully understand it and cannot prevent it. The forces of the cosmos and nature itself will take their natural course. As previously stated, we will have to manage it and can only prepare ourselves as best we can, and that is down to Worldwide governments coming clean and telling people the truth and working together to obtain the best possible chance to sustain mankind as we know it for the future, after the "Event". Will they do that?? Probably not - too afraid, too selfish, giant corporations who run our planet are too greedy and power hungry to give a damn, so it will probably come down to "every man for himself" and "survival of the fittest" - natural selection.
One hope exists - outside intervention. Will the extraterrestrials who have been visiting our shores for millenia - those who have had a hand in the creation of man as we know him - will they return and help us - not all of us but the select few, to survive the "Event" and continue our race. Apart from that, I personally cannot see a great future post-Event, not for several centuries anyway. The damage to planet Earth is almost beyond reparation now - we continue to abuse it daily - so the impact of a major disater may not be recoverable.

Everyday I watch things changing. I have been interested in the cosmos since I was a very young boy - it will always be the supreme force. I have seen many manmade changes on Earth, driven by mans greed, people who want to rule and control, and by those who want the power over all things. Huge change is coming and the power - hungry, greedy corporations, societies, etc who control this planet will have to face a rude awakening. They will be brought down to an even level, alongside "Joe public" on the streets, in cities all over the world, where the elctronic, corporate governed world as we know it today, will be forced to go "back to basics" and recover the remains of the planet and the human race. They will need the average Joe as much as he will need them and we will once again walk side by side as a race and start again - a new world order.

Even if a huge cosmic event does not happen, the planet is in a state of huge change and upheaval due to worldwide unrest, again driven by power-hungry, greedy individuals/groups. Financial collapse, religious unrest, an evergrowing population that cannot be sustained, etc. All these things will lead to inevitable changes. It's natures way of self cleansing and re-calibration for the next cosmic phase.

Good Luck Everybody.

posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 02:46 AM
[url= is going to enjoy, before the world goes bang skip to 5:08min[/url]

How do i capture the video on my HD.

Video description.

Tunisians are plundering.

If you can not see the video. You see an forklift on the road, with on the fork an Ferrari California(yellow).
The man behind the wheel is driving on the street, and when he looks to the camera. He smile's and says ' you know its our money

edit on 18-1-2011 by TribeOfManyColours because: (no reason given)

still frame

edit on 18-1-2011 by TribeOfManyColours because: (no reason given)

still frame with smile

edit on 18-1-2011 by TribeOfManyColours because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-1-2011 by TribeOfManyColours because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 02:12 PM
reply to post by stereologist

Just checking in with you, have not forgotten this task. Getting this together for you is a lot, so I may open a new thread. I can validate you in that this stuff started out as Urban UFOlogy Legend. But, now I have some worthwhile work collected and interviews. And I do not agree with you in that it has to be published entirely before going on this site. There are some very good white papers that are worth, at least, perusal. I believe the average ATSer has a higher IQ and can handle and debate information from reputable University's etc.

There are many military documents and interviews on ATS that are not vetted or researched, because they cannot be. It does not make them any less plausible when combined with the knowledge of other ATSers and their personal databases.

Case in point,

posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 02:51 PM

Originally posted by Jedimind
reply to post by stereologist

If you were to place all the major technological advances according to their relative level of advancement on a graph over the duration of mankind's history here on earth, it would be pretty clear that the speed of technological advancement is exponential and not linear. Ray Kurzweil actually does just that in the beginning of his book about the coming Singularity.

I think that any reasonable assessment would show that relatively, we now in 2011 will see much greater technological advancement from now until 2021 than people saw from 1950 to 1960 for example. We are all standing on our predecessors shoulders so to speak so the people/researchers/scientists,etc. of tomorrow will always be at an advantage than those of yesterday. All the information and advancements are cumulative.

I have to agree with you there. Most definitely exponential especially when you include successful technological advancements that have yet to reach the public marketplace.

Hi stereologist. This isn't new thinking it's be talked about for years. Sometime in the future tech advance will be so swift that before the product leaves the factory it'll already be the out of date model. And then it'll get worse than that and we'll eventually become post-technological. I can't wait to get my hands on the first replicator shipment. Well that's what would happen if we lived in free and fair society, with a global market economy unshackled from this technocratic tyranny.

posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 08:49 PM
reply to post by Bazza147

Many of our ancestors discuss 2012 in ancient scriptures and my guess is they are right.

Name any ancient scriptures discussing 2012. There are none. It's all hogwash perpetrated by hoaxers in the 1980s.

The solar amximum predicted to peak in 2013 is just like all of the others that take place every 11 years, 22 years for a complete cycle, except this one is predicted to be below average.

Alignments do not have an impact on the Earth. These happen many times a year. The galactic alignment happens every year.

The polar shift is happening as we speak.

Polar shifts are a figment of Hancock's imagination. Maybe you meant magnetic reversal?

The 2 day early sunrise in Greenland was due to ice melting and lowering the horizon.

The North magnetic pole has been in motion ever since it was first located. The North rotational axis moved about 2cm after the Chile earthquake.

The mass deaths of animals is common and no more common today than before. It's not related to the hoax of chemtrails.

The numbers of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, and extreme weather is not changing.

The magnetic field of the Earth is way too weak to alter the paths of large objects. It affects the motions of ionized particles.

"One hope exists -" education! Yes, take the time to learn why you made so many mistakes in a single post.

posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 09:02 PM
reply to post by spookfish

I know there has been talk about this for years. That does not make it correct. I suppose here that the term exponential is being used as common jargon and not with the intent of being used correctly. These notions of singularity are fanciful at best. Exponential systems quickly decay since the lack of resources quickly dampens the curve.

Sometime in the future tech advance will be so swift that before the product leaves the factory it'll already be the out of date model.

That has been happening for years. Take anti virus software. It is out of date before the CDs are pressed. I've worked on chips that were 4X the capacity of product being made on the production line. Most places that do research have more advanced concepts than what is being produced. If they don't they lose against the competition.
edit on 20-1-2011 by stereologist because: (no reason given)

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