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Obama's Birth certificate: Hawaii Governor Abercrombie's Birther mission

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posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 03:37 PM

Originally posted by Resurrectio
reply to post by RRokkyy

Ok... I am looking at a copy of the constitution.. Where do i find the proof on here? I have looked it over, and am yet to find your proof.

You still dont get it.
You cant prove a negative only a positive.
It is not the job of the people to prove a negative.
The President,or Candidate for POTUS must prove he is a Natural Born Citizen to the satisfaction of We the People.

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 03:39 PM
reply to post by RRokkyy

Can you point out that in the constitution please.. I dont see that verbiage. Please and thank you

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 03:41 PM
reply to post by RRokkyy

You are so naive.... Proof was provided.. It is not good enough for you. Please show me where it says he needs to provide a LONG FORM.. It is you that do not get it.. You argue with NO PROOF, NO FACTS.. lack of something does NOT prove ANYTHING!!!!

Some folks must5 have such uneventful, they make things up for excitement.
edit on 12/30/2010 by Resurrectio because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 03:43 PM

Originally posted by Resurrectio
reply to post by Honor93

we are ALL supposed to be 'truthers' in one form or another
Lie? hmmmmmm

Now who is picking apart words? I am done dealing with birthers like yourself.

Have a wonderful day.

typical -- only quote what makes you right ... i said ... it is my understanding that we are ALL supposed to be truthers in one form or another --- Lie? ... by omission, sure. Because i also said ... the term 'truthers' as it is intended could be considered an insult.

you won't get around me with backasswards quotes, phonetic misinterpretations or slight of context ... folks who communicate like yourself really make me wonder who opened the gates to the asylum ... don't forget your meds and thanks, it's a beautiful day today and i certainly am enjoying it.

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 04:04 PM
If the President has to be a natural born citizen and Barack Obama is President, then by the commutative property he is a natural born citizen. Am I right?

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 04:18 PM

Originally posted by Resurrectio
reply to post by civilchallenger

Stop with your silly demands... Why would someone type out an explanation?

I am not using it as an insult... It is just much easier to say Birther than a 5 to 6 word sentence...

Just like I type BH instead of his entire name.. Same reason some friends refer to me as Res..

Do you ever use TPTB? Or LEO? Or SETI? Or USA? Or NASA? jeesh some people are confrontational just to be confrontational.

Just maybe *you* didn't use it that way even though it none the less had the connotation there if you think more lowly of what you call "birthers" than your self. But lets take a look at how *most people* use the term. I looked at the Urban Dictionary and found one definition in particular to have a high ratio of 1787 up votes to 797 down votes (compared to fairly even mix of up & down for the top definition):

"A racist sore loser who can't deal with having a black president so they make up absurd conspiracy theories about Barack Obama's birth certificate.

These nutjobs actually believe that there has been a conspiracy going back 48 years to fake Barack Obama's birth certificate. Apparently they had a crystal ball and knew that this black child (born in the days of segregation) would someday run for President.

Just ignore that racist nutjob foaming at the mouth. He's a right wing "birther" conspiracy nut."


There you have it. "Birther" is a combination of playing a pitifully and pathetically overplayed race card with a word that should obviously mean "one who is/can/has given birth" but doesn't any way.

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 04:22 PM
reply to post by civilchallenger

It is more than obvious why you chose to ignore these

Birther 6056 up, 4550 down

July 28, 2009 Urban Word of the Day
buy birther mugs, tshirts and magnets
A conspiracy theorist who believes that Barack Obama is ineligible for the Presidency of the United States, based on any number of claims related to his place of birth, birth certificate, favorite birthday, or whether or not he has heard the song Africa by Toto.
"Did you know that Barack Obama's parents concealed the location of his birth because they knew he would grow up to be President? What? Of course it makes sense, I'm a birther!"


* a person who believes - against evidence - that Barack Obama was born outside of the United States.

So-called "birthers" - who claim Obama is ineligible to be president because, they argue, he was actually born outside the United States - have grown more vocal recently on blogs and television news shows.

-- Hawaii Asserts Obama's U.S. Citizenship, AP, Jaymes Song, Jul. 28, 2009

Just like the birther movement, you choose to believe what you want and dismiss what you dont..

Carry on.

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 05:05 PM

Originally posted by Resurrectio
reply to post by RRokkyy

You are so naive.... Proof was provided.. It is not good enough for you. Please show me where it says he needs to provide a LONG FORM.. It is you that do not get it.. You argue with NO PROOF, NO FACTS.. lack of something does NOT prove ANYTHING!!!!

Some folks must5 have such uneventful, they make things up for excitement.
edit on 12/30/2010 by Resurrectio because: (no reason given)

You admit it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Something is lacking. Why?
A lack of something proves something is lacking.

We the People are entitled by your own admission (you say short form was provided, I think only a copy was released online) to all the birth
records not just some of them. Why is he hiding them.
Furthermore because of his life in Indonesia and possible dual
citizenship ,possible loss of citizenship, all of his records must be provided

And it is mind boggling how anyone would ever think of voting AGAIN for someone who hides All his records.
0 takes office, we have 750 military basis and worlds largest WMD programs. Two years later, we have same number of bases,same WMD
programs and largest military budget in world. Also we get a fake
health care reform with no single payer system.
I am a liberal socialist but find nothing to like about No. 0.
You are a No. 0 zealot. 90% of the people would rather die than
think.-Mark Twain.

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 05:10 PM
Sometimes when people start yelling and name calling and getting all scary in a thread I curl up in the fetal position and hum to myself and sometimes I wipe my boogers on the screen,
and right now, I cant read my screen.

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 05:15 PM

Originally posted by Throwback
If the President has to be a natural born citizen and Barack Obama is President, then by the commutative property he is a natural born citizen. Am I right?

"by commutative property"? surely you jest ... not sure how you figure commutative property applies in this situation ... care to expound on that theory?

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 05:17 PM
reply to post by RRokkyy

Apparently you lack comprehension skills or just didn't read the thread...

I did not, nor will I vote for Obama. I do not think he was qualified to be president. (Not eligibility - I mean experience)

He will go down as a lame duck. He has done nothing.. I AM NOT an Obama fan.... He is naive and has nor will he change anything. I hope he isn't re elected.

He DID meet all the requirements to be our president.. NO.. Birthers demands ARE NOT requirements.. I actually applaud him for not appeasing the birthers... He provided enough to be considered eligible.

Get over it.. He owes us nothing more than he has provided.. I agree that he should have just shown it, if it was available. I would love to not have this irrational conversation, with irrational people.

I did NOT say a short form was provided.. I did say "lacking something does not prove anything"

I was using that to counter your assertion, that he is not eligible because he hasn't provided you with enough.
I do not feel anything is lacking. You feel something is lacking.. I am just pointing out that lack of something proves nothing.

But, it is interesting to watch you put words in my mouth.. keep going, it's entertaining.

edit on 12/30/2010 by Resurrectio because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 31 2010 @ 12:34 AM

Originally posted by Resurrectio
reply to post by JohhnyBGood

That is ridiculous! You don't think that our Govt. looked into his citizenship? Stick with the shadow world of the web, seems the excitement of the "what if" is up your alley.

Resurrection, I was wondering if your blatant appeal to ridicule somehow makes you feel superior in some manner? Those that see through it deem it childish and uncalled for.

Do you have knowledge of Obama being vetted by anything other than a liberally biased website on the internet?
Who was the third party government official or agency that did the vetting?
You seem so certain of it I was under the impression you could enlighten me!

posted on Dec, 31 2010 @ 07:08 AM

Originally posted by Honor93
reply to post by Sinnthia

what ever happened to the simple phrase: inquiring minds ?? ... is it really necessary to be referred as anything else? if so, i kinda like the word: "questioner"

What are you questioning again?
I thought it was about a birth.

What is insulting about the term "birther" anyway? Where is the insult in that, again? Well, whenever "questioner" catches on, I will see to it you get full credit for that. In the meantime, I think I will use "birther" as it is pretty universally understood at this point and I do not see what is derrogotory about it.

posted on Dec, 31 2010 @ 07:14 AM

Originally posted by Honor93
based on your posts so far, i seriously doubt you could comprehend the adequate answer. why don't you try to focus your attention on more basic concepts like truth?

So far you have made assertions and failed to back them up. Now you are calling me stupid for questioning your claims? So how stupid does that make people questioning Obama's claims? Or, are your claims worth more than anyone else's claims? I am not sure how your failure to back up anything or make a factual statement gives you the right to insult me on a personal basis but if that makes you feel good, then by all means. Insult some stranger on a forum. Whatever your friends think makes you look cool I guess.

what makes you think there is any 'dichotomy in my beliefs' (of which you have no clue) or in my statements needing rectification? when and if you can answer this question, perhaps we can proceed.

You do not believe the claim of the president's birth because you have not seen sufficient evidence.
You expect people to just believe any claim you make with no evidence.

The idea that others need to show evidence above and beyond proof in order to back up a claim while your claims should be taken at face value is indeed a dichotomy of beliefs.

factless??? prove it. You made the claims, you need to provide the facts. That is how reality works.

I have a unicorn in my garage, next to my invisible dragon. Prove me wrong.

I have all the 'evidence' i need to prove there is more to the story that what we're being fed ... are you so gullible as to swallow it without question?

Hiding it?

If being on a 'even keel' means we have to agree, thanks but no thanks, i like my list ... i can feel more of the wind beneath my wings.

What would be wrong with agreeing? That would only mean that we came to a conclusion we both liked. That could entail me coming to your way of thinking you realize? You would not even want me to believe what you believe? Sounds like little interest in the truth and just political baiting to me.

Maybe I should stick with posters who are short on personal attacks and long on hoping we can find a solution. Good luck though.

If you ever find that evidence, it might help.

posted on Dec, 31 2010 @ 07:18 AM

Originally posted by jibeho
Cindyremains is that you again? Welcome back again and again and again. These threads keep you coming back eh?

Uh no? I guess thanks for the welcome though? Maybe you should actually look at my post history and see that "these threads" are about the last thing I am interested on ATS. (less that 2% of all my posts are on this topic and all in this thread and one Lakin thread)

The truth will play out regarding Obama's history whether you like it or not.

The only thing I want is the truth. 2 years and counting waiting for others to catch up with it.

Funny, that Governor Abercrombie is now saying that he saw baby Obama with his parents at social gatherings even though his mother was registered at the University of Washington in the Autumn of his birth.

This will be fun. Mind your T&C's ....

Is it funny? I guess that is why you also included all these sources?
edit on 31-12-2010 by Sinnthia because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 31 2010 @ 07:22 AM

Originally posted by Guidance.Is.Internal

Abercrombie makes grandiose public promises to clear Obama's name. Behind the scenes, meets with hospital staff, asks to see the long form. He is told it does not exist. Matter is dropped and Abercrombie resumes being .. a governor. Yawn. The only long form you'll ever see is a hoax. If you ever see one. He was born in Kenya, big #ing deal. There's no conspiracy theory here .. people like Obama don't need to follow the rules we do.

This is why this is such a pointless debate to even engage in. Hospitals do not issue nor hold birth certificates so he is never going to get one from any hospital official. The only kind you can get from a hospital is the souveneir footprinted one that is NOT legal proof. Funny I know. No hospital is going to be able to provide a form that is issued and held by DVS.

You go on to admit that even if you got whatever you were asking for, it is already declared fake. So what will satisfy this? NOTHING.

Then the claim is made again that he was born in Kenya. For a group of people demanding "proof of where he was born" it seems odd to keep claiming he was born anywhere you cannot prove.

All these arguments have been made, debunked, made, debunked again.

posted on Dec, 31 2010 @ 08:10 AM
Who is the only person in the US that REQUIRED to PROVE that he is a natural born citizen - why that would be Mr Soetero!

Why did the founders put that proviso in? - to prevent anyone from becoming president who had divided loyalties and whose allegience was not wholly to America.

When all your formative yrs were spent outside the mainland US, being raised either as an Indonesian Muslim rote learning the Quran in Arabic, or being raised and mentored by communist party members in Hawaii.

When all of the helping hands that progressed you towards the presidency belonged exclusively to an assortment of Marxist radicals, Terrorists, Islamicists, revolutionaries, criminals and America-haters.

People are entitled to DEMAND the answers to their question.

Claiming the 'president is entitled to his privacy' is laughably absurd!

Hawaii's war on 'birthers'

judging from his many interviews just before Christmas, it seems Abercrombie wants to offer himself as some kind of eyewitness. However, there are problems with his story. While not claiming to have been present at the hospital for the birth (not one living person has come forward to make that claim), Abercrombie claims instead to have seen the baby present at social functions with the parents. The trouble with that explanation is that Stanley Ann Dunham and Barack Obama Sr. did not live together as man and wife after that baby was born. Two weeks after the Aug. 4, 1961, birthdate, documents reveal Dunham was attending college in Seattle. Anecdotal stories are not enough to prove constitutional eligibility. Official documents are necessary for that task, just as they were when the U.S. Senate put John McCain to the test of eligibility and examined his long-form birth certificate in 2008. Abercrombie is hardly an impartial witness. Like Obama, he has a lifelong record of involvement with socialist organizations, but steadfastly denies he's a socialist. He was also directly involved with a fundraiser for the Kapi'olani Hospital in which the institution briefly claimed Obama as one of its own, even sporting what purported to be a letter from the White House that was read by Abercrombie. However, upon questioning from WND, the letter was withdraw from the hospital website along with any other claims that Obama was born there. It leaves me wondering as always, why can't we just see the birth certificate? What's the big secret it holds? Read more: Hawaii's war on 'birthers'

posted on Dec, 31 2010 @ 08:44 AM

Originally posted by TexasChem

Originally posted by Resurrectio
reply to post by JohhnyBGood

That is ridiculous! You don't think that our Govt. looked into his citizenship? Stick with the shadow world of the web, seems the excitement of the "what if" is up your alley.

Resurrection, I was wondering if your blatant appeal to ridicule somehow makes you feel superior in some manner? Those that see through it deem it childish and uncalled for.

Do you have knowledge of Obama being vetted by anything other than a liberally biased website on the internet?
Who was the third party government official or agency that did the vetting?
You seem so certain of it I was under the impression you could enlighten me!

Superior? Yes, but not because of the criteria you have laid out. With it being more than obvious that he is our president, and after he survived the Muslim / Manchurian candidate attacks on him through the election process. I find it to be a simpleton argument, to claim that NOBODY looked into his eligibility. After reading this thread, I do feel superior in intellect to some folks that can't get past their racism / excitement for a conspiracy. I use racism because I can not come up with a better reason that folks would so feverishly go after a presidential candidate like you folks have gone after Obama. Did you see GB's long form? How about Clinton's? Regan's?

Republican henchmen went on a smear campaign, and quite a few of you took their bait, hook line and sinker!

posted on Dec, 31 2010 @ 09:13 AM

Originally posted by Sinnthia
What are you questioning again?
I thought it was about a birth.

No one is questioning IF Obama was born, just the assertion (without proof) that he was born in America (specifically Hawai'i) Since every other American has to meet the standards of Real ID, so does he, period.

What is insulting about the term "birther" anyway? Where is the insult in that, again? Well, whenever "questioner" catches on, I will see to it you get full credit for that. In the meantime, I think I will use "birther" as it is pretty universally understood at this point and I do not see what is derrogotory about it.

please, offer the 'credit' elsewhere ... i could care less. If you don't understand why the term is offensive to some, then there is no further explaining that will help you. courtesy goes both ways ... deny ignorance.

posted on Dec, 31 2010 @ 09:16 AM
So us "birthers" are "wacko" for wanting to know the truth about a man who is now our president? When we are now being asked to give blood for a damn driver's license. We will soon have to give blood if we refuse a breathalizer. But we are wackos if we want the truth about a puppet president. And for those who said that the republicans have "combed though with a fine comb" the evidence to get him ousted. Where the hell have you been. The reps. and dems. are the same #. So NO they aren't going to have him ousted because he is PRO-establishment. But please put the Birth Cert on the backburner and answer the SSN questions and many others. But you trolls have at it, keep trying to divide and conquer us. We are awakening. Obama is part of the global gooberment but I'm a wacko for asking questions about a idiotic puppet who has back peddled on everything he said before office. SHOW IT ALL ON C-SPAN DAMNIT. PROVE YOU ARE ELIGIBLE TO RULE THE FREE WORLD. All the while the "tea party" says well."hmm, I think we just need to refine a few small issues on the new Health Care Bill." Instead of appealing it like they said they would. YOU ARE AN OWNED SLAVE AND YOU WILL NEVER GET IT IF YOU THINK THE BC ISSUE IS THE MOST IMP..I'm a birther, a constitutionalist, a patriot, a smoker, an occasional bud smoker, a gun owner, a silver purchaser, an anti straw-man, a Jesus loving, GOD fearing Christian and a damn fine HUMAN BEING, who just wants to be governed by a REPUBLIC for the people and BY the people of this great nation. If your citizenship is even in question you should not even have a chance to take office until there are absolutely NO questions and if you flip flop on ONE single issue you should be held for treason. .....PERIOD><

P.S. Why aren't all the evil lobbyist gone yet?
......We need a new Investigation into 9-11..........Then watch all the cockroaches scatter!
......Start questioning why the FED owns you!

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