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"Foundation X" willing to bail out the world "for nothing"

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posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 09:22 AM

Originally posted by mcrom901
it seems they're "stunned"...

heheh, new article for me, thanks - I've been really enjoying this story, even though I agree with this sentiment:

One Labour peer said: "This speech has been the talk of the bars in the House of Lords and the general view is that it is bonkers. If anything he said is true, it should be looked into, but we all think he's in a parallel universe."

Even James' claims about the "IRA billion" seem bonkers to me. The IRA had a £1bn floating around in liquid cash in the City?!? They must have robbed an awful lot of post offices to fund that one...

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 09:27 AM
This was bound to happen sooner or latter.The voice from out of the darkness comes to save the world.

True or not the fact that the Vatican is supposed to have so much money and all over the world you have starvation with senseless death has brought forth another lession in religious hypocrisy and are ready to bail a world of people that put themselves where we are but let the children starve.

It doesen't matter if its the Vatican or the Rothchilds or your God him/herself,this stinks like human greed and vanity only to serve ones self in the end.If never allowed to fail we will never learn and if we never learn we will never become better then we are,we will always be someones B***H!!!

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 09:35 AM
I think the united states would need 15 trillion dollars of gold to pay off the dept

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 09:38 AM
One way to get to the amount of gold refered to in this gentleman's diatribe is if you are refering to "tungsten gold bars". These are bars that have a thin outer layer of real gold with an interior of tungsten steel, which just happens to have the same specific gravity weight as the precious metal. The discovery of these "salted bars" over the last few years has been reported on the internet news sources as well as some MSM. To learn more google "tungsten gold".

My prediction: There is a World Leader in the waiting who will have the "answer" to the world's financial problem. He will offer world-wide forgiveness of all national indebtedness in exchange for dictatorial control of the New World Order. According the the ancient book of Daniel and the Revelations, he will receive that power from the world's frustrated heads of state, and then we will see Hell on Earth. There IS NO easy solution to this situation outside of Jesus Christ.
edit on 13-11-2010 by romanmel because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 09:56 AM
Tell them to keep their stinking money. Tell them you'd take their businesses, corporations, banks, and natural resourses in place of cash . They should come out ahead on this because you can have a heck of alot with companies worth a couple trill..And any country having these things have to let the peolpe working there to make it employee owned. Now your talking because the worst thing is working for the man, and pride in owning something gives it and the country it's in have a sense of accomplishment.

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 10:17 AM
You've all made some excellent points, sometimes I get the feelings that for humans to become truely evolved that we need to let go of these invisible ideals of monetary value. While things in life are valuable , we cannot attach differential dollar values to all these items , and expect equality to triumph.

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 10:20 AM
reply to post by mcrom901

Bail out the World ? some countries dont need the blood money from Foundation X

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 10:26 AM
one question: why wouldn't they invest all this money through normal channels?

what`s holding them off building themselves private mega-hospitals, theme parks, huge luxury condos (or well located middle class apartments)? the tax revenues and immediate boost in jobs (engineers, architects, construction workers) from a 17bn investment would allow for a much needed recovery.

this much money for a startup company? they could hire all the brilliant minds in the world come up with a great product, build a new superb high-tech fab and surpass intel (in their quasi-monopoly) -- they could even use some dumping techniques for a while... *

*for some reason i`ve made this argument with a 70bn figure in mind. well, forget its shortcomings, for if there`s any substance in this organization claims their balance sheet must show an even higher number.

edit to add: just occured: they could even buy the x86 license (yeah remembered now this lill caveat in the tech-cpu industry)
edit on 13/11/2010 by maoklein because: (no reason given)

edit on 13/11/2010 by maoklein because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 10:30 AM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

i recently read All Roads Lead To Rome and i am completely with you... if this guy isn't completely coo coo then this shadowy government has definitely descended from the great roman empire that is obviously trying to come to their conclusion of ruling the world. the Vatican would definitely have its proper place in all this there is no doubt. i guess we need to wait until Christmas to see if Britain excepts the 17.5trillion pound assistance, and then, with the cat trying to get out of the bag, i think the road will lead where your other thread consistently states that it does... and has for more than a millennia
edit on 13-11-2010 by schitzoandro because: spelling

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 10:39 AM
Paying off the worlds debt is a bandade on an open wound.You can't change who we are as humans overnight,we will just do it over and over again.We will have learned nothing.

One can only hope that if this does happen our new RULER will make some harsh changes to how we act as people.............but in order for THEM to do that they would have to change first.

Not going to happen!!

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 10:44 AM

Originally posted by maoklein
one question: why wouldn't they invest all this money through normal channels?

what`s holding them off building themselves private mega-hospitals, theme parks, huge luxury condos (or well located middle class apartments)?

Indeed. I suspect it is the fact that they have no money, and are talking out of their hats.
edit on 13/11/10 by FatherLukeDuke because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 10:57 AM
I wonder if "Foundation X" is a pseudonym for the Trilateral commission? Are they finally coming forth from the imaginations of conspiracy?

Trilateral commission website

Trilateral commision logo

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 11:09 AM
If this is in fact not a hoax, then there is reason that comes to mind why any person / foundation with that much wealth would be willing to do so. If the economy were to collapse, then the money and wealth they have accumulated after such a long perios be worth virtually nothing. They would have everything to gain by bailing out the economy, providing that they still have much more money in reserve even after giving such an amount away.

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 11:30 AM

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 11:45 AM

Originally posted by lance_covel
If this is in fact not a hoax, then there is reason that comes to mind why any person / foundation with that much wealth would be willing to do so. If the economy were to collapse, then the money and wealth they have accumulated after such a long perios be worth virtually nothing. They would have everything to gain by bailing out the economy, providing that they still have much more money in reserve even after giving such an amount away.

It the system was ligitimate the economies would have collapsed in the mid to late 90's when national debts first began exceeding currency supply to pay them back. Lyndon B Larouche an economist and 8 time runner for President of the United States on the Democratic and Independent Ticket, claims that the last time the Nations could have actually restructured the debt and paid it all of was in 1996. After that if every nation actually invested every penny, pound, yen and euro and xuan earned by their citizens and sold every available resource to them, it could not have ever paid of the debt.

Now by the way, Larouche is considered by the CIA to have the best Private Intellegence Network in the world.

Coincidentally Larouche made this claim in the nineties as it was all happening.

Stranger still when was Foundation X alleged to have been created for the purpose of Global security? In the 90's!

Now here is another bit of numerical speculation that some on ATS love to engage in, if Foundation X is the Roman Oligarchs as some of us contend, then X is actually the roman numeral 10, and it does happen to be 2010!

So a foundation made in the 90's at the point that the current system truly became unworkable and salvagable, waits until 2010 to start floating it's offer?

No when you realize that the people behind Foundation X are the owners of the Central Banks then no, the system can't actually collapse, since they are the ones that keep propping it up and continuing it.

They are in fact the Fat Lady who it ain't over until they sing.

They are in fact cognizant of the fact that the numbers are now so far out of wack that people are starting to question the honesty and validity of the present system, and loosing confidence in it, so there real reason is just to clean up the mess they created, and start a new system that once again that they will control.

People can parrot talking heads and voodoo economists and experts all day long, but if you look across the board from nation to nation, debts are rountinely 5 to 7 times higher than their existing currency pools.

There is not only no way that money that didn't exist could actually be lent, there is no way to pay back a debt that money in fact does not exist in great enough quantity to pay back.

Now lets get on to the next thing, the foreclosure crisis. Fractional reserve banking here in the United States allows for the banks to create out of thin air, credits that exceed ten times over their actual cash on hand, and real cash assetts.

Now lets examine that, we hear talk all the time by angry people that people who lied on their applications or otherwise couldn't really afford a home should not have bought one.

Yet the banks would have had to have known that since the currency supply is only 1/10th of what they are loaning out, that it would be impossible for everyone to pay their mortgages, good credit or bad, honest application or not.

So what were the banks doing? Literally using people to obtain properties, which unlike currency which has no real value that they lent out only in the form of electronic credits, were in fact simply tricking people into acquiring real property for them and titling it in their name.

So in reality this is what they were doing, acquiring real property by lending out more money through electronic credits than actual currency existed to pay back.

Those core banks, Citi, BofA, Chase, JP Mogran are the main stock holders of the Federal Reserve along with the Bank of London and a few other Rothschild Banks. Look at their boards of directors and you see a veritible who's who of Rockefeller Foundations, Skull and Bone Fronts, Foreign Banks, Rothschild Banks, and Big Big Big corporate entities.

It really is a lot darker and far more sinister than people imagine.

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 11:45 AM
Sometimes people just need to sit back and not go crazy and think everything is a conspiracy. Sometimes a dead bird falling from the sky is just a dead bird falling from the sky.

Now, in America - did you notice how the Federal Reserve very quietly, about a week ago - announced it was going to do put 600billion more into the economy, another stimulation. Notice how this one didn't go through congress? My opinion, people woke up to last couple stimuluses.. and now, since the American people would heavily reject it - the Federal Reserve just went ahead and did it for us. (Why they didn't do it in the first place, who knows - maybe they still thought the Facade would work?)

Now, basically, instead of voting on stimulus or this and that - the pseudo-government National Banks are just giving the money.

Please correct me if I'm wrong. If in America, we tried to get another 600 Billion stimulus... through congress and signed - there'd be protests, and blah blah - yet the Federal Reserve makes a small announcement "Oh, we're putting 600 Billion into the economy, next question.." No one really blinks.

This group, who ever it goes back too - be you belivers of Reptiles, that Indian dude who is Maiyera, Jesus Christ, Disclosure, Alex Jones is a shill, etc etc etc..

Let's just all agree that they're printing money out of thin air, hoping it will stimulate the economy. It's a political move more than anything.

Maybe the UK political climate is a little different ( as it is) ... This might be a political move, because - perhaps, just perhaps - the Economists are looking at the data and going "Oh #. Another Empire is going to fall."

And Nero parties.

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 12:01 PM
As a Catholic, I certainly hope it's the Vatican. I'd rather bow to Rome than to the perfidious Jews.

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 12:16 PM

Originally posted by SirTFiedSkeptic
As a Catholic, I certainly hope it's the Vatican. I'd rather bow to Rome than to the perfidious Jews.

Wow, just wow i can't believe you thought this was a good thing to say, what an absolute utter load of rubbish.

As for bowing to Rome, be very careful about that, we all know what those priests get up to now don't we.

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 12:23 PM
reply to post by romanmel

Originally posted by romanmel

My prediction: There is a World Leader in the waiting who will have the "answer" to the world's financial problem. He will offer world-wide forgiveness of all national indebtedness in exchange for dictatorial control of the New World Order. According the the ancient book of Daniel and the Revelations, he will receive that power from the world's frustrated heads of state, and then we will see Hell on Earth. There IS NO easy solution to this situation outside of Jesus Christ.

Don't you think it’s possible that the conspirators behind the New World Order, which has been in the works for over a thousand years, could have rewritten parts of the bible in its early years so that Christians will not only accept that the New World Order is coming, but will actually welcome it and allow it to happen since they think they will be saved come judgment day anyway?

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 12:27 PM
who is going to be god's next banker?

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