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Are some ETs Oriental Humans from the Future?

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posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 11:55 PM
I've had this same exact theory. Maybe in the future the asian union will be the only survivors left someday somehow. I also thought maybe alien greys could be humans from the future after we continue to breed interracially until we eventually all look the same. These days travel is becoming easier and easier and all races are mixing more now than they ever have.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 12:56 AM
ive come to this notion too along the way, mainly because there are even cases of alien beings living in the mountains of asian countries. there is no doubt in my mind that these beings are communicating with orientals or their governments.

not only that, the slanted eyes go a long way if you know what i mean. many japanese, korean, chinese even LOOK like aliens to the point where youre almost positive they are. no, im not trying to be funny either.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 01:10 AM
Wow OP, this is amazing. We've all the pieces together! Earth REALLY IS a test bed!!!!

See, I believe that Colored's are aliens from the past. The countries that Colored's are from have little to no technology (they still live in huts and have horrible economies). The Colored's also have broader noses, higher brows, and darker skin which make them look like a de-evolved version of Honky's so very de-evolved versions of Oriental's. If this is true, and Orientals are evolved versions of Honky's, then I believe that you and I have made a great discovery my friend.

In the whole scope of the time-shifting Aliens we see, it appears that they are all living in one time:

1) Colored's are the primitive Aliens
2) Honkey's are the middle evolved Aliens
3) Orientals are the evolved Aliens

Therefore, Humans are actually Aliens from different times, put here by the Oriental time traveling aliens to see how their species would have lived had it interacted with itself during various stages of evolution.

This shows beyond the shadow of a doubt that Earth is actually a shielded experiment, which is why we are not being "greeted" by aliens, but only observed (by Orientals from the future).

Precisely, we can see the evolutionary path of the aliens (us):

Apes -> Coloreds -> Honkeys -> Orientals -> Greys

This is also why we are called illegal ALIENS when we are in the territory of another alien time-species earth sector.

edit on 9-11-2010 by RestingInPieces because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 02:15 AM
Ladies and gentlemen, video below is proof positive that there are alien genes mixed in the DNA of Asians.

Surely some extraterrestrial interference must have taken place for such gracefulness to exist.

I for one welcome this alien presence.
edit on 9-11-2010 by laymanskeptic because: trouble with lnks

edit on 9-11-2010 by laymanskeptic because: wow i still can't get the video to appear within the post properly (link error)

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 02:18 AM

Originally posted by RestingInPieces

See, I believe that Colored's are aliens from the past. The countries that Colored's are from have little to no technology (they still live in huts and have horrible economies). The Colored's also have broader noses, higher brows, and darker skin which make them look like a de-evolved version of Honky's so very de-evolved versions of Oriental's. If this is true, and Orientals are evolved versions of Honky's, then I believe that you and I have made a great discovery my friend.

Wow, I... Did I just read this?

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 03:04 AM

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 03:09 AM

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 03:14 AM

Originally posted by RestingInPieces

(Entirely racist opinion removed, because it need not be posted again.)

This shows beyond the shadow of a doubt that Earth is actually a shielded experiment, which is why we are not being "greeted" by aliens, but only observed (by Orientals from the future).

Precisely, we can see the evolutionary path of the aliens (us):

Apes -> Coloreds -> Honkeys -> Orientals -> Greys

This is also why we are called illegal ALIENS when we are in the territory of another alien time-species earth sector.

Exactly what is it, that "shows beyond the shadow of a doubt" that what you've said has any credence whatsoever? You've simply stated your (racist) opinion. In all honesty, your post has proven absolutely nothing aside from your lack of sensibility and respect. I suggest you reword your entire post or prepare to lose every bit of respect you may have had around here.


Edit: They are called "illegal aliens," because that is exactly what the word means:

1. Alien - Foreigner: A person who comes from a foreign country; Someone who does not owe allegiance to your country.
2. Alien - Stranger: Anyone who does not belong in the environment in which they are found.
3. Alien - Being or from or characteristic of another place or part of the world.
4. Alien - Not contained in or deriving from the essential nature of something.

Only ONE definition is written as:

5. a form of life assumed to exist outside the Earth or its atmosphere.

Web Definitions: Alien

edit on 9-11-2010 by Strype because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 03:15 AM
reply to post by pepsisux

That comment is just gold.

People will catch up sooner or later or never.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 03:19 AM
Yes, the term "oriental" is considered a derogatory term in reference to people of Asian descent. We can talk symantics all day, but in the end, thats just the way it is. Like the "N" word.

Considering that Asian eyes are a dominant trait, and that eventually, most of the world's population will be homogenous, it is safe to assume that in the future of human evolution, our forebares could resemble grey aliens with those profound eyes. I for one have thought it possible that greys are highly evolved humans from the future, but the issue of time travel becomes its own animal, of which I know very little about.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 04:45 AM
Orient/al- describes an object from that area of the world not the people.The Orient Express for example.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 04:47 AM
reply to post by A por uvas

That's probably why Asians get upset because people are not using it properly.It has more to do with intelligence then it does with race.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 06:43 AM
I take offense to the use of the word “Alien” in this thread. They have been here a long time so they aren’t really alien at all, they should be called (in the USA anyway) “Extraterrestrial Americans” or ETAs.

Reports from Wright Patterson AFB claim that the newly captured Extraterrestrial Americans liked to eat strawberry ice cream and flied lice… so you may be on to something.

In all seriousness, your comment about Asians being technologically superior to the USA really shows your ignorance. Asians are experts at mass production. They didn’t invent iPods or computers! That was done in the USA, and then due to the union mentality in the USA which dictates that someone should make $60k a year for assembling something that a total half-brain with no education can assemble, we send our crap to China to be made for dirt cheap. As for Japan, while we were designing atomic bombs they were flying their planes into ships. Very high tech indeed!

I still think your theory has merit though. I really don’t know why it has merit other than the fact that for years I have heard that MIBs looked slightly Asian, and DNA lifted from hairs found at an abduction scene had similarity to Mongolian DNA. (I don’t feel like taking the time to look up a reference for these… but I know I have read this before.)

Either way, weird coincidence is that I was just thinking about the Asian/ET connection yesterday. Maybe it’s just because China is about to take over the world. (Our American money is about to implode and we will drag down the rest of the world with us… except those darn Orientals and their awesome food!)

edit on 9-11-2010 by JonInMichigan because: typo

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 07:00 AM

Originally posted by GeminiSky
Ive had this theory of mine about the future of man's evolution. Has anyone noticed that oriental countries are usually the ones on the cutting edge of technology? It seems that Asian/Oriental races of people are usually more advanced spiritually AND technologically at this point in time.

Now as crazy as this sounds, I believe that it is Japanese or Chinese humans from the FUTURE that are being seen during Alien/UFO encounters. I know this is waay out in left field but I just have this gut feeling that whatever the future brings, these may be the first race of humans to colonize space.

Japans isolation may shield it from future wars/disasters, and who knows, they may be the only ones left standing...only they would have the best scientists and tech, and stand a good chance of reaching for the stars.

I believe that as humans advance and evolve, they will actually look more Asian/Oriental, until ultimately resembling the Greys with their slanted eyes, small mouths, fair skin and frail body structures...

Could they be traveling from the future, to warn their own people of whats ahead? Could this correlate with the increased sighting of UFOs in China and Japan??

Of course this does not account for all ET and UFO encounters, obviously there may be other races of genuine aliens from other star systems that don't look the least bit Asian...

Questions, Comments?

edit on 7-11-2010 by GeminiSky because: yup

look, i just came back from a month long trip to japan visiting my wifes family.

japan is not as isolated as you think. in fact, they are in constant quarrel with china. right now they are actually argueing with china over an island (that belongs to japan) and also a chinese fishing boat that violently ran itself into a japanese coast guard boat two times. have you ever even been to japan? they arent oriental by the way, thats a term to describe an inanimate object that comes from a part of asia. by the way, asians arent the only ones who come up with advanced technology. why dont you do more research on actual technological advances before posting a thread like this?

also, its theorized that humans in such a distant future wont look anything like asians, theyll be a mix of EVERYBODY. sheesh

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 07:38 AM
reply to post by GeminiSky

Interesting, but I just don't see that being remotely true. Would make for some great racist sci-fi fiction though.

(I'm not calling you a racist, cuz I don't think you are; it's just that some people would consider your opening remarks to be quite racist lol)

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 08:59 AM
Here's another potentially racist comment:

Anyone ever realized that a lot of the key knowledge that Americans claim to be theirs were "invented" by Jews?

Einstein (GR, SR), Feynman (QED), Oppenheimer (Manhattan Project), Pauli (QM)...

Also, Jews make up approximately 22% of all Nobel Prize laureates worldwide (in physics alone they comprise 26%), very disproportionate as they are only 0.2% of the world's population)

Asians on the other hand, are more specialized in creative mechanistic inventions (robotics, engines, etc., which are in the physical domain), exhibiting spatial mastery, as opposed to Jewish dominance in the sciences involving creative use of symbolic manipulation (QM and GR are both hard to "visualize" but can still make sense, are analytic, logical, non-visual)

If there ever is going to be a battle between who moves on to the next step in evolution, I think there will only be 2 major players, the Jews and the Asians.

Question is, who is ahead now? The 14 million Jews or the 1.5 billion East Asians?

What do you get when you mix the 2 races? Do you get a super human race?

OMG this is so politically incorrect (assuming I understand what you guys mean when you say that).

This is all speculation though, but all based on facts nonetheless.

I do not understand this taboo on talks involving race... I am neither Jew nor East Asian, and couldn't care less about what people think about my ethnicity (which I have the right to conceal here).

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 09:07 AM

Originally posted by laymanskeptic
Here's another potentially racist comment:

Anyone ever realized that a lot of the key knowledge that Americans claim to be theirs were "invented" by Jews?

Einstein (GR, SR), Feynman (QED), Oppenheimer (Manhattan Project), Pauli (QM)...

Also, Jews make up approximately 22% of all Nobel Prize laureates worldwide (in physics alone they comprise 26%), very disproportionate as they are only 0.2% of the world's population)

Asians on the other hand, are more specialized in creative mechanistic inventions (robotics, engines, etc., which are in the physical domain), exhibiting spatial mastery, as opposed to Jewish dominance in the sciences involving creative use of symbolic manipulation (QM and GR are both hard to "visualize" but can still make sense, are analytic, logical, non-visual)

If there ever is going to be a battle between who moves on to the next step in evolution, I think there will only be 2 major players, the Jews and the Asians.

Question is, who is ahead now? The 14 million Jews or the 1.5 billion East Asians?

What do you get when you mix the 2 races? Do you get a super human race?

OMG this is so politically incorrect (assuming I understand what you guys mean when you say that).

This is all speculation though, but all based on facts nonetheless.

I do not understand this taboo on talks involving race... I am neither Jew nor East Asian, and couldn't care less about what people think about my ethnicity (which I have the right to conceal here).

Wow after reading my own comment, it sounds so ignorant of so many things. There are other races that have contributed to human civilization all throughout history besides Jews and East Asians. Caucasians in general are great too... By the way I LOVE homo sapiens and embrace it in its wonderful diversity. There is NO HATE within me, it's ALL LOVE.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 09:14 AM

Originally posted by laymanskeptic

Originally posted by laymanskeptic
Here's another potentially racist comment:

Anyone ever realized that a lot of the key knowledge that Americans claim to be theirs were "invented" by Jews?

Einstein (GR, SR), Feynman (QED), Oppenheimer (Manhattan Project), Pauli (QM)...

Also, Jews make up approximately 22% of all Nobel Prize laureates worldwide (in physics alone they comprise 26%), very disproportionate as they are only 0.2% of the world's population)

Asians on the other hand, are more specialized in creative mechanistic inventions (robotics, engines, etc., which are in the physical domain), exhibiting spatial mastery, as opposed to Jewish dominance in the sciences involving creative use of symbolic manipulation (QM and GR are both hard to "visualize" but can still make sense, are analytic, logical, non-visual)

If there ever is going to be a battle between who moves on to the next step in evolution, I think there will only be 2 major players, the Jews and the Asians.

Question is, who is ahead now? The 14 million Jews or the 1.5 billion East Asians?

What do you get when you mix the 2 races? Do you get a super human race?

OMG this is so politically incorrect (assuming I understand what you guys mean when you say that).

This is all speculation though, but all based on facts nonetheless.

I do not understand this taboo on talks involving race... I am neither Jew nor East Asian, and couldn't care less about what people think about my ethnicity (which I have the right to conceal here).

Wow after reading my own comment, it sounds so ignorant of so many things. There are other races that have contributed to human civilization all throughout history besides Jews and East Asians. Caucasians in general are great too... By the way I LOVE homo sapiens and embrace it in its wonderful diversity. There is NO HATE within me, it's ALL LOVE.

I would like to emphasize this: I love all of you, and I hate no one.

But must admit I have a bias towards the aesthetic, gracile and paedomorphic features of the East Asian. Especially their eyes, I love their eyes. And their porcelain-like skin.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 09:55 AM

Originally posted by GeminiSky
Ive had this theory of mine about the future of man's evolution. Has anyone noticed that oriental countries are usually the ones on the cutting edge of technology? It seems that Asian/Oriental races of people are usually more advanced spiritually AND technologically at this point in time.

Now as crazy as this sounds, I believe that it is Japanese or Chinese humans from the FUTURE that are being seen during Alien/UFO encounters. I know this is waay out in left field but I just have this gut feeling that whatever the future brings, these may be the first race of humans to colonize space.

Japans isolation may shield it from future wars/disasters, and who knows, they may be the only ones left standing...only they would have the best scientists and tech, and stand a good chance of reaching for the stars.

I believe that as humans advance and evolve, they will actually look more Asian/Oriental, until ultimately resembling the Greys with their slanted eyes, small mouths, fair skin and frail body structures...

Could they be traveling from the future, to warn their own people of whats ahead? Could this correlate with the increased sighting of UFOs in China and Japan??

Of course this does not account for all ET and UFO encounters, obviously there may be other races of genuine aliens from other star systems that don't look the least bit Asian...

Questions, Comments?

edit on 7-11-2010 by GeminiSky because: yup

I highly, highly doubt that, as the types of ET's that are among the most reported, are the so called Nordic type, or also called "Tall Blondes", "Nordians" or "Aryans".

Yes, Asian-looking ET's have been mentioned in Encounters, but they are not very common, and most ET's reported are, as said, tall and blonde or whiteblonde, although, for some odd reason, the "Grey" ET is often the only type familiar to many people.

That said, I have allways been "suspicious" about the Japanese race, and actually suspect them to originally be "Elsewhere".

But I do not believe the Asianlooking ET's are Time-travellers. In fact, I do not believe any type of ET are Time-Travellers, as it simply wouldn't make sense. There are, however, indications that ET's may be able to SEE the Future, and also supposedly make shorter visits back and forth, but they do not interviene in those instances but only watch, supposedly.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 10:08 AM

Originally posted by Strype

Originally posted by RestingInPieces

(Entirely racist opinion removed, because it need not be posted again.)

This shows beyond the shadow of a doubt that Earth is actually a shielded experiment, which is why we are not being "greeted" by aliens, but only observed (by Orientals from the future).

Precisely, we can see the evolutionary path of the aliens (us):

Apes -> Coloreds -> Honkeys -> Orientals -> Greys

This is also why we are called illegal ALIENS when we are in the territory of another alien time-species earth sector.

Exactly what is it, that "shows beyond the shadow of a doubt" that what you've said has any credence whatsoever? You've simply stated your (racist) opinion. In all honesty, your post has proven absolutely nothing aside from your lack of sensibility and respect. I suggest you reword your entire post or prepare to lose every bit of respect you may have had around here.


Edit: They are called "illegal aliens," because that is exactly what the word means:

1. Alien - Foreigner: A person who comes from a foreign country; Someone who does not owe allegiance to your country.
2. Alien - Stranger: Anyone who does not belong in the environment in which they are found.
3. Alien - Being or from or characteristic of another place or part of the world.
4. Alien - Not contained in or deriving from the essential nature of something.

Only ONE definition is written as:

5. a form of life assumed to exist outside the Earth or its atmosphere.

Web Definitions: Alien

edit on 9-11-2010 by Strype because: (no reason given)

LOL, don't take it so seriously. I'm merely highlighting the racism of the opening post by taking it all the way down to the implicatory level.

There are actually people in this thread saying that Asians look like Aliens. That is horrible and racist. If this thread even grazed the surface of JEWRY in this manner, then it would have been locked long ago.

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